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Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased and honored to host the Regional Workshop of the International Society for the
Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD) on the theme “Investing in Sustainable Childhoods:
Implications for Preventive and Intervention Research” at Aconcagua University.

This year is very special for ISSBD because it is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary. We would
like to congratulate all its members for promoting and giving impulse to scientific research into
human development throughout the lifespan.

This workshop is about children in the context of sustainable development. “Sustainability or

sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present, without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” This definition of
sustainability comes from the Brundtland Report in 1987, which set the standard for sustainable
development as we know it today. When we talk about ‘future generations’, we’re talking about
the children of today and in the future. The United Nations 2030 Agenda that includes the 17
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) integrates dimensions of poverty reduction, health,
education, sustainable agriculture and energy, climate change, gender equality and social
inclusion. Taken together, the goals offer a holistic approach to meeting children’s needs,
protecting them from harm and securing their environments. In this workshop we deliberate on
how as developmental scientists we can help provide all children with the tools, skills, and
services they need to survive, thrive and make the most of their lives, in the context of
challenges to sustainability.

Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 1

The workshop will provide a forum where early career researchers (ECRs) can meet and learn
about issues related to sustainable development, and how we can use developmental science
to support child, adolescent and adult development, supported by senior scholars with
outstanding publishing backgrounds in the field.

The Workshop will address studies on:

• Childhood poverty: Bridging evidence-based efforts between neuroscience and policies.

• Pathways to sustainability: Role of developmental science for sustainable child
development in low-and middle-income countries.
• Climate change and its implications for sustainable child development.
• Addressing sustainable human development in social science research.
• The role of peer relations in the framework of sustainable development.
• Psychological assessment with children: Validity, reliability and discriminative issues.
• Resilience and positive development: Implications for sustainable development
• Inequity, social inclusion and sustainable development in childhood.
• Meta-analysis: Its utility, steps, results, and conclusions. Feasibility and utopias.
• Publishing and reviewing in academic outlets.
• Ways to communicate research through press releases, media interviews, conference
presentations, manuscript submissions, and public policy.

Enjoy the conference!

Mirta Susana Ison and Carolina Greco (Scientific and Organizing Committee).

Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 2

General Organizing Committee

Mirta Susana Ison, Aconcagua University - National Scientific and Technical Research Council

Carolina Greco, Aconcagua University - National Scientific and Technical Research Council

Scientific Committee

Prof. Dr. Toni Antonucci: University of Michigan, United States.

Prof. Dr. Silvia Koller: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Prof. Dr. Ann Sanson: University of Melbourne, Australia.

Prof. Dr. Suman Verma: Panjab University, Chandigarh, India.

Prof. Dr. Mirta Susana Ison: Aconcagua University, Argentina – CONICET.

Dr. Carolina Greco: Aconcagua University, Argentina – CONICET.

Aconcagua University Authorities

Rector: Prof. Dr. Osvaldo Caballero.

Secretary - General: Oscar D. Cerutti.

School of Psychology - Aconcagua University

Dean: Prof Mgter. Hugo A. Lupiañez.

Secretary: Psychologist Cristina Pérez.

Postgraduate Director: Prof. Dr. Silvina Maddio.

Director of the Psychology Research Institute: Prof. Dr. Mirta S. Ison.

Local Organizing Committee

Prof. Dr. Silvina Maddio.

Prof. Dr. Gabriela Morelato.

Sworn Translator Mónica Giozza.

Sworn Translator Carla Coppoletta.

Prof. Marisol Biaggi.

Prof. María Gracia Gómez Vergara.

Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 3

Support Staff- Aconcagua University

Evars Piña: Head of Office at School of Psychology - Aconcagua University.

Miguel Ángel Uliarte: Administration Director - Aconcagua University.

Roberto Francese: Director of Institutional Relations - Aconcagua University.

Pablo Sández: Informatics Director - Aconcagua University.

