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Ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you all for standing behind me as I marked the significant moment in my life - my
retirement on the 31st of October. It is both an honor and a privilege to have worked with you,
reflecting on the many years I have dedicated to this wonderful Organization and the incredible
journey we have shared.
As I leave, I am filled with mixed emotions - a sense of accomplishment, gratitude, nostalgia,
and a touch of apprehension about what lies ahead. But, as they say, every ending is also a new
beginning, and I am excited about the adventures that retirement has in store for me.
First and foremost, I want to express my deepest gratitude to all of you, my colleagues and
friends, for your unwavering support, camaraderie, and the countless memories we have
created together. It has been a privilege to work alongside such talented and dedicated
individuals, and I am truly thankful for the friendships that have blossomed over the years.
I also want to extend my heartfelt thanks to our management team, mentors, and everyone
who has contributed to my personal and professional growth. Your guidance and mentorship
have been invaluable, and I wouldn't be standing here today without your wisdom and support.
Reflecting on my career, I can't help but marvel at the incredible transformations I've witnessed
in this Organization. We have faced challenges, celebrated successes, and weathered storms
together. Through it all, our resilience, innovation, and unwavering commitment to excellence
have consistently propelled us forward. I have been fortunate to be part of this journey, and I
am proud of all that we have achieved.
As I transition into retirement, I am eager to embrace new experiences and spend more time
with my loved ones. I look forward to pursuing hobbies, traveling, and exploring the world
outside of the office. But, rest assured, I will always cherish the memories and lessons learned
during my time here.
To you all I leave behind, I offer my heartfelt best wishes. You are part of an organization filled
with remarkable people and boundless opportunities. Embrace change, lead with passion, and
continue to build upon the legacy we have created together. To those I might have offended I
ask for your forgives and I bare no grudge against those that offended me in my sojourn here.
In closing, let me say that while my formal role within this organization may have come to an
end, my connection to each and every one of you will remain strong. I may no longer walk these
office halls every day, but I will carry the spirit of this organization with me always.
Thank you once again for being a part of my journey. I am truly blessed to have worked with
such an exceptional team, and I look forward to the adventures that retirement will bring.
Farewell, and may the future hold nothing but success and happiness for us all.
Thank you all for being a great part of my life
Dr Justin B Nickaf, fsi

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