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ALX AICE: Milestone #4 Worksheet

Simulation Recap

This week, you accomplished several tasks related to the development of the
updated version of VacAI. Firstly, you conducted thorough research and analyzed
the data before creating the app prototype. Additionally, you created a user
persona that guided your design thinking process for the app. Furthermore, you
developed a landing page for the new update. Lastly, you concluded the week by
sending a clear and concise email to the stakeholders at Waga, preparing them for
the presentation you will be delivering next week.

Please follow the steps and instructions to complete the milestone successfully.

Tip: Check out the rubric before submitting your Milestone Worksheet.

Step 0: Completed Survey
Complete the placement survey by clicking here. After completion, take a screenshot of the
thank you page and paste it below. Once done, go back to Savanna to continue your
learning journey.
To take a screenshot on Windows, use Alt + PrtScn
To take a screenshot on Mac, use Shift + Command + 5
You can use Ctrl + V or Command + V to paste the screenshot in be box below.

Kindly complete the survey by clicking here.

Step 0: Completed Survey

SECTION A: Visualized Data
Step 1: Visualized Data
To complete this activity, you need to access the "UN Data on Refugees (AiCE <> Dataset)"
dataset and make sure you have visualized the data given to you.
To do this:
First, find the total number of refugees in each country using Tab 1 (Data) Tab.

Once you have done that, make sure you have visualized the data using a Bar Chart, Pie
Chart (Activity: Visualize Your Dataset (Part A)), and your visualized data from Julius AI
(Activity: Visualize Your Dataset (Part B)).

After that, you need to paste the link to the copy of your worksheet. Please ensure that the
link you are pasting can be viewed by anyone, and the setting should be set to "anyone with
the link can view."
Step 1: My Visualized Data


SECTION B: User persona
Step 2: User persona
Paste the links to both user personas from this activity in the box provided below, and
ensure your user persona has the correct file name.

The user persona was created manually with Canva, in Part A of this activity: Create Your
User Persona
Step 2a: Manually Created Userpersona

The user persona was created with user persona dev in Part B of this activity: Create Your
User Persona
Step 2b: AI Created Userpersona


SECTION C: Before Your Peer Meeting
Step 3: Restate your problem statement
Please write your problem statement from week 2 here (This is the problem statement you
wrote based on your simulation activity at Waga).

Step 3: My Problem Statement

After launching VacAI, a vacation planning app, Waga saw a drop in sales and an increase
in complaints, showing users are facing big problems.
The target population comprises users of the VacAI app seeking adventure vacation
planning services, including individuals and families.
This issue impacts Waga's reputation in the hospitality industry and undermines
customer trust. The decline in sales and influx of complaints jeopardize revenue streams
and hinder the app's potential for growth and sustainability.
Currently, there exists a gap between the initial excitement and adoption of VacAI
evidenced by high initial downloads and sales, and the subsequent dissatisfaction and
decline in sales. Bridging this gap entails identifying and rectifying the underlying issues
causing customer dissatisfaction to ensure sustained engagement and positive
experiences with the app.

Step 4: Bad Idea Brainstorm

BEFORE your peer meeting, conduct a Bad Idea Brainstorm with yourself. List at least 10 bad
ideas for how you might solve the failed launch of VacAI. You can get completely ridiculous.
For example: Asking users to upload a blood test before they can download the app, etc.
The dumber the idea, the better! The purpose of this is to get your mind open to generating
ideas without fear of them being wrong, dumb, or bad. (Stay in divergent thinking.)

Need help? Click “Give Me a Bad Idea” on this website to get some inspiration.

Step 4: Bad Ideas

1. Mandatory Dance Video Submission: Require users to upload a dance video as a form of
"energy level verification" to tailor their adventure vacations.
2. Psychic Predictions Integration: Partner with a team of psychics to predict and select
vacation spots for users based on their aura readings over a webcam.
3. Dream Analysis for Destination Matching: Users must submit descriptions of their
recent dreams, which the app analyzes to recommend vacation destinations.
4. Extreme Weather Adventures Only: Only offer vacation packages available during the
most extreme weather conditions of the chosen destination to ensure an unforgettable

