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Environmental issues such as climate change have always been an international problem

because governments are not imposing harsh punishments against offenders. To what
extent do you agree or disagree? Support your answer with specific reasons and
 Climate change is the variation of average weather condition becoming warmer, dryer. It depends
on the amount of greenhouse gases emitted globally, which contain carbon dioxide, methane and
other toxic gases.
 Some advocates that climate change has always been a problem because governments are not
imposing harsh punishments against offenders. Firstly, climate changes big reason is heavy traffic
and owning vehicles in large number instead of using government issues local vehicle for
travelling for both long distance places and short distance. Secondly, because of hot weather the
use of air conditioners is increasing day by day which also releases carbon dioxide and directly
affects the Ozone layer, so sunrays directly approach to earth and the ratio of diseases increase.
 To contrast with that statement some individuals disagree with the statement that giving
punishment is not the way to resolve the pandemic issue. Using vehicles is not the solution
instead of that to provide the transport system without burning fuels for instance electric cars
replaced on place of burning fuel vehicles. And provide another way for trash expect burring it
along with that for the industries and laboratories there must be any purifying system which
control sending toxic chemicals to air and made it polluted.
 Taking everything into account, it is the responsibility of government and individuals to control
environmental issues such as climate change. The government must introduce new laws relating
to climate change and heavy-duty fines to control the violation of such law. So, it will work on
controlling climate change.

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