CCSS4005 2324s2_Ex1Ppr1_Instructions (FINAL)

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HKU SPACE Community College

CCSS4005 Social Problems in Contemporary Societies

2023-24 Semester 2
Instructions on group exercise (10%) and individual discussion paper 1 (20%)

A. Group exercise/ individual discussion paper questions

Question topic:
The same set of questions applies to both the group exercise and individual paper.

Minimum number of reference articles:

For the individual discussion paper, each student needs to utilize a minimum of four articles to
answer any one of the following questions. For the group exercise, however, each group needs
to refer to only two articles. You can use the article(s) provided for the group exercise.

1. With reference to course materials (L1 and L2) and empirical information from at least four
news articles (two already provided for you – refer to Appendix A)1, identify and present the
multiple claims regarding elderly suicide as a social problem. Conclude with your analysis2
on the issue.


2. Many factors contribute to the glaring income and wealth gap (refer to Appendix B) in Hong
Kong, and policies have been implemented to tackle the challenge. Critically evaluate the
effectiveness (or anticipated effectiveness) of one of the following policies in reducing social
inequality in Hong Kong:

a) Light public housing (簡約公屋) or

b) Statutory minimum wage (法定最低工資)

Draw on course materials (L3 and L4) and empirical information from at least four articles3.
Conclude with a reflection on the role of the economy and the state.

You are allowed to look up any credible source as you work on this paper. However, use only news articles (i.e.
primary data from news reports) to meet this article requirement. Do not use editorials, secondary analysis, or research
articles for this purpose.
Develop an argument – not an opinion – that rests on logic and empirical evidence.
You can utilize either news articles or research articles to meet this requirement for question 2. There is also no need
to confine yourself to only English sources.
B. Group exercise (L5) (10%)
The group exercise during Lecture 5 (hereafter L5) is designed to help the class brainstorm on these
questions. Students will be assessed on a group basis. The exercise accounts for 10% of your total
course score.

Prior preparation

To facilitate the group exercise:

- ALL students should review the two questions and course materials before attending L5.

- Each group should do some informal preparation and think through both questions before L5.
There is, however, no need to prepare formal slides before you come to class because you will
not know which topic your group is working on until you arrive.

Arrangement in L5

- Punctuality and full attendance are expected as this is a regular class.

- Each group will be randomly assigned one of the questions during the first 5 minutes in class.
Groups that arrive late will not be able to draw lots. A topic will be assigned to them. No extra
time will be given to preparation either.

- Each group will be given 50 minutes to prepare a presentation of no more than 5 PowerPoint
slides (excluding cover slide and reference list).

- Your instructor will walk around the room and give you necessary feedback as (s)he sees fit.

- Each group will take turns to do a 10-minute presentation. Time yourself well. Identify the key
points, leave additional details for the Q&A session. Groups that overrun will be penalized.

B. Group exercise (L5) (cont’d)
Rundown (Be on time!)
50 min - Discussion and preparation of PowerPoint slides

- Your instructor will create a link for uploading your Ppt. to SOUL. Each group must
upload a copy of their slides during the first 5 minutes of the break to their SOUL
10 min break class page. Your instructor will have ALL the files downloaded to the classroom
computer before the presentations begin. *
- To avoid wasting time, please attach a readable presentation file (pptx, not pdf).
Group - Presentation: 10 min x 3 groups (randomly selected#) = 30 min (no overtime
presentations allowed)
(50 min) - Q&A + feedback: 20 min

Group - Presentation: 10 min x 3 groups (randomly selected) = 30 min (no overtime

presentations allowed)
(50 min) - Q&A + feedback: 20 min

Remaining time (10 min): Concluding feedback from instructor

*Put down the full name of everyone in your group on the cover slide. Missing names will count as absentees and
receive zero score for this entire exercise.
If the first presentation group works on question 1, the other two groups assigned question 1 will present next.

Rules on plagiarism and citation format

Although in-text citation is not required for the presentation (but which is mandatory for the
written paper), all groups must provide a full reference list at the end of the PowerPoint. The
work you present as a group must also reflect your original work. Group presentations that rely
heavily on AI-generated summaries will be strictly penalized (and risk getting a zero score).
Make sure you process the materials on your own and prepare your own summary and analysis.
Read the instructions on “Avoiding Plagiarism in both Group Presentation and Individual Paper”

Grading criteria

Each presentation counts towards 10% of your final score. Refer to the next page for the grading

After the exercise

ALL students should download and fill out the peer evaluation form on an individual basis.
Upload your form to your SOUL lecture page within 48 hours after the presentation. There is NO
need to discuss the form with your teammates.

