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Beam-column behaviour of steel tubes filled with high strength concrete

Depnrtt~zetztof Civil Etlgitzeeritzg, Tlze Utziversity of British Col~itnbicl,Vntzco~ivet;BC V6T 124, Catzadn
Carr~ftlzersnttd Wallace Ltd., Cotls~rltitzgS t r u c t ~ ~ r aEt~gitzeers,
l Torotzto, ON M4R 2E4, Cntzndn
Received February 23, 1993
Revised manuscript acceptcd August 3 1, 1993

The results of an investigation into the behaviour of thin-walled steel tubes filled with high strength concrete
are presented. The main emphasis is placed on the level of ductility that can be achieved, considering the fact that
neither high strength concrete nor thin steel tubes are individually able to absorb significant amounts of energy
Can. J. Civ. Eng. Downloaded from by Duke University on 11/12/12

under cyclic loading. Results of 26 tests on specimens with a diameter of 152 mm and a wall thickness of 1.7 mm,
filled with concrete of characteristic compressive strength ranging between 73 and 92 MPa, are reported. Load
combinations on the specimcns range from pure axial compression, through various combinations of axial load and
bending, to pure bending. Threc spccimens were subjected to cyclic loading. Test results are compared with design
models that are used in current code specifications.
Kev rvods: steel tubes, concrete, composite, beam-column, beam, column, experimental.

Les rCsultats d'une analyse du comportement dc tubes d'acier h paroi mince remplis de bCton de haute rCsistance
sont prCsentCs. Une attention particulikre est accordCe au niveau de ductilitC pouvant &tre obtenu, compte tenu que
ni le bCton de haute rCsistance, ni les tubes d'acier sont en mesure d'absorber individuellement d'importantes quan-
tit& d'Cnergie SOLIS I'effet d'un chargement cyclique. Les rCsultats de 26 essais d'6chantillons d'un diamktre de
152 mm et d'une Cpaisseur de paroi de 1,7 m, remplis de bCton dont la rCsistance h la compression variait entre 73
el 92 MPa, sont prCsentCs. Les combinaisons de charge appliquCes sur les Cchantillons allaient de la compression axiale
pure h la flexion pure, en passant par diverses combinaisons de charge axiale et de flexion. Trois Cchantillons ont Ct6
soumis h des charges cycliques. Les rCsultats d'essai sont cornparks aux modkles de calcul utilis6s dans les codes
For personal use only.

actuellement en vigueur.
Mots cle's : tubes d'acier, bCton, poutre-poteau, composite, poutre, poteau, expCrimental.
[Traduit par la rCdaction]

Can. J. Civ. Eng. 21. ?07-218 (1993)

Engineers long ago realized the potential for combining the
tensile capacity of steel with the compressive strength of
concrete in the construction of composite structural members
of exceptionally high load-carrying efficiency. Several con-
struction methods h a v e e v o l v e d , including c o n v e n t i o n a l
reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete members, com-
posite floor systems, a n d c o m p o s i t e c o l u m n s . T h e latter
generally consists of steel m e m b e r s encased in concrete, . ..

which not only efficiently utilize the two materials but also .... t --
produce fire-resistant structural members. After hollow struc-
tural steel sections became more readily available, engineers
realized the advantages of filling these with concrete. The two
components of the member complement each other ideally: t = 1.7 rnrn
While the steel casing confines the concrete laterally, allowing (0.065 in.)
it to develop its optimum compressive strength, the steel is
also laterally supported which, in turn, prevents elastic local
buckling. Circular hollow sections provide a significant
amount of confinement; this effect is negligible in the case
of rectangular sections. Also, the fact that formwork is not
required provides a significant saving in construction cost and
time. T h e disadvantages of this type of construction must FIG. 1. Specimen properties.
be considered a s well, such as the high c o s t of beam-to-
column connections a n d the lack of efficient construction researchers (Breit a n d R o i k 1 9 8 1 ; Dunberry e t al. 1987;
procedures. These problems have been addressed by several Johnson 1975), although minimal guidance is s o far being
provided in design codes. Generally, however, design spec-
NOTE: Written discussion of this paper is welcomed and will be ifications have not dealt with concrete-filled steel members
received by the Editor until August 31, 1994 (address inside in much detail and the regulations are often not applicable
front cover). to members made with high strength concrete (f: > 40 MPa).
Printed in Con:ld.l 1 I~nprirni.;lu Gio;ld;~
CAN. J . CIV. ENG. VOL. 21, 1994
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FIG.2. Typical stress-strain curve for ( a ) steel and (b) concrete.
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FIG.3. Short column test (Type A). FIG.4. Beam test (Type B).

