Year 5_English_Question Paper_Second Semester Exam answers

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Amaani Maryam 11th of May 2024
Name: …………….………………… Date : ………………

Subject: Year: 5 G Time: 2 hours

You must have: Source Booklet


 Fill in the information at the top of this page with your name, class and the date.
 Answer all the questions
 Write your answers in the answer script given.

 The total marks for this paper is 100.

 The marks for each question are shown in brackets.

 Read each question carefully before you start to answer it.

 Check your answers if you have time at the end.

Section Marks
A – Fiction
2 – Non Fiction
3 – Spelling, Grammar and
Marked by: Punctuation
4 – Writing
Checked by: Total
Overall Grade


Source A – The Hare and the Tortoise

1. Who won the race? (2 marks)

The tortoise won the race.


2. Which of these words mean the closest to ‘fast’? Select two words.
(2 marks)
(A) speedy (B) slow (C) quiet (D) quick (E) early (F) eager

3. Why did all the animals cheer? Select one answer. (2 marks)
(A) Because the hare fell asleep.
(B) Because the tortoise won the race against the hare.
(C) Because the hare won the race against the tortoise.
(D) Because the owl was the referee.

4. Number the sentences 1, 2 and 3 to order the events in the paragraph

beginning ‘The tortoise kept walking slowly on.’ (3 marks)
(A) The tortoise looked straight ahead and kept going. 1
(B) The tortoise just kept walking. 3
(C) The tortoise saw the hare asleep under a tree. 2

5. Why did the tortoise say that he is unbeaten? Select one answer. (2 marks)
(A) Because the tortoise had won every race against
every animal.
(B) Because the hare had never raced against the
(C) Because the tortoise is the fastest animal.
(D) Because the tortoise liked to boast.

6. Which of these words means the closest to ‘tremendous’? Select one

answer. (2 marks)
(A) slow (B) great (C) fast (d) usual

7. Why does the author say the hare ‘ran like the wind’? Select one answer.
(2 marks)
(A) To show that the hare liked to boast.
(B) To show how fast the hare could run.
(C) To show how slow the hare was.
(D) To show how impatient the hare was.

8. Look at the paragraph which begins with ‘The tortoise was a very modest
Find and copy three phrases used to describe why the tortoise thought he
‘was rather funny-looking’. (3 marks)

His heavy shell

1) …………………………………………………

His wrinkled skin


And his small eyes


9. Which two animals had failed to beat the hare? (1 mark)

The rabbit
1) ……………………………………………….

The badger
2) ……………………………………………….

10.Read the paragraph which begins with ‘The hare was running very fast.’
How do you think the hare felt with the tortoise nowhere to be seen?
(1 mark)

I think the hare felt that he could win the race against the tortoise, so he decided to take a

nap under a tree for 5 minutes but he ended up dozing off.


11.Why do you think the hare thought ‘the idea of racing against the tortoise
was ridiculous’? (2 marks)

The hare thought that the idea of racing against the tortoise was ridiculous because the

tortoise was very slow, and the hare was super-fast, so he thought that he could

easily win .

12.If you could be friends with either the tortoise or the hare, which would
you choose? Why? (3 marks)

I would choose the tortoise because the tortoise was a very slow and modest creature

unlike the hare who liked to boast about everything including his speed and also

because the tortoise was rather cute looking and because the tortoise won the race
even though he was slow.


Total for Section A = 25 marks

Source B – Space Travel

13.Look at the first sentence: ‘Space has always held mystery and amazement
for many of us.’ Which word could replace the word ‘amazement’ in this
sentence? Select the correct answer. (1 mark)
(A) horror
(B) tiredness
(C) wonder
(D) humour

14.Look at the sentence: ‘Here are just some of the missions which have left
Earth and travelled to the stars.’ What does ‘travelled to the stars’ mean
here? Select one answer. (2 marks)
(A) They went into space.
(B) All space missions land on stars.
(C) They all went to the same star.
(D) Space missions make you famous.

15.Look at the sentence under ‘Apollo II’ which begins ‘The United States of
America had created an agency called NASA…’ Which word could the writer
have used instead of ‘called’? Select the correct answer. (1 mark)
(A) that (B) who (C) was (D) named

16.Look at the ‘Vostok I’ section. What did scientists do to check that humans
could travel into space? (2 marks)
The scientists sent monkeys and other animals to space to check if it was safe.


17.Read the ‘Vostok I’ section again. Why do you think the writer chose this
picture to go with the text? (2 marks)

The writer chose that picture to show that Yuri Gagarin's space craft made a sing orbit
of the earth.

