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LL.ts. f orrth Semeslcr (l.ive Years Degree (lourse) (l0l..

l l5 Paftem)
.10072 : Economics Paper - IY

P. Pages : 2 A\', - 0-148

Tirnc:Thrcc Ilorrrs ll[iltltil1il \1r v N.,lrrkl l{)

Notas: I Soh,c in rllscvtn qrrcstions includinc qncqtion no. | $,hich is cornpulsoly lnd
ca(ies l0 nlurks.
l All olhL-r qrc\l rn\ cllll1 I(1 ntarks cach.

I Write shorl Dotcs on anr [our.

a) Disinvesrments.

b) Forest resourccs.

c) Joint scctor.

d) I.abour policy.

e) Developed couDuics.

0 Liberalisalion

g),,\gncultural productivily.
) What are the l'caturcs ofdcvcloping countries'l

3. l-xplain features ofc<nnpetition act 2002.

1. What arc thc various l)roblcnrs of small scale industries.

5. Whal is the role (]1\iliA{)"o9 .)Discuss.

6. Slate fealules of ccfltrc-statc Iinancial relaliol1s.

1. State features of Industrial policy of l99l.

8. Explain causes and e1l'ects ol conccntration ofccononric power.

9. What do you mean by E Comrncrcc ? -Lxpiain its adranlagcs & disadl'antages.

10. lixplain problems ol over population-

ll. Clhoose the correct oftions and re$ritc thc sentcncc.

i) I o free the econonry tiom direct or physical colltrols inlposc(l by thc govcrnnrent i:' :

a) Liberalisation b) Globalisation
c) Delegation d) Scparalio

A\', - 01.18 P T,O

ri) I lc polrcv rclallf! 1o ur\iLrion. e\perdiLure & public clebt i: :

a) Socill \cllire polirv b) I abolrrpolic!,

c) I-i\.rl f()lic! il) DevelopmenL pulicl'

1ii) \4rin oceupirlion oflhc rirllor population in Trldia is :

r) lgnculLorc b) lraclc
t) Serri.c ,lt \ore olthese
1v) \lTI :\rrog is
).jntionel Inititrrlion lor Transthnnrng India
b) \ation's intcnrirl I rading lnstitulion
c) \xtiolls rntcrlrel lrilnslatins insiitution

r') Iirpenditurc incurred bv Co\amnlcnl lbrpromotin1.: economic. social !vcllarc o1-lhc

people is :

a) hrbli. I)cbr h) Public Exfenditure

c) Puhlic tltility Scr\ices d) Noneolabore

.\\' - 03,18

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