CamScanner 09-02-2020 21.27.27 (2)

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KINEMATICS ICS: Fat byanch of mecharigs whreh deals wik Me mo tr’ 4 bodes. . Feve ave two branches 7 dynamres. ® Kinemaries ® Kinereies KINEMATICS Bis trench : clanamres descr(bing Ae 20 brary be. docdkv2n wrthout ary vrefrence te farce acting am tk, Velocity and Acceberatrin,. het a pavticle at trae t be at pornt P whore postkron vectery bX. @ After trime St te parte ysf be at port & whepe. Pesrtien yectry is Fe8F 9 a P hen PG = &y j Scanned with CamScanner and pont 9 wh reaver to pom P Yo Smo EF cteprne mmalentanense vebeihy. ” aaroply velerty " te a. - rv es AE New Let 6 be fhe powd Poe. let OM be veetry whrch vepresent velocetny partite xt érme ft. , Dyker bime 8t, Sire ae vepresent the yelocsly a *} Portes, 1s 3 4 fren Hil= 8O Te vateo iF qe the arevege acceleratram Me porfreke wi Erme BE, J ue ee St, He 80 antl also de creases ancl Hg near, GH. 4 Sto BF olefrne acceleration nS re Le, SEF ay = Scanned with CamScanner if Example. A Particle Kmormg in auch & wiry Rab ot position et ang time € os pocpet ty Fo MIT + Canto oP Fat Emel 8 velocrty and acc0atemtnm. i acbieh FGA Se Conte Smt) G HS phy Velocity Fe 2) = (BU 2E)E+ Smt 42 Sobect)§ 9 Ea Lk * (REET mrt Smt) HSER Recelevabes:— 3. AG at = (6642) F4[2onrt- ee) FHELIE Ca: Campanent af Ve. - Accelevatim. ¥ 7 plave Posrtrey 4 a par fele expressed. by You Ftyp whee? and F ave wart vector alang x-anus ad y-axns respectively ‘y- d* v ae = pine + ta?) = “dete dts ——@ > ge and 44 are Called cartesian Components oy Ke Veloaty pevabled ts X—ex15 and ¥—@xis- Scanned with CamScanner Maqyy twcle wy He Celocrby 05 given by val¥) “Eee _@ f we = ge BST D4) = ax > ‘s : ant + ate oe and £Y ere called cnvbnaran Carrypptowets, a accelerate (Prrekfel Eo X-ams and Y-ek TANGENTIAL and. Non TAL. - Ve Ay ae = AF as as at Ve var ads as ae Now we shale fine az Sime AT 1. “$y 43 §37 0 FS Fup veckev ix pavaltel to He tengent atP and ik magnitude “wa Lim SF 7 [RF] e bow [$F -1 because Lense 9 chard pg 8 expat bo kenglh 4 are Pg ' = a oA thus arf 2 Scanned with CamScanner a whew F&F wun vecter pavatlel tu my fargent at P was $y © Vevi ——® & Tangential component of velacthy wy 4nd = Narrnat Corman ent q we docs by % Bre ® Betecnrmt, and : Aormal combonenrs OF ACCELERATION, ~~ 7 evel a &@e av = 20h & gi ?+vg? —o New We fd sf . ar e 7 on ED BO df .f,E.Af Lo 2 2(tdfyeo wy ¢- gi ne Arurdng by => £ md “ae are orthegnall e ap Lt unt vecter m Be arvechin gy ¢ bes 2 se n=o ——3) {er fy de Ey Livn sf sy ss “Ss sy Ss zh Sy —>o Scanned with CamScanner yr where EY te we angle trough which Me onpt tangent Lowe on time bt ef

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