5. Animal Companion Preferences: Make users select an animal companion for their
adventure; the catch is, the app only suggests vacations where this animal can
accompany them, no matter how impractical.
6. Dress Code Based Itineraries: Create itineraries based solely on the user's wardrobe
choices, with bizarre themes like "Victorian England Ski Trip" or "Scuba Diving in a Ball
7. Vacation By Lottery: Users enter their preferences, but the app randomly assigns them
a destination, completely ignoring their inputs.
8. Scent-Based Destination Matching: Users have to send in a sample of their favorite
scent, and the app suggests destinations based on the smell.
9. Survival Mode Vacations: Offer only vacations where users have to survive with minimal
resources for a week in a remote location, turning every trip into a survival reality show.
10. Historical Reenactment Travel: Vacations are solely based on historical events, and
users must participate in period-appropriate activities, wearing costumes the entire time,
regardless of the destination's current era.

Step 5: Possible ideas

Next, list at least 5 “possible ideas” to address the problem with VacAI. These do NOT have
to be good ideas. The only constraint is that they should just be at least theoretically
possible. It could be adding a simple user onboarding process or introducing an entirely
new dashboard. You’re still in Divergent thinking here, so don’t judge your ideas as good or
Step 5: Possible Ideas

1. User Review Integration: Introduce a user review system where previous vacationers can
rate their experiences and provide feedback, allowing future users to make more informed
2.Personalized Customer Support: Implement a dedicated customer support team trained
to assist users with any issues or concerns they encounter during their vacation planning
and booking process.
3.Social Media Integration: Allow users to connect their social media accounts to VacAI,
enabling them to see where their friends have traveled and share their own experiences,
fostering a sense of community and trust.
4.Gamification Elements: Add gamification features such as badges, rewards, and
leaderboards to encourage user engagement and incentivize completing vacation
5.Virtual Reality Exploration: Develop a virtual reality feature that allows users to virtually
explore their chosen vacation destinations before booking, providing a more immersive
and realistic preview of their upcoming adventure.

Once you finish this section, follow the steps mentioned below to find a peer for your next
activity. A peer refers to a fellow student/learner enrolled in this AiCE program, and you are
allowed to choose up to three peers for the peer activity. However, while filling out Section D
in your Milestone #4 worksheet, you only need to report on one chosen peer. This peer
meeting should be online on any platform of your choice.

Step 1: Reach Out to a Peer

1: Message one of your peers in your Squad on The Portal. If you don't have a Squad, you
can reach out to a peer from the main AiCE Learner Community on The Portal.

● Request to complete this activity with them.

● Schedule a date and time that works for both of you.

2: Complete Section C of your Milestone #4 Worksheet

● Before showing up for the peer activity, make sure you have completed Section C of
your Milestone #4 Worksheet. This will help you to be better prepared for the
feedback you will receive.



SECTION D: PEER Meeting Output

Step 6: Meeting Date, Time, & Location
Please list when and where your team meeting took place.

Step 6: Meeting Date, Time, & Location

A. Date: 08/04/24
B. Time: 04:00 pm
C. Location: google meet
D. Peer Name: Othmane Lamssaoui

Step 7: Selected Solution

Choose and specify the idea you are going with.
Step 7: Selected Solution

I would choose the User Review Integration solution.

This option leverages the power of social proof and user-generated content to
address the issues faced by VacAI. By allowing users to rate their experiences and
provide feedback, potential customers can make more informed decisions about their
vacation choices. User reviews can highlight the strengths and weaknesses of
different destinations and help identify areas for improvement within the app.

Step 8: Peer's Feedback

Please state which idea your peer found the most appealing during the conversation and
explain the reason for their choice.
Step 8: Peer's Feedback

My peer Othmane Lamssaoui choose the Social Media Integration solution because
Social media integration offers several compelling advantages for VacAI.
Firstly, it taps into the widespread use of social platforms, providing an opportunity for
VacAI to expand its reach and engage with users in their preferred online spaces. By
allowing users to connect their social media accounts, VacAI can facilitate sharing of
travel experiences, photos, and recommendations, amplifying its visibility and
attracting new users through word-of-mouth referrals.

Step 9: Reflection
In a brief paragraph, describe your experience with peer coaching, including what went well
and areas for improvement.

