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Thtd Scmester (Five Years Degree Cource) (2014-15 Pattem)

40064 : English - III Paper -l
P. Pages : 2 AV - 0340
Time : Tlu€€ Hours liliflflfftiiltlfli Max. Marks : 80

Notes: l. All questions aJe compulsory.

2. Figues to right indicatc marks.
3. lndicate the appropriate question no. while answering

1. Answer aoy four oflhe following. 20

a) Describe thc problems laced by Candhi when he started his legal prartice id Bombay.

b) Codsider and explain Socmtes as the first Margr ofPhilosophy.

c) Wllat was the lature of the job ofo verger in the Church?

d) Desc be irt your own $ods, the story, "Marriage is a Private Alfair".
e) Gire alr account of the views expressed by A. G. Galdirler in his essay, 'On the Rule
of the Road'.

D Give a description ofthe house ofTolstoy at Yasnaya Polyana.

2. Answcr atry foui oflhe follo*ing. 20

a) How does John Donne chide the sun in the poem, "The Suone Rising"?

b) Give aD account ofthe poem. 'London'.

c) Give a gist ofthe poem, 'Kubla ICran'.

d) How far do you agrce with the view that the poen; 'The Joumey ofthe Magi' is
about bith and death?

e) How does Jayanta Mahapaaa deal \aith the theme ofhunger ou different levels of

f1 Summarise the poem, 'The Old Playhouse'.

a) Exparsion ofpassage - atry onc ofthe following. 10

i) ContentrneDt is happiness.

ii) Rome was not built in a day.

iii) No pains, no gains.

b) Write a dialogue between a politician and a reporter about Petol Price. 10


Write a letier to your ftiend, t€lling him about yoUI fttue plan.

AV - 0340 I P.T.O
.1. a) Wite sFonlms of the follouing words 5

l) Action

2) Grief

t) 14at

4) Revolt

5) LMy

b) write antonyms ofthe following words i 5

1) Chief

2) Ugly

3) legal

4) Swift

5) Youthfirl

5. Do as directed. l0
a) Not $/ith standing his hard work, he did not succeed
(Make a compound senlence)

b) He bought his unclc s libmry.

(MaIe a complex sentence)

c) He succeeded unerpcctedly.
(Make a complcx sentence)

d) The moment lvhich is lost, is iost forever

(Make a simple scntence)

e) He said that he was innooent.

(Make a sinrple sentence)

0 I \\'as surprised whcn I hcard him talk so

(Make a simple sentence)

g) IIe saw the dangcr, but pressed on.

(Makc a complex sentence)

h) The lioo vr'as not kiLlcd, although he was wounded.

(Make a cofiplex sentenc€)

i) He is buied near Ronle in a plac€ \rhere mlrtics gow

(Make a cornpound s€ntence)

j) He is more a philosopher thall a poet.

(Makc a compound sentenc€)

AV - 034(r

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