Ana Clara Maravilla: Administrative staff – School of Psychology - Aconcagua University.

Graduate and Post Graduate Collaborators:

Karen Castillo
Juan Manuel Monteoliva
Agustina Ferrandiz
María Gabriela Caligiore Gei
Anna Hektor
Joaquín Reginato
Virginia A. Gómez Hidalgo
Micaela Gómez Vila
DéborahJ. Prilusky
Milagros Lucena Chemes
Gonzalo Zapata Araya
Carolina Chizzoli Bauzá
Rosario P. Giménez Torrent
Evelin Chaves
Azul J. Valverde
Daniela R. André
Candela A. Páez
María Agustina Luna
Sofia A. Ojeda
Josefina Leibrecht
Ariela Giovanella
Facundo Álvarez
Gastón González
Leticia López
Karin Rabaj
Florencia Gaitán

Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 4

International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD)

The ISSBD was formed on the 31st of May, 1969. The society seeks to promote scientific
research of human development throughout the life span. ISSBD is a truly international
organization with more than 1,100 members from 60 countries; the society welcome srese
archers from any scientific disciplines interested in human development. The Society is a
membership organization open to individuals who have completed their academic training, and
are involved in research focusing on human development. ISSBD has three publications:
International Journal of Behavioral Development (six issues per year); ISSBD Bulletin (two
issues per year); and the e-newsletter (monthly). The Society organizes conferences every
second year (the Biennial Meeting). The next conference ISSBD will be hosting the 26th ISSBD
Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development on June
21 – 25, 2020 on the Island of Rhodes, Greece.

This year is very special for ISSBD because it is celebrating its Fiftieth Anniversary. We would
like to congratulate all its members for promoting and giving impulse to scientific research into
human development throughout the lifespan.

ISSBD and Early Career Scholars

ISSBD feels committed to early career scholars for at least three reasons. First, we want to
promote the careers of starting scientists by equipping them with the best possible resources.
Second, ISSBD strongly believes it can benefit from the good ideas and energy of early career
scholars. Third, by focusing on early career scholars, ISSBD hopes it can promote the kind of
generational change that is necessary to keep our organization as vibrant and active as it is

Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 5

The Venue: Aconcagua University - Catamarca 147- Mendoza, Argentina

Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 6


23 October 2019, 9.30 - 10.30 am Room Auditorium.

Prof. Dr. Toni Antonucci, University of Michigan, USA: Addressing Sustainable

Human Development in Social Science Research

Toni C. Antonucci is the Elizabeth M. Douvan Collegiate Professor of

Psychology, Program Director and Research Professor in the Life
Course Development Program at the Institute for Social Research.
Her research focuses on social relations and health across the life
span, including family multigenerational relations, ethnic and racial
differences, early precursors to later life functioning, adult
development and aging, and comparative studies of social relations
and health in the United States, Mexico, Europe, the Middle East and
Japan. Recently, she has become increasingly interested in how
technology is effecting social relations and health.

She has been Associate Editor of Developmental Psychology and

Editor of the Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences. She
held several leadership positions in professional societies including President of both the
Society for the Study of Human Development and Gerontology Society of America, Secretary-
General of the International Association for Gerontology and Geriatrics. She is currently
President of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development.

23 October 2019, 5.00 - 6.30 pm Room Auditorium.

Prof. Dr. Suman Verma, Panjab University, India: Pathways to Sustainability:

Role of Developmental Science for Sustainable Child Development in Low-and
Middle-Income Countries

