Know Your Prophet (PDF)

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By Dr. Jasem Al-Mutawac

Translated by
Shatha Hammudi
Copyright © Jasem Al-Mutawac 2008

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any
means including but not limited to electronic mechanical photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission from the author.

Title: Know Your Prophet

Author: Dr. Jasem Al-Mutawac
Translated from the Arabic - ‫تعرف على حبيبك‬
Translated by: Shatha Hammudi
Edited by: Madinah Bola
Cover Design: Shatha Hammudi

Printed by New Vision

93 Sydney Road
London N8 0ET
Transliteration Key and Abbreviations i
Biography ii


Know Your Prophet 1

The Honors Bestowed upon Him in this World 5
The Honors Bestowed upon Him in the Hereafter 8
Allãh’s Praise and Comendation 9
His Character 10
His Humor and Laughter 11
Belief in Him and the Reward of Loving Him 12
Reverence and Good Manners Towards Him 13
Prayer and Salutation upon Him 14

‫ء‬ ‘ ‫د‬ d ‫ط‬ ṭ ‫م‬ m

‫ا‬ ã, a ‫ذ‬ dh ‫ظ‬ ẓ ‫ن‬ n
‫ب‬ b ‫ر‬ r ‫ع‬ c ‫ه‬ h
‫ت‬ t ‫ز‬ z ‫غ‬ gh ‫و‬ ũ, u, w
‫ث‬ th ‫س‬ s ‫ف‬ f ‫ي‬ ĩ , i, y
‫ج‬ j ‫ش‬ sh ‫ق‬ q
‫ح‬ ḥ ‫ص‬ ṣ ‫ك‬ k
‫خ‬ kh ‫ض‬ ḍ ‫ل‬ l

Notes to „Know your Prophet‟
1. : Mentioned after the Prophet Muḥammad‟s name and translated as “May God bless him and grant him peace.”
2. The year of the Elephant: is the year in which The Elephant army came from Yemen under the command of Abrahah al-Ashram intending to destroy the Kacba at Makkah.
3. A.H.: “After the Hijrah.” The Hijrah is the migration of the Prophet Muḥammad from Makkah to Madinah which took place in 622.
4. The Presence of Allãh‟s Messenger is a source of security for the companions and the presence of the companions is a source of security for the Ummah.
Abu Burda reported on the authority of his father: We offered the sunset prayer along with Allãh‟s Messenger (may peace be upon him). We then said: If we sit (along with Allãh's
Messenger) and observe night prayer with him it would be very good, so we sat down and he came to us and said: You are still sitting here. I said: Allãh's Messenger, we observed evening
prayer with you, then we said: Let us sit down and observe night prayer along with you, whereupon he said: You have done well or you have done right. He then lifted his head towards the
sky and it often happened that as he lifted his head towards the sky, he said: The stars are a source of security for the sky and when the stars disappear there comes to the sky, i.e. (it
meets the same fate) as it has been promised (it would plunge into darkness). And I am a source of safety and security to my Companions and when I would go away there would fall to
the lot (of my Companions) as they have been promised with and my Companions are a source of security for the Ummah and as they would go there would fall to the lot of my Ummah as
(its people) have been promised. (Muslim)
5. Adhan: The call to prayer pronounced loudly.
6. Iqamah: The wording of Adhan is reduced so that the wording that is repeated twice in the Adhan is said once in Iqamah, except the last phrase of Allãhu Akbar and
the prayer is offered immediately after Iqamah.
7. Tashahud: The recitation of the invocation At-taḥiyatu Lilah........ wa ashhadu ana muḥammadan rasul-ullah while in sitting posture in prayer.
8. Ĩd al-Fiṭr: The three days‟ festival of Muslims starting from the first day of Shawwal the month that follows Ramadan. Fiṭr literally means breaking the Șaum (fast).
9. Ĩd al-„Aḍḥa: The four days‟ festival of Muslims starting on the tenth day of Dhul-Hijjah.
10. Days of Tashrĩq: It is a term used for the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth of Dhul-Hijjah.
11. cArafah: The ninth day of the month Dhul-Hijjah, on which the pilgrims stay in the cArafat plain until sunset.
12. Jamarat: Stone-built pillar in a walled place. There are three Jamarahs at Mina. One of the ceremonies of Hajj is to throw pebbles at these Jamarahs on the four days
of Ĩd al-„Aḍḥa at Mina.
13. Șafa and Marwah: Two mountains at Makkah neighboring al-Masjid al-Ḥaram (The Sacred Mosque) to the east. One who performs cUmrah and Hajj should walk seven
times between these two mountains and that is called Sacy.