Within the last decade, much progress has occurred in with prominently in this paper, beyond the usual criterion of
developing concrete mixes with strengths up to 140 MPa load-carrying capacity.
(Randall and Foot 1989) and the question arises whether Design codes over the world are not consistent when deal-
existing design rules still apply. The increase in stiffness ing with concrete-filled hollow steel members. Many codes
of the concrete alters the interaction between the two mate- do not deal with this type of composite section at all, while
rials and has unknown effects on the strength and stability others impose limits on the material strengths and (or) sec-
resistance of such members. Also, the trend is to use more tion slenderness of the steel casing. This can be perceived as
slender steel casings with higher yield stress, F,, since the a reflection of the limited amount of test data available to
possibility of elastic local buckling has been greatly reduced. enable code writers to propose design rules with confidence.
The unease of design engineers is understandable when Of course, different design philosophies exist in different
composite columns and beam-columns are to be used which countries: in allowable stress design rules, safety factors
have properties that do not fall within the limits, specific are applied at the material strength level whereas multipli-
or implied, of current design specifications. Questions arise cation factors to the loads and (or) member resistance are
pertaining to the reliability of such members to resist con- applied in codes based on a limit states philosophy (also
sistently high design loads and whether such loads can be sus- called load and resistance factor design). Also, when test
tained through significant excursion of deformations in the results are interpreted, some code writers apply a lower
post-ultimate phase. The question of ductility will be dealt bound criterion to the data points, whereas some use a mean
TABLE1. Experimental results

Moment (kN.m)
Axial load, P (kN) Load ratios
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Specimen L F ,, f: Predicted Experimental Experimental Pcxp
- Mexp
- Mexp
No. Type" (mm)" ( ~ b a ) (MPa) Puc Pehp ~ ~ o Mued Mcxp pu Mu Mu, Remarks

B1 270 73 1490 1550 - - - 1.040 - -

B3 270 73 1490 1458 - - - 0.979 - -

B5 270 73 1490 1548 - - - 1.039 - -

B7 270 73 1490 1448 - - - 0.972 - -

BP9 328 85 1746 1863 - - - 1.067 - -

BPlO 328 85 1746 1895 - - - 1.085 - -

B2 270 75 1525 1458 - - - 0.956 - -

B4 270 75 1525 1548 - - - 1.015 - -

B6 270 75 1525 1548 - - - 1.015 -

B8 270 75 1525 1587 - - - 1.041 - -
For personal use only.