18.Look at the ‘Apollo II’ section. Find and copy the words that Neil Armstrong
said when he walked on the Moon. (1 mark)

That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.


19.Read the ‘International Space Station’ section. Why do you think that space
scientists chose to work together? Explain your answer with reasons.
(3 marks)

I think that the space scientists chose to work together because then it will be less cost

of money and also because they won't have wars on which country made the
International Space Station and it will be easier and faster if all countries work together

because teamwork makes the dreamwork.



20.Match the information to the sub-heading where you could look and learn
more about it. (3 marks)
(A) The first mission to the The International Space
Moon Station

(B) Scientists from Vostok I

different countries
working together

(C) The first person to go Apollo II

to space

21.Number these sentences 1, 2, 3 and 4 to order the information as it
appears in the text. (2 marks)
(A) In 1969, two NASA astronauts became the first people to
step on the Moon.
(B) Vostok I, made one orbit around the Earth.

(C) Scientists realised that they could do more if they

worked together.
(D) Yuri Gagarin, was the first person to travel into space

22.Select whether each sentence is a fact or an opinion. (4 marks)

Fact Opinion
(A) More people should go into space in the future.

(B) Since 2000, there has always been someone in

(C) Nearly 600 people have travelled to space.

(D) A third astronaut, Michael Collins, stayed on

board the Apollo II spacecraft to pilot it.

23.Which space mission was the most interesting to read about? Explain why.
(4 marks)
I think Apollo 11 mission was more interesting to read because my favorite astronaut is

Neil Armstrong and also because I have learned a lot about the Apollo 11 mission in

Science so I know it more than the Vostok 1.


Total for Section B = 25 marks

(30 marks)
Answer all the questions

24.Which one of the following best defines a relative pronoun? Select the
correct answer. (2 marks)
I. A relative pronoun describes a noun.
II. A relative pronoun is a word such as ‘who’, ‘which’, ‘that’ or ‘whose’
that is used instead of a noun in a relative clause.
III. A relative pronoun is a punctuation mark that separates parts of a
IV. A relative pronoun is used in place of a verb.

25.Identify the adverbs. Select two answers. (2 marks)

fast Peter on drive at

walk quickly sleeping near dog

26.Read the sentences below.

Write the adjectives and the nouns they describe. (3 marks)

I. Sarah has a brown cat.

II. Jacob is an honest man.

III. He ate a delicious mango.

27.Read the sentences below.

Write the relative clauses of the given sentences. (3 marks)

I. I know the girl who found your watch.

II. The bus which goes to the station has not come yet.

III. My uncle, who owns this hotel, is very rich.

28.Read the sentence below.
Identify the subject, verb and object of the given sentence. (3 marks)
The dog caught the hare.

Subject: ……………………………

Verb: ……………………………….

Object: …………………………….

29.Rewrite the following sentences adding the missing apostrophes where

necessary. (6 marks)

I. My childrens school isnt far from our house.


II. Ill have my dinner after I finish my homework.


III. My brothers room is always untidy.


IV. I wasnt looking where I was going and knocked into a mans shoulder.


30.Select the correct spelling out of the following pairs of words. (2 marks)

I. environment/ enviroment
II. dictonary/ dictionary
III. temprature/ temperature
IV. business/ busness

31.Rewrite the following sentences including the missing articles where
necessary. (4 marks)

I. Please close door.


II. I felt bit sad.


III. I like clothes you gave me.


IV. Nights get shorter in summer.


32.Use the most appropriate preposition and fill in the blanks. You may use
one preposition only once. (5 marks)

across over since until inside

I. The girl ran ________________ the street to catch her dog.

II. The fox jumped _______________ the fence.

III. The child waited patiently _____________ her mother came.

IV. We have been listening to this new song _______________ morning.

V. Keep the books _______________ the cupboard.

Total for Section C = 30 marks

33.Write a story beginning with the paragraph given below. (Word count: 100
– 150 words)
When writing the story,
 Continue the story in first person as given in the paragraph
 Describe
o What you hear
o What you see
o What you feel
o Things you do
 Use adverbs, adjectives, similes and metaphors to make your story
more attractive
 Include other characters if possible (could be other people or
 Develop the event/events in an interesting manner
 Include a climax (high point of the story)
 Include an ending to the story

Nothing can describe my confusion when I sunk into the water. Although I swam
very well, I found it difficult to get my head above water to breathe. A huge wave
carried me forward and as it went back, I found myself on dry land.










































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