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S/N Key Perfromance Indicators (KPI's) Annual Plan Detailed Activies To Achieve The KPI's Quantity Price (₦) Total Financial Cost of The Priority Remarks
Detailed Activities (₦)
1 To achieve the extent digitisation Staff to be trained in Data 1. Training in Data management, 50 800,000.00 40,000,000.00 High Important
of the organisation management 2. Server configuration and management
3. Data analytics

2 To achieve capacity building in the Staff to be trained in Local Area 1. Training in Local Area Networks(LAN) 50 1,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 High Important
core activities of ICT Network(LAN), and Metropolitan 2. Training in Metropolitan Area
Area Network(MAN) Networks(MAN)

3 To achieve ICT digitisation across 10 staff to be trained in each 1. Use of Microsoft office package( word, 500 240,000.00 120,000,000.00 High Important
the departments in SON department in the use of computer Excel and PowerPoint)
applications a. Data processing

4 Data management Purchase of Desktop computers. b. For data input and management 250 520,000.00 130,000,000.00 Medium Important

5 Data Management Securing the office equipment, c. For data input and management while 50 35,000,000.00 35,000,000.00 Medium ok
environment through the use of on the go attending conference for
technology director levels

9 Utilities software purchase of antivirus, adobe d. For protection against viruses and 1200 licence 25,000.00 30,000,000.00 High Important
applications malwares

10 Software appilcations Microsoft office For input of data, and data management 1200 licence 95,000.00 114,000,000.00 High Important

11 Internet services Provision of New Internet Service Installation for 20 SON offices 20 locatioons 7,500,000.00 150,000,000.00 High Important

subcription renewal of VPS Subscription renewal of VPS 20 applications 7,000,000.00 140,000,000.00 High Important

12 Payment of Internet subscriptions Provision of the Internet in SON Subscription Renewal of Internet 17 locations 5,000,000.00 85,000,000.00 High Important
office services
13 Virtual Private Servers Provision of Virtual private servers Hosting of SON custom tailored online 15VPS 3,000,000.00 45,000,000.00 High Important
appilication in accordance with data
protection policy of the Federal
Government of Nigeria

14 Renewal of licence appilications Payment of licence appilications Off the shelf applications are usually 12 1,500,000 18,000,000 High Important
subscriped too to ensure continuous
usage and update of the acquired app.
15 Provision of Cyber security Third-party protection against all onlline applications are always 5 16,333,333.33 49,000,000.00 High important
protection black hackers targeted by hackers to steal, destroys etc
thus the need for increase protection
against cyber attack that render data
useless or even shut the whole
organisation out of business.

16 Review of MANCAP appilication Update/upgrade MANCAP proceesses is long overdue for 1.00 45,000,000.00 Medium Necessary
digitisation,thus the need for

17 UPGRADE of Product registration Update/upgrade Upgrade of e product registration portal Product 35,000,000 35,000,000.00 Medium Necessary
app. registration App
18 Internet Protocol Camera Securing the office equipment, Physical Serurity using real on line Ogba and Lekki 50,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 Medium Necessary
environment through the use of cameras and monitoring tools . Our
technology envirponment needs to be secured at all
time to safeguard life and property
realtime online.
19 Local Area Network(LAN) Installation of Local Area Network LAN networking Kano and Enugu 40,000,000.00 40,000,000.00 Medium Necessary
in Kano and Enugu

20 Virtual meeting Provision of ZOOM application For hosting virtual meeting across the 10 Licence 3,500,000.00 35,00,000.00 High Important
department including stakeholders

21 Enterprise Resource planning(ERP) Robust deployment of Enterprise ERP could be the bedrock for SON 5 departments 15,000,000.00 75,000,000.00 High Important
Resource planning (ERP) to cover digitisation if properly implemented, thus
more departments the need to do follow-up of what is on
the ground.

Establishment of Data Center Supply and Installation of Data Centre High Extremely
Passive Network infrastructue 1 120,000,000.00 Important
Supply and Installation of Data Centre High Extemely
Active Network infrastructue 1 148,780,000.00 Important
Procurement and Installation of Server High Extremely
Power Backup System 3 168.890,000.00 Important
Supply and Installation of Server and High Extremely
Storage Equipment 10 180,870,000.00 Important

TOTAL Approx 2,000,000,000

Network printers Nettwork printers to relace tabletops 30 70,000,000 140,000,000.00 High Important

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