BPI 262 73 1484 - 13.3 - 19.9 - - 1.496

BP2 262 73 1484 - 13.3 - 17.9 - - 1.346
BP3 262 73 1484 - 13.3 - 20.8 - - 1.564
BP4 262 73 1484 - 13.3 - 19.0 - - 1.429
BP16 328 92 1867 - 16.5 - 21.0 - - 1.270
BPll 328 92 1867 470 16.5 30.3 29.7 0.252 0.981 1.796
BP12 328 92 1867 570 16.5 30.9 32.1 0.305 1.039 1.941
BP13 328 92 1867 670 16.5 30.9 28.5 0.359 0.921 1.723
BP14 328 92 1867 820 16.5 30.1 29.2 0.439 0.970 1.765
BP 15 328 92 1867 970 16.5 27.7 30.5 0.520 1.101 1.848
BP17 328 92 1867 '270 16.5 26.7 30.1 0.145 1.127 1.820
BPI8 328 92 1867 270 16.5 26.7 30.8 0.145 1.153 1.862
BP19 328 92 1867 670 16.5 30.9 34.8 0.359 1.125 2.104
BP20 328 92 1867 1273 16.5 20.1 2 1.4" 0.682 1.063 1.294 e = 15 mm"
BP2 1 328 92 1867 1451 16.5 14.7 13.Ss 0.777 0.940 0.834 e = 12 mm"
BP22 328 92 1867 1309 16.5 19.1 15.9S 0.701 0.834 0.961 e = 11 mm"
"Al, loading of whole cross section; A2, loading of concrete only; B I , pure moment (n~onotonic);B2, pure moment (cyclic); C I , beam-column tests (monotonic); C2, beam-col-
umn tests (cyclic); D, eccentrically loaded columns.
"L is the length between inflection points for types C and D.
"P,, = A f : A,F,; specimens B2, B4, B6, and B8, although only concrete loaded, still used A f + A,F,,
"M,,, is the momeht capacity from compatible strain model, no axial load.
' M , is the moment capacity from compatible strain model, taking axial load into consideration.
/1, is the distance between applied point loads.
"Calculated from strain readings.
"~nitialeccentricity calculated from strain readings.
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I 2120 rnrn I
FIG.5. Beam-column test layout (Type C).

P value to calibrate load and resistance factors. Depending

For personal use only.

on the scatter of test results, these two approaches can

deliver different values of the reliability index.
Previous research on hollow structural sections filled with
normal strength concrete ( f : < 40 MPa) has paved the way for
further developments, especially in the case of circular sections,
where considerable strength can potentially be gained from tri-
axial confinement of the concrete. The interaction between
the concrete core and the steel casing has been investigated
379 rnrn
since 1957 (KIBpper and Goder), while Knowles and Park
(1969, 1970), Neogi et al. (1969), Chen (1972), Chen and
Chen (1973), and Chen and Atsuta (1976) specifically
initial eccentricity addressed the relationship between slenderness and confine-
ment. Since the concrete has to reach about 95% of its com-
pressive strength before the confinement is activated, only
stocky columns typically achieve this state before overall
buckling dictates the ultimate strength. Such an increase in
compressive strength was observed experimentally as the
slenderness ratio of the column was decreased, but no con-
sensus has been reached to define a limiting slenderness ratio.
instrumentation collar To achieve full confinement, the steel is best utilized in the
circumferential direction and should preferably not be loaded
longitudinally (Knowles and Park 1969). In practice, however,
this is very difficult to achieve, since bond stresses and fric-
tional forces between the concrete and the steel cause longi-
tudinal straining of the steel, thereby reducing the yield
strength in both the circumferential and longitudinal directions
379 mm (Furlong 1968; Virdi and Dowling 1980). This was demon-
strated in tests by Gardner and Jacobsen (1967), which have
shown no increase in strength when only the concrete was
loaded, compared to full load application to the concrete
and steel.
Consequently, most equations for the ultimate load of
coinposite sections assume that the component materials act
independently. Knowles and Park (1969, 1970) and Toinii
et al. (1977) assumed that the steel and the concrete interact
FIG. 6. Eccentrically located column test layout (Type D). by adding ductility and stability to the column, but collec-
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stresses 4 stresses
FIG.7. Compatible strain model.
For personal use only.

stress' block

SECTION concrete stresses

FIG.8. Superposition model.