Biography of Author
Name: Jasem al-Mutawac
Nationality: Kuwaiti
Year of Birth: 1956

Bachelor Degree in Law
Masters Degree (Family Secrets in the Qur’an and Sunnah)

Current Work
 President of the Board of Directors for al-Farḥah and Walady Magazines
 President of the Board of Directors for My Fun World Library
 Prepares and presents the program Happy Homes on Iqra’ Channel
 Prepares and presents Discussion without Restriction on Iqra’ Channel
 Prepares and presents training and rehabilitation seminars concerning family affairs
 Founder of the Website for Marriages
 Founder and Director of the program Kursi al-Noor for the rehabilitation of social leaders in the world

Earlier Work
 Member of the Endowment Family Trust - Secretary General of Endowment - Kuwait
 Founder and Chairman of the Happy Homes Committee – Secretary General of Endowment - Kuwait
 President of the work team for Law of Kinship in the Supreme Committee for Completing the Application of
Islamic Sharicah-Ameery Diwan, Kuwait
 Founder and Chairman of the Arab Family Contest to choose the best Arab family in co-ordination with Dubai
 Microsoft Company chose Jasem al-Mutawac as one of the successful personalities in dealing with Technology for
the year 2003
 Founder and Chairman of Masabih al-Huda Committee – Social Reform Society
 A previous civil judge in Kuwait

Some of his other books include: The Alphabet of Marital Happiness; The Equation of Success after Divorce and
Priorities in Marital Life.

Know Your Know Your Prophet Muḥammad

His Lineage His Birth His Wet Nurses His Mother’s Death
The Honors Muḥammad is the son of 1
The Prophet was The first wet Nurse of the Aminah accompanied by
Bestowed upon c
Abdullãh son of cAbdul- born on Monday the Prophet was Thuwaibah Muḥammad (then aged six)
Him in this World Muṭṭalib son of Hashim 12th of Rabĩc al-Awwal better known as Um and his nanny Um Ayman, set
son of cAbd Munaf son of which coincides with Masrũḥ, who also suckled off to Madinah to visit his
The Honors Quṣay son of Murrah. His the year of the Ḥamzah (may God be maternal uncles. During the
Bestowed upon Him Mother Aminah is the Elephant2. pleased with him) the uncle return journey, a month later,
in the Hereafter daughter of Wahab son of of the Prophet , followed Aminah died at al-Abwa’.
Abd Munaf son of Zahrah by Ḥalĩmah as-Sacdiah. At the time of cUmrat al-
Allãh’s Praise son of Kilab son of Ḥudaybiah the Prophet
and Murrah. said, “Allãh has granted
Commendation Muḥammad permission to visit
his mother’s grave”, which he
His Names Aminah’s Pregnancy did. While there he wept and
His Character Muḥammad, Aḥmad, Obliterator of Disbelief, Aminah said, “I did not feel those present with him wept
Gatherer on the Day of Resurrection, pregnant nor did I feel any too. He was then asked, “What
Successor of all Prophets, Prophet of Mercy, discomfort as other women felt made you weep?” he replied,
Prophet of Repentance, Prophet of Fierce during pregnancy. Were it not “I was overcome with feelings
His Humor and of mercy for my mother
Battles, One who is followed, Witness, for missing a period I would not
Laughter Conveyor of Glad Tidings, Warner, Often have realized I was pregnant.” therefore I wept.”
Smiling, Puts his Trust in Allãh, Conqueror,
Belief in Him Trustworthy, Last Prophet, Chosen One, and
and the Reward the Messenger.
of Loving Him

Reverence and His Father’s Death

Good Manners His father set out on a trade journey heading forwhen shea sought
Syria with group of Quraish. On their return they passed through
towards Him c
Madinah. Feeling ill, Abdullãh decided to stay ininterpretation,
Madinah with his they Bani cAddi bin al-Najjar. A Month later he
passed away at the age of 25 leaving a legacy ofher5 camels and awill
that she sheep inherited
give birth by the Prophet . He was looked
Prayer and after by his nanny Barakah known as Um Ayman. to the master and leader
Salutation upon
of the people.
· If she ever sought water
from a well, the water
1 itself would rise up to her
out of honouring the fetus
inside her.
· One time she said:
Know Your Know Your Prophet Muḥammad
His Physical Description His Children
The Honors
Bestowed upon
Him in this World The Prophet was of middle stature neither tall nor short. He The first to be born to the Prophet
was neither dark skinned nor extremely white. His hair was Muḥammad from his wife Khadijah was
The Honors neither straight nor curly but rather in between touching his al-Qasim followed by four daughters:
Bestowed upon Him shoulders. Anas said, “I have not touched silk softer than the Zaynab, Ruqayah, Faṭimah, and Um-Kulthũm
in the Hereafter hand of the Messenger of Allãh.” His mouth was full and his eye c
and in Islam Abdullãh. The first to die was
slits were long. His face was round of a light red complexion. his son al-Qasim. The last child to be born
Allãh’s Praise
His eyes were black. His fingers were thick. His forearms were was Ibrahĩm from Mary the Coptic. Ibrahĩm
long. He had a large forehead, a coarse beard and flat cheeks. died when he was sixteen months old.
His chest was broad with hair on his arms and shoulders.

