Anode Slimes

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The Treatment of Copper Refinery

Anode Slimes
W. Charles Cooper

There are numerous viable approaches to nium is volatilized as se02 and passes tent. As an initial step, the direct leach-
the treatment of anode slimes from electro- into the scrubbers where it is converted ing of slimes in concentrated sulfuric
lytic copper refining. Of particular interest to selenious acid. An advantage of this acid serves to solubilize refractory cop-
in the treatment of slimes are the behavior process is the fact that the sulfur dioxide per and nickel compounds.27
and recovery ofselenium. The understanding produced in the roast reduces the sele- Morrison28 has shown that following
of the process chemistry involved in the nious acid in the scrubber solution to sulfuric acid leaching under oxygen
treatment of anode slimes should be aided elemental selenium and the sulfuric acid pressure, more than 85% of the tellu-
considerably by recent work on the formation consumed in the roast is regenerated. 22 rium is solubilized and can be recovered
and characterization of slimes. Most prom- Outokumpu!8 has developed a sig- from solution by the precipitation of tel-
ising is a direct furnace treatment of decop- nificant variation of the sulfatizing roast, lurium as Cu2Te using copper shot.
perized and detellurized slimes, in which which permits the efficient removal and Nippon Mining29 has developed a
selenium is volatilized as the dioxide, im- recovery of selenium. This process in- sulfuric acid leaching process in which
purities such as lead are slagged off, and a volves the roasting of decopperized anode slimes are suspended in 15%
high-quality dore metal is obtained. slimes in the form of a wet filter cake in H 2S04 and reacted with 02 in the pres-
a circulating gas atmosphere furnace at ence of sodium nitrite. Copper and se-
600°C. Sulfur dioxide gas together with lenium extractions of 99% and 95%, re-
Anode slimes from copper electro-re- oxygen is introduced into the roaster spectively, were obtained. However, no
fining are normally processed to recover and the roast gases are absorbed into a mention is made of the behavior of tel-
silver, gold, selenium and tellurium. Circulating solution. The amount of S02 lurium or the solubilization of silver.
Small quantities of palladium and pla- required depends on the quantity of se- To accommodate slimes high in NiO,
tinum can be recovered as well. lenium reduced in the circulating solu- Inco 12 designed a sulfation reactor in
Because copper producers are in- tion. The process is not well suited to which the slimes are contacted with con-
terested in the behavior of impurities in operations where large quantities of centrated sulfuric acid. Copper and
copper electrorefining and in the man- high-selenium slimes are treated. nickel are solubilized (98% and 95%,
ner in which different impurities can respectively), as is a small quantity of
Sulfuric Acid Leaching in the
affect the quality of copper cathodes, the selenium and tellurium. After a water
Presence of Oxygen
numerous processes related to the treat- leach of the residue, selenium and tellu-
ment of anode slimes have been reviewed Aeration in dilute sulfuric acid to re- rium are separated from the solution by
and assessed,! complementing the re- move copper from anode slimes15,23-25 cementation. The remaining selenium is
cent work of Hoffmann2and Zarate and consists of suspending the slimes in hot removed in a later volatilization-scrub-
Gonzalez. 3 This article summarizes the dilute sulfuric acid and blowing with air bing step or in the dore furnace treat-
principal findings of this review. Of par- or oxygen. 26 De Decker et al,16 report ment. 13.!4
ticular importance to slimes treatment is aeration in dilute sulfuric acid to be a
a knowledge of slimes composition. In satisfactory technique for copper re- Oxidizing Roast
this regard, the recent work of Chen and moval with most slimes, except those The oxidation roasting of anode slimes!
Dutrizac on anode slimes character- with a high selenium and/ or nickel con- converts copper, nickel and tellurium
ization and formation is especially sig-
nificant. [Drs. Chen and Dutrizac review
their recent work in an article beginning on Dewatered
page 42 of this issue-ed.1 Anode Slimes

The processes discussed in this paper

Sulfatizing Roast
(Also Pelletizing


Aeration Leach

H2S04 Leach

Caustic Pressure
were selected on the basis of their in- Sulfation)
Roast H2SO4 O2 (pressure) Leach
dustrial interest and application. Dif-
ferent approaches to treating anode
slimes are shown in Figure 1. Figure 2 is 1 1 I
r:==LJ 1
• i 1
a generalized flowsheet for anode slimes Se 4+ Reduction Oxidizing Se4+ Reduction
treatment using a sulfuric acid leach fol- H2 S04 Leach Soda Roast
S02 Roast S02
lowed by an oxidizing roast. Tables I
and II give information on slimes com-
position and treatment at different re- Sulfation Leach
Roast in
fineries.! H2SO4
S02 + O2

Sulfatizing Roast
In the sulfatizing roast,!2.!9-2! sulfuric
acid in the presence of air is used as an Dore Furnace J TBRC
oxidant, sulfatizing the base metals and
oxidizing selenium and tellurium. Sele- Figure 1. A flowsheet showing different approaches to the treatment of anode slimes.

