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#.What is Animal Husbandey ?

MILCH BREEDS reasonable resistance to certain tropical

“Animal Husbandry may be defined -. as a 1.Sahiwal :- Origin & distribution :- diseases.
science as well an art of management Central and southern dry areas of the d. If the inheritance level of Jersey
including scientific feeding, breeding, Punjab particularly in Montgomery district. increases beyond 50% in the crossbreds, the
housing, health care, of common domestic Several pedigree hard are now being animals become less adaptable to the
animals aiming for maximum returns. maintained in most of the large cities of prevailing conditions of environment and
Domestic animals such as cattle, buffalo , Punjab. Delhi, U.P. , Bihar and M.P. lose resistance to tropical diseases in
sheep, goat , yak, camel .pig, horse, dog, comparison to half-breeds.
poultry ete. DAIRY CATTLE:- The indigenous cattle
* Cattle Breeds in India:- of Assam are mainly non-descript and are e. Holstein Friesian inheritance may be
India possesses the largest number of cattle small but hardy with low production and infused only in limited scale in some
of any country in the world. There are 26 they are well known for their adaptability to defined geographic areas/herds, Areas
breeds of cattle and six brads of buffaloes the hot and humid climatic condition of where fodder production and its availability
in addition to a large number of non- Assam and their disease resistance capacity. is more promising with well-developed
descript which are small in size and too low milk marketing channel and also in areas of
productivity. Cattle of good breeds are Some Important Indian and Exotic high elevation with congenial climate and
found in Punjab , Haryana , Delhi, Miich Breeds of Dairy Cattle: areas where sizable number of improved
Rajasthan, U.P. and parts of Bombay, Indian: (Graded) Holstein Friesian animals already
Madras . Mysore and Andhra Pradesh. 1.Red Sindhi :- Origin: Karachi and exist, Holstein Friesian inheritance may
Most of the Indian breeds are well known Hyderabad of Pakistan. be infused, if desired by the fanner.
for their draught resisting qualities and to Milk production : Average lactation yield
with stand diseases and parasites. They is about 1727kg,in a lactation of 300days. IDEAL DAIRY CONFORMATION:
possess potentialities for improvement and 2.Haryana :- Origin: Rohtak, Hissar, Cow:
respond favourably to better feeding and Gurgaon and Karnal in Haryar.a and in a. Dairy character is best indicated by a
management. In the humid areas like those Delhi. clean cut, spare open conformation and a
Of. Assam. Bengal , Bihar Orissa and Milk production :- 900 kg to 1.350 kg per strong refined appearance with freedom
Kerala that Cattle are small and non lactation from coarsencss and excess flesh
descript, 3.Sahiwal :- Origin: Sahiwal district of throughout.
#. What is breed :- A group of animals pakistan b. The head should be clean cut and should
related by descent and similar in most Mik1production :- 1400 to 2,500 kg per blend smoothly.
characters like general appearance , lactation c. Withers sharp, angular and well de fined.
features, size configuration etc. are said to 4.Gir :- Origin: This breed probably lactation. Wedge shaped body outline; the
be breed . There may be considerable originated in the gir forest of south deepest point lies in front of the udder and
differences between individuals, still they kathaiwar (gujarat) the body narrows towards the first rib and a
have as a group many common points Milk production :- 1746 lit to 3170 lit per constrictive brisket and a large abdomen are
which distinguish them from other group. lactation indication of high fertility in cow.
Such a common characteristic group is 5.Deoni :- origin: Originated on north-east d. The hips very prominent, sharp and well
termed as a breed . The purity of the breed and western portion of Hyderabad. defined; the pins sharp and the thigh
is maintained by confining the mating of Milk production :- 900-1800 lit per thin and incurving.
animals to within the breed. lactation e. Prominent, large tortuous and well-
What is species :- A group of individuals B) Exotic: branching mammary vein.
which have certain common characteristics 1.Jersey:- Origin: British Isles.
that distinguish them from other groups of Milk production :- Average milk yield is Heifer:
individuals .Within a species the about 4050 ke with 5.3% fat per lactation of a.A trim, growthy, deep open ribbed, with
individuals are fertile when mated in 305 days. smooth shoulder, straight top, angular good
different species. 2.Holstein Friesian:- Origin: Netherland legs, proper dairy refinement and
#.Cattle Brecds in India :- Milk production :- Average milk yield of outstanding breed characteristics is
Milch breeds: this breed is 6120 kg with 3.6% fat in a preferred.
