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~ 1 ' $ T \ OF

r ; ; , IWA.l University of Sahhval

Departn1cnt of Phvsics Final Term Exam -2024
Cours? Tirk: Differential Equation ,,_ 1course Code: :\1ATII 202 ~Credi t Hour, : J
C l' tirse lnscructor: 2\lR. :\"adccm lkr:im - li'rogram Xamc: BS-Phy~ics 4' 11J ( I ili4 . 1.20)

S1..•m?ster: .t•h Batch: ~2 022-26 1Scctio--;~- :\Iorning Date: 07-06-2024 (I· n da~)
firrh' _\llo" ed: 120 ::\linutes (08:00 AM) Maximum ~larks: so
Student's :\"a me: jReg. I
~larks(10+ 8+8+8+8+ 8)
X. Q 1. ~oh·e differenrial Equation (D 3-3D 2 +➔) y = 0 y(0) = l , y'(0) = -8, y (0) = -4
1 3
Q: '. SOh e tD"'-8D -9) = 9x ,5Cos2\'..
Q3: Solw tx-l)~D~y-(x+l )Dy+y = 4[Cos(ln(x+ l))l 2
Q. 0 $ t $ TC/z
Q~: Find Laplace of f(t) If f (t) = { cost t ~ 1rlz

Q 3: Find Laplace of Cosh(at) Cos(bt)

Q6: Soh e by Power Series 2\'.y - (3+2x)y + y = 0

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