1990 August • JOM 45

into acid soluble forms. Oxidation roast- good results in the oxidative roasting of prior to roasting, The neutralized slurry
ing can also be used as a means of slimes in a short rotary furnace at 600- of the slimes from the sulfa tion reactor is
eliminating selenium following sulfuric 800°C. 17 The maximum selenium vola- blended with Na2C03 and NaHC03 and
acid leaching of the slimes. 28 tilization was found to occur at 700°C. fed continuously on a pelletizer with a
Oxidation roasting in a fluidized bed If the roasting temperature is not care- bed temperature of 80-120°C. The par-
allows continuous operation and easier fully maintained, fusion of the slimes tial evaporation of water during pel-
temperature control. However, there is may occur, resulting in the loss of the letization gives a product a moisture
the distinct potential for dust losses of porous texture necessary for good vola- content of 10-25%. This controlled
valuable materials. The best results are tilization of selenium.22 moisture results in high-porosity pellets
achieved with briquettes, or extruded or having a uniform blending of soda ash,
Soda Roast
pelletized slimes. 28 and, upon roasting at 350-500°C, the
The roasting of granulated slimes con- The roasting of anode slimes with so- selenium is converted entirely to selenate
tinuously in a shaft furnace at a tempera- dium carbonate has been designed to with no volatilization of se02 '
ture in the range 700-800°C results in the effect the conversion of selenium to a
Caustic Pressure Leach
removal of greater than 95% of the sele- water-soluble form and follows from an
nium as Se02 •30,31 The gas stream is then initial sulfuric acid leach of the slimes to A caustic pressure leach as the first
scrubbed in a solution of NaOH or remove copper and tellurium. 32- 34 step in slimes treatment results in the
N3zC03 to recover the selenium. The Inco soda ash process34 features a solubilization of selenium; copper and
Mitsubishi's Osaka refinery has had unique slimes pelletization operation tellurium are removed in a second leach-
ing step. The caustic pressure leach was
developed to the pilot plant stage at
Canadian Copper Refiners Ltd.,
Montreal East, Quebec, for slimes rela-
tively rich in selenium and tellurium
contents. 9,35
The process has a number of short-
comings, including the oxidation of 10-
Pptn. of CU2 Te 15% of the selenium to the selenate form,
with Cu Shot thereby necessitating two separate sele-
nium reduction steps. Complications
associated with a caustic pressure leach,
especially with regard to the recovery of
selenium, are a major deterrent to the
Solution to
Tankhouse use of this approach on an industrial
scale. Zarate and Gonzalez indicate no
use of caustic pressure leaching among
the major copper refineries. 3
Chlorination Processes
A number of studies have been car-
ried out on the chlorination of anode
slimes, 1 The basic concept in this ap-
proach is to separate certain elements
Se Recovery
Te Recovery
(notably selenium and silver) as chlo-
rides by the following reactions:

Figure 2. A generalized flowsheet for anode slimes treatment using H2SO.leaching and oxidizing
Ag2Se + 3Cl2 ~ 2AgCI.!. + SeCl4
roasting. SeCl4 + 3HzO ~ H 2Se03 + 4HCl
Table I. Survey of Anode Slimes Composition in Different Refineries (All Values Are in wt.%)l
Refinery Cu Ag Au Pt Pd Se Te As Bi Sb Sn Pb Fe Ni
- -
CCR (Noranda) 18.7 19.5 0.18 10.0 1.2 1.14 0.77 1.68 8.0 0.67
Chuquicamata 27 12.0 0.07 4 5 4
Cu Refineries Pty. 27 9.0 0.07 0.7 0.03 5.8 0.25 0.45 7.5 0.15 0.40
ER&S, Australia 13 9.0 0.10 0.09 5.8 0.2 1.2 0.3 3.0 5.0 31.0 2.0
El Salvador, Chile 5 24.0 1.4 21 0.7 3
Hibi Kyodo Co. Ltd.
Tamano Smelter 21.5 9.6 0.50 22.7
IMI Refiners, U.K. 14 5.5 0.07 0.004 0.008 2 0.6 3.5 0.5 3.5 5 22 9
Inco 21.0 6.37 0.12 8.4 1.8 0.50 0.14 0.09 1.7 17.0
Kidd Creek 26.0 12.7 0.15 19.5 0.05 0.45 0.28 0.09 22.0 0.03
Metallurgie Hoboken
Overpelt 17.4 17.2 5.1 0,95 6.8 0.74 6.8 0.35 23.2
Mhangura Copper,
Zimbabwe* 2 62 1.0 0.05 0.1 10 1.0 0.16 0.13 0.07 0.15 1.8 0.1 0.3
Minero Peru 41.0 20.0 0.04 11 1.1
Outokumpu* 8.5 16.8 0.3 46 8,0 5.7
Palabora 53.4 7.8 0.33 0.05 0.07 3,6 2.2 0.15 0.01 4.5
Phelps Dodge, El Paso 27.1 12.2 0.12 0.0007 0.006 8.8 3.1 1.7 0.66 4.65 0.08 0.64
Rabak,Turkey 24.7 4.8 0.11 0.0005 0.002 7.9 3.0 2.3 0.5 0.05
Sarkuysan, Turkey 26.7 4.73 0.10 7.6 2.5 3.6 1.3 1.7 0.82
Southwire, Georgia 10.0 4.1 0.02 0.08 0.35 0.6 1.4 0.5 9.4 5.3 13.1 8.4
It Composition of decopperized anode slimes.