1. Sahiwal lactation of 305 days. b. Short and compact individual which
2. Red Sindhi exhibits too much fleshing and thickness is
3. Gir #.CHOICE OF EXOTIC BREED AND not preferable.
4. Deoni LEVEL OF EXOTIC INHERITANCE c. The head and neck should be a
Dual Purpose breeds :- a.The choice of exotic dairy cattle breed for combination of feminity with strength and
1. Hariyana improvement of local cattle should be should blends with entire frame to indicate
2. Tharparkar restricted to Jersey in the entire state of dairy quality.
3. Ongole Assam. d. Although, mammary development 1s
4. Kankrej b.The best crossbred group of cattle has difficult to predict, the placing of teats can
Draught breeds :- been found to be half bred (50% Jersey, be determined fairly accurately.
1. Amrit Mahal 50% local).
2. Kangayam c.The half- bred cows are also found to
3. Malvi have adequate heat, tolerance and
4. Siri
SELECTION OF BULLS: having north-south orientation with FLOOR SPACE REQUIREMENT:
Choosing of superior bulls should be protection from strong cold or hot wind. a) Standing space:
based on- The building should be so constructed that For crossbred cows: 1.2 x 1.2 m per animal
> Information on pedigree . direct sunlight can reach the platform, or 1.5 x 1.7 m per animal
> Information on collateral relatives. gutters and mangers in the cattle shed. (considering the size of the animal)
> Information on progeny performance 5. Thatch serves as an excellent roofing b) Manger:
material under rural condition. Others like Width :0,.6 m per animal
CULLING OF ANIMALS G.I. sheets, asbestos can also be used as Length : 0.6 m per animal
roofing materials. Depth :30cm.
Productivity of a herd can be kept at a 6. The drain will have to be laid just outside c) Gutter:
higher level by discarding the poor animals. the shed. Width : 25-30 cm:
Animals showing any of the following 7. A manure pit above ground level should Depth :2.5 cm
should be culled: be constructed away from the cattle shed (with provision of gradient towards the
i.Animals with abnormally poor birth with suitable roofing. main drain)
weight d) Calf pen:
ii.Very low producing animals. METHODS OF HOUSING: Suckling calves :
iii. Repeat breeders with no. of detectable There are two types of housing: Pen size — Covered area: 1 x 1 m/calf
cause of repeat breeding. LOOSE HOUSING: Loose housing may Open area: 2 x 1 m/calf
iv. Animals beyond the age of 12-14 years. be defined as a system where animals are Older calves :
v. Animals with chronic incurable diseases kept loose except during milking and Pen size - Covered area: 2 x 1 m/calf
vi. Animals with contagious diseases treatment periods, This is the most efficient Open area: 2 x 2 m/calf
vii. Animals with very poor growth rate and economical system.Some features of > The floor should be non-slippery and
viii.Free-martin heifers unless proved loose housing are:- hard. It can be brick laid or rough
pregnant a. Reduced cost of construction concrete
ix. Animals with leaky and fibrous udder b. Further scope for expansion without
(mastitis) much change. IMPORTANT CONSTRUCTION
In addition to the above, animals c. Easy detection of animals in heat. DETAILS:
with conformation lacking breed d. Optimum exercise of animals ensures A.Floors:-
characteristics, total blindness, only one better health and production, 1.The floor shall be hard, impervious to
testicle or abnormal testicles in bull, poor e. Better management can be practised, water and easy to clean.
semen quality are also to be culled from the f. Reduces stress conditions. 2.The floor may be:
herd. i)Cement concrete or paved with cement
#.CONVENTIONAL BARN: concrete flooring tiles.