Step 9: Reflection

In the session where we discussed VacAI app enhancements with my colleague Othmane
Lamssaoui, the peer coaching proved to be both valuable and efficient. We shared ideas
in a constructive manner, each of us adding distinct viewpoints and insights. The
conversation progressed seamlessly, allowing us to delve into the advantages and
possible drawbacks of each suggestion. Receiving feedback from Othmane was
beneficial; it sharpened my thought process and opened up new avenues for
consideration. This peer-to-peer interaction was instrumental in sparking innovative
ideas and enhancing teamwork.
Step 10: Email to Stakeholders
Paste your email from the Activity on email writing to stakeholders in the box below.

Step 10: Email to Stakeholders

Subject: Update : Enhancing VacAI User Experience through Innovative Solutions

Dear Stakeholders,

I hope this message finds you well. As we navigate through the first quarter, I am excited
to share an update on our key project, the development and relaunch of the VacAI app.
This initiative is not just on track but has exceeded our initial milestones ahead of
schedule, underscoring our commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction in the
travel technology space.

Our dedicated team has been hard at work ideating and refining potential solutions to the
challenges faced during the initial launch of VacAI. Through a comprehensive idea
generation process, we have explored numerous avenues to enhance the app's
functionality and user experience. Our efforts culminated in the identification of five
promising solutions:

1. Introducing a dynamic user onboarding experience to educate users about VacAI’s

unique features.
2. Implementing an AI-driven personalized vacation planning assistant.
3. Enhancing app usability through an intuitive interface redesign.
4. Establishing a community platform within the app for users to share experiences
and tips.
5. Integrating real-time environmental and safety information to ensure informed
travel planning.
After careful consideration and analysis, we chose to focus on implementing an AI-driven
personalized vacation planning assistant. This feature stands out as it directly addresses
the core need for customized, stress-free vacation planning, which is central to VacAI's
value proposition. By leveraging AI, we can offer our users an unparalleled level of
personalization and convenience, setting VacAI apart in a crowded marketplace.

Reflecting on the idea generation process, it became evident that embracing a culture of
open innovation and collaborative brainstorming is instrumental in navigating complex
challenges. The diversity of ideas and the freedom to explore various angles without the
fear of immediate rejection fostered a creative environment that ultimately led to our
breakthrough solution.

As we move forward with the development and testing of this feature, I am confident in
our team's ability to deliver a product that not only meets but exceeds our customers'
expectations. This progress is a testament to our strategic planning, execution excellence,
and the innovative spirit of our team.

I look forward to discussing how this development aligns with our strategic goals and the
potential adjustments to our upcoming initiatives to maintain this momentum. Your
insights, feedback, and leadership will be crucial as we continue to refine and enhance
the VacAI app to better serve our users.

Thank you for your continued support and guidance.

Best regards,
Ilham Boutahri, Marketing Manager
Step 11: AI Toolkit
To access your AI Toolkit, Go to your personal ALX AICE Google Drive, then locate your updated
AI Toolkit Spreadsheet. Make sure your AI Toolkit is updated and contains prompts and
workflow optimization processes from the following activities:
● Visualizing Data Using Julius AI
● User Persona
● Email to Stakeholders

Next, Click "Share" (under the 3 dots) and adjust the settings so that it looks like

Then, copy the link and paste it in the box below;

Step 11: Your AI Toolkit

If you need more help with this, Google for video instructions on sharing files in
Google Drive, or ask a peer.
Step 12: Reflection on the use of AI
Take a moment to reflect on how you used AI this week, you are to write a short
paragraph answering the following reflection questions:

Reflection on the use of AI

1. How did AI assist you in the writing process? Did it help you generate ideas,
proofread, or edit your work?
2. Did you feel that AI helped you save time or improve the quality of your
3. What potential drawbacks or limitations did you experience while using AI for
4. How did you use AI for prototyping? Did it help you create and refine designs
or models?
5. In what ways do you think AI can improve the prototyping process, and how
might it be limited?

Step 12: Write Your Reflection Response Here

AI has been a great help in my writing process. It suggests ideas, proofreads, and edits
my work, making it more efficient and error-free.

AI has saved me time and improved my writing quality. Its quick analysis and editing
capabilities ensure I produce better work in less time.

While AI offers many benefits, it can sometimes provide irrelevant suggestions or lack the
human touch needed for engaging writing.

AI aids in prototyping by analyzing user feedback and automating design tasks, which
helps in creating and refining designs quickly.

AI can improve prototyping by speeding up workflows and providing valuable insights

from user data. However, it may be limited by biases in training data and the inability to
fully replicate human creativity.

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