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In this topic, "each 15-point increase in IQ" is the independent variable in the study. Additionally, it
mentions the significant impact of a person's IQ level on the rate of marriage increase or decrease for
men and women. Therefore, putting aside the weaknesses of the experiment and assume it's accurate,
we need to determine why and how IQ levels affect men and women differently in society first in order
to explain the results, specifically addressing social expectations and stereotypes, academic and career
success, evolutionary psychology and psychological pressure. The current essay would first discuss the
definition of intelligence, followed by individual and social factors, at last, I would critically evaluate
the topics, talking about its limitation. Topic sentence. 中心论点 Overall, the essay try to show that ….
Factors cause the gender difference, however, the original only looked at specific types of intelligence,
future study need to examine other types of intellgience (mathmatical…) to get a more complete picture

In psychology, Intelligence quotient (IQ) is defined as a score which from standardized tests designed to
measure human intelligence. Marriage tendency indicates that while general marriage rates have been
declining in the world, the relationship between personal attributes, such as intelligence, and marital
decisions is still a topic of significant interest and research. Though there're various intelligence tests are
approved , those tests usually use similar measuring methods like picture classification, puzzles, block
building, action imitation and auditory memory including Mahr's House Test that used in the study
that came out the finding in the topic. IQ difference usually reflects people's visuomotor skills, cognition
and problem solving abilities which leads to differences in mate preferences and self-cognition on the
psychology level and personal achievements, assigned social roles on the social level and economic

Disadvantages in Work Place

People with higher IQ are recognized to obtain higher income.(evidence)However, women are normally
at the disadvantage side in the workplace, be discriminated against and get fewer opportunities than
men.(evidence) Women are more likely to have children after getting married which is supported
by(evidence) and this is led by the traditional expectation role for women in the family and society .
Back to the point, firstly, one of the main reasons why women have fewer opportunities is that
companies are concerned about whether their female employees will become pregnant in the future
because they have to offer them paid maternity leave, lose labour, and might have to hire new
employees at the same time. In that case, companies are going to try to not hire female labour or lay off
them if they’re pregnant in order to reduce their costs. Women’s willingness of having children is
reducing even though the governments offer maternity leave and allowance. This could attribute to the
high childcare costs that limited maternity allowance could barely actually help and cause pressure
from economy. Additionally, supports of pregnancy from government are not well-established in
developing countries. For example, healthcare and childcare support are free in most developed
countries like Britain, whereas in developing countries, they are not. On the top of that, financial
subsidies are relatively low and the eligibility criteria for obtaining funds are high and complex.
Furthermore, after a long maternity leave, women may find it difficult to keep up with industry
advancements, or miss out on promotion opportunities. High-IQ women might have more outstanding
work abilities and achievements. Considering their greater emphasis on work and themselves, coupled
with the prejudices women already face in the workplace, they are more likely to choose not to get
married and have children in order to avoid increasing workplace prejudice against women and to
achieve higher accomplishments.

Secondly, although women's and men's social statuses are gradually becoming equal, but society now
still remains characteristics of patriarchy. That is to say, some characters like gender discrimination
mentioned in last paragraph and others like the conventional gender roles and values of asking men to
take more economy responsibilities while women are responsible for taking care of the family and
raising children are existing. Obviously, what men and women gain in the marriage is different.
Meanwhile, in sociology, there’s a concept relevant called “marriage premium” which refers to the
additional benefits or advantages that married individuals may gain compared to unmarried or single
individuals in social, economic, or professional domains. However, there’re sufficient proofs showing
men generally experience a higher salary and more stable employment after marriage compared to
single men, while women face the opposite situation, seemingly encountering a kind of "reverse
marriage premium."(补充证据"The wife's working hours are negatively correlated with the husband's
wage, while the wife's household chores time is positively correlated with the husband's wage."
bardasi,taylor ) Since, it is very possible for women can not gain positive consequences from this
“marriage premium”, high-IQ women prefer to not marry and realize their own value and pursue
achievements in work. On the top of that, high-IQ women are often not as welcome in the marriage
market as high-IQ men, as they are often subject to traditional stereotypes and expectations regarding
gender roles. This is probably because high-IQ women tend to have stronger independence and
autonomy, unlike some women who devote themselves entirely to the family, where the household
income mainly comes from the husband. Whereas in contrast, men are considered as a role of leader
and earning money in a family. So men with higher IQ are recognized obtain better abilities to support a
family and become more welcomed on the traditional level.
Most importantly, explaining this phenomena on psychology fields. Psychological theories on partner
selection, especially in evolutionary psychology, suggesting that men and women values different
qualities in partners due to historical reproductive roles. Men often value traits associated with fertility
and nurturing, while because intelligence is as a signature of problem-solving ability, tends to be highly
valued by women in potential male partners. This preference can explain why higher IQ might increase
the likelihood of marriage for men, as it aligns with what many women seek in a partner (Buss, 1989).In
contrast, men may view those qualities as less significant than others such as appearance attractiveness
or nurturing ability. Moreover, highly intelligent women may find it challenging to find partners who
meet their intellectual and emotional expectations, leading to a decreased likelihood of marriage. This
difference in mate preferences highlights the gender-specific impact of IQ on marriage decisions (Miller,
2000). On the other side, women, however, despite their intelligence, high-IQ women may face the
stereotype of the "intimidatingly smart woman" can lead to reduced confidence in their romantic
prospects. Additionally, these women might internalize societal expectations that discourage them from
pursuing relationships that do not align with traditional gender roles, further decreasing their
likelihood of marriage (Cuddy et al., 2004). Furthermore, High IQ individuals often face high
expectations that both from themselves and society. For men, these expectations can drive them to
achieve significant career success, which can enhance their marriage prospects. (Furnham, 2001).
Oppositely, the expectations associated with high IQ can lead to significant psychological stress for
women. High IQ women may feel compelled to excel in both professional and personal domains, a dual
pressure that can be overwhelming. This kind of stress, coupled with societal expectations that
intelligent women should downplay their abilities to conform to traditional roles, can deter them from
pursuing marriage. (Hyde, 2005). Plus several studies have examined the psychological impact of IQ on
marriage likelihood by gender, also the study by researchers at four British universities provides
statistical data showing the stark contrast in how IQ affects marriage prospects for men and women.
Additional studies also meet these findings. For instance, a study conducted by Miller (2000) found that
highly intelligent men are often perceived as more desirable due to their potential for financial success
and social status, while highly intelligent women face stereotypes that can hinder their romantic
prospects. Similarly, research by Furnham (2001) and Hyde (2005) underscores the social and
psychological challenges that high IQ women encounter, further explaining their reduced likelihood of
Evaluation of 题中实验

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