Suman Verma is a Developmental Psychologist and former head of

the Department of Human Development & Family Relations,
Government Home Science College, Panjab University, Chandigarh,
India. Her research with an advocacy component are in the areas of
behavior settings of street/working children, daily ecology of
adolescent family life, school stress, adolescent abuse, and
intervention studies using life skills education approach. Other areas
of published work include time use patterns among adolescents,
single parenting, positive youth development, social policy,
developmental science and the United Nations’ Sustainable
Development Goals. A two time fellow at the Center for Advanced
Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, her cross-cultural project sponsored by CASBS and
funded by Jacobs Foundation on ‘Pathways of Risk and Protection among Street Youth in India,
Indonesia, the Philippines, and S. Africa’ is based on a comparative framework that is guided by
theory on risk and protection and the ecological and contextual conditions in the lives of street
kids in these countries. As an active member of various professional organizations such as
ISSBD and SRCD, her interests are in (i) promoting greater visibility for the Asian region in
professional societies; (ii) capacity building and mentoring initiatives for professional growth of
young scholars in the Asia, Africa and Latin American region; and (iii) facilitating regional
collaborations and creating opportunities for resource sharing. She is an ISSBD Fellow and has
been a member of several cross-cultural study groups and has served as a reviewer/editorial

Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 7

committee member on several international journals including Child Development. She was a
member of the SRCD International Affairs Committee, member of the SRCD Task Force on
Scientific Integrity & Openness, and currently is a member editorial board Zeitschriftfür
Psychologie (Journal of Psychology), member of the International Panel on Social Progress and
lead author of a chapter in the report “Rethinking societies for the 21st century.” With widely
published articles in both national and international journals, her latest published books are:
Verma, S. & Petersen, A.C. (Eds., 2018). Developmental science and Sustainable Development
Goals for children and youth, Springer; Petersen, A., Koller, S.H., Motti, F. & Verma, S. (Eds.,
2017). Positive youth development in global contexts of social and economic change,
Routledge. She is also the guest editor along with A.C. Petersen and J.E. Lansford of the 2019
(2) issue of Zeitschriftfür Psychologie (Journal of Psychology) on Sustainable Human
Development: Challenges and Solutions for Implementing the United Nations’ Goals.

24 October 2019, 9.30 - 10.30 am Room Auditorium.

Prof. Dr. Maria Mercedes Fernandez Liporace, CONICET - Universidad de Buenos

Aires, Argentina: Psychological Assessment with Children: Validity, Reliability
and Discriminative Issues.

She is a Psychologist (University of Belgrano); PhD (University of

Buenos Aires, Argentina);Full Professor of Psychological Assessment
Theories and Techniques: Psychometric Tests (University of Buenos
Aires);Senior Researcher at theNational Council of Scientific and
Technological Research (CONICET); and Professor in several Master
and PhD courses (University of Buenos Aires, University of Palermo,
University of Santiago de Compostela, Universidad Católica
Argentina, Universidad Notarial Argentina, among others). Main field:
Psychometrics – Psychological and Educational Assessment –
Intelligence and skills assessment – Personality Assessment –

24 October 2019, 5.00 - 6.30 pm Room Auditorium.

Prof. Dr. Ann Sanson, University of Melbourne, Australia: Climate Change and its
Implications on Sustainable Child Development.

Ann V. Sanson Professor: Ann Sanson is a developmental

psychologist whose research has principally focused on
understanding the role of child, family and community
characteristics in social and emotional development from infancy
to adulthood. She is a principal investigator and adviser on a
number of major longitudinal studies. Her current work focuses
on the impact of the climate crisis on current and future
generations of children. She is an Honorary Professorial Fellow
at the University of Melbourne, and a Fellow of the Australian
Psychological Society and the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development.
She has over 200 publications.

Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 8

25 October 2019, 9.00 - 10.30 am Room Auditorium.

Prof. Dr. Sebastián Lipina, CONICET. Argentina: Childhood Poverty: Bridging

evidence-based efforts between neuroscience and policy.

