English Paper 1 JC

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Paper 1 2024

Marks: 40 Time: 1 Hour 15 Minutes




1. Answer all questions on the answer sheet below.

1 A B C D 21 A B C D
2 A B C D 22 A B C D
3 A B C D 23 A B C D
4 A B C D 24 A B C D
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16 A B C D 36 A B C D
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20 A B C D 40 A B C D
Read the passage below and answer questions 1 to 15

Community Policing Responsibility for All

In order to defeat crime that is terrorising local neighbourhoods and depriving many people of
their belongings and even lives, there is need for people to treat crime as a responsibility for

This responsibility includes reporting crime when it happens, actively playing a role in
community policing patrols, knowing one's neighbours and always being on the look-out for
people displaying suspicious behaviour and alerting the relevant authorities.

These factors were relayed by the chairperson of Tshwaragano Cluster Community Policing and
also the newly elected Selolwe Ward Development (WDC) committee chairperson, Mr Comfort
Marcelino in an interview with BOPA.

Tshwaragano cluster community policing committee is made up of Phase 6, Phase 5, BZ,

Selolwe and the Old Masunga road.

Mr Marcelino reported that they had seen a significant decline in crime in their area because of
their strategies in combating crime and making community policing the responsibility of all
community members.

"Our duty is to silently collect crime-related information and hand it to the relevant authorities
who are our stakeholder partners like Directorate of Intelligence Services, Special Support
Group, Immigration office and Bye-Law. They are the ones who determine what action to be
taken thereafter as we do not have the power to arrest or charge perpetrators. However, we are
under the supervision of Criminal Investigation Department" Mr Marcelino said.

This silent reporting of crime by his committee and the community, he noted, had borne fruit as
there have been significant arrests in their area, with some of those crimes included assault,
stealing from person.

He applauded some members of the community for always remaining vigilant to these atrocities
but expressed concern about the high number of illegal immigrants living in the cluster, whom he
said played a part in most of the reported crimes.

Mr Marcelino blamed the locals, who harbour the illegal aliens and give them safe spaces in
their homes and at times hiding them from arrests.

"While it is easy to apprehend a local person when they commit a crime, the same cannot be said
for illegal immigrants as they can cross to their countries after committing crime, never to be
seen again.
He said they have also ensured that all open spaces in the community are de-bushed and that all
street lights are functional.

"The street lights in our areas are mostly functioning and with the addition of tower lights like
the one at the Phase 5 cemetery, we are confident we will continue seeing a decline in crime in
our area," he said.

He expressed concern that there were some individuals who steal from nearby areas use the
cemetery at Phase 5 as a getaway.

Mr Marcelino said they had long notified council to completely fence the cemetery with durable
fencing materials to prevent such activities, but to no avail.

He commended the Phase 5 satellite police station for always responding to emergency calls
promptly, despite their shortage of transport, adding that because of their presence, people were
using the road that passes in front of Phase 5 clinic, even at the night, which he said was suicidal

Mr Marcelino took a swipe at the community leadership such as councillors and WDCs
committees for showing reluctance in working with the committee to combat crime, but praised
Dikgosi for always engaging them on matters of keeping the community safe.

Lastly, he advised the community members to know one another and have one another's contact
numbers so as to alert each other when suspicious events occur.

He also advised people against leaving dangerous objects such as axes, knives and shovels
outside at night, cautioning that those objects can be used by criminals when launching attacks.

Source: BOPA

1. Which word does not mean the same thing as the word terrorizing in paragraph 1?

A. Scary
B. Horrifying
C. Frightening
D. Soothing

2. The responsibility to defeat crime is everybody’s and it includes the following except

A. Reporting crime when it happens

B. Playing a role in community policing patrols
C. Being on the look-out for relevant authorities
D. Knowing one’s neighbours
3. Tshwagarano community policing cluster is made up of all but

A. Phase 5
B. Selolwane
D. Old Masunga road

4. According to Mr Marcelino, why had they seen a significant decline in crime in their
policing area?

A. Because of their strategies in combating crime.

B. Alerting relevant authorities.
C. Silently collecting crime related information.
D. Being under the supervision of Criminal Investigation Department.

5. Which of the following is not one of the partners the committee hands information to?

A. Bye-Law
B. Immigration
C. Directorate of Interrogation Services
D. Special Support Group

6. What other word would you use instead of determine in paragraph 6?

A. Decide
B. Infer
C. Imply
D. Consult

7. Who does the word He refer to in paragraph 8?

A. Dikgosi
B. Mr Marcelino
C. Councillor
D. A man who fights crime
8. According to paragraph 9, what does the writer mean when he says harbor the illegal

A. Put the illegal aliens in a harbor.

B. Hide the illegal aliens.
C. Cut the illegal aliens into pieces.
D. Turn the illegal aliens into a harbor.

9. What advantage do illegal immigrants have over locals when they commit a crime?

A. They can cross to their countries after committing crime.

B. They speak a language the police don’t understand.
C. They have more money than the locals.
D. They have better crime skills than locals.

10. Which of the following actions does not contribute positively to crime prevention in
Marcelino’s community policing area.