His Character Some of His Miracles

His Humor and The The yearning Knowledge of Foretelling Increasing the His
Laughter Qur’ãn of a palm tree the unseen future events quantity of food supplications
and water with answered
Belief in Him Al-Isra’ & Micraj The flowing of his blessing
and the Reward
Splitting of the
The night journey water through moon
of Loving Him and the ascension his fingers Fighting of the
Reverence and angels along side
Good Manners Being greeted by Curing the illnesses of his the Prophet
towards Him rocks and trees companions through supplication
and the use of his hands on the
Prayer and affected area
Salutation upon

Know Your Know Your Prophet Muḥammad
His Wives
The Honors c
Khadijah Bint Khuwailid Ḥafṣah Bint Umar Um Salamah
Bestowed upon c
Khadijah was married twice prior to Her father went to Abu Bakr and to Atikah Bint cAmir
Him in this World c
marrying the Prophet . She was Uthman to offer his daughter for She was one of the first
the first person to believe. Gabriel marriage, but neither responded. She was women to migrate. Following
The Honors conveyed Allãh’s greetings to her. the death of her husband Abu
then engaged to the Prophet . Abu Bakr
Bestowed upon Him Khadijah remained the only wife of Salamah, she married the
told cUmar, “The only thing that prevented
in the Hereafter the Prophet for 24 years until me from marrying your daughter was that Prophet . After cAsr Prayer
her death on 10th of Ramadan at the Prophet has mentioned Ḥafṣah and the Prophet would visit his
Allãh’s Praise the age of 65. The Prophet I could not disclose the Prophet’s secret.” wives starting with Um
and remained faithful to her and to The Prophet divorced Ḥafṣah then took Salamah as she was the
Commendation those who knew her. Whenever he her back. She died at the age of 60, in 41 oldest. She was the last to die
remembered her he would A.H.3 among the Prophet’s wives at
supplicate for her forgiveness. the age of 84.
His Character

A’ishah Bint Abu Bakr Zaynab Bint Jaḥsh
She married the Prophet at the age of 35, 2nd
His Humor and The Prophet saw her twice in a dream prior to marrying her.
c year of Hijrah. Prior to marrying her, the Prophet
Laughter A’ishah was six or seven years old when she was engaged to
sought guidance from Allãh (Exalted is He) and
Muḥammad . At the age of nine she was married and at the
the following verse was revealed, “But you had
age of 18 the Prophet passed away. He used to play with
Belief in Him hidden in your heart what Allãh was to disclose.”
her, kiss her while fasting and supplicate for her.
and the Reward She used to say, “I am held superior to the wives of the Prophet
of Loving Him Feeling proud, Zaynab would say, “By God, I am
for ten things, he did not marry a virgin but me, nor did he
unlike any of the wives of the Messenger of God; it
marry someone whose parents were believers and migrants but
Reverence and was God who wedded me to him.” She was God-
me, God revealed my innocence from Heaven, Gabriel came with
Good Manners fearing, truthful, attentive to family ties and very
my picture on a piece of silk, I bathed with the Prophet from generous and charitable. She died at the age of 50
towards Him one basin, the revelation descended upon him while with me, his in 20 A.H. cUmar bin al-Khaṭṭab performed the
soul was taken while lying between my breast and lap, he prayer.
Prayer and passed away during my night and was buried in my hut.”
Salutation upon

Know Your Know Your Prophet Muḥammad
His Wives
The Honors
Bestowed upon (Um Ḥabĩbah) Maymũnah Bint al-Ḥarith Sawdah Bint Zamcah
Him in this World Ṣafiyah Bint Abi al-AṢ Maymũnah offered herself in The Prophet married her in the
She emigrated to Abyssinia with marriage to the Prophet . Allãh year 10 A.H. When she grew old the
The Honors her husband who subsequently (Sublime and Exalted is He) says in Prophet offered to divorce her.
Bestowed upon Him converted to Christianity prior to the following verse, She said, “Do not divorce me, I want
his death. Whilst there, the “…And a believing woman if she to be resurrected on the Day of
in the Hereafter
Prophet sent an offer of offers herself to the Prophet, and Gathering as one of your wives and I
Allãh’s Praise marriage through the King the Prophet wishes to marry her, a have given my night to cA’ishah.”
Negus who paid her dowry of privilege for you only not for the She remained with the Prophet
four hundred Dinars on behalf (rest of) the believers....” (33:50). until his death. Sawdah died
of the Prophet . She The Prophet married her during towards the end of cUmar bin al-
returned to Madinah 9 A.H. and his cUmrah to Makkah. She died in Khaṭṭab’s Caliphate.
died in the year 44 A.H. the year 61 A.H.
His Character
Ṣafĩyah Bint Ḥuyayy
She was the daughter of Ḥuyayy bin al-
His Humor and Akhṭab, the chief of Banu Naḍĩr. Being a
Laughter captive (following the Battle of Khaybar),
Juwairiyah Bint al-Ḥarith her dowry from the Prophet set her
The Prophet married her Zaynab Bint Khuzaimah free.
Belief in Him
after setting her free. She was She was known as the 'Mother of On one occasion, the Prophet found
and the Reward
among the captives that fell to the Poor' for her generosity to the Ṣafĩyah weeping, she said, “Ḥafṣah and
of Loving Him c
A’ishah were being scornful towards me.
the Muslims (during the Battle of orphans and the poor.
Bani al-Muṣṭaliq). As soon as the She passed away during the life of They say they are the cousins of the
Reverence and Messenger of Allãh.” The Prophet
marriage was announced 100 the Prophet eight months after
Good Manners captives from her tribe were set said, “Tell them, how can you be better
her marriage.
towards Him free. This was a great blessing to than me, while my father is Harun, my
her people. She died in the year Uncle Moses and my husband is
Prayer and 50 A.H. Muḥammad.” She died in 50 A.H.
Salutation upon