Dr. Sebastián J. Lipina (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1968) is

PhD in Psychology; Diploma in Social Sciences (Latin
American School of Social Sciences, FLACSO);Researcher of
the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research
(CONICET, Argentina);Director of the Unit of Applied
Neurobiology (UNA, CEMIC-CONICET); Full Professor of the
Seminar Childhood Poverty and Cognitive Development
(National University of San Martin, UNSAM, Argentina);Fellow
of the Center for Neuroscience and Society (CNS, University of
Pennsylvania, USA); Codirector of the Mind, Brain and Education School (Ettore Majorana
Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Italy);Member of the IRB of CEMIC; Volunteer
Researcher of the On-call Scientists Program (American Association for the Advancement of
Science, USA);Associate Editor of Frontiers in Psychology; Consultant of the Pan American
Health Organization, UNICEF, UNDP and several Ministries of Health, Education and Social
Development in different Latin American countries. The current research projects under his
direction are focusedon (a) the analysis of poverty influences on self-regulation development,
(b) the design of interventions aimed at optimizing children´s cognitive performance through
exercising and training in laboratory, school and community settings, and (c) the transfer of
evidence-based interventions to policy.

25 October 2019, 1.30 - 3.00 pm Room Auditorium.

Prof. Dr. William Bukowski, Concordia University, Canada: The Role of Peer
Relations in the Framework of Sustainable Development.

Dr William M. Bukowski is a Professor and a University Research

Chair in Early Adolescent Development in the Department of
Psychology at Concordia University in Montréal, Québec, Canada.
He is also the Principal of Loyola College for the Study of Diversity
and Sustainability. His research program is concerned with the
features and effects of school-age children’s and early adolescents’
experiences with their peers. The goal of his studies are (a) to
identify and measure individual differences in experiences with
peers and assess how these differences are affected by context,
and (b) to assess the effects that peer experience have on development and to identify the
cultural/contextual factors that account for variations in these effects. The specific purposes of
his current projects are (a) to be more explicit in assessing the effects of particular forms of peer
experiences via the use of more integrative/ systemic approaches to research; (b) to assess the
concepts of risk, protection, and resilience more directly; and (c) to identify the contextual
factors and forces that shape the effects of peer experiences at the level of the group and the
dyad. Dr Bukowski has expertise in the substantive and methodological domains related to
research on peer relations. These forms of expertise include socio metric methods, theory and
findings regarding the features and effects of friendship, measurement of friendship quality,
designs for assessing peer influence, longitudinal methods, multilevel modelling, and structural
equation modelling.

Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 9

25 October 2019, 5.00 – 6.30 pm Room Auditorium.

Prof. Dr. Silvia Koller, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil:
Resilience and Positive Development: Implications for Sustainable Development.

Dr. Silvia Koller- She is a Brazilian Developmental Psychologist,

Full Professor and Chair of the Center for Psychological Studies of
At-Risk Populations in the Department of Psychology at the
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Recently, she was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard Graduate School of
Education and a Visiting Scientist at Harvard T.H. Chan School of
Public Health, with a CAPES Grant, 2016-2017. She is also an
Extraordinary Professor at North West University, in Vanderbijlpark,
South Africa, where she goes every year to work with a team of
students and colleagues on Positive Psychology. She has strong
interest and commitment to the internationalization of knowledge in
Psychology, which has led her to disseminate Brazilian research in various scientific
associations around the world, taking various positions in international organizations, as well as
publishing herres earch on high-quality journals abroad. She had been qualified to advance the
ongoing investigations on at-risk populations, focusing mostly on translational and applied
Psychology and based on a bio ecological theoretical perspective. Her interests also focus on
children’s rights, resilience, prejudice, and pro social moral development. She has lectured at
different universities around the world, such as North-West University (South Africa), University
of Zurich (Switzerland), Harvard University, UIUC, UNL, UNC, and ASU (USA), Universidad del
Valle, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Pontificia Universidad Católica Javeriana, and
Universidad de Baranquilla (Colombia), Universidad San Marco, Pontificia Universidad Católica,
Universidad Autónoma, and Universidad de Chiclayo (Peru), Pontificia Universidad Católica
(Chile), and others. During her years as Ph.D. and Master’s advisor and mentor, she
accompanied a growing cadre of faculty members, who are now rising stars within Brazilian,
Colombian, Portuguese, and US Psychology. She had the highest expectations of their
students, and provided them with a supportive environment they need to meet or exceed my
and their expectations. Her team has been collaborating with researchers of the five continents
in research and outreach. They are committed to building capacity among youth, and fostering
young people’s awareness of their human rights, as well as programs for psychologists, social
works, occupational therapists, teachers, and institution staff related to at-risk youth.

Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 10

Conference Programme


October 22-25, 2019

Investing in Sustainable Childhoods: Implications for Preventive and

Intervention Research

Venue: Aconcagua University. Catamarca 147- Mendoza CP 5500 Ciudad,

Mendoza, Argentina

Day 1: October 22, 2019

Arrival of participants and Opening Ceremony

5.00 pm: ERCs registration at the Aconcagua University

7.00 pm: Welcome from the Rector of Aconcagua University to the Keynote Speakers.

7.30 pm: Opening Ceremony at Aconcagua University

• Welcome Speech: Prof. Dr. Mirta Ison

• Welcome Speech: Prof. Dr. Toni Antonucci

• Welcome Speech: Prof. Dr. Osvaldo Caballero

9.00 pm: Welcome Dinner at Caro Cellars – Historical Heritage from Mendoza. Altertango Show.

Day 2: October 23, 2019

7.00 - 8.30 am Breakfast

9.00 - 10.30 am
1. Keynote Address: Addressing Sustainable Human Development
in Social Science Research

Professor: Toni Antonucci. ISSBD President. Douvan Collegiate Auditorium

Professor of Psychology. Research Professor, Institute for Social Room
Research University of Michigan
Chair: Silvia Koller. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto University
Alegre, Brazil.

10.30 - 11.00 am Coffee break

Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 11

1. Oral presentations by ECRs

7 ECRs will present their current research:

• 11.00 - 11.10. Alicia Abundis Gutiérrez. Universidad de

Guadalajara, México. Environment and temperament as
predictors of executive function during development.

• 11.10 - 11:20. Regina T. Lohndorf. Pontificia Universidad

Católica de Chile. Parenting and school readiness in Chilean

• 11.20 - 11.30. Carolina Lunetti. Sapienza University of Rome.

Ecological momentary assessment of parental monitoring
predicting academic performance in asample of Colombian
11.00 – 12.30 am
• 11.30 - 11.40. Lucas G. Gago Galvagno. Universidad de Auditórium
Buenos Aires, Argentina.Executive Functions, Communication, Room
8 - minute
presentation and Emotional Regulation in Early Childhood: Role of
Temperament and Social Vulnerability in a Latin American University
2 - minute discussion Sample.

• 11.40 - 11.50. Federico Giovannetti. UNA, CEMIC - CONICET,

Argentina Preliminary Results of a Cognitive Training Intervention
Based on Individual Differences Aimed at Optimizing Cognitive
Performance of Children from Poor Homes.

• 11.50 - 12.00. Celina Korzeniowski. CONICET – Universidad

del Aconcagua, Argentina School-based interventions targeted to
strengthening executive functions in children at social risk.

• 12.00 - 12.10. Juan Manuel Monteoliva. CONICET – UNCuyo,

Argentina Daylight in classrooms. The dynamics of daylight in
clear skies and its impact on the attention performance of

Keynote speakers can comment on the oral presentations.

Chair: Silvina Maddio School of Psychology - Aconcagua University.

12.30 am - 1:30 pm Lunch

Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 12

1. Poster Session by ECRs

8 ECRs will present their current research.

• Juan Ignacio Galli. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

(UNMDP) – CONICET, Argentina. Longitudinal assessment of
neurocognitive and socio-emotional skills in preschoolers from
Argentina and their associations with school readiness.

• Luciana Brooking Teresa Dias. Universidade Veiga de

Almeida, Brazil. Program of stimulation on cognition and social-
emotional ability.

