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Fourth Semester @ive Years Degee Course) (2014-15 Pattem)

40073 : Constitutional Law - II
Paper - V
P. Pages : I AU - l78t
Tilne : Three Hours ruflilfllilfllll[l Max- Marks : 80

Notes: I Solve seveu questions in all including Q. No. 1 which is compulsory and canies
20 marks.
? All other questions carry 10 marks each.

I Write short notes on any four.

a) Doctrineofseverability.
b) Freedom of Movemeot.

c) Equal pay for equal work.

d) Rieht to Property.
e) State Emergency.

f) Prohibition ofemployment ofchildren in factories etc.

g) To ious Liability ofstate.

Explai[ the coDc€pt, origin and development of fundamental rights in India.

3. Discuss the special provisions for the protection of\aeaker section ofsociety

4. Explain the meaning and scope of Freedom of speech and expression including media,
Prcss and dght to information.

5 State the various protections in respect of conviction for ollbnccs guaranteed rmder lndian

6 Explain lhe cotrcept ofsecularism. Discuss the scope and limits ofRight to Freedom of

7 Discuss lhe constitutional remcdies for the eDforcement of fuldamental rights.

8 What are the Fundamental Duties? State the need and status of Fundamental Duties in
constitutiotral set-up.

9 What do you meao by Dir€ctivc principles ofstate policy. State thc cotrstitutiooal
ameDdrneds to strengthen Direclive pnnciples.

10.' Explain the Dootrinc of Rule of law. Discuss the exception to thc Rule of la*'

11. Wdte short notes on-

a) Doctrine ofEclipse. b) Minority Rights

AU - l78l I

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