BREEDING RECORDS:- In order to Conventional barns may defined ii)Brick-on-edge flooring
maintain scientific breeding programmers as a housing system in which the COWS iii)Stone slab flooring
keeping of breeding record is essential. are confined together on 4 platform and iv)Moorum or Kankar flooring
These records aid in scientific selection of secured at neck by stanchions or neck
breeding dams and sires and it monitoring chain. The cows are fed as well as milk in 3.The floor should have a slope of 3.0cm/m
the improvement of the herd. this barn. The born completely roofed and of paved area
walls are also complete windows and/or B. Slope of the drain:
HOUSING: Proper housing is essential for ventilations located at suitable place. 1.Slope of drain should be in between 1 in
good health, comfort and protection from Conventional barns are suitable for 60 to 1 in 40 depending on the need.
inclement weather would enable the commercial dairies. C.Walls:
animals to express their genetic ability and The animals in conventional barns 1.Under loose housing system, walls are
feed for optimal production. arrangement either in single row or in few and not so extensive.
For successful dairy farming double row. 2.In conventional barn, the side walls may
planning of cattle shed is very important. a) Single Row :- Suitable when the number be constructed up to a height of 3.5
While planning housing the following of animal approximately ten. ft. and the thickness of the wall should not
points should be kept in mind. al is below ten or app! exceed 35 cm.
1.The shed/site selected should be dry; 3.Above the half walls, bamboo nettings or
elevated and well drained with good water b) Double Row arrangement: galvanized wire nettings should be .
supply and provision for enough space for > In medium to large farms it 1s always provide for proper ventilation.
future expansion. Low lying marshy land desirable arrange the animals in double row D. Roofs:
or damp area should not be selected for in a conventional barn considering high 1.The roof should be light, strone, durable,
cattle shed. cost of construction. weather proof and a bad conductor
2. Locally available low cost materials In double row animals can be arranged of heat.
should be used for construction, which are either in two ways:- 2. Height from ground level the centre of
durable and can be maintained easily. > Head-to-head or Face-to-face and the roof should be 4.6m.
3. Fresh air and light should be ample. > Tail-to-tail arrangement. 3. Height on the sides should be 2.42m.
4. A dairy building should be located to 4. Fall/extension beyond wall should be
maintain maximum exposure to the sun, 0.75m
both in the morning and afternoon and
E. Manger: Raised manger from the floor b.Should not have any objectionable odour. 6.The parturition pen should be cleaned and
in Double row Tail to tail arrangement can C.Should be free from harmful disinfected.
be practiced for free movement of air with bacteria/disease organism.
proper protection from the predators. CARE AT AND AFTER
SYSTEMS OF MANAGEMENT: PRODUCTION 1.Do not disturb the cow during parturition.
Three systems of dairy cattle management PRECAUTIONS: 2. During complications take help of the
are generally in vogue viz - a.Disease or suspected animals should be Veterinarian
1.Extensive :- It is a life stock management milked at last. 3. The placenta should be buried.
system where animal graze on large non b.Do not frighten or abuse the animals 4. Cows should not be allowed to eat the
cultivated land. c.Milking should be done at regular placenta.
i. Characterize by low input and low output interval. 5. If placenta is not expelled within 12
ii. Associated area cropping pattern. d.Offer green fodder or release the animals hours of parturition then seek veterinary
2. Semi-intensive :- Where the livestock’s in outdoor immediately after milking so help.
are kept indoor but there is a provision of that they may not sit for about half an hour MANAGEMENT OF CALF AT BIRTH
free range area. to prevent entry of micro-organisms into 1.Immediately after birth, clean the mouth
i. Characterize by medium input and the teat canal. and nostrils of the calf by removing the
medium output slimy fluid. Clean the body of the calf with
ii. Animal are fed on grass, fodder, crop MANAGEMENT OF MILCH AND a clean cloth and keep the calf near the
residues. DRY PREGNANT ANIMAL mother and allow the mother to lick the
3.Intensive:- Where the livestock’s are a. Provide sufficient green fodder around calf.
