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Chapter 6

26. List the first 10 of the 64 items of sādhana in English or Sanskrit.

1. One must give up the company of non-devotees.

2. One must not instruct a person who is not desirous of accepting devotional service.

3. One should not be very enthusiastic about constructing costly temples or monasteries.

4. One should not try to read too many books, nor one should develop the idea of earning one’s livelihood by
lecturing on or professionally reciting Srimad Bhagavad or Bhagavad – Gita.

5. One should not be neglectful in ordinary dealings.

6. One should not be under the spell of lamentation in loss or jubilation in gain.

7. One should not disrespect the demigods.

8. One should not give unnecessary trouble to any living entity.

9. One should carefully avoid the various offenses in chanting the holy name of the lord or in worshipping the
Deity in the temple.

10. One should be very intolerant toward the blasphemy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, or His

27. Out of the first 20 items of sādhana, which are considered the most important?

1. One must give up the company of non-devotees.

2. One must not instruct a person who is not desirous of accepting devotional service.

3. One should not be very enthusiastic about constructing costly temples or monasteries.

4. One should not try to read too many books, nor one should develop the idea of earning one’s livelihood by
lecturing on or professionally reciting Srimad Bhagavad or Bhagavad – Gita.

5. One should not be neglectful in ordinary dealings.

6. One should not be under the spell of lamentation in loss or jubilation in gain.

7. One should not disrespect the demigods.

8. One should not give unnecessary trouble to any living entity.

9. One should carefully avoid the various offenses in chanting the holy name of the lord or in worshipping the
Deity in the temple.
10. One should be very intolerant toward the blasphemy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, or His

11. One should decorate the body with Tilaka.

12. In marking such Tilaka, sometimes one may write Hare Krishna on the body.

13. One should accept flowers and garlands that have been offered to the Deity and the spiritual master and
put them on one’s body.

14. One should learn to dance before the Deity.

15. One should learn to bow down immediately upon seeing the Deity or the spiritual master.

16. As soon as one visits the temple of Lord Krishna, one must stand up.

17. When the Deity is being borne for a stroll in the street, a devotee should immediately follow the procession

18. A devotee must visit a Visnu temple at least once or twice every day, morning and evening.

19. One must circumambulate the temple building at least three times.

20. One must worship the Deity in the temple according to the regulative principles.

28. List the five most potent items of sādhana.

1. Worshipping the Deity

2. Hearing Srimad – Bhagavatam

3. Associating among the devotees

4. Sankirtana

5. Living in Mathura

Chapter 7
29. What is the crucial point for advancement in spiritual life?

Adau guru padasraya- Accepting the shelter of a bonafide spiritual master is the crucial point for advancement
in spiritual master.

30. Why can the followers of Buddha not be accepted as devotees?

The Buddhists do not care for revealed scriptures, they show service to Lord Buddha. Srila Rupa Goswami
says that followers of Buddha cannot be accepted as devotees.

31. What is the real reason for observing fasting on Ekādasi?

One who observes fasting on Ekadashi is freed from all kinds of reactions to sinful activities and advances in
pious life. The basic principle is to increase one’s faith and love for Krishna. The real reason for observing
fasting Ekadashi is to minimize the demands of the body and to engage our time in the service of the Lord by
chanting or performing similar service.

32. List the two kinds of non-devotees whose association should be avoided.

The two kinds of non-devotees are as follows.

1. One class is against the supremacy of Krishna.

2. Another class is too materialistic.

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