Know Your The Honors Bestowed upon Him in this World
Taking the Covenant The First Muslim A favor on the Believers
The Honors Allãh (Exalted is He) says, Allãh (Exalted is He) says, “…And I Allãh (Exalted is He) says, “Allãh verily
Bestowed upon “…And when Allãh made a have been commanded to be the first of has shown grace to the believers by
Him in this World covenant with the prophets, those who submit (surrender unto sending unto them a messenger of their
'What I have given you of the Him)” (39:12). own” (3:164).
The Honors Book and wisdom; then there
shall come to you a messenger
Bestowed upon Him
confirming what is with you,
in the Hereafter you shall believe in him and A Mercy to all Mankind
you shall help him'. He said to His Claim over all Nations Allãh (Exalted is He) says, “We did not
Allãh’s Praise them, 'Do you affirm? And do than their Own Prophets send you, except as a mercy to all the
and you take My load on you on Allãh (Exalted is He) says, “Surely the worlds” (21:107).
Commendation that condition?' They said, 'We people with the best claim to Abraham,
affirm'. He said, 'Then bear are those who followed him, and this
witness, and I shall be with you Prophet, and those who believe.” (3:68).
among the witnesses' ” (3:81). The Best of Creations
His Character
The Prophet said, “Verily Allãh granted
eminence to Kinanah from amongst the
descendants of Ismacil and he granted
His Wives are the Mothers of
His Humor and eminence to the Quraish amongst Kinanah
the Believers and he granted eminence to the Quraish
Laughter Allãh (Exalted is He) says, “The Prophet is amongst Banu Hashim and he granted me
closer to the believers than their selves, eminence from the tribe of Banu Hashim.”
and his wives are (as) their mothers” He added, “I am, without boasting, the
Belief in Him A Prophet while Adam (33:6). noblest of Adam’s offspring.”
and the Reward was still Clay
of Loving Him The Prophet said, “I was
decreed in Divine Presence to be The Seal of Prophets
Reverence and the Seal of the Prophets when
The Prophet said, “The similitude of mine and that of the Apostles before me is that of a
Good Manners Adam was still kneaded in his
person who built a house quite imposing and beautiful and he made it complete but for one brick
towards Him clay.”
in one of its corners. People began to walk round it, and the building pleased them and they
would say, but for this brick your building would have been perfect. Muḥammad said, and I
Prayer and am that final brick.”
Salutation upon

Know Your The Honors Bestowed upon Him in this World
Security to His Nation Allãh’s Promise to Allãh Never Called Some Rules
The Honors Allãh (Exalted is He) says, Protect Him Him by His Name Ordained in Heaven
Bestowed upon “But Allãh was not about to Allãh (Exalted is He) says, Allãh (Exalted is He) says, c
Abdullãh bin Mascũd said,
Him in this World punish them, while you were “Allãh will protect you from “O Messenger, make “The Messenger of Allãh
among them” (8:33). people” (5:67), and “Indeed known that which has was given three (things), he
was given five prayers, the
The Honors Allãh’s Messenger said, We have sufficed you been revealed to you from
“The stars are a source of mockers” your Lord” (5:67) and “O concluding verses of Surat
Bestowed upon Him against the
al-Baqarah, and the
security for the sky and when (15:95). Prophet, Allãh suffices
in the Hereafter the stars disappear there remission of serious sins for
you, and the believers those among his nation who
comes to the sky as it has
Allãh’s Praise who follow you” (8:64). associate not anything with
been promised. And I am a
and source of safety and security Allãh’s Promise to
Commendation to my Companions.4”
Protect His Religion
Allãh (Exalted is He) says,
Universal Message “Verily it is We Who have
His Character Allãh (Exalted is He) says, revealed the Remembrance,
“…And We did not send you
except to all of mankind
and assuredly We will Allãh Swore by Him
preserve it” (15:9).
(both) as a bearer of good
His Humor and tidings and a warner”
Laughter (34:28).
Constant Blessings Swore for
Swore by His
upon Him Him
Belief in Him Prohibition of Calling out Allãh (Exalted is He) says,
City Allãh (Exalted is
His Name and raising Swore by His Allãh (Exalted is
and the Reward “Indeed Allãh and His He) says, “By the
one’s Voice above His Life He) says, “I swear
of Loving Him angels bless the Prophet. O
Allãh (Exalted is by this land and
Star when it sets,
Allãh (Exalted is He) says, “Do you, who believe, invoke Your Companion
He) says, “By you have free
Reverence and not, among yourselves, consider blessings on him and invoke has neither gone
your life in their disposal of this
the calling of the Messenger to peace upon him in a worthy astray nor has
Good Manners drunkenness they land” (90:1, 2).
be like your calling of one manner” (33:56). erred” (53:1, 2).
towards Him another” (24:63) and “O you who The word bless means to
renew and to continue sending
believe, do not raise your voices
Prayer and above the voice of the Prophet” graces, honors, blessings and (15:72).
Salutation upon (49:2). mercy.