kept indoor and fed on concentrate feed. 35-40 kg per day t0 the milking COW: 2. In case, the new born calf does not start
i. high input and high output. b. Feed 3-4 kg of paddy straw daily along breathing then artificial breathing may be
ii. Animals are completely stall fed, with greens. given by a jerk, holding the calf on its hind
landless market area closed to dairy market. c. During lean period, when green fodder is legs with the head downward. If the calf
MILKING: not available, soaked paddy straw sprinkled does not breath even after the jerk, blow air
METHODS OF MILKING: with little molasses should be provided if from your mouth through the nostrils of the
There are two methods of milking: urea treatment of paddy straw not possible. calf.
i) Hand Milking d. Do not re-breed the cow within 2 months 3. Clean the navel cord by squeezing and
ii) Machine Milking of calving. apply antiseptic like tincture of iodine or
i) Hand Milking:- In India, Hand Milking e. Do not milk the cow up to date of Dettol solution,
of cows is still most common practices. calving. Allow 60 days of dry period. 4. Clean and wash the udder of the cow
Hand Milking can be done by three f. Provide 1 kg of concentrate to each with antiseptic solution such as 0.01%
methods viz. dry/pregnant cow long with sufficient green potassium permanganate or 1% Dettol
> Full Hand Method, fodder. solution.
> Stripping Method and 5. Disbud with caustic potash stick as soon
> Knuckling Method. SUMMER MANAGEMENT as the horn buds appear.
Full Hand and Stripping methods 1.Protect animals from direct sun 6. Raise calves in pens to minimise
of milking are the two commonly used 2. Supply adequate water infection.
method of milking. Practice Full Hand 3. Provide adequate manger space 7. Deworming of calves should be done
method, where the teats are of standard 4. Eliminate flies between 15 —21 days after birth.
size, as Full Hand method is considered to 5. Avoid over crowding
be superior to Stripping and Knuckling. 6. Allow animals to move freely. MILK FEEDING TO CALVES:
7. Sprinkle cool water twice or thrice daily 1.Milk feeding should be done generally up
ii) Machine Milking: with a Sprinkler. to 8 weeks of age. But if necessary it should
a.The main advantage with the machine be continued up to 13 weeks of age.
milking is the reduction in labour cost. CARE OF THE PREGNANT COW 2. From 4th day onwards, milk should be
b.As the milking rate is fast in Machine A pregnant cow needs special fed at body temperature @ 10% of the body
Milking, high yielders can be milked nursing in every respect. The following weight up to 4 weeks of age (if artificially
completely. points are - fed) .
c.Contamination of milk is also less in 1.A cow may be watched for oestrus and 3. From 5th to 8th weeks it should be fed @
Machine Milking as the milk does not come tested for pregnancy after 60 days of 6.5% of body weight. .
into contact with outside objects. service. 4. If necessary, from 9th to 13th weeks,
The cost of the Milking Machine is around 2. From sixth month onwards the cow may milk should be fed@5% of the body
Rs. 50,000.00 to Rs. 1,00,000.00 only. be given 2 kg extra concentrate ration. weight.
d.A commercial dairy farm with around 20 3. Good quality green fodder should be 5. Antibiotics may be either given with
milking cows can profitably use Milking supplied sufficiently. milk or with calf starter ration as per
Machine in his farm. 4. For Proper observation of the pregnant recommendation.
CLEAN MILK PRODUCTION: animals they are to moved to calving pens.
The clean milk 5. Slippery conditions should be avoided as
a.Should be free from dirt and dust. it may lead to fall, dislocation, fracture etc.
FEEDING OF CALF STARTER #. Adlibitum supply of drinking water is Best site of deposition of semen in A.L:
RATION required for milch cow, #. During the time of insemination semen
1.An ideal calf starter ration should contain should be deposited in the body of the
20-22% DCP and 70-75% TDN. EXTRA ALLOWANCE DURING uterus,
2.Calf starter ration should be feed PREGNANCY: Minimum sperm motility and sperm
adlibitum from 7th days to 3 months of age > During the last trimester of the number per dose of semen:
along with good quality forage. pregnancy, an additional amount of 1.5kg- a)A sample of semen used for A.I. should
3. An ideal calf starter ration 1s as follows: 2kg of concentrate mixture is have at least 50% progressively motile
Ingredients parts recommended. sperm.
