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Coune Title:
Counclnstructor: R. RiazAhmadBhatti
University of Sahiwal
artment of Ph sics Final Term Exam -2024
Probability and statistics !Course Code: STAT 201-=- Credit Hours: 3
Pro ramNam c::RS-PHYSfC5 4 Lab,4.1 20
- a-tc_h_:--.--0-22---2-6----.Secti on: ornmg
rS_c_n_1-c~-t_c_r :_ ----+--,----.-B Date: 03-'-J(,i--2- (-)2_4_(_M_c_m_da_y)--1

fimc Allowed: 120 Minutes (08:00 AM) aximum Mark~: 50

tudent's Name: Reg.
(Marks 8+8+8+ J o+8+8)
QI: \\'rite the properties of least squares Regression line. Define Correlation and Standard Error of Estimate: Write a
criteria For a suitable curve.
Q2: Com utc the leasts uare re ression e uation for X on Y and Compute the standard Error of estimate S1 .,.
\' 6.5 5.3 8.6 1.2 4.2 2.9 1.1 3.0
X 3.2 2. 7 4.5 1.0 2.0 1. 7 0.6 1.9
~ Q3:Find Correlation Co-efficient bctwen1 X .:\nd Y
O 1T X 5 J2 14 . 16 18 21 22 23 25
Y lJ 16 15 , 20 17 19 25 24 21
ta_h_le_sh_o_w....s_t_h_e_c_o_rr--.---..___ _....,._va_l_u_es_o_f...,t_h_re_e-,variables X1, X2 and X3
( ,......_h_e_fi,...o_ll_o_......_....
.,__--4 3 5 ...._6_ _- + - - - + -1_2_ _+-1_4~ (a)Find the Regression equation of XJ on Xa and X2
16 10 . 7 --+----- 3 2 (b)Estimate X1 When X1 = JO and X2 =6
90 72 54 42 30 12 (c)Compute R1.23 and SJ.12
( 5· flt an e uation of the form Y = aX2+bX to the following data
X O l 2 3 _4 -~ _
S 12 20 . 25 -1 ~ Also J•ind the Sum of Squares of residuals

()6; Fit a cune of the form Y axt. t,, the following data on the unit cost in dollan of producing certain electronic componenb
:. nd the rwmber ,,f units roduc__,
J/.i: X O J 00 · 250 500 J 000 (hw the result to estimate the unit co~t for a lot of 400 componrnls.
Y J08 53 24 9 5

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