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AT - 1573

LI-. ll. 'l'hird Scmcstcr (Fivc Year Degree Coursc) llxamiuation

(Pirttcrn 2014)

Paper - I
( usc - 40064 )

ll l'ages : 3
'l imc : 'l'hrec llours I I Ma)( Marks : 80

Notc : (l) All qucstions arc compulsory.

(2\ I:igurcs to the right indicatc marks.
(3) lndic lc the appropriatc qucstion No. whilc arl;wcling.

Answcr any lour of thc following :- -

(a) What wcrc thc circumsianccs that forced Gandhi to leave lloubay 'l
(b) Write what you know about the life and dcath of Socrates.
(c) How did thc pcople.a.round okcke rcact to Nnflemeka's decisiol to many
Nenc ?

(d) Why does Cardiner say that womcn arr lcss "ivilizcd than mcn ?
(e) Writc a note on the last joumcy of Tolstoy.
(f) What are the similarities and differences bctween sp€sch and essay 'l

2 Answcr any. Four of the f<rllowing :-

(a) How docs the poet commcnt on the sorrows and suffering of Chimney
Swecpcrs, infants and Hadots in the poem'l,ondon'.
(b)' Give thc theme of the poem 'The Surne Rising' by John Donne.

(c) Consider 'Joumey of Magi' as a spiritual quest.

(d) Wrirc a note on the fisherman in the poem Hungef.

AT-1573 P.T.O.
(e) How does thc poet deal with the themc of maD's cstrangemcnt from a man-
made world in the pocm 'Father Returning Homc' ?

(0 Sumrnarisc in your own words the poem 'Kubla-Khan', 20

3 (a) Expand the passage (any Onc of thc following) :-

(l) Rome was not bult in a day.

(2) A stitch in time saYcs nine.

(3) 'lhc hand that rcks the cradle rules the world. l0
(b) Writc a dialoguc bctween a lawyer and a clicnt rcgarding a divorcc casc.


Writc a letter to a Aiend giving him an account of thc accident which

reccntly happened to you. l0

4 (a) Writc synonyms of thc following words

(l) Strict. (2) Busy.
(3) linemy. (4) Narrate.
(5) Disputc. 5

(b) Write antonyms of thc following words

(l) l'atriot. (2) Brave.

(3) Raw. (4) Severe.

(5) Vagrc. 5

5. Do as dircctcd :-'
(a) Besides being industrious he is wisc. (Make a compound sentence)

(b) He worked hard and won the first prize (Make a simplc sentence)

(c) Ihe timc of his coming, no onc knows, (Makc a complcx sontcnco)

AT. lr,T
(rl) Tell me whcre your brothet livcs. (N4irkc a simple scntcncc)

(e) Hc heard the news, set olT al oncc (Make a complex sentence)
(l) He works hard that he may become rich (Make a compound scntence)'
(g) It you do not apologize. iou will be dismisscd. (Make a compund scntencc)
(h) He run fast so that hc might catch the train (Makc a simplc scntcnce)
(i)' Wc ran in otdcr to anivc in good time.(Makc a cotnplcx scnlcncc)
() Night came and all thc birds rctumcd to lhcir ncst (Makc a simPlc scntence).


AT - 1573

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