46 JOM • August 1990

Table II. Treatment of Anode Slimes at Copper Refineries' converted to silver selenite without any
selenate formation or volatilization of
Facility Treatment
selenium. Copper and its oxides also
ASARCO, Amarillo Aeration leached slimes processed in monometer rotary furnace catalyze the conversion of Ag2Se to
followed by oxidation of matte and dore furnace treatment. 4 Ag2Se03; in combination with silver, the
CCR (Noranda) Decopperized slimes smelted in top-blown rotary converter.s-o
Chuquicamata H,S04 aeration leach; decopperized slimes processed in dore
catalytic effect is greatly enhanced.
furnace. Sulfatizing Roast
Cu Refineries Pty. Decopperized slimes sold to precious metal refiners.
ER&S, Australia Slimes smelted in dore furnace with Se recovered from flue gases The sulfatizing roasting of anode
and soda nitre slag. IO•l1 slimes was studied by Ishihara,40 who
EI Salvador, Chile Same as Chuquicamata. digested the slimes with concentrated
Hibi Kyodo Co. Ltd. Tamano slimes decopperized and sent to Takehara Refinery for sulfuric acid and then heated them to
further processing. 11 0-300°C under air or N2 agitation. The
IMI Refiners, UK Slimes shipped to be refined on toll basis in U.K. and European following reactions have been indicated:
Inco Sulfated leached slimes charged to dore furnace and resulting matte Se + H2SO4 ~ Seso3 + Hz0
oxygen refined. '2-'5
lOO· C
Kidd Creek Decopperized and deleaded slimes custom refined.
Metallurgie H-O Aeration leached slimes processed in cupellation furnaces.16 Cu2Se + H2S04 + 0.502 ~
Mhangura Copper Decopperized slimes processed in U.K. CuSe + CuS04 + HzO
MineroPeru H SO aeration leach, sulfation roast and processing in dore furnace. >300· C
Mitsubishi Slime~ from Haoshima and Onahama sent to Osaka Refinery." CuSe + 2HzS04 + 0.502 ~
Outokumpu Decopperized slimes roasted in circulating gas atmosphere furnace CuS04 + SeS03 + 2HzO
at 600°C. '8
Palabora Slimes sold as a by-product. 130· C
Phelps Dodge, EI Paso H,SO, pressure leach with 02' sulfation roast, and processing in dore Ag2Se + H 2SO4 ~
reverberatory tilting smelting furnace. 2Ag + Seso3 + HzO
Rabak, Turkey Slimes custom refined in Europe. >200· C
Sarkuysan, Turkey Slimes processed in Europe. SeS03 + 0.502 ~ se02 + S02
Southwire, Georgia Slimes not processed but sold.
Contrary to Ishihara, Hoffmann 22
In spite of the advantages provided by Cu2Se and Ag2Se . Cu2Se were ro~ste~ in
considers that selenides are converted to
the wet chlorination of slime constitu- air at various temperatures. 38 OXIdatIon
sulfates in the sulfation roasting accord-
ents, it gives rise to a complex mixture of occurs with t~e for~a!ion of selenite: as
chlorides which must be processed to well as selemum dIOXIde. Above 555 C, ing to the general reaction:
recover the remaining values.22 The lit- the selenites are decomposed, Se02 .is MSe + 4H2S04 ~
erature contains no definitive studies on evolved and CuO and SlIver appear m MS04 + Se02+ 3S02 + 4H20
the wet chlorination behavior ofthe var- the residue. As indicated below, the
Thus, Ag2Se would be converted to
ious slime constituents. reaction chemistry observed by Ishihara
Ag2S04 and not to elemental silver as
Ammonia Leaching is temperature dependent.
proposed by Ishihara. The above reac-
Cu2Se +202 ~ tion, with M = Ag2, is also reported by
Hydrometallurgy appears to offer
2CuO + Se02 (300-600°C) Hyvarinen et a1. '8 to take place during
possibilities in the treatment of anode
slimes which have unusually high levels the sulfation roast.
Cu2Se +202 ~
of certain impurities. Thus, Tan and 2CuO . Se02 (300-500°C) Soda Roast
Bedard36 recently developed an ammo-
nia pressure leach process for the treat- 2CuO·Se02~ The alkaline roasting of anode slimes
2CuO + Se02 (500-600°C) results in the conversion of the selenium
ment of high-lead slimes.
to a water soluble form as sodium selen-
In the leaching of slimes containing 2Ag2Se + 302 ~
14% Ag, 20% Cu, 22% Pb and 27% Se in ite and selenate. Although this approach
2Ag2Se03 (300-550°C) dispenses with the need for gas scrub-
ammoniacal ammonium carbonate so-
2Ag2Se°3 ~ bers, it has the distinct disadvantage of
lution at 75°C and 350 kPa oxygen par-
tial pressure, these investigators found 4Ag + 2Se02 + 02 (550-650°C) having to recover the selenium by the
that >99.5% of the copper, >65% of the reduction of hexavalent selenium.
Ag2Se . Cu2Se + 202 ~ The particular conditions in soda
selenium and <1 % of the silver were 2CuO·Se02+ Ag2Se (400-450°C)
dissolved. Appreciable amounts of sil- roasting which result in the formation of
ver are solubilized only at higher tem- 2Ag2Se . 2CUzSe + 702 ~ sodium selenite and selenate have been
peratures and pressures and at retention 2Ag2Se03 + 4CuO + 2Se02 studied carefully by Tishchenko and
times greater than one hour. The low (500-550°C) Smirnov. 41 -43 Sintering Ag2Se at 650°C
with Na2C03 resulted in the oxidation of
dissolution of silver in this process is
Although, as Ishihara points out, the 73 %of the selenium to selenite and 3% to
very important since, as Tan37 has note?,
formation of Ag2Se03 is undesirable, the selenate, with 2.4% being evolved as
explosive silver compounds can form m
only way to avoid its presence is to con- Se02. Interestingly, at this temperature,
the presence of potassium hydroxide
duct the roast above 550°C, which seems silver does not form either Ag2Se03 or
under conditions of no agitation, high-
purity soluble silver species and concen-
to be a critical temperature in other re- Ag2Se04·41
spects-a roasting temperature greater Based on the following, the amount of
trated ammonia. The unleached se-
than 550°C may cause fusion of the slimes Na 2C03 should not exceed 150-175%.
lenium is present as Ag2Se and PbSe03•
with the formation of lumps and crusts
SELENIUM BEHAVIOR AND and may have an adverse effect on the M2Se + Na 2C03 + 02 ~
RECOVERY volatilization of selenium as the dioxide. 2M + Na2Se03 + CO2
Loeschau39 found that the addition of A larger excess oxidizes selenite to
Oxidizing Roast
finely divided silver catalyzes the for- selenate and no MSe03 and MSeO, are
Using selenides prepared by fusing mation of Ag2Se03 and that at 400°C al- formed. Consequently, the behavior of
copper and silver with selenium, Ag2Se, most one-half of the silver selenide is the selenides in soda roasting is depen-