tively do not add strength to the column beyond their indi- strength concrete, an experilnental program was initiated,
vidual contributions. The axial strength of the column is which employs steel tubes with a diameter-to-thickness ratio
modelled by using a summed tangent modulus approach, (D/t) of 92 and yield stress, F,, of 262-328 MPa, filled with
which assumes the steel to reach full yield before buckling, concrete of characteristic strength, f:,of 73-92 MPa (Boehme
due to the lateral support of the concrete. The ultimate 1988, 1989; Tidy 1988). A full range of load combinations
strength is thus the sum of the steel and concrete strengths, (axial load versus moment) was applied to characterize the
ignoring both the triaxial effects and bond. load capacities and load-deformation behaviour up to and
beyond ultimate.
P,, = F y A s + f ',A,
For longer columns, overall buckling will occur before the Experimental program
concrete can expand sufficiently to result in any noticeable The aim of the experimental study was not only to deter-
confinement effect, and tangent modulus equations are found mine the maximum load capacity of the specimens but also
to be adequate. Although lateral displacement compatibility to establish the behavioural pattern up to and beyond ultimate
should be maintained, any increase in stiffness due to bond load. To maintain a means of direct comparison, all the
strength is typically ignored. specimens had the same cross-sectional properties (see
To address some of the concerns and extend the existing Fig. 1). Variations in the material properties necessitated
knowledge to more slender steel tubes filled with high the norinalization of test results with respect to predicted
2 12 CAN. 1. CIV. ENG. VOL. 21, 1994

concrete only by using loading plates that fitted within the

Failure Mode tube's inner diameter (Type A2). Electronic displacement
transducers were attached to the specimens to measure lon-
gitudinal shortening and changes of the specimen diameter
across two perpendicular axes. Strain gauges were applied to
t h e steel tube in the longitudinal a n d circumferential
Type B: beam tests
Four specimens of 1100 mm length were tested in a beam
configuration (Type B 1, see Fig. 4). The bending moment was
induced by applying two point loads as shown, resulting in
a constant moment region in the centre. The distance between
the point loads was varied between 600 and 0 mm (single
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point load) to examine the effect of shear on the bending

capacity of the tubes. The ends of the specimens were left
uncapped to allow slippage between the concrete and the
steel tube. This was believed to be the worst case, although
it might be deemed as being too unfavourable. Displacement
transducers were used to measure the relative movement
between the concrete and the steel and the vertical displace-
FIG.9. Short column failure mode and model. ment at the centre of the beam. Strain gauges were applied
to the steel tube at the centre to measure longitudinal and
capacities using familiar strength equations. The steel sections circumferential strains.
were standard 152 X 1.65 mm ( 6 X 0.065 in.) tubes of One specimen with effective span length of 2120 mm was
250-330 MPa (36-48 ksi) steel with electric resistance tested in the beam-column test apparatus (Fig. 5) but without
welded longitudinal seams. The concrete for specimens the axial load (Type B2). The load was cycled at a ductility
types A and B (see Table 1) was mixed in the laboratory level of approximately two to three times the yield defor-
For personal use only.

while that for specimens types C and D was purchased from mation until failure occurred. This was accomplished by
a commercial concrete supplier. Typical stress-strain curves loading and unloading the specimen in one orientation, then
of steel coupon tests and concrete cylinder tests are shown rotating the specimen about its longitudinal axis by 180"
in Fig. 2. The steel yield stress, F.,,, that was used in cal- and repeating the loading sequence.
culations is the static coupon yiel% stress, obtained when
holding the strain in the test coupon at a constant level T ~ y eC: becrnz-column tests
while allowing relaxation of fibre stresses to occur. The Various combinations of axial load and bending moment
were applied to eight specimens of 2120 mm effective length
concrete cylinders (152 mm in diameter and 305 mm long)
were tested in a "stiff' testing machine which normally per- (Fig. 5). The axial load was first introduced by a hydraulic
mits a controlled unloading of the test specimen. The high actuator through pinned ends. While the axial load was
maintained at the predetermined level, two equal lateral
strength and brittle nature of the concrete resulted in a rather
abrupt failure as is reflected in the stress-strain curves forces, under displacement control, were applied which
(Fig. 2). No mechanical shear connection was provided resulted in a constant first-order moment in the test region.
between the concrete and the steel. In fact, shrinkage of the Six specimens were tested monotonically to failure (Type C I )
concrete resulted in a loss of the bond in some specimens and two were subjected to cyclic loads (Type C2). For the
before they were tested. latter, loading cycled at a level of two to three times the
The experimental program consisted of four phases which yield deformation until failure was achieved under increasing
are described below and are designated as types A, B, C, load after 472 cycles.
and D. Displacement transducers measured longitudinal strains
over the test region at the top and the bottom of the speci-
Type A: short col~~rnn test men; vertical displacements at the pins, the load application
Ten specimens with lengths between 500 and 900 mm points, and the centre of the specimens; and the overall
were tested under concentric axial load (See Fig. 3). Load shortening of the specimens. Strain gauges determined lon-
arrangements and specimen lengths were chosen to observe gitudinal and circumferential strains at the centre of the
the effect of confinement on the concrete, which appears specimens. An attempt was made to determine the friction
to be most noticeable in columns of a slenderness ratio, moment introduced at the pins by relating the longitudinal
LID, less than 15. The compressive capacity is believed to strains in the test region to the vertical loads in a pure
depend on this slenderness, the D/t ratio, and the method moment case. In tests involving axial and bending loads
of load application. It is usually preferred to avoid axial combined, the longitudinal strains, in turn, were used as a
stresses in the steel tube which would reduce its capacity to measure to determine the applied moment in the test region.
provide lateral confinement to the concrete. In reality, how- The pin friction moments were the only unknowns in the
ever, friction and chemical bond between the steel and the moment equilibrium equation, and could be determined to a
concrete provide a load transfer mechanism from the concrete reasonable accuracy. Some compensation was made in the
into the stiffer steel tube. Some specimens were thus tested reported results to account for the friction moments. Since
by applying the load on the steel and the concrete simulta- this restraining moment was relatively small, however, even
neously (Type A l ) , while others had the load applied to the a large error in its determination would have an insignificant


