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Most performance issues can be corrected. When identified early, providing an employee with the feedback, coaching, and
the opportunity to correct their behaviour is a critical competency of a good supervisor.

The performance coaching process should not be viewed as punitive, but as a means to make employees aware of diminished
performance and an opportunity to do what we can to help an employee develop and improve. By establishing performance
management guidelines, supervisors will be able to identify, address, and correct inappropriate behaviour and/or performance
in a timely and effective manner.

Disciplinary action may be warranted when an employee violates a policy, engages in serious misconduct, and/or if problem
behaviour and/or performance issues persists.


Employee coaching begins with planning, organizing, and leading. This responsibility requires
the supervisor to:

A. Establish Clear Expectations

• job descriptions reflect what is expected for each role
• employees know what is expected of them
B. Communicate Clearly
• take time to meet with each employee
• communicate standards of work performance clearly and frequently
• listen to employees and answer questions
• identify tools and resources to support employees
• maintain a current and accurate position description with each employee and on file with HR
C. Hold Employees Accountable
• give periodic feedback on quality & quantity of work
• make sure the employee understands the evaluation criteria
• work together on goals and training to attain those goals


Depending on the circumstances surrounding the behaviour and/or performance, supervisors may choose to escalate
the corrective/disciplinary action. Managers should always consult Human Resources prior to issuing any corrective

A. Coaching / Mentoring
 when behaviour or sub-par performance identified
1 if appropriate: start with coaching / mentoring
2 clearly identify what the performance issue is
3 clearly communicate the impact of poor performance and outline clear expectations moving forward
4 document coaching conversations for your own files

B. Verbal Warning
 after coaching/mentoring: behaviour or sub-par performance continues
1 be specific, use facts, advise employee on immediate expectations to improve performance
2 make employee aware of the verbal warning and that if the problem behaviour/performance persist,
further corrective action will be taken
3 document coaching conversations for your own files
4 provide documentation of verbal warning to HR

C. Written Warnings and Final Written Warnings

 problem behaviour or sub-par performance persists OR employee displays serious misconduct
1 before issuing warning: review concerns with the employee and allow the employee to respond before
taking any action
2 document coaching conversations for your own files
3 provide documentation of verbal warning to HR

D. Termination
 if all attempts at correcting problem behaviour/ sub-par performance fail OR employee displays serious
misconduct or gross negligence of their duties at work
1 review concerns with HR and have HR present for termination

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