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Final term
Current subjective

Prepare by: Asham

1. Write brief note on domain taxonomy?

Domain taxonomy is a way of classifying and organizing information within a specific field
or subject. It’s like creating categories or a hierarchy to sort different concepts, ideas, or
objects. This helps people understand the subject better and find information more easily.

In education, for example, Bloom’s Taxonomy is a popular domain taxonomy that sorts
learning objectives into different levels such as remembering, understanding, applying,
analyzing, evaluating, and creating. This helps teachers plan lessons that build on each other
and guide students to deeper understanding.

2. Write about integrated curriculum design?

Integrated curriculum design combines different subjects into one lesson or theme. It’s like
connecting pieces of a puzzle so students can see the big picture. For example, learning about
the rainforest might include science, geography, and art all together. This way, students
understand how things are connected and can enjoy learning more.

3. Explain evaluation process?

The evaluation process is like checking your work to see how well you did. In education, it’s
when teachers look at tests, assignments, or classroom activities to see if students understand
the material. They might give grades or feedback to help students know what they did well and
what they need to work on. It’s a way to make sure everyone is on the right track and help
them do even better in the future.

4. Flexible planning?

Flexible planning means creating a plan that can easily adapt to changes or unexpected events.
Instead of following a rigid path, flexible planning allows for adjustments along the way,
making it possible to respond to new circumstances or information without derailing the overall
goals. It’s like having a roadmap with multiple routes to reach the destination, allowing for
detours if needed.

5. Basic notions of evaluation?

Evaluation is the process of assessing something, such as a project, performance, or product,
to determine its value, quality, or effectiveness. The basic notions of evaluation include setting
clear criteria or standards to measure against, collecting relevant information or data, analyzing
that information, and making a judgment or decision based on the analysis. It helps in
understanding what’s working well and what needs improvement, guiding future decisions and

6. Explain Problem solving domains?

Problem-solving domains refer to specific areas or fields where problems can arise, and unique
methods are needed to solve them. For example, a mathematical problem would be in a
different domain than a social issue. Each domain requires different skills, knowledge, and
approaches to find solutions, much like using different tools for different tasks.

7. Principal’s of evolution?
The principles of evolution are the basic ideas that explain how living things change over time.
They include:

1. Variation: There are differences among individuals in a population.

2. Inheritance: Traits can be passed from parents to offspring.
3. Selection: Some traits help individuals survive and reproduce better than others.
4. Adaptation: Over time, more individuals in a population have advantageous traits.
5. Gradual Change: Evolution happens slowly over generations.
6. Common Ancestry: Different species share common ancestors.

These principles help us understand how species have changed and diversified over millions
of years.

8. Learning experience of students how it’s

developers in the classroom?
The learning experience of students in the classroom is developed through a combination of
effective teaching methods, engaging curriculum, personalized attention, and the use of
technology. Teachers play a crucial role in nurturing this experience by understanding
individual student needs and adapting their teaching styles accordingly. Collaboration, hands-

on activities, and real-world applications also enhance learning and help students grasp
concepts more easily.

9. Advantages and disadvantages of organization

curriculum ?
Organizing a curriculum means planning lessons and topics in a structured way.
Here’s what’s good and not so good about it:


1. Clear Path: Everyone knows what to learn and when, so there’s no

2. Balanced Learning: All subjects and topics get the right amount of time.
3. Goals and Standards: It helps teachers make sure they’re meeting the goals
and standards they need to.


1. Less Flexibility: If something new comes up, it might be hard to fit it into
the plan.
2. One Size Doesn’t Fit All: It might not suit every student’s needs or
3. Time-Consuming: Planning everything out can take a lot of time and effort.

So, while an organized curriculum can make teaching and learning clearer and more
balanced, it can also be rigid and time-consuming.

10. What is meant by LE organization?

Learning Experience (LE) organization means planning and arranging how people will learn
something. It’s like setting up a roadmap for learning, deciding what to learn first, what comes
next, and how everything fits together. This helps make sure that learning is smooth, fun, and
effective, guiding people through the information in a way that makes sense.

11. Characteristics of LE?

The characteristics of a Learning Experience (LE) include:
1. Engagement: Learning experiences are designed to keep learners interested and
2. Relevance: They connect to real-life situations or personal interests.
3. Interactivity: Learners actively participate and interact with the content.
4. Variety: They use different methods like videos, discussions, and hands-on activities.
5. Feedback: Learners get information on their progress and understanding.

6. Application: They focus on using what’s learned in practical situations.

7. Flexibility: Les can be adapted to suit different learners’ needs.
8. Reflection: They encourage learners to think about what they’ve learned.

Overall, learning experiences aim to make learning enjoyable, effective, and meaningful.

12. steps of organization curriculum?