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0 I I

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06

FIG.10.Short column load-strain curve (Type A).

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. . . .


-flever arm

FIG.1 1 . Beam specimen failure mode.

effect on the overall moment. The vertical loads were applied Analytical load predictions
through rubber-lined collars which permitted some distortion
of the cross section with minimal restraint. Design codes typically use interaction equations for mem-
ber strength which are based on the assumption of full bond-
Type D: eccentrically loaded columns ing between the concrete and the steel. This is the basis for
Since only moderate axial loads could be applied in the the familiar model that requires strain compatibility and
beam-column apparatus, three specimens were loaded with shear deformations, that is, plane sections remain plane
an eccentric axial load in a universal testing frame with low throughout deformation (see Fig. 7). Some variations to the
friction spherical bearings attached (Fig. 6). The effective assumed simplified concrete stress block are in usage, while
length between inflection points was 1071 mm and the initial the steel tube is typically expected to carry the full plastic
eccentricity varied between 11 and 15 mrn. For the purpose moment. For the purpose of comparison in this study, a
of calculating moments, which depended on the instantaneous variable stress block according to the Hognestad equation
eccentricity of the load, the lateral position of the specimen was implemented in a computer program PLANE (Collins
as well as strain readings on the tube surface were used. and Mitchell 1987), which numerically integrates the stresses
214 C A N . J. CIV. ENG. VOL. 21, 1994

7Lpe A
The short columns all failed within approximately 5% of
the predicted load capacities. A shear failure in the concrete
resulted in a relatively abrupt decline in load-carrying capac-
ity. As the concrete wedges (see Fig. 9) slid past each other,
the steel shell was fully activated as a circumferential tension
band, resulting in a ductile failure mode at this secondary
load level. The simplified model in Fig. 9 can be used to
predict the sustained axial capacity of a failed column by
introducing a friction coefficient of approximately 1.0
between the concrete surfaces. For these particular specimens
with a relatively low percentage of steel, the sustained load
was approximately 60% of the ultimate experimental load.
No apreciable difference in load-carrying capacity was
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detected between long and short specimens and between

types A1 (steel and concrete loaded) and A2 (concrete only
CURVATURE (radlkm) loaded). Plots of axial load versus specimen shortening are
FIG. 13. Beam moment-curvature graphs (Type B 1 ). shown in Fig. 10.

