31CFR1025_100 (1)

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Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Treasury § 1025.


§ 1024.620 Due diligence programs for AUTHORITY: 12 U.S.C. 1829b and 1951–1959; 31
private banking accounts. U.S.C. 5311–5314 and 5316–5332; title III, sec.
314, Pub. L. 107–56, 115 Stat. 307.
(a) Refer to § 1010.620 of this chapter.
SOURCE: 75 FR 65812, Oct. 26, 2010, unless
(b) [Reserved] otherwise noted.
§ 1024.630 Prohibition on cor-
respondent accounts for foreign Subpart A—Definitions
shell banks; records concerning
owners of foreign banks and agents § 1025.100 Definitions.
for service of legal process. Refer to § 1010.100 of this chapter for
(a) Refer to § 1010.630 of this chapter. general definitions not noted herein.
(b) [Reserved] To the extent there is a differing defi-
nition in § 1010.100 of this chapter, the
§§ 1024.640–1024.670 [Reserved] definition in this section is what ap-
plies to part 1025. Unless otherwise in-
PART 1025—RULES FOR INSURANCE dicated, for purposes of this part:
COMPANIES (a) Annuity contract means any agree-
ment between the insurer and the con-
Subpart A—Definitions tract owner whereby the insurer prom-
ises to pay out a fixed or variable in-
Sec. come stream for a period of time.
1025.100 Definitions. (b) Covered product means:
(1) A permanent life insurance policy,
Subpart B—Programs other than a group life insurance pol-
1025.200 General.
1025.210 Anti-money laundering programs
(2) An annuity contract, other than a
for insurance companies. group annuity contract; or
(3) Any other insurance product with
Subpart C—Reports Required To Be Made features of cash value or investment.
By Insurance Companies (c) Group annuity contract means a
master contract providing annuities to
1025.300 General. a group of persons under a single con-
1025.310–1025.315 [Reserved] tract.
1025.320 Reports by insurance companies of (d) Group life insurance policy means
suspicious transactions.
any life insurance policy under which a
1025.330 Reports relating to currency in ex-
cess of $10,000 received in a trade or busi-
number of persons and their depend-
ness. ents, if appropriate, are insured under
a single policy.
Subpart D—Records Required To Be (e) Insurance agent means a sales and/
Maintained By Insurance Companies or service representative of an insur-
ance company. The term ‘‘insurance
1025.400 General. agent’’ encompasses any person that
1025.410 Recordkeeping. sells, markets, distributes, or services
an insurance company’s covered prod-
Subpart E—Special Information Sharing
ucts, including, but not limited to, a
Procedures To Deter Money Laun-
person who represents only one insur-
dering and Terrorist Activity
ance company, a person who represents
1025.500 General. more than one insurance company, and
1025.520 Special information sharing proce- a bank or broker-dealer in securities
dures to deter money laundering and ter- that sells any covered product of an in-
rorist activity for insurance companies. surance company.
1025.530 [Reserved] (f) Insurance broker means a person
1025.540 Voluntary information sharing who, by acting as the customer’s rep-
among financial institutions.
resentative, arranges and/or services
Subpart F—Special Standards of Diligence; covered products on behalf of the cus-
Prohibitions, and Special Measures for tomer.
Insurance Companies (g) Insurance company or insurer. (1)
Except as provided in paragraph (g)(2)
1025.600–1025.670 [Reserved] of this section, the term ‘‘insurance


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§ 1025.200 31 CFR Ch. X (7–1–13 Edition)

company’’ or ‘‘insurer’’ means any per- ter 53 of title 31, United States Code
son engaged within the United States and this chapter, integrating the com-
as a business in the issuing or under- pany’s insurance agents and insurance
writing of any covered product. brokers into its anti-money laundering
(2) The term ‘‘insurance company’’ or program, and obtaining all relevant
‘‘insurer’’ does not include an insur- customer-related information nec-
ance agent or insurance broker. essary for an effective anti-money
(h) Permanent life insurance policy laundering program.
means an agreement that contains a (2) Designate a compliance officer
cash value or investment element and who will be responsible for ensuring
that obligates the insurer to indemnify that:
or to confer a benefit upon the insured (i) The anti-money laundering pro-
or beneficiary to the agreement contin- gram is implemented effectively, in-
gent upon the death of the insured.
cluding monitoring compliance by the
company’s insurance agents and insur-
Subpart B—Programs ance brokers with their obligations
under the program;
§ 1025.200 General.
(ii) The anti-money laundering pro-
Insurance companies are subject to gram is updated as necessary; and
the program requirements set forth (iii) Appropriate persons are edu-
and cross referenced in this subpart. cated and trained in accordance with
Insurance companies should also refer
paragraph (b)(3) of this section.
to subpart B of part 1010 of this chapter
(3) Provide for on-going training of
for program requirements contained in
appropriate persons concerning their
that subpart which apply to insurance
companies. responsibilities under the program. An
insurance company may satisfy this re-
§ 1025.210 Anti-money laundering pro- quirement with respect to its employ-
grams for insurance companies. ees, insurance agents, and insurance
(a) In general. Not later than May 2, brokers by directly training such per-
2006, each insurance company shall de- sons or verifying that persons have re-
velop and implement a written anti- ceived training by another insurance
money laundering program applicable company or by a competent third party
to its covered products that is reason- with respect to the covered products
ably designed to prevent the insurance offered by the insurance company.
company from being used to facilitate (4) Provide for independent testing to
money laundering or the financing of monitor and maintain an adequate pro-
terrorist activities. The program must gram, including testing to determine
be approved by senior management. An compliance of the company’s insurance
insurance company shall make a copy agents and insurance brokers with
of its anti-money laundering program their obligations under the program.
available to the Department of the The scope and frequency of the testing
Treasury, the Financial Crimes En- shall be commensurate with the risks
forcement Network, or their designee posed by the insurance company’s cov-
upon request. ered products. Such testing may be
(b) Minimum requirements. At a min- conducted by a third party or by any
imum, the program required by para- officer or employee of the insurance
graph (a) of this section shall: company, other than the person des-
(1) Incorporate policies, procedures, ignated in paragraph (b)(2) of this sec-
and internal controls based upon the tion.
insurance company’s assessment of the (c) Anti-money laundering program re-
money laundering and terrorist financ- quirements for insurance companies reg-
ing risks associated with its covered istered or required to register with the Se-
products. Policies, procedures, and in- curities and Exchange Commission as
ternal controls developed and imple- broker-dealers in securities. An insurance
mented by an insurance company company that is registered or required
under this section shall include provi- to register with the Securities and Ex-
sions for complying with the applicable change Commission as a broker-dealer
requirements of subchapter II of chap- in securities shall be deemed to have


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