1990 August • JOM 47

dent on the temperature and the excess tially deselenized and detellurized slimes mate composition of the matte would be
of sodium carbonate. According to to produce dore metal. However, the 50-60% Ag, 3-15% Pb, 7-25% Se, 0,7-
Tishchenko and Smirnov,43 the best deficiencies inherent in this approach 1.5% Te and 0,8-4% Cu. The residual
temperature for the soda roasting of have directed attention toward a lead is slagged off following the addition
silver and copper selenides is 650-700°C. simplification of the process in terms of of silica flux and blowing with oxygen.
a direct pyrometallurgical treatment of After the lead converting stage, suc-
the decopperized (and detellurized) cessive blowing of the matte with oxy-
slimes. In 1978, Segarceanu et al. 46 pat- gen volatilizes selenium as the dioxide,
A statement made by Savin24 in 1965 is ented such a process. The slimes, from Copper and tellurium are eliminated in
relevant even today: which copper and tellurium had been the refining stage employing a soda flux.
"The insufficient study given to the forms of extracted by a sulfuric acid leach, were The resulting dore metal, containing an
compounds of valuable elements and impurities melted in a rotary kiln with sodium ni- average of 10 ppm selenium, is then
in slimes up to now is complicating the selection trate, sodium carbonate and borax. The processed to recover silver, gold and
of the most efficient method of treating them. so-called prealloy containing 75-95% Ag any platinum metals.
Therefore, the bulk of the flowsheets have been
developed empirically, regulated under indus- + Au was oxidized with air to give dore The process appears to have several
trial conditions by means of experiment with no metal containing >98% combined silver advantages over more conventional
consideration given to changes in the nature of and gold. No data were given regarding slime treatment technologies. A sepa-
the raw material." the recovery of selenium in this process. rate roasting step for selenium removal
In recent years, significant progress Yazaki and Tomaki of Mitsubishi47 is not required, Through the use of a
has been made toward addressing some patented a different approach. These TBRC and the coating of the surface of
of the shortcomings noted by Savin. investigators charged calcium carbonate the refractory lining with a high-melting,
The results of Chen and Dutrizac's and sand to a short rotary furnace. Then, iron-containing slag, the tie-up of pre-
research on slimes composition must with the furnace at 750°C, they added cious metals in the refractories is greatly
now be applied in investigations on an- decopperized anode slime slowly and reduced, Tellurium is recovered via
ode slimes processing. It is noteworthy baked the charge. After 12 hours, the leaching of the soda slag, although some
that in studies on the deleading of slimes selenium was reduced to 1-3 %. Less than tellurium is volatilized as the dioxide
prior to roasting, Yanagida et al. 44 ex- 24 hours were required in the processing and reports in the scrubber solution, The
amined the microscopic and mineral- cycle in which 5-6 tonnes of slimes were time required for slimes treatment in the
ogical structures of the anodic slime. treated. TBRC is quite favorable, on the order of
A number of options are available for Inco has patented a pyrometallurgical 30 hours. A longer time is necessary
the deleading of anode slimes.! Flotation process in which sulfated leached slimes when revert materials are being treated.
of the slime, leaving lead concentrated are charged to the dore furnace, and the Thus, significant savings in energy and
in the tailings, presents serious prob- resulting silver matte (containing, for labor costs are realized, and there is a
lems. Of particular importance are prop- example, 53% Ag, 6% Pb,22% Sc, 7% Te, corresponding increase in plant capacity.
er preconditioning ofthe slimes45 and the 8% Cu and 2% Ni) is oxygen refinedy,!4
composition is not constant. Whether or At a temperature of 1,150°C, the matte is ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
not an initial deleading of the slimes is subjected first to oxygen injection for an The review on which this paper is based
undertaken depends on the lead tenor in initial refining period of 32 hours. Dur- was funded by Energy, Mines and Resources
the raw slimes. ing this time, 99% of the selenium is Canada under project no, 169/02/87, The
The separation of copper, nickel and volatilized as Se02, together with 15% of assistance of Lisa ChalykofJ, B,H, Morrison,