Know Your The Honors Bestowed upon Him in this World
Isra’ and Micraj Partner Jinn The Best Numerous Virtues
The Honors He received the honor of Embraced Islam Centuries Allãh’s Messenger said, “I
Bestowed upon - Being addressed directly The Prophet said, Allãh’s Messenger
By Allãh have been sent with the shortest
Him in this World “There is none said, “I have
- Seeing Paradise and amongst you who been sent in the best expressions bearing the widest
Hellfire does not have a of all the generations meanings, and I have been given
The Honors - Hearing the creaking of partner from the jinn.” of Adam's offspring victory by filling the hearts of the
Bestowed upon Him the pens (used by the Companions asked, since their creation.”
in the Hereafter angels to copy from the “Even you.” He said, enemies with fear at a distance
Preserved Tablet) “Yes, but Allãh helped of one month's journey, spoils
Allãh’s Praise - Leading the Prophets in me against him and he have been made lawful to me:
prayer in Jerusalem has embraced Islam.
and Seal of the the earth has been made for me
The Prophet said, “I saw He does not command
Commendation myself among a group of the me except for good.”
Prophets clean and a place of worship and
Prophets and at prayer time I Jabir said, “I saw his
while I was sleeping, the keys of
led them in prayer.” seal, like the egg of a
Postponement of dove, between his the treasures of the world were
His Character shoulders.”
His Accepted Duca brought to me and put in my
The Forgiveness of all The Prophet said, “I hand.” Abu Hurairah added,
His Sins have, however, reserved “Allãh’s Messenger is gone now
His Humor and Allãh (Exalted is He) says, my prayer for the
Knowledge of the and you people, are bringing out
Laughter “Verily We have given you a intercession of my
Unseen those treasures.”
clear victory, that Allãh may nation on the Day of c
Umar said, “One day the
forgive you what is past of Prophet stood up
Belief in Him your sin and what is to come” amongst us and
and the Reward (48:1). informed us about the Seeing Him in a Dream
of Loving Him Between His House beginning of creation. He Allãh’s Messenger said, “He
and the Pulpit is a talked about everything who sees me in a dream has
Reverence and He Sees From Behind His Garden in detail until the people certainly seen me, because Satan
Back Allãh’s Messenger said, of Paradise entered can not take my form.”
Good Manners
Allãh’s Messenger said, “By “The area between my Paradise and the people
towards Him of Hell entered the Fire.
Allãh, nothing is hidden from me house and the pulpit is one
regarding your bowing and of the gardens of Paradise. Some remembered what
Prayer and submissiveness and I see you My pulpit will be on my he had said, and some
Salutation upon from behind my back.” pool.” forgot.”

Know Your The Honors Bestowed upon Him in the Hereafter

The Honors A Witness Given the The First to Enter The Prophet
Bestowed upon Allãh (Exalted is He) says, Praiseworthy Paradise with Most
Him in this World “So how shall it be when Position and the Allãh‟s Messenger Followers
We bring forward from Right to said, “I will come to the Allãh‟s Messenger
The Honors every community a Gate of Paradise and ask
Intercede said, “Amongst
witness; and We bring for it to be opened. The the Prophets on the
Bestowed upon Him This is established in a
you as witness against gatekeeper will ask, Day of Resurrection
in the Hereafter well known ḥadĩth. The
these? ” (4:41). “Who are you?” I will I shall have the
supplication made upon
hearing the Adhan5. say, “Muḥammad.” The most followers.”
Allãh’s Praise gatekeeper will say, “I
and was ordered not to open
The First to be the gate for anyone
Commendation Resurrected and the The First to Cross Intercession
before you.”
First to Intercede the Bridge The Prophet said, “My
Allãh‟s Messenger said, intercession is for those
Allãh‟s Messenger said, “I who commit major and
His Character am the first to have my grave
“I (Muḥammad) shall be the
first amongst the Apostles to minor sins, to enter
open, the first to intercede people into Paradise and
cross the bridge with my
and the first to be allowed to speed up reckoning for
intercession.” those who are waiting on
His Humor and
the Day of Resurrection.”
A Position on the Right of the Throne All Prophets under
Abdullãh bin Salam narrated that the best of Allãh‟s creations is His Banner
Belief in Him Abu al-Qasim then he said, “On the Day of Judgment Allãh will Given Al-Kawthar
and the Reward Allãh‟s Messenger said,
raise his creation nation after nation and Prophet after Prophet, The Prophet said, “While
“On the Day of Resurrection
of Loving Him the last being Aḥmad and with him his nation of the pious and the
everyone will be under my I was walking in Paradise, I
dissolute. Then a bridge will be laid over Hell and Allãh will blind saw a river, on the two
banner waiting relief and in
Reverence and his enemies causing them to fall off the bridge. As for the Prophet banks of which there were
my hand will be the Banner
Good Manners and the righteous people they will be saved and met by the of Praise (Liwa'ul-Ḥamd). I tents made of hollow pearls.
angels who will show them their place in Paradise. The Prophet will walk and the people will I asked, „What is this, O
towards Him Gabriel?‟ He said, „This is the
will be positioned on the right of Allãh and a herald will say walk with me until I reach
where is Jesus and his nation.” the Gate of Paradise.” Pool (Kawthar) which Your
Prayer and Lord has given you.‟”
Salutation upon

