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Store Returns


- Hi, how can I help you?

- Yes, I’d like to return this sweater for a refund, I bought it a week ago.
- Well, first of all, what seems to be the problem?
- Well, isn’t it obvious by just looking at it? The first time I washed and dried it, the thing
shrank at least 5 sizes. It wouldn’t even fit an emaciated snake.
- huh, I see what you mean, but did you follow the washing instructions? I think it said
here, ye, right here on the label to hand wash it and dry it on low heat.
- How was I supposed to know that? The label’s written in Chinese. And something else.
The stitching is coming undone, and the color faded from a nice dark blue to a seaweed
green. And what kind of merchandise are you trying to sell here anyway?
- Listen, sir, we take a lot of pride in our clothing, what I can do is allow you to exchange
this sweater for another one.
- I don’t want to exchange it for anything, I just want my money back.
- Well, I can give you credit on your next purchase.
- No, no.
- And since the item you purchased was on clearance. No wonder we can’t give you a
- A clearance item? There wasn’t anything on the price tag or on the clothing rack that
said anything about that.
- I guess you didn’t read the fine print in our ad. Probably can’t read anyway. Look, here is
the ad and the information about the clearance sale is right here at the bottom on the
back page.
- Where? [Here], that small print? You need an electronic microscope to see all those
words and I want to talk to the manager.
- He is not here at the moment.
- Look, this is ridiculous.
- And anyway you can only return the item with a receipt within six days, and
unfortunately, that was yesterday in your case.
- But your store was closed yesterday because of the national holiday. What a rip-off,
listen, I give up, your store policies are completely unreasonable, quality of your
merchandise is shoddy at best, and your service – well - is non-existent. An how do you
expect people to shop here? .
- You did, haha.
- Here, take your sweater, you should open up a pet store and sell it as a dog sweater.
At The Market – Bob English

Well, welcome to the farmer’s market. There are a couple of different types of markets in
One is the farmers market like this one, and another type of market is the flea market. A
farmers’ market obviously has a lot of farmers. Farmers grow their fruit, they grow their
vegetables, and they come to the market like this to sell them. Now, it’s not all farmers, there’s
other stuff here as well that I’ll talk about later. But a flea market, as opposed to a farmers’
market, wouldn’t have any farmers. So that’s really the difference between the two.
So the place where vendors sell at a market is called either a booth or a stall. In fact, you can
see Jenn’s stall right behind us here where she’s selling lots of flowers. You may have also heard
the word ‘stand’ used to describe a place where people sell things. I would probably describe
this pizza place as a stand instead of a booth or stall. So once again, Jen is back there selling
flowers from our booth, we also call it a stall, and this is a stand.
So, in order for a market to work, you need vendors. Vendors are people who sell things at the
market. And you’re of course the customer. Customers are the people who buy things. We have
a really good market day when lots of customers come to the market and buy our products. So,
if you have lots of vendors, if you have lots of people selling things, then usually you have a lot
of customers, and everyone goes home at the end of the day, really happy.
So, you might think that these are tents, but they are not tents. They’re actually called canopies.
When you sell your products at a market, especially when you’re outside, it’s nice to have
shade. And these vendors buy canopies so that they have lots of shade, not just for their
products but also for themselves. For Jen and I, it’s really nice to have a couple of canopies to
stand under so that we can stay cool and so the flowers can stay nice and fresh and ready for
the customers as well.
So, this booth here sells a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. And in English, we usually call this
Hi Jim, how are you? Im good, thanks. Good to see you, Im talking about the difference
between, or not the difference about how the ‘produce’ and ‘produce’ are pronounced
differently, but they’re the same word. They also sell some peaches. So, ‘in season’ is another
good word to teach you at the booth. Generally, Jim and his wife Mary, sell everything that’s in
season. That would be fruits and vegetables that are currently ripe on the trees ready to be
picked. So, they sell a lot of produce, and it’s all in season.
So, there are a number of things sold at a farmer’s market. Some of the things that I could list
are baked goods, things that people bake, usually, it’s something yummy and sweet. We sell
flowers at this farmers' market. Jen and I are the flower vendors. You can find honey, you can
find berries, fruit, and vegetables, you can find meat, you can find coffee, you can usually find
maple syrup at a Canadian market and definitely some jam. So, in a booth at market you will
often see tables, this right here is call a tablecloth. And you can see Jen has a really good
signage, so, those are 3 of the things you will probably see at a booth in a market. Look like, Jen
has a couple of customers right now, maybe I should stop making an English lesson and get to
So, at this market, if you do wanna eat some food, you might be surprised at what you can get.
You can get samosas, and over here you can get empanadas, they’re very yummy. I usually buy a
chicken empanada every week. If you go around here, to the other side, you can buy perogies.
Those are very yummy as well. And then, just down here, we have some yummy baked goods.
And towards the end of market, they also start to make pizza, so, if you wanted a donut, if you
wanted a pizza, there’s actually some right back there, you can come to this booth and buy one.
That’s also nice at market to have something fun for the kids. Here you see a clown who’s
making some super cool balloon animals, the kids really love it. Two words you’ll often see at a
farmer’s market are the words ‘organic’ and ‘local’. When something’s organic, it means it’s
grown without herbicides and pesticides – herbicides kill weeds and pesticides kill insects. You’ll
also see the word ‘local’, local means that the food is grown within a few kilometers of the
market. So, you’ll often see the word ‘organic’ and ‘local’.

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