tellurium can be most expeditiously car- the tellurium. The oxide slag contains rE. Dutrizac and K.G, Tan is gratefully
ried out by sulfuric acid leaching as the 56%, 15% and 20% of the copper, tellu- acknowledged, Appreciation is also extended
initial step in slimes treatment. The re- rium and lead, respectively. The oxy- to the various refineries which supplied data
covery of tellurium may be incomplete, gen/ air refining is continued by succes- for the survey,
but the majority of the tellurium should sively fluxing with soda and with sodium
be obtained upon leaching and cementa- borate. The final bullion contains around References
tion with copper as cuprous telluride. In 96% silver, with the balance being prin- 1. w.c. Cooper, "A Review of Processes for the Treatment of
Copper Refinery Anode Slimes with Particular Reference to
the case of copper and nickel, it may be Cipally gold and platinum-group met- Selenium Behaviour and Recovery," final report on project
necessary to consider a copper / nickel als. The soda slag captures 13% and 6% no. 169/02/87, Energy, Mines and Resources Canada,
CANMET, Ottawa, Canada KIA OGI (August 1989).
separation unless a two-stage leaching of copper and tellurium, respectively, 2. J,E. Hoffmann, "Recovering Selenium and Tellurium from
process is used, similar to that employed whereas 10% of the copper and 5% of the Copper Refinery Slimes," JOM Ouly 1989), pp. 33-38.
3. G. zarate and F. Gonzalez, "Process Definition for Anodes
by Outokumpu.!8 tellurium report in the sodium borate Slimes Treatment," Hydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy of
In the recovery of selenium, it is ad- slag. The oxide slag is reverted and the Copper,ed. W.c.Cooper,G.E. Lagos and G. Ugarte (Santiago:
University of Chile, 1988), pp. 499-524.
vantageous to use a deselenization pro- soda slag is caustic leached to recover 4. J.P. Kemper, "Precious Metals," Eng. & Min. J. (September
1981), pp. 74-75.
cess which does not oxidize selenium to tellurium, with the residue being re- 5. R. Bresee, D. Vleeschhouwer andJ. Thiriar, "The Recovery
the selenate form. In this way, the more cycled to the dore furnace. of Selenium and Tellurium at CCR, a Division of Noranda
Mines Ltd.," Proceedings of the Symposium on Industrinl Uses of
difficult reduction of the selenate vs. The treatment by CCR (Noranda) of Selenium and Tellurium, Toronto, Canada (October 1980).
selenite can be avoided. anode slimes in a top-blown rotary con- 6. Bertrand Lessard, "Anode Slimes Treatment in a Top
Blown Rotary Converter at the CCR Division of Noranda
Hydrometallurgical approaches to verter (TBRC)P,9 although somewhat Minerals Inc.," Precious Metals 1989, ed. B. Harris (Allen-
slimes treatment have not as yet pro- similar to the Inco dore furnace process, town, PA: IntI. Prec. Metals Inst., 1989), pp. 427-440.
7. B.H. Morrison, "Recovery of Silver and Gold from Refin-
vided a solution to the problems of in- represents an important advance in ery Slimes at Canadian Copper Refiners," Extractive Metal-
complete separations and multiple steps slimes processing technology. In this lurgy 1985 (London, UK: the Institution of Mining and
Metallurgy, 1985), pp. 249-269.
for the removal of different elements, process, decopperized slimes are charged 8. B.H. Morrison, J.G. Lenz, J. Pageau and J.G. Bard, "Treat-
notably selenium and tellurium. to the TBRC in the form of pellets and ment of Anode Slimes in a Top-Blown Rotary Converter,"
U.S. patent 4,581,064 (April 8, 1986).
A combined hydrometallurgical-py- smelted at a temperature above 950°C. 9. B.H. Morrison, "The Evolution of Copper Refinery Slime
rometallurgical process appears to offer Stirring the melt at 1,185°C reduces the Processing and Precious Metal Treatment at CCR Division-
Noranda Minerals," op. cit. 6, pp. 403-413.
the best solution to the processing of volatilization of lead so that lead com- 10. c.P. Dixon, "Gold and Silver Refining at Electrolytic
anode slimes. This has been the conven- pounds can be skimmed off in the slag Refining and Smelting Company of Australia Ltd., Port
Kembla, N.S.W.," Mining and Metallurgical Practices in
tional approach-a decopperizing leach phase, leaving a so-called silver selenide Australasin (The Sir MauriceMawley Memorial Volume), ed.J.T.
Woodcock, Monograph Series No. 10 (Parkville, Victoria,
followed by a roasting step and a fur- matte phase which contains practically Aus.: The Australasian Inst. Min. Metall., 1980), pp. 519-521.
nace treatment of the decopperized, par- all of the precious metals, An approxi- 11. c.P. Dixon, "Selenium Recovery at The Electrolytic Refin-