Know Your Allãh ’s Praise and Commendation
Purity of the Prophet A Witness, a Bearer of Elevate His Fame
The Honors Allãh (Exalted is He) says, “As also Glad Tidings and a Allãh (Exalted is He) says “…Did We not exalt
Bestowed upon We have sent among you, of Warner your mention?” (94:4).
Him in this World yourselves, a messenger” (2:151). Allãh (Exalted is He) says, Ibn cAbbas said, “The Prophet is mentioned
Ali bin Abi Ṭalib said, “What lineage, “Indeed We have sent you as a along with Allãh the Almighty in Adhan, Iqamah6
ancestry and father-in-law. None of witness, and a bearer of good and Tashahud7; on Fridays during Sermons; the
The Honors my forefathers from the beginning of days of Ĩd al-Fiṭr8 and Ĩd al-„Aḍḥa9; the days of
tidings, and a warner” (48:8).
Bestowed upon Him Adam was born out of fornication. All He is a witness over mankind on Tashrĩk10 and cArafah11; near the Jamarat12, on
in the Hereafter of us are from wedlock.” the Day of Resurrection, a Ṣafa and Marwah13; during a marriage sermon and
Ibn cAbbas explained the following witness to the Oneness of Allãh, in the east of the earth and the west.
Allãh’s Praise verse where The Almighty says, a bearer of good tidings to those It will not suffice to Worship Allãh alone unless
and “…And your movements among who believe yet a Warner to you bear witness that Muḥammad is the
those who prostrate” (26:219), that those who disbelieve. The Messenger of Allãh otherwise one will be regarded
the seed of the Prophet was Almighty says, “…And as a as a disbeliever.” It is also said, The Prophet has
implanted in succession from one summoner to Allãh” (33:46). been elevated in stature among the angels in
Prophet to the next until Allãh heaven, among the believers on earth and in the
His Character (Exalted is He) finally brought him as Hereafter by giving him the praiseworthy position
a Prophet. and honorable ranks.

His Humor and Mercy Shining Lamp

Laughter Allãh (Exalted is He) says, “…We did not send you, except Allãh (Exalted is He) says, “…And as a summoner to Allãh by His
as a mercy to all the worlds” (21:107). leave, and as an illuminating lamp” (33:46).
Muḥammad is the embodiment of Divine Compassion, A lamp spreads light, if the light goes out, the lamp remains. Every
Belief in Him
one whom Allãh the Almighty sent as a mercy to all the companion took from the light of guidance.
and the Reward
worlds. His qualities are a mercy to the whole of mankind. The Prophet said, “My companions are like the stars whomever
of Loving Him Those who are touched by his mercy are saved. He is a you follow you will be guided.” He did not regard his companions as
mercy to all jinn and men both in his life and in his death. a lamp but rather as stars that do not give light. Therefore if a
Reverence and Muḥammad is, companion dies then a follower will enlighten himself with the light of
Good Manners - A mercy to the believer through guidance. the Prophet taking only his sayings and actions.
towards Him - A mercy to the hypocrite as a security from being killed.
- A mercy to the disbeliever by delaying the punishment.
Prayer and
Salutation upon

Know Your His Character

The Honors His Clemency His Modesty His Mercy and Compassion
Bestowed upon During the battle of Uḥud, The Prophet shared A Bedouin came to the Prophet asking for
Him in this World the Prophet’s tooth was housework with his family. something. When the Prophet gave him He asked
broken and he sustained He used to clean and mend the Bedouin, “Have I been good to you?” the Bedouin
an injury to his face. It was his clothes, milk the sheep, was ungratefully dissatisfied and replied, “No, you have
The Honors unbearable for the repair his shoes, serve not; you have not done well." Upon hearing this, the
Bestowed upon Him companions to see him in himself, sweep the house, companions became angry and were about to rise up
in the Hereafter such a state, so they said if tie and feed the camels,
to him but the Prophet indicated that they should
only you would supplicate carry the shopping home,
for a curse against them. eat with the servant and not do so. The Prophet went into his house, sent
Allãh’s Praise for the Bedouin and gave him more. He then asked the
He replied, “I have not been help her knead.
and man, “Have I been good to you?” He replied: "Yes,
sent to curse, rather I was He was given a choice
Commendation sent as an inviter to Allãh between being a King and a may Allãh repay you well in family and tribe.” The
and a mercy to them. O Prophet or a servant and a Prophet then said to him, “What you said earlier
Allãh guide my people for Prophet, he chose the made my companions angry. If you like, repeat what
His Character they do not know.” latter. you just said to them so that what they harbor in their
chest against you will be removed.” The Bedouin
returned later and the Prophet said, “This Bedouin
His Generosity said what he said and then we gave him more. He
His Humor and The Prophet was given 90,000 dirham which he placed on a claims to be content. Isn't that so?" The Bedouin said,
Laughter mat and distributed. He never turned down the request of "Yes, may Allãh repay you well in your family and
anyone until there was none left to give away. A man came to tribe.”
him and asked him to give him something. The Prophet had
Belief in Him nothing to give, but rather than let the man return empty handed
and the Reward he said, “I do not have anything to give you, but buy something
on my account and I will pay for it when I get some money”. On His Loyalty
of Loving Him
hearing this cUmar said, “Allãh did not command you to do what Whenever the Prophet was given a gift he would say,
you are unable to do.” The Prophet did not like what he “Take it to so-and-so’s house she used to love Khadijah.”
Reverence and One day a lady paid him a visit he welcomed her and
heard from cUmar. Whereupon a person from among the
Good Manners companions said, “O Messenger of Allãh, spend whatever you asked how she was. When she left the Prophet said,
towards Him wish, and do not fear any lessening from the Lord.” The Prophet “She used to visit us when Khadijah was alive and being
smiled and the happiness could be seen on his face. Then he loyal (to Khadijah’s friends) is a part of faith.”
Prayer and said, “Allãh has commanded me to do this.”
Salutation upon