to obtain the moment resistance for a given axial load. The beam specimens all failed in a very ductile manner. The
Increases in concrete strength resulting from confinement failure always occurred at the loading points and had the
by the steel tube were neglected. appearance of a concrete shear fracture followed by stretching
The Japanese code (Beedle et al. 1989), which is based and subsequent rupture of the steel casing. Buckling of the
on allowable stress design, also has an ultimate strength steel casing in the compression region was observed at ulti-
provision for earthquake design that is based on the so- mate. No definite trend in moment capacity could be detected
called superposition model (Chen and Atsuta 1976) (see from tests that had the point loads at different spacings, that
Fig. 8). No strain compatibility is assumed as the stress is, varying proportions of shear versus moment. Significant
For personal use only.

resultants of the steel and concrete sections are calculated slippage occurred between the steel and the concrete which
independently and then added to obtain the total capacity was in the order of 1-2 mm at ultimate (10-13 inm at failure)
of the section. The neutral axes are not required to be coin- at each end. This, however, did not seem to lower the moment
cidental, which leaves the designer some freedom to assign capacity of the specimens. It would have a significant effect
varying portions of axial load and moment to the concrete on the bending stiffness of the member, however. A simpli-
and the steel. This results in a band of possible combinations fied model is shown in Fig. 11, which describes the failure
of axial load and moment at ultimate (see Fig. 17). T h e mode and how the materials act in cooperation to resist the
optimum capacity is achieved when no axial load is assigned applied moment. Plots of the moment at the failure location
to the steel section, which leaves it to contribute more to versus average curvature in the test region are shown in Fig.
the moment resistance. The equations that are used in the 12. Only central deflections were measured, and these were
Japanese code are as follows: converted to curvatures using elastic relationships to allow
direct comparison with the beam-column tests where curva-
C, = 0.25(0.85f',)~'(a - sin a cos a) ture was measured directly. Specimen BP16 (Type B2) sus-
tained 4'12 cycles of bending, each extending to about two
to three times the yield deformation after which it was loaded
to failure (Fig. 13). Although a slight decrease in strength
was observed with every subsequent cycle, a significant
amount of energy was dispersed.

The beam-column specimens all failed in the centre by
rupture of the steel casing in the tension zone after sub-
This approach, although unconventional, has considerable stantial cracking of the concrete and buckling of the steel in
appeal, especially in light of the fact that the bond between the compression zone. The second-order moments resulting
the concrete and the steel tube is, at best, questionable. from the axial load, acting about the displaced section cen-
troid, constituted about 20% of the total moment at ultimate.
Experimental results and specimen behaviour Beyond ultimate, the vertical loads, which were introduced
All the test specimens behaved in a relatively ductile man- by a displacement-controlled actuator, decreased to zero,
ner and testing proceeded in a smooth and controlled way. The and the total moment was due to second-order effects.
test results are summarized in Table 1, which indicates that, Moment-curvature plots for varying axial load levels are
with the exception of the eccentrically loaded columns (Type shown in Fig. 15. The significant increase in moment capacity
D), predicted strength capacities were achieved. Each type of in the presence of an axial load results from the activation
test had its special features which will be described indi- of a mostly underutilized concrete compression region
vidually below. As expected from the stress-strain diagrams (Fig. 14). What is more significant, however, is that in the
(Fig. 2), the concrete behaved in a brittle manner, resulting post-ultimate phase, the moment capacity decreased to a
in sharp, clean fracture surfaces, intersecting the aggregate. cominon level approaching that of the pure moment case



15 cracking moment

-E 10


g -5
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-25 1 I I I
-200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
CURVATURE (rad/km)
FIG. 13. Hysteretic behaviour of beam specimen (Type B2).
For personal use only.

FIG. 14. Bean-column specimen failure mode.