48 JaM • August 1990

ing and Smelting Company of Australia Ltd., Port Kembla, 26. j .H. Schloen and E.M. Elkin, "The Treatment of Electro- 5 (3) (1962), pp. 49-52.
N.5.W.," op. cit. 10, pp. 628-629. lytic Copper Refinery Slimes," Copper: The Science and 42. AA Tishchenko and V.I. Smirnov, "Thermodynamics
12. RK Monahan and F. Loewen, "Treatment of Anode Technology of the Metal, Its Alloys and Compounds, ed. A and Experimental Investigation of the Formation Reactions
Slimes at the Inco Copper Refinery," Canadian Institute of Butts (New York: Reinhold, 1954), pp. 205-289. of Sodium Selenite and Sodium Selenate by Sintering Cop-
Mining and Metallurgy Annual Conference, Halifax, Nova 27. S.A Vzorodov et aI., "Ways to Remove DifficuItlySoluble perSelenidewithSoda Ash," DokI. Aknd.Nau. SSSR, 145(1962),
Scotia (August 1972). Compounds of Copper and Nickel from Copper-Electrolysis pp. 863-1l66; also in Chern. Abs., 58 (1963), no. 2171.
13. T.5. Sanmiya, R.R Matthews and D.G. Kerfoot, "Refining Slimes," Tsvetn. Met., 10 (1981), pp. 52-54; also in Chern. Abs., 43. AA Tishchenko and V.1. Smimov, "Study of Conditions
Silver-Bearing Residues," Canadian patent981,911 (January 96 (1982), no. 126878. for the Formation of Sodium Selenites and Selenates by
20, 1976). 28. B.H. Morrison, "Slimes Treatment Process," U.S. patent Sintering Silver and CopperSelenides with Sodium Carbon-
14. T.S. Sanmiya and RR Matthews, "Oxygen Refining of 4,047,939 (Sept. 13, 1977). ate," Zh. Prikl. Khim., 36 (11) (1963), pp. 2363-2367; also in
Smelted Silver Residues," Precious Metals, ed. RO. MeGachie 29. Nippon Mining Co. Ltd., "Treatment of Anode Slime Chem. Abs., 60 (1964), no. 6511.
and AG. Bradley (Toronto, Canada: Pergamon Press Canada from Copper Electrolysis," lpn. Tokkyo Koho, 80 (27) (July 18, 44. S. Yanagida, N. Hosada and M. Tanaka, "Rotation of
Ltd., 1981), pp. 101-111. 1980), p. 138; also in Chern. Abs. 94 (1981), no. 107170. Anode Slime in Copper Electrolysis," Nippon Kogyo Kaishi, 91
15. KN. Subramanian, M.CE. Bell, j.A.Thomas and N.C 30. T.N. Greiver, "Optimum Temperature Conditions for the (1046) (1975), pp. 308-310; also in Chern. Abs., 87 (1977), no.
Nissen, "Recovery of Metal Values from Anode Slimes," U.S. Roasting of Copper ElectrolyteSlurries," Tsvetn .Met., 6 (1974), 170955.
patent 4,229,270 (Oct. 21, 1980); also in Chern. Abs., 94 (1981), pp. 16-18; also in Chern. Abs., 81 (1974), no. 172195. 45. Chuanya Lei and Peihua Zhu, "Recovery of Precious
no. 9288. 31. A.B. Titarenko, T.N. Breiver, A.1. Poluboyarinov and A.F. Metals from Copper Anode Slime by Combined Metallurgy
16. T. De Decker, A Bach and A. Van Peteghem, "Leaching Astakhov, "Reconstruction of the Slimes Department of the and Beneficiation," Miner. Proc. Extr. Metall., ed. M.j. jones
of Copper Refinery Slimes" (paper presented at 1976 AIME Pyshma ElectrolyticCopper Plant," Tsvetn. Met.,2 (1976), pp. and P. Gill, (London, U.K.: Inst. Min. Metall., 1984), pp. 699-
Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada). 35-36; also in Chern. Abs., 85 (1976), no. 8591. 705.
17. I. Fujimura and A Katai, "Selenium Recovery from 32. E.A Buketov et aI., "Shaft Furnace Sintering of Elec- 46. T. Segarceanu, R Badoiu and G. Busila, "Processing of
Copper Electrolysis Slimes at Mitsubishi Osaka Refinery," trolytic Copper Slimes," Tsvetn. Met., 38 (4) (1965), pp.28-31; Anodic Muds from Electrolytic Refining of Copper," Rom.,
TMS Paper A82-12 (Warrendale, PA: TMS-AIME, 1982). also in Chem. Abs., 63 (1966), no. 12722. 65 (Nov. 30, 1978), p. 472; also in Chem. Abs., 92 (1980), no.
18. I. Hyviirinen, E. Rosenberg, L. Lindroos and E. Yllo, 33. V.G. Shkodin et aI., "Roasting-Sintering of Anode Slimes 26160.