Maize 50 b) Number of progressively motile
Ground nut cake 30 BREEDING OF COWS AND HEIFERS spermatozoa should not be less than 15
Fish meal 10 THROUGH ARTIFICIAL million per insemination dose.
Mineral mixture 2
Advantages of A.I. :-
Add a) common salt – 500g.
1.Use of A.L. for breeding cattle makes it PREGNANCY DIAGNOSIS:
b) Vitamin AB2D3 – 20g.
possible to obtain large number of » Cessation of the oestrous cycle following
c) TM -5 -400g.
genetically superior calves out of A.I. or in other words not returning to heat
indigenous cows within comparatively after 21 days of AI. is the first indication of
shorter period of time. pregnancy.
2. It reduces the risk of spreading sexually » However, it is advisable to confirm
1. For adult cattle, after 1 year of age
transmitted diseases as there will be no pregnancy after 2 to 3 months of Al. by a
should be fed balanced concentrate mixture
Physical contact between the bull and the veterinanan.
along with green cereal fodder,
cow at the time of breeding.
2. A balanced concentrate mixture should
3. A,I. enables preservation of frozen Important considerations while breeding
have 10 —- 15% DCP and 65 — 75%
semen for long time. heifers and cows:
4. A.L. permits use of outstanding bulls that a).Breeding of crossbred heifers should
3. Paddy straw can be fed to reduce the
are not capable of mating due to injury. start only after 18-20 months of age.
quantity of green fodder to some extent.
b). In heifers two to three heat periods
4. The following concentrate mixture can
Signs of heat in cows and heifers: should precede first A.l.
be prepared for adult cattle:
#. Standing to be mounted by a bull or other
Ingredients Parts
cows c). Cows after calving should be
Maize crushed 35
#. Aggressive behaviours inseminated only after two months of
GNC/Til cake 25
Wheat bran 20 #. Frequent bellowing calving so that the uterus gets enough time
Rice polish 17 #. Restlessness or excitement for regaining its pre-gravid conditions.
Common salt 2 #. Frequent urination d). Cows having difficulty at calving such
Common salt 1 #. Drop in 'milk yield as dystokia, retention of placenta should not
total 100 #. Loss of appetite be inseminated before 90 days of calving.
#. Swelling or oedema of vulva
#. Secretion of mucus from the vagina Management of anoestrus and repeat
#.The following concentrate mixture can be Best time of insemination: 1.A crossbred heifer failing to express Sign
prepared for milch cattle: a.A cow or heifer to be inseminated only of heat after attaining maximum pubertal
Ingredients Parts during heat period which extends for 18 to age of 24 months and a cow failing to show
Maize 47 24 hours usually, signs of heat after 3 months of parturition
D.O.Rice bran 10 b. The best time of insemination is 12 hours are said to suffer from anoestrus.
Wheat bran 10
after the cow shows first sign of oestrus. In 2.Such animals should be treated with
D.O. GNC 5
practice it means a cow coming to oestrus broad spectrum anthelmintics followed by
D.O.MOC 10
Soyabean meal 10 in morning hours should be inseminated improved feeding with vitamins and area
Molasses 5 same day in the evening. In case she shows specific mineral mixtures In consultation
Mineral mixture 2 signs of oestrus in the evening hours she with the vetermarian.
Common salt 1 should be inseminated in the morning hours
total 100 of the following day. Repeat breeding:
c. In case a cow remains in heat for more 1.Acow or heifer with normal oestrous
#. For cows yielding more than 10kg of than 24 hours a second insemination is cycle
milk daily, feed 1.5kg of concentrate indicated 12 to 24 hours after the first. of 21-22 days and heat period of 18 to 20
mixture for maintenance and additional d. Some cows may remain in oestrus for 3 hours not conceiving even after 3
300g concentrate mixture per kg of milk to 4 days. In such cases inseminations be inseminations is Called a repeat breeder.
yield. continued at 24 hours interval till cessation 2.In such cases treatment of the animal with
#. Green and dry fodder should be fed of oestrus signs, the Veterinarian to be undertaken.
@2/3™ of the total DM requirement
according to the body weight.

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