• Maite Liz. Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay

(UdelaR), Uruguay. School readiness in Uruguay: a public policy
experience to promote equity in early childhood development.

• Hellen Tsuruda Amaral. Universidade Federal do Paraná,

Brazil. “Nothing of us without us”: Positive and negative peers
relations between students with and without disabilities/special
1.30 - 3.00 pm needs.
The posters may be
• Natália Peixoto Pereira. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Cincuentenario
placed on the poster Room
Grande do Sul, PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Prejudice against
posts for each ERC
from 1.00 pm at the sexual and gender diversity in schools and associated factors. Aconcagua
Cincuentenario Room University
• Laura M. Muñoz Rodríguez. CONICET - FaPsi (UNSL),
Argentina. Well - being and quality of life in children from San
Luis popular sectors: contributions to health promotion with
children from the social determination.

• María Paula Moretti. Universidad Nacional de San Luis,

Facultad de Psicología y Pontificia Universidad Católica
Argentina, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Económicas,
Mendoza. Psychomotor Development of early childhood in
alternative care in temporary family foster care.

• María Jimena Arroyo. CONICET - Universidad del Aconcagua,

Argentina. Executive functioning and effect of antiepileptic drugs
in children with frontaland rolandic epilepsy: Contributions for the
development of cognitive stimulation programs.

Keynote speakers can comment on the poster ssession

Chair: Gabriela Morelato. School of Psychology - Aconcagua University -


Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 13

1. Activity Session: Meta-analysis. Its utility, Steps, Results, and
Conclusions. Feasibility and Utopias
Professor: María Mercedes Fernández Liporace Universidad de
3.00 - 4.30 pm
Buenos Aires (UBA) - CONICET Aconcagua
Chair: Mirta Ison Schoolof Psychology - Aconcagua University –

4.30 - 5.00 pm Coffee break

5.00 - 6.30 pm
2. Keynote Address:Pathways to Sustainability: Role of
Developmental Science for Sustainable Child Development in
Low-and middle-income Countries Auditorium
Professor: Suman Verma. Former Head. Department of Human
Development & Family Relations. Government Home Science College Aconcagua
Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. University

Chair: Ann Sanson. University of Melbourne, Australia.

6.30 - 7.30 pm Room
ERCs for Travel Expenses Reimbursement

20.00 pm Dinner
Craff Beer

Day 3: October 24, 2019

7.00 - 8.00 am Breakfast

3. KeynoteAddress: Psychological Assessment with Children: Auditorium

Validity, Reliability and Discriminative Issues Room

9.00 - 10.30 am Professor: Maria Mercedes Fernández Liporace. Universidad de Aconcagua

Buenos Aires (UBA) - CONICET. University

Chair: Silvina Maddio. School of Psychology - Aconcagua University.

10.30 - 11.00 am Coffee break

Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 14

2. Oral presentations by ECRs

7 ECRs will present their current research.

• 11.00 - 11.10. Laura Ramírez. CONICET, Argentina.Socio -

economic status related differences in the pragmatic
characteristics of child directed speech

• 11.10 - 11.20. Rebeca Fernandes Ferreira Lima. Universidade

Federal do Espírito Santo – UFES, Brazil. The impact of street
life differs across adjustment indicators in Brazilian street-
involved youth.

• 11.20 - 11.30. Patricia Santos da Silva. Universidade Federal

do Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil. Adoption`s effect in child`s
neuropsicomotor development.

11.00 – 12.30 am • 11.30 - 11.40. Gabriela María Raynaudo. Instituto Rosario de

8 - minute
Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educación (CONICET), Aconcagua
presentation Argentina.Childrenlearn a concept with a digital app University

2 - minute discussion • 11.40 - 11.50. Loriane Trombini Frick. Universidade Federal do

Paraná, Brazil. Challenges for the improvement of campus
climate assessment.