"Selenium and Precious Metals Recovery from Copper An- with Soda in Shaft Furnaces," Tr. Ural. Nauch.-Issled. Proekt. 47. T. Yazaki and K Tomaki, "Refining of Anode Slime," lpn.
ode Slimes at the Outokumpu Pori Refinery, " Precious Inst.MednoiProm,no. 12 (1969),pp.204-208;alsoinChem. Abs., Kokni Tokkyo Koho, 62 (1) (Jan. 7, 1987), p. 830; also in Chem.
Metals: Mining, Extraction and Processing,ed. V. Kudryk, D.A. 72 (1970), no. 114078. Abs., 106 (1987), no. 160046.
Corrigan and w.w. Liang (Warrendale, PA: TMS, 1984), pp. 34. G.S. Victorovich, M.C Bell, R Sridhar and j. Raskauskas,
537-548. "Novel Soda Ash Process for the Recovery of Selenium from
19. j.E. Hoffmann, P.D. Parker and AC Sabo, "Extraction Anode Slimes" (paper presented at the l09th AIME Annual ABOUT THE AUTHOR
and Purification of Silver from Sulfates," U.S. patent 3,996,046 Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, Feb. 1980).
(December 7,1976). 35. B.H. Morrison, "The Recovery and Separation of Se- W. Charles Cooper received his Ph.D. in
20. D. Kunev, Kh. Vasilev,M. Chimbulev and L. Karag'ozov, lenium and Tellurium by Pressure Leaching of Copper Re- chemistry from Princeton University. He is an
"Study of the Sulfation Roasting of Electrolytic Copper finery Slime," Met. Soc. Conf., 24 (1963), pp. 227-249.
Slimes," Metallurgiya (Sofia), 32 (8) (1977), pp. 14-16; also in 36. KG. Tan and P.L. Bedard, "Ammonia Leach Process for emeritus professor of Queen's University,
Chem. Abs., 88 (1978), no. 64561. the Treatment of Copper Refinery Anode Slimes Containing Kingston, Ontario, and is currently adjunct
21. AA Tishchenko, "Extraction of Selenium and Tellurium High Lead and Low Nickel," Can. Met. Quart., in press. professor in the Department of Metals and
from Copper Electrolytic Slimes," Sb. Nauchn . Tr., Ural'sk. 37. KG. Tan, "Fulminating Gold and Silver," CIM Bulletin, 80
Politekhn. Inst. No. 134 (1963), pp. 27-31; also in Chern. Abs., (903) (1987), pp. 96-97. Materials Engineering, University of British
61 (1964), no. 3955. 38. Takeo Ishihara, "The Fundamentals of Selenium Metal- Columbia. He is also co-editor and editor of
22. j .E. Hoffmann, "Recovery of Selenium from Electrolytic lurgy.1. Oxidizing Roasting of Silver and Copper Selenides,"
Copper Refinery Slimes," op. cit. 18, pp. 495-515. Kyushu Kozan Gakkni-shi, 28 (1960), pp. 519-533;also in Chern. monographs on selenium and tellurium. Dr.
23. Nippon Shin Kinzoku KK, "Recovery ofTellurium and Abs., 55 (1961), no. 137B3. Cooper is a member of TMS.
Copper in Slime from Copper Electrorefining," lpn. Kokni 39. S. Lowschau, "Recovery of Selenium from Anode Slime
Tokkyo Koho, 81 (84) (July 9,1981), p. 428; also in Chem. Abs., from ElectrolyticCopper Refining," Freiberger Forschungshefte,
95 (1981), no. 207402. 60 (1961), pp. 7-30; also in Chem. Abs., 57 (1962), no. 6871. " you want more information on this subject,
24. V.M. Savin, "Selecting the Most Efficient Method of 40. Takeo Ishihara, "The Fundamentals of Selenium Metal- please circle reader service card number 60.
Treating Slimes Obtained During Electrolytic Copper Re- lurgy. Ill. Sulfatizing Roasting of Selenides of Silver and
fining," Tsvetn. Met.,38 (8) (1965), pp. 30-38; also in Chem. Abs., Copper," Kyushu Kozan Gakkni-shi, 29 (1961), pp. 22-28.; also
63 (1965), no. 14437. in Chem. Abs., 55 (1961), no. 13784.
25. G. Yildirimand F.Y. Bor, "Hydrometallurgical Treatment 41. AA Tishchenkoand V.1. Smirnov, "Formation of Sodium
of a Copper Refinery Slime Rich in Selenium and Tellurium," Selenite and Selenate during Sintering of Silver Selenide
Erzmetall, 38 (4) (1985), pp. 1%-199. with Soda Ash," Izv. Vysshiky Uchebn. Zavedenii, Tsvetn. Met. ,

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