Agreeing upon:
1. General scheme of organization
2. General organizing principles to be followed within each of the fields decided on.
3. The kind of low level unit.
4. Developing flexible plans or source plans.
5. Student – teacher planning.
This general operational procedure is used by various curriculum developers

13. Being a teacher how you promote a learning

If I were a teacher, promoting a learning environment would be like making the classroom a
friendly and safe place where everyone can learn. I’d make sure to listen to the students,
encourage questions, use fun activities, and be fair with everyone. It’s all about helping
students feel comfortable and interested, so they want to learn and feel they can do it.

14. how teacher learning are important in

Teacher learning is like giving teachers the tools and knowledge they need. When teachers
keep learning, they can teach better and keep up with new ideas. This helps them create lessons
that are interesting and useful for their students. It’s important for the curriculum because it
makes sure teachers are ready to help students learn in the best way possible.

15. World what are demands for curriculum

Demands for curriculum reconstruction are often driven by the need to update educational
content to reflect current societal needs, technological advancements, and global trends. This
might include adding new subjects, focusing on skills for modern careers, emphasizing critical
thinking, and promoting cultural inclusiveness. In simple terms, curriculum reconstruction is
about reshaping what students learn to make it more relevant and engaging for today’s world.

16. Advantages of two dimensional chart?


A two-dimensional chart is like a simple picture that shows information. The advantages

1. Easy to Understand: You can see the main points quickly, like how things go up or
2. Comparing Things: You can look at two things at the same time and see how they
3. Clear and Simple: It doesn’t have a lot of extra details, so it’s easy to focus on what’s

It’s a handy tool for showing information in a way that’s quick to grasp and easy to explain.

17. Describe the characteristics of source plan?

A source plan is like a roadmap that helps you find and use information for a
project or task. The characteristics of a source plan might include:
1. Identifying Sources: Listing where you’ll get information, like books,
websites, or experts.
2. Setting Goals: Deciding what you need to learn or find out.
3. Organizing Steps: Planning the order to search and gather information.
4. Checking Quality: Making sure the information is reliable and comes
from good sources.
5. Time Management: Scheduling time to look for information so you don’t
run out of time.
It’s a plan to help you gather and use information in a way that’s clear and
18. Briefly descriBe the teacher’s involvement in
curriculum development process?
Teachers play an important role in curriculum development. They help create and shape what
students learn. They give feedback on what works in the classroom and what doesn’t. They
also make sure the curriculum fits the needs of their students and helps them learn well.
Teachers are like the experts who guide how lessons are planned and what students will study .

19. Why do we conduct the follow up studies?

Follow-up studies are done to see what happened after an event or action. It’s like checking to
make sure things went well or to find out if there were any changes. This helps us learn from
our experiences and make improvements if needed.

20. Write a note on Core curriculum and

Core curriculum is the main set of subjects and learning goals that all students are expected to
study. Integration, on the other hand, means blending different subjects together to make
learning more connected and meaningful.

With core curriculum, everyone learns the basics like math, science, and language. Integration
takes these subjects and mixes them in lessons, showing how they relate in real life. This helps
students understand better and see the bigger picture. It’s like learning skills while also
understanding how they fit together.

21. Need of learning experience?

Learning experiences are important because they make learning more interesting and effective.
They help you understand and remember things better by connecting them to real-life
situations. Learning experiences make education feel practical and relatable, helping you learn
skills you can actually use in the world around you.

22. Sequence orientation?

Sequence orientation is like putting things in order, step by step. It helps you understand how
things happen or work by arranging them in a clear sequence. It’s like following a recipe or
building something by following each step in the right order. This way, you can see the logical
progression of events or actions.

23. What is source unit?

A source unit is like a single piece of information that you use in your work or study. It could
be a book, an article, a video, or anything that provides information you need. Think of it as a
building block for your research or project. You gather different source units to create a
complete picture of what you’re learning about.

24. Framework of lesson content in class?

A framework for lesson content is like a skeleton that holds all the important parts of a class.
It’s the plan that guides what the teacher will teach. This framework includes the main topics,
what students need to learn, and how the lesson will flow. It’s like having a roadmap to make
sure everything is organized and clear during the class.

25. strategies of learning evolution?

Learning evaluation strategies are like tools to see how well someone has learned. They
1. Tests and Quizzes: Asking questions to check what you remember.

2. Projects: Doing tasks to show you understand and can use what you learned.
3. Discussions: Talking about what you know with others to explore ideas.
4. Observations: Watching someone do something to see if they’ve learned a skill.
5. Self-Assessment: Thinking about your own learning and what you’ve gained.

These strategies help measure learning progress and make sure you’re on the right track.

26. Principles of learning experience?

Active Engagement: Learners must actively participate and engage with the material for
effective learning.
Feedback: Regular and constructive feedback helps learners understand their progress and
areas for improvement.
Relevance: Connecting learning to real-life situations or personal interests makes the content
more relevant and memorable.
Repetition and Practice: Repeating and practicing material helps reinforce learning and leads
to mastery.
Social Interaction: Learning often occurs through interaction with others, fostering
collaboration and communication.
Motivation: Encouraging a positive attitude and interest in the subject boosts motivation and
enhances learning.
These principles aim to create a learning environment where learners are actively involved,
motivated, and supported in their educational journey.


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