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L[..B. Fou|th Semester' (Fivc Ycars Degree Coursc) (201.

1- I 5 Pattcro)
40071 : Histon - Iv Paper - III
P. Pagcs | 2 AV - 03.t7
Time : Threc Hour lllllilrililil Nfu\ \ltrks : l0

\oles: I Solve scvcn qucstions in o)1 incluiliug Q. No. I which is conlpulsory and carries
2t) ntarks
l .\ll ,\he'qIc. un5 cafi) l0rnJrk.--i(lr.

1 Writr'shorl notcs on any four.

a) Sattt) \'alve thcor-v regarding bjrth of India National Congress

b) Sikl Reforrn Nlo!crncni.

c 1 \lahatma Jyotiba Phule lioneer of u orncns cducarion in India.

d) Mouftbattcn plan.

e) Au$rsl oller, I9.10.

fl Round Table Confercncc.

_e) Ramkrishnanlission.

2. Choosc thc correct ans$cr ard rcwrite the sentencc.

i) Llrahmo Sanlaj \ras lbunclorlby

a) Rtrja Ram N{ohan Rov b) Sir \\filliam.loncs
c) \\;. $. Ilunlcr d) Williarr Berltinck

ii) Slavcry uas abolished in India by ao act of-

a) 1829 A.D. b) r Sll A.l)
c) 1843 -,\.D. d) l85S A.D

iii) \\'ho is thc l:oundcr ofArya Sdnaj

a) P. nanda ( harllL [r) Phcrozcshah \,lehla
c) SwamiDayanand Saras\vati d) C. Subranlania l_ycr

ir') \\'ho arnong the follo*.ing opposcd raising thc mirlimum age ofmarriage lbr girls
fron l0to 12 yrs iis embodied in thc agc of conscnt Act. l89l ?
a) Mahadev GoviDd Ranade b) Swanr i Vivekauanda
c) tsal Cangadhar Tilak d) Gopal Krishna cokhalc

\,) The Congrcss President who conduclcd ncgolialions with cripps in 1942 antl Wavell
at the Shimla conltrcncc was -
a) Abdul Kalam Azad b) Jawrharlal Nehm
c) J. \r. Kripalani d) C. I(ajagoplachari

A\ - 0347 I P,T,O
3 \Vritc detail uol( ii. Ihrller cournissrrrn rcport on erlrrcutiirn

1 ' fhc rame ofltrria Ranr lrk'hrrr Rov stands tbr.nlost in thc ficl(lofreligious ard social

5. Discuss local sell_govcr:rn,inl Lrndel Britr.h rulc in I dilr.

6. Disr:r ss consrinrtion iLrrrl.jLrr isdiction of Sul)rcnlc Coun u1 Irrdla

7. WIut lcd to the pafiition olBcn$1 irr 190j r\.D. ? Discuss.

8. Discuss in dctail lladhakr shna Comrnissir)ll ou [ducntiou J

9. Thc C'ripls \.fission.qr\c lrdlr apost datrd chcque' DiscLrss.

l0 \\'rite shorl notc on :

rt Th. l rJ|]| LIish ( vr. r- \. r - \1,1

b) Quir hdia \{olen-enl

I l. Explain rhe rolc o1 Nl:rhatr:ra C.rndhi rn lrrdian \rtional rml cncnt

,\\-- 0-117 l

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