(BP16). This specimen was tested under cyclic load and tile behaviour as observed in the beam-column specimens, but
only the first branch of its hysteresis curve is shown. failed rather abruptly when lateral buckling occurred.
The cyclic tests demonstrated good ductility of the mem- Experimental loads did not achieve those predicted by the
bers (Fig. 16). A slight pinching effect was observed, how- superposition model or the compatible strain model (Fig. 17),
ever, which can be attributed to the opening and closing of which suggests that the brittle nature of the high strength
concrete cracks while the relatively thin steel tube was yield- concrete and the lack of proper confinement contributed to
ing and buckling. A slight deterioration of the moment the premature and non-ductile failure. Because of the dif-
capacity suggests that the confinement of the concrete was ficulty in maintaining the proper eccentricities in the test
partially lost after the first cycle. Tension fracture of the arrangement, moments and eccentricities were calculated
steel tube occurred when the specimens were loaded to from strain gauge readings, assuming linear elastic behaviour.
failure after 4'12 cycles. Based on the near-elastic load-deflection curves, this was
Type D deemed to be a reasonable assumption. Although great care
The eccentrically loaded columns did not exhibit the duc- was taken to consider all sources of error, it should be kept
CAN. J . CIV. ENG. VOL. ? I , 1994

P=470 kN (BPI I )
P=670 kN (BP13)
P = 820 kN (BP14)
p=O kN (BP16)
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C U R V A T U R E (rad/krn)

FIG. 15. Moment-curvature responses of beam-column specimens (Type C l ) .

For personal use only.

-40 1 , I
-200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
C U R V A T U R E (rad/km)

FIG. 16. Hysteretic behaviour of beam-column specimen (Type C2).

in mind, however, that such calculations are very sensitive unconservative, which can be attributed to the fact that a
to local effects. thin steel tube does not provide sufficient confinement to
develop the full plastic capacity of the concrete. Because
Conclusions of local buckling of the tube wall, the plastic moment capac-
Test results have shown that the behaviour of thin steel ity of the steel section could not be developed as required.
tubes filled with high strength concrete can be described It was also shown that the failure mechanism in short
by two distinctly different models. With the exception of concentrically loaded columns is a shear failure of the con-
beam-columns with high axial load, the ultimate strength crete, rather than lateral plastic expansion of the concrete
is reasonably well modelled using strain compatibility while core. This is important in that it changes the ultimate and
the post-ultimate strength is best described by a rational post-ultimate load-carrying capacities of the section signif-
model which treats the steel and concrete components as icantly. For these specimens and the beam-column specimens
separate elements. The superposition model as used in the with high axial load-to-moment ratios, a sudden decline in
Japanese code for earthquake resistant design proved to be load-carrying capacity beyond ultimate was observed. This

0 Boehme, 1989
V Boehme, 1988

superposition model Cs = O

superposition model Cs = Py
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FIG. 17. Axial load and bending moment interaction.
For personal use only.

is a concern, especially when these members are designated Beedle, L.S. et al. (Editors). 1989. Stability of metal structures,
for earthquake conditions where some damage is expected A world view. 2nd ed. Structural Stability Research Council,
and the post-ultimate strength is of importance. The reduced Bethlehem, Pa.
capacity should be used for such applications. On a positive Boehme, J. 1988. Behaviour of circular steel tubes filled with
note, the remarkable ductility of such members at the sus- high strength concrete subjected to bending. B.Sc. thesis,
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto,
tained load level is a most desirable feature which should not
Toronto, Ont.
be overlooked. Boehme, J. 1989. Strength of thin-walled circular steel tubes
The exceptionally ductile behaviour of members with a filled with high strength concrete. M.A.Sc. thesis, Department
significant moment component is a very important advantage of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont.
of composite beam-columns. The concrete core was found to Breit, M., and Roik, K. 1981. Momentenfreier AnschlulJ an
contribute significantly to the moment capacity of the mem- Betongefullte Hohlprofilstutzen - Experimentelle
bers, especially in light of the extreme section slenderness of Untersuchung. Project 52 der Studiengesellschaft fur
the steel tubing. Anwendungstechnik von Eisen und Stahl, Dusseldorf, Germany.
The eccentrically loaded columns did not compare as well Chen, W.F. 1972. Behaviour of concrete-filled steel tubular
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M,,, predicted ultimate moment with P = 0
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List of symbols
A, concrete cross-sectional area
A, steel cross-sectional area
For personal use only.

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