A. De-bushing all open spaces in the community.

B. Functioning street lights.
C. Lighting the cemetery with a tower light.
D. Fencing the cemetery partially

11. What feeling is expressed by Mr Marcelino in paragraphs 11 and 12?

A. Concern
B. Satisfaction
C. Worry
D. Hope

12. What is commendable about Phase 5 satellite police station?

A. They have shortage of transport.

B. They respond to emergency calls promptly.
C. People use the road that passes in front of Phase 5 clinic.
D. They help people to be suicidal.
13. Which of the following community leaders does Mr Marcelino blame for reluctance in
combating crime?

A. Dikgosi
B. Criminal Investigation Department
C. Councillors

14. When writing this article, who was the author targeting?

A. Youth
B. Police
C. Community policing clusters
D. Everybody

15. What is the central message of this article?

A. Police are doing their best to fight crime.

B. Illegal immigrants are responsible for the most crime.
C. Community policing is an effective way of combating crime
D. Mr Marcelino is doing a good job fighting crime in Phase 5

Complete each of the blanks in the passage below using the word(s) given in questions 16 to

The river ____16____ menacingly through the thick bush. It crashed everything in its path, dragging
along ____17_____ was loose, and loosening all that had been tight. Laone watched with trepidation
___18____ the volume of the water increased with every passing minute. She clung ever tightly to the
trunk of the huge mosu tree. Her life depended on it, yet it seemed as if the raging waters ___ 19_____
going to spare tree either. She saw bigger trees dipping in and out of the speeding currents and her
fears multiplied. When she first got to the bank of the river, she ___20_____ not known it would come
to this. In fact, there had been no warning. The river just suddenly started filling up. She tried to run
away but there ___21_____ an adjoining tributary before her that was also filling up equally fast. She
was trapped. She thought hard and fast about what to do, but the two channels were swelling faster
than she ____22____ think. Naturally, she looked for something to hold on to. ___23_____ the
piercing thorns and the biting termites, she hugged the trunk as hard as she could. Her life depended
on it. For a whole long hour Laone clung to the tree. She could feel the water wet her feet. It was
reaching up to her knees. Soon the roots of the tree were exposed. The end was fast approaching, but
she would not relax her hold. And then the water started edging away from her feet. She imagined she
could relax.
16. was roaring roared roar is roaring
17. whenever whichever whomever whatever
18. since when as while
19. weren’t aren’t isn’t wasn’t
20. does had have has
21. was is are were
22. would should can could
23. Because Although Despite In spite

Which part of speech has been underlined in questions 24 and 25?

24. The donkey broke its neck.

A. Noun
B. Adverb
C. Adjective
D. Verb

25. I miss him badly.

A. Adverb
B. Noun
C. Adjective
D. Preposition

Which word best completes the blank in questions 26 to 28?

26. I _______________________ never seen an animal like this one before.

A. has

B. have

C. had

D. haven’t
27. She is the ______________________ girl in her class.

A. stronger

B. strong

C. strongest

D. more stronger

28. I found her ________________________ the middle of the crowd.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. around

29. The bag was ___________________ by a very tall student.

A. took

B. take

C. taking

D. taken

30. I _________________________ she didn’t want to be seen.

A. suspect

B. am suspecting

C. suspected

D. was suspecting
Study the following meanings of the word old. Choose the correct meaning of the word as
used in the sentences in questions 31 to 35.

Old (adjective)

1. Persisting from an earlier time.

2. Having existed for a specified period of time.
3. Advanced in years or age.
4. Former
5. Showing the characteristics of old age.
6. Dating from the remote past.
7. Belonging to an early period in the development of a language or literature

31. The girl is seventeen years old.

A. Meaning 2

B. Meaning 3

C. Meaning 4

D. Meaning 5

32. He looked old at twenty.

A. Meaning 3

B. Meaning 4

C. Meaning 5

D. Meaning 6

33. All his old students were present at his funeral.

A. Meaning 1

B. Meaning 2

C. Meaning 3

D. Meaning 4
34. “He keeps bringing up the same old argument,” the chairman complained.

A. Meaning 1

B. Meaning 3

C. Meaning 5

D. Meaning 6

35. Johnson is now a very old man.

A. Meaning 3

B. Meaning 4

C. Meaning 5

D. Meaning 6

Change the sentences in questions 36 and 38 to reported speech.

36. “I have been found guilty,” the man told his wife.

A. The man told his wife that he had been found guilty.

B. The man told his wife that he has been found guilty.

C. The man told his wife that I have been found guilty.

D. The man told his wife that he have been found guilty.

37. “I will return tomorrow,” Kabo said.

A. Kabo said that he will return tomorrow.

B. Kabo said that he would return tomorrow.

C. Kabo said that he would return the following day.

D. Kabo said that he will return the following day.

38. “Where are you going today Mavis?” Mrs Lefa asked.

A. Mrs Lefa asked where Mavis was going today.

B. Mrs Lefa asked Mavis where she was going today.

C. Mrs Lefa asked Mavis where she was going that day.

D. Mrs Lefa asked where was Mavis going that day.

Which statement is correctly punctuated?

39. A. “Halo! How are you?”

B. “Halo! How are you”?

C. “Halo!” How are you?

D. “Halo!” “How are you?”

Complete the sentence with a correct question tag.

40. He plays for his school team, _________________

A. does he?

B. doesn’t he?

C. do he?

D. didn’t he?

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