Grading rubric for the group exercise (10%)
Grading criteria Superior Good Average Unsatisfactory Unacceptable

Structure and coherence

Structure, coherence, Work has a strong, clear, and Work has a clear and unified Work has some clarity of Work has limited clarity of Work lacks focus and
and effectiveness of unified focus & purpose that focus and purpose that focus and purpose, and which focus and purpose, and the purpose.
argument effectively addresses the satisfactorily addresses the delivers a general response to response to the question is The answer to the question
question. question. the question. too general or at times is incoherent or unclear.
Utilization of concepts Effective and through Satisfactory utilization of major Work presents some Work presents limited Minimal or absence of
from course materials utilization of relevant and relevant concepts from reference to relevant reference to concepts from reference to relevant
concepts from course course materials concepts from course course materials concepts from course
materials materials materials
Application to the case Use specific and convincing Use relevant examples to Use examples to develop Use incomplete or vaguely No or near-absence of
and use of evidence examples to illustrate and develop the argument most of the argument developed examples to only relevant examples, claims
develop the argument partially support claims made are unsupported and
irrelevant to the topic
Independent and Original and critical reflection Critical reflection on the case General reflection on the case Lack of reflection on the Absence of reflection and
reflective thinking on the case and subject and subject matter and subject matter case, independent thinking
matter more like a regurgitation or
summary of class notes or
secondary materials
Delivery and ability to Steady performance, speaks Steady performance, speaks Speaks clearly most of the Cannot hear presentation Barely audible, does not
respond to questions loud & clear & at the right loud & clear, looks up during time effectively at times, relies look up, lack of interaction
pace, good eye contact and most of presentation on notes too much, poor with audience
rapport with audience Team collaboration is rapport with audience
Satisfactory team collaboration acceptable but relies too Poor team collaboration
Effective team collaboration heavily on a few members Poor team collaboration
Effective response to questions Confused and fails to
Effective and thoughtful Ability to provide a general Weak/incoherent response address questions
response to questions response to questions to questions
OVERALL Superior (>8.5) Good (7-8.5) Average (6-6.9) Unsatisfactory (4-5.9) Unacceptable (below 4)

Penalty for failure to email the instructor your Ppt file before presentation: Total score: /10

C. Individual discussion paper (20%)

You need to write on one of the two questions. You can choose to write on the same topic assigned
to the group, or the other question your group is not assigned to present on. Each paper counts
towards 20% of your final course score.

All questions are problem-based. To complete and do a decent job on your paper, you need to do
some basic and independent research. This exercise assesses your ability to apply what is taught in
class and reflect on the materials. A mere summary of what others have said would not suffice, nor
is a general response to the question that makes little reference to what is discussed in class. Take
the time to review your course materials and develop your ideas as you apply relevant concepts or
themes to the case. Refer to the grading rubrics at the end of this document for more details on
the grading criteria.

Basic instructions

- Write an individual reflection paper of around 750 words (max limit: 1,000 words) on one of the
questions in Section A.

- Deadline: The individual paper will be due one week after the group exercise (e.g. if your group
meets on 28 Feb, your paper is due on 6 Mar, whether that is a public holiday or not). Upload it
to your SOUL lecture page. Papers submitted after 11.59pm on the due date will be penalized.

- There is no need for a cover page, but you need to put down your student number (not your
name) and question number on the front page of your assignment. Use your student ID as your
file name (e.g. 20024533.docx) and include a word count (excluding references and footnotes)
at the end of your paper.

- Format: All assignments must follow the following format: font size 12 point, double spacing,
and normal margins. The pages must be numbered.

- As with other formal academic assignments, you need to provide complete reference (in-text
citation and bibliography at the end of the paper) referencing in this paper.

- Submit your assignment in word or pdf format. Documents submitted in any other format will
not be graded and may not be recognized by the SOUL system. Assignments with the wrong
format and which require resubmission after the due date will be counted as late.

- Read the instructions on “Avoiding Plagiarism in both Group Presentation and Individual
Paper” before you submit your paper.

Grading rubric for the individual paper (Base of 100, to be converted to 20%)
Grading criteria Superior Good Average Unsatisfactory Unacceptable
Structure, coherence, Address the question Address the question fairly Attempting the question Failure to address the Writing is unclear,
and effectiveness of effectively and analytically effectively correctly but in a general question effectively disorganized, and incoherent.
argument manner
Writing is clear, concise, and Writing is mostly clear, Writing is unclear and/or
well organized. concise, and well organized. Writing is generally logical and disorganized. Thoughts are
clear, but occasionally vague not expressed in a logical
Ability to synthesize ideas Ability to formulate a fairly or repetitive. manner.
into a coherent and logical coherent and logical
argument argument
Breadth and Effective and thorough use of Adequate coverage of Partial or uneven coverage of Sporadic application of Recall only a very limited
comprehension of relevant course materials relevant course materials relevant course materials concepts/themes that are amount of relevant
relevant somewhat relevant to the knowledge
concepts/themes Demonstrate an advanced Demonstrate a satisfactory Ability to identify key ideas question
and thorough understanding and thoughtful and demonstrate basic Opinionated claims with no
from class
of the subject matter understanding of the understanding of the subject Limited understanding of the reference to relevant
subject matter matter, but leans towards a subject matter concepts or materials
regurgitation or summary of
general or secondary
Application to case Use specific and convincing Use relevant examples to Use examples to support Use incomplete or vaguely Lack of examples (or relevant
and use of evidence examples to develop the develop the argument major claims but done in a developed examples to examples)
argument general way partially support claims
Claims are mostly
unsupported or irrelevant to
the topic
Independent thinking Independent and in-depth Critical reflection on the General reflection on or Lack of reflection on the Discussion is shallow or
and depth of critical reflection on the subject matter and case summary of standard points subject matter and case mechanical, absence of
reflection subject matter and case reflection and independent
Mere regurgitation of course thinking
materials or presentation
OVERALL Superior (>85) Good (70-85) Average (60-69) Unsatisfactory (40-59) Unacceptable (below 40)

Deduction of points for citation errors or lateness: /100 Total score: /100

Appendix A - 1
Refer to the table on the next page
Appendix A - 2
Appendix B

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