• 11.50 - 12.00. Ana V. García Coni Bosch. IPSIBAT – UNMDP -

CONICET, Argentina. Improving school learning by promoting a
growing mindset.

• 12.00 - 12.10 Leandro M. Casari. CONICET - Pontificia

Universidad Católica Argentina. Personal Style Therapist
influence on children psychotherapy outcomes

Keynote speakers can comment on the oral presentations.

Chair: Gabriela Morelato. School of Psychology - Aconcagua University –


12.30 am - Aconcagua
1.30 pm University

Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 15

1. Poster Session by ECRs

7 ECRs will present their current research.

• Karen A. Moreira Tricot. Universidad de la República de

Uruguay. Play and story-book reading to enhance cognitive and
discourse development of children living in poverty. Challenges
1.30 - 3.00 pm
and strategies.

• Irene Rubio Azevedo. Universidad de la República-Uruguay e

Instituto Nacional del Niño y el Adolescente-Uruguay. Quality of
the environment and development in early childhood care

• Sandiléia Pfeiffer. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio

Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Brazil. Relationship between self-
compassion and early memories of life.

• Amanda Borges Fortes. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Cincuentenario

Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Brazil. Smartphones and youth’s well-
being: discussing sustainability. Aconcagua
• Karen N. Castillo. CONICET - Universidad del Aconcagua,
Argentina. How do Argentinean preschoolers perceive social
withdrawal? Attributions toward shyness and unsociability in
children from urban, marginal urban and rural environments.

• José María Vitaliti. CONICET, Argentina. More than focused

policies, sustainable development policies. The institutionalization
of children in relation to the stages of development in times of
socio-economic crisis.

• Márcia Pinheiro Schaefer. Universidade do Vale do Rio dos

Sinos (UNISINOS), Brazil. Mother-baby psychotherapy: An
intervention in the context of prematurity.

Keynote speakers can comment on the posters session

Chair: Gabriela Morelato. School of Psychology - Aconcagua University –


2. Activity Session: Publishing and Reviewing in Academic

Professors: Silvia Koller: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul,
3.00 - 4.30 pm
Porto Alegre, Brazil.
William Bukowski: Concordia University in Montréal, University
Québec, Canada.

Chair: Sebastian Lipina CEMIC - CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

4.30 - 5.00 pm Coffee break

Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 16

3. Keynote Address: Climate Change and its Implications on
Sustainable Child Development Auditorium
5.00 - 6.30 pm Professor: Ann Sanson. Honorary Professorial Fellow University of
Melbourne Australia Aconcagua
Chair: Suman Verma.Panjab University, Chandigarh, India

6.30 pm End

ERCs for Travel Expenses Reimbursement.
6.30 – 7.30 pm

20.00 pm Dinner

Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 17

Day 4: October 25, 2019

7:00 – 8:30 am Breakfast

4. Keynote Address: Childhood Poverty: Bridging Evidence-based efforts

9.00 – 10.30 am
between Neuroscience and Policy
Professor: Sebastian Lipina. Director of the Development Neuroscience: Room
Applied Neurobiology Unit. (UNA) (CEMIC-CONICET), Buenos Aires,
Argentina. Aconcagua
Chair: Mirta Ison. School of Psychology – Aconcagua University. CONICET –

10.30 - 11.00 Aconcagua

Coffee break
am University

11.00 - 12.30

3. Activity Session: Panel Discussion: Inequity, Social Inclusion and

Sustainable Development in Childhood. Auditorium
Profesors: T. Antonucci, A. Sanson, S. Koller, W. Bukowski, S. Lipina, S.
Verma and M. Fernández Liporace Aconcagua
Chairs: Mirta Ison and Carolina Greco

12.30 am - 1.30 Aconcagua
pm University

5. Keynote Address: The Role of Peer Relations in the Framework of

Sustainable Development
Professor: William Bukowski. Professor and University Research Chair in
1:30 - 3:00 pm
Early Adolescent Development in the Department of Psychology at Concordia
University in Montréal, Québec, Canada. Aconcagua
Chair: Carolina Greco

Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 18

4. Activity Session Ways to Communicate Research through Press
Releases, Media Interviews, Conference Presentations, Manuscript
Submissions, and Public Policy
3:00 - 4:30 pm
Professors: Suman Verma and Ann Sanson
Chair: María Mercedes Fernández Liporace. Universidad de Buenos Aires University.