Know Your His Humor and Laughter

The Honors With His Wives With Children With a Woman

Bestowed upon c
A‟ishah said, “I offered some soup which I Allãh‟s Messenger used A woman known as Um
Him in this World have made to Sawdah, with the Prophet to take the hand of his „Ayman came to the Prophet
sitting between me and her, she refused. grandson al-Ḥasan son of and said, “My husband
The Honors I said, “You either eat or I smear your face.” c
Ali and lift him up with his invites you.” He joked saying,
Bestowed upon Him She would not eat so I took some soup from feet and chant nursery “Who is he? The man in whose
in the Hereafter the bowl and smeared her face with it. rhymes. He also used to eye there is whiteness?” She
Allãh‟s Messenger laughed and lifted his stick his tongue out which said, “Oh Allãh‟s Messenger,
Allãh’s Praise feet off her lap and said to Sawdah smear amused al-Ḥasan. by Allãh, there is no whiteness
and her face. So she took some soup and in his eye.”
Commendation smeared my face and Allãh‟s Messenger
kept on laughing.”

His Character

His Humor and With Bondwoman

Laughter Um Nabeat said, “We married off a bondwoman and I was With One of His Companions
one of the ladies playing the tambourine and singing, Anas said that one day the Prophet came to
Belief in Him We have come to you we have come to you Zahir whilst he was selling some goods. He embraced
and the Reward Peace be upon us peace be upon you him from behind. The man could not see him, so he
Were it not for the gold she come not your abode” said, “Who is this, Let me go!?” As soon as he knew
of Loving Him
The Prophet stopped her and said, “what did you say it was the Prophet , he moved closer to him. The
Reverence and Um Nabeat” Prophet then said, “Who will buy this slave?”
She replied, “You are dearer to me than my own parents Zahir said, “O Messenger of Allãh, I am worthless!”
Good Manners
O Messenger of Allãh, we are giving the bride to her The Messenger of Allãh replied, “You are not
towards Him husband” and repeated what she was singing to him, He considered worthless by Allãh!” or “You are valuable
then added, and precious to Allãh.”
Prayer and “Were it not for brown wheat your virgins wouldn‟t eat.”
Salutation upon

Know Your Belief in Him and the Reward of Loving Him

The Honors Belief in Him Loving Him is an The Love of a Lady

Bestowed upon Allãh's messenger said, Obligation A woman from „Anṣar lost her father,
Him in this World "I have been ordered to fight The Prophet said, brother and husband in the Battle of
the people until they testify "None of you will have faith Uḥud. Yet all she was concerned about
The Honors that there is no God but until he loves me more was the well-being of the Prophet .
Bestowed upon Him Allãh and believe in me and than his father, his children She was told, “He is all right as you
in the Hereafter in what I have come with. If and all mankind." would expect him to be.” She said,
they do, then their blood and The Prophet also said, “Show him to me so I can see him.”
Allãh’s Praise property are safe from me "Whoever possesses the When she did see him she said, “Every
and except in justified cases and following three qualities will misfortune is easy after seeing you.”
Commendation their reckoning will be with have the sweetness
Allãh." (delight) of faith. The first
one is “The one to whom
His Character Allãh and His Apostle
become dearer than
anything else.” The Reward of Loving Him
His Humor and A man was looking at the Prophet
Obeying Him is an without blinking. The Prophet asked,
Obligation The Love of the “What is wrong?” The man replied, “You are
Allãh (Exalted is He) says, “O Companions dearer to me than my own parents, it is a
Belief in Him you who believe Obey Allãh and When cAli bin Abi Ṭalib was delight to look at you, because when the
and the Reward obey His Messenger” (4:59). asked about the companions‟ Day of Resurrection comes, Allãh will raise
of Loving Him The Almighty also states, “On love for the Prophet he you up with his favouritism.” Then Allãh the
the day when their faces are said, Almighty revealed the following verse,
Reverence and turned about in the Fire they shall “By Allãh he was dearer to us “Whoever obeys Allãh and the Messenger,
Good Manners say, ‘O would that we had obeyed than our property, our they are with those whom Allãh has blessed of
towards Him Allãh and obeyed the children, our fathers, our the prophets and the truthful, and the martyrs,
Messenger!” (33:66). mothers and cold water on and the righteous. What fine companions they
thirst.” are! ” (4:69).
Prayer and
Salutation upon

