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BULLETIN ~ Hear Us Correct ~


“The beautiful days of childhood are never going to come back. Therefore, you must live them to the

On the occasion of Children’s Day, I wish that you always stay as kind, as warm and as pure a soul as a
child. I wish all my dear students warm wishes on this special day.
This day is all about you, our wonderful students. Children's Day is a time to honor your dreams,
achievements, and the joy you bring to our school.

Various schools celebrate children’s day with a lot of enthusiasm and motivation. We too, collectively
engage in activities that will make you happy as it’s your day. Childhood is a special phase of life and
you all should live life to the fullest during this time. I still remember when I was a child; we received an
opportunity in our school to act out like our teachers and it used to be entertaining performing those
acts with gratification.

Today I want to share something special with you. Childhood is considered both an enjoyable and a
sensitive phase of life. You should always remember that we are in school today because all of you
have motivated us to guide you all. Teachers become educators not only because of knowledge but
students also play a very important role in our lives. You make us understand who we are and what we
mean to you. We too commit mistakes at certain occasions but you all help us realize those mistakes.
Sometimes we underestimate your strengths but you all prove to us that every student present in the
school has many hidden capabilities.

There are several instances when we scold you for your mistakes, but this does not mean that we dis-
like you. We do this because we all love and admire you and want to prepare you as students for great-
er challenges in life. We long to see the day that you all climb the ladder of success; there should never
be a reason to look back again. Our happiness and grief are connected with all of you. When you are
sad, we too feel miserable and at that moment we hope to see you get up and fight with resilience and
adopt an attitude of never giving up.

We are proud of your achievements over

the years in studies and extracurricular
activities. We understand that each stu-
dent possesses unique abilities and we are
here to assist you in discovering your true
potential, by guiding you to identify mis-
takes, which will help you improve your
life. Your sweet memories and gestures
towards us will and have always remained
in our hearts.

Happy Children’s Day.


Bravo! They did it!
It is with immense pleasure that Stafford Sri Lankan School, Doha, celebrates the students’ out-
standing performance at the IGCSE, IAS, IAL and IPLS examinations.
School has recorded exceptional results in all these examinations, further elevating the
school’s academic achievements.

The management and the academic

staff of SSLSD congratulate all the stu-
dents and their parents on their re-
markable achievements, and commend
them for bringing laurels to their alma

We hope these results will encourage

other students as well to work towards
“excellence,” upholding the school’s
motto, ‘ Strive for Excellence’.



16 Contestants from year 7 to year13 showcased their singing talents by participating in the fi-
nal round of the Senior Singing Competition organized by Stafford Sri Lankan School, Doha.

The event, which was held on the 23rd of September at the school auditorium, was judged by
Mr. Acquin G Thomas and Ms. Rachana Binoy. The event gave contestants the chance to per-
form in front of a large audience including their parents.

The winners are as follows:

Age Category 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place

Year 7 Anya Bethany Perera Sensith Gunasekera Yaashi Sivanandan

Year 8 Anuththara Perera Aleena Manal Rawshan Kusali Tharumal Peiris

Year 9,10 & 11 Shanaya Perera Divya Nethuni Wijeratne Sheera Navaratnam

Year 12 &13 Deuni Abrew Nelu Panchali Ehalawela Roshell Weerasinghe


With the start of the new academic year, scouting troops are gearing up for a year filled with ex-
citing activities, challenges, and opportunities for personal growth. Scouting started for the new
academic year 2023/2024 on 3rd September 2023. Troop meetings are held every Sunday, and
scouts take part in practising knots, learning about important health habits, understanding the
value of proper grooming and good order among other activities. They also take part in numerous
team building and leadership activities.

An overnight camp for year 10 students was held on the 15th and 16th September with the participa-
tion of 62 students and 15 teachers. The students were able to enhance their cooking skills, map
reading and compass reading skills. In addition, they completed a hike of about 3kms to
the KG building.


The IT club of SSLSD kicked off with great enthusiasm, boasting nearly 150 students and the ac-
tive involvement of six dedicated teachers with two assistants. IT club consists of multiple mini
clubs, catering to diverse interests. Budding programmers explore the world of coding in the
Coders club, while innovation takes center stage in the Robotics club.

Moreover, the Animators Club showcases creativity through animation and the Designers Club
focuses on graphics. The Sound and Photography Club delves into the realms of audio and visual
artistry. It's an engaging platform for students to cultivate their tech and creative talents.

The grade 13 students of batch 22 -23 successfully held a community service project last year
where they collected stationery and hand-me-downs that are in good condition from teachers
and their peers. They sent these across to an underprivileged school and community in Ratmala-
na, Sri Lanka, in August. They wish to thank all the teachers for their contribution in making
this event a success.


A delegation consisting of 12 students from the
Stafford Sri Lankan School Model United Nations Club,
took part in the Fall MUN Conference, organized by the
Georgetown University MUN.
Model United Nations is a student-run simulation of
the United Nations, where students assume the roles
of foreign diplomats to learn about international poli-
tics and diplomacy.

Each year Georgetown University MUN conference welcomes hundreds of high school students
from Qatar to debate current global issues and gain insight into the world of international poli-
tics and policy-making. This year marked the biggest student delegation
ever to be present at a conference. The conference took place over
three days (28th to 30th September) at the Georgetown University prem-

During the conference, Abeer Ahamed Rumais, a member of the SSLSD

MUN delegation, who represented Saudi Arabia in the Social, Humani-
tarian, and Cultural Committee was able to receive an Honorable
Mention for her diligent and articulate diplomatic policy formulation.


“The best way to make children good is to make them happy”- Oscar Wilde

On the 1st of October 2023, SSLSD celebrated Children's Day in a fun-filled manner. Our teachers
put together a few performances to entertain the students; they were excited to see their teach-
ers dancing and singing. They watched a movie, posed for a few photographs and enjoyed their
favorite candy and other snacks.


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