4:30 - 5:00 pm Coffe Break

7. Keynote Address: Resilience and Positive Development: Implications

5:00 - 6:30 pm
for Sustainable Development
Professor: Silvia Koller. Center for Psychological Studies of At-Risk Room
Populations in the Department of Psychology at the Universidad de Federal do
Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil Aconcagua
Chair: Gabriela Morelato. School of Psychology – Aconcagua University.

Discussion and Feedback from participants and Closing of workshop Room
6.30 - 7.00 pm
Chairs: Mirta Ison and Carolina Greco Aconcagua

7.00 pm Departure

Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 19

Oral and Poster Presentations
All presentation must be in English.

Oral Presentation
ERCs will have 8 minutes to exhibit her/his presentation and 2 minutes to discuss. On the first
slide should be the ISSBD logo and your membership institution.
There will be technical support, you can bring your laptops if you wish but that resource will be
available (it is not necessary to bring it). You must send your presentation as a deadline on
Friday, October 18 to Agustina Ferrandiz: mentioning in the subject
your full name and title of your presentation.

Poster Presentation
The poster format should be vertical oriented: measures: 75 cm wide x 95 long, it can be in
color or black and white as you prefer.

Poster printing is not an expense that we will be faced from the workshop, each one must bring
their printed poster and the expenses that the impression of the poster will not be refunded.

In case you do not want to travel with the poster and prefer to print it in Mendoza, we pass the
following contact:
LORENA Printing and Photocopying Center: Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Saturdays from 9 to 13 hours. WATSAP: (0261) 156090785; Address: Catamarca 192 city; E-
In case you want Lorena to print it, you must send it in advance until October 18 and pick it up
by the Photocopier (Catamarca 192 city) in the same block as the venue of the workshop event.
It is the photocopier of the University.

Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 20

Accommodation and Diners

Accommodation Keynotes Speakers

Mod Hotel Mendoza:

On 22 October at 6:15pm, Dr. Celina Korzeniowski and Dr. Gabriela Morelato will look for the
speakers at the Mod Hotel to go to the Aconcagua University.

Accommodation ERCs

Cervantes Hotel Mendoza:

On 22 October at 4:30 pm, Karen Castillo and Agustina Ferrandiz will look for the ERCs at the
hotel to go to the Aconcagua University.

Any doubt with the workshop, please contact Karen Castillo: WSP +54 9 261 647 2868 –


October 22: 9:00 pm: Welcome Dinner at Caro Wine Cellar – Historical Heritage from
Mendoza. Altertango Show.

Keynotes speakers, ERCs and collaborator student will be will be transferred from the University
by a private bus to the wine cellar and then they be taken to their respective hotels.

October 23: 20.00 pm: Chachingo Craff Beer

Chachingo Craff Beer is located at Avenida Arístides Villanueva 383, 5500, Mendoza:

Keynotes speakers, will be transferred from the Mod Hotel at 19:30 pm by a taxi to the
Chachingo Craff Beer and then they be taken to Mod Hotel.

ERCs: We will meet there at 8:00 pm.

October 24: 20.00 pm: Brod Restaurant

Brod is located at Chile 894, Mendoza:

Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 21

Keynotes speakers, will be transferred from the Mod Hotel at 19:30 pm by a taxi to the Brod
Restaurant and then they be taken to Mod Hotel.

ERCs: We will meet there at 8:00 pm.

Mendoza – Argentina ISSBD Regional WORKSHOP October 22 – 25, 2019 22

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