Know Your Reverence and Good Manners towards Him

Imam al-Tajĩbĩ (may God Imam Malik (may Signs of Love and Good Manner
The Honors
have mercy on him) God have mercy on
Bestowed upon
Abu Ibrahĩm al-Tajĩbĩ said, him)
Him in this World “Every believer should submit Imam Malik said, “I love
Emulate the Prophet Constantly
and show reverence and respect to honour the sayings of
The Honors , follow his remember him
towards the Prophet upon the Prophet and only and long to
Bestowed upon Him Sunnah and adhere
hearing his name. He should quote them when I am meet him.
in the Hereafter to his sayings and
cease movement and assume a clean. I hate relating
actions whether
feeling of awe and veneration as them in the street, while
Allãh’s Praise optional or obligatory.
one would if he were in front of standing or if I am in a
and him behaving in the manner hurry. I also like to Love the Qur’ãn
Commendation taught to us by Allãh.” understand the ḥadĩth of which was revealed
the Messenger of Allãh.” to him as a means
of guidance and
His Character demeanour.
with his nation,
Imam Malik (may God have Imam Ibn Mahdi (may offer advice,
mercy on him) God have mercy on pursue their
His Humor and Whenever Imam Malik remembered the him) Love those he loved
interests and
Laughter Prophet his face would change c
Abdul Raḥman bin Mahdi endeavor to from his progeny
colour. He said, “I used to see Jacfar would request complete remove harm and companions and
Ibn Muḥammad (May God have mercy silence when reading the where possible. detest those who
Belief in Him
upon him) known for his good-humour ḥadĩth of the Prophet . gained his hostility.
and the Reward
and cheerful face, turn pale whenever He would say, “Do not raise
of Loving Him
the Prophet was mentioned in his your voice over the voice of
presence. He would never relate what the Prophet and listen
Reverence and
the Prophet said unless he was when a ḥadĩth is read in the Glorify him when he is
Good Manners mentioned and display
clean. His crying and paleness (may God same way the people
towards Him be pleased with him) was out of listened when the Prophet respect, submission and
reverence towards the Prophet and himself talked to them.” humility upon hearing his
Prayer and name.
eagerness to meet him.”
Salutation upon

Know Your Prayer and Salutation upon Him
The Meaning The Manner
The Honors When ascribed to Allãh the The best form of prayer upon the Prophet would be:
Almighty it means Allãh’s mercy, O Allãh, send prayers upon Muḥammad and the family of Muḥammad, just as You sent
Bestowed upon acceptance and praise of the prayers upon Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. Verily, You are indeed worthy of Praise,
Him in this World Prophet amidst the angels. Full of Glory. O Allãh, send blessings upon Muḥammad and the family of Muḥammad, just
When applied to the angels it as You sent blessings upon Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. Verily, You are indeed
The Honors means praying and asking for worthy of Praise, Full of Glory.
Bestowed upon Him forgiveness for him. As for his And the shortest form to use is O Allãh send your peace and blessing upon Muḥammad.
in the Hereafter nation, it means glorifying the
Prophet as well as praying
Allãh’s Praise and asking for forgiveness for
him. The Reward of Prayer upon Him
Times of Prayer The Messenger of Ibn Mascũd narrated that the Prophet
On Friday commencing at dusk, on Allãh said, said, “Those who are most deserving of my
His Character Thursday night and on the day of “Whoever recites intercession on the Day of Judgment are those
Friday before dusk, in the morning and prayer upon me who used to increasingly seek Allãh’s Blessing
in the evening, when entering or once, Allãh grants for me.” In another tradition, it is related,
leaving a Mosque, when visiting his him ten blessings, “People will come to me that I only recognize
His Humor and grave, upon hearing the Adhan, in forgives him ten sins by the abundance of their prayer on me.”
Laughter supplication and upon completion, and elevates his
while walking between Ṣafa and status by ten
Marwah, during and after a gathering, degrees.” Ubay Ibn Kacb said to Prophet “I invoke much.
Belief in Him at the end of Talbiyah, whenever his What portion of that should be of prayer upon you?”
and the Reward name is mentioned, when facing the The Prophet replied, “However much you wish.”
of Loving Him black stone, upon waking up, upon The Messenger of Allãh To this, I said, “A fourth?” He said, “If you wish, but
completion of the whole Qur’ãn, in said, “Whoever sends should you increase that number, it will be better for
hardship and anxiety, when asking blessings on me ten times you.” I then said, “A third?” And He said, “If you wish
Reverence and Allãh (Sublime and Exalted is He) for in the morning and ten in and if you do more, it is better for you.” I then said,
Good Manners forgiveness, when preaching and giving the evening will receive “Indeed! I shall make all of my prayers upon you!” To
towards Him lessons, during a marriage proposal my intercession on the this, he responded, “If you do that, then you will be
between man and woman, and when Day of Judgment.” freed from anxiety and your wrongs pardoned!”
Prayer and gathered together to remember Allãh .
Salutation upon


All Praise Belongs to Allãh Alone and may Allãh’s blessings and peace be upon our master Muḥammad and upon his family and

What attracted me to translate these two books ‘Know Your Prophet’ and ‘Plan for the Future’ was the layout which made it quite
easy and useful to arrive at the information. The first book sheds light on the life of the Prophet in a brief and concise way. As for
the second book, it provides vital information to plan for the Hereafter while we still can. After reading them both I felt that
translating them into English would be of benefit to non Arabic speakers.

I would like to thank the Author Dr. Jasem Al-Mutawac for his efforts in delivering that which is beneficial to Muslims and especially
for allowing me the opportunity to translate his two books. I would also like to thank my family, who supported me throughout.

I would also like to thank Avis Kirwi and Susan Jawad for generously taking the time to proofread the translation. Finally, immense
gratitude to Madinah Bola for her continuous support and help throughout the time it took to translate the book not forgetting her
tremendous efforts in editing and revising the translation.

The Translation of the Qur’ãnic material is taken from the Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought website at I relied heavily on the Translation of the Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute.

May Allãh the Almighty accept the efforts of all those who worked on it.

Shatha Hammudi

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