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Indian J Phys


Analytical solutions of thermomechanical interaction in living tissues

under dual phase-lag model
Z Alqahtani1, I A Abbas2*, A A El-Bary3 and A Almuneef1
Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Science, Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, P.O.Box 84428, 11671 Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia
Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University, Sohâg, Egypt
Institute of Basic and Applied Science, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Alexandria, Egypt

Received: 15 February 2024 / Accepted: 01 May 2024

Abstract: This article aims to employ an analytical approach to analyze the thermal and mechanical responses of
biological tissues due to instant heating, considering the dual phase-lag (DPL) model. To effectively carry out thermal
treatment procedures, it is imperative to have a deep understanding of both the mechanism of heat transmission and the
resulting thermomechanical interactions within the patient’s human tissues. The governing formulations of this extended
bio-thermoelastic model are established using analytical methods and Laplace transforms. The eigenvalue approach is then
employed to obtain solutions to these formulations. The results for temperature, displacement and stresses are presented
graphically. A comparative analysis has been conducted between two bioheat transfer models: the DPL and the Pennes
bioheat (Pennes) models.

Keywords: Laplace transformations; DPL model; Analytical solutions; Living tissue; Thermal delay times
List of symbols Qm Metabolic heating generation in skin tissues
q Tissue mass density
qb Blood mass density
k; l Lame’s constants
T Tissues temperature
xb Blood perfusion rate
dij Kronecker symbol
qo Constant 1. Introduction
k Tissue thermal conductivity
eij Strain components Accurately determining temperature characteristics in live
Tb Blood temperature tissues is challenging, which limits a thorough under-
t Time standing of their true nature. This challenge stems from
sq The heat flux phase lag potential temperature changes in tissues during post-mor-
To Tissue initial temperature tem examination and the absence of perfusion impacts
ui Components of displacement when studying tissue external to the body. Various in-vivo
ce Specific heat at constant strain methods are available for measuring heating characteris-
cb Blood specific heat tics, but they produce diverse outcomes. Thermotherapy
at Linear thermal expansion coefficient procedures are widely used in modern medicine for
tp Pulsing heat flux characteristic time applications such as laser tissue welding, laser surgery, and
sT The temperature gradient phase lag hyperthermia. The temperature distributions in living tissue
rij Components of the stress are influenced by intricate factors like metabolic heating
generations and blood circulations. To understand these
phenomena, researchers have developed fundamental
relationships encompassing various mechanistic processes

*Corresponding author, E-mail:

 2024 IACS
Z Alqahtani et al.

including heat conduction, metabolic thermal production, calculating thermo-elastic responses in skin tissues fol-
blood perfusions, phase changes, and radiations [1–3]. lowing instantaneous heating. Graphs and tables are uti-
Precisely assessing temperature characteristics in live lized to illustrate variations in temperature, displacement,
tissue poses difficulties, hurdles and is vital for controlling and thermal stress. Two bioheat transfer theories, namely
heat transmission pathways in various treatment approa- the dual phase lag model (DPL Model) and the Pennes
ches. If doctors had prior knowledge of tissue thermal bioheat transfer model (Pennes Model), have been com-
reactions, they could better plan therapy dosage and pared in this study.
duration beforehand the surgery. Temperature responses in
tissue and blood perfusions are associated with numerous
conditions and injuries, including diabetes, skin grafts, and 2. The problem statement
frostbite. The heat transmission in live human tissues is
represented by Pennes’ bioheat theory, which is upon The field of bio-thermoelastic combines concepts from
Fourier’s law of heating conduction [4]. Biological tissues bioheat conduction and elasticity. The formulations
can exhibit a wide range of changing patterns. Researchers required for this field are upon the dual phase lag bioheat
in the field have employed different numerical techniques model [37–39]
described in the existing literature to create modified ver-
o2 ui
sions of Pennes’ bioheat models. lui;jj þ ðk þ lÞuj;ij  cT;i ¼ q ; ð1Þ
Numerous methodologies have been used to examine  
temperature properties under various conditions. The o
k 1 þ sT r2 T
methods include the applications of the analysis of finite ot
elements [5], the employment of Legendre wavelet in the o oT oui;i
¼ 1 þ sq qce þ xb cb ðT  Tb Þ þ cTo  Qm ;
Galerkin approach [6, 7], and homotopy perturbation ot ot ox
approaches [8]. The analytical study on fractional deriva- ð2Þ
tives in live tissue under thermal treatment was carried out    
rij ¼ kuk;k  cT dij þ l ui;j þ uj;i ; ð3Þ
by Ghanmi and Abbas [9]. Esneault and Dillensege [10]
concentrated on temperature increases over time when the Within this specific context, we examine a confined
body temperature is abnormally low, using the finite dif- region of human tissues with a thickness of L. The surface
ference approach. Marin et al. [11] conducted a study on and bottom boundaries are defined as the lower and upper
non-linear bioheat models in skin tissue utilizing finite boundaries, respectively. As a result, the components of
element analysis with an external heating source. Abbas displacement can be represented by the following:
and Hobiny [12] have discussed the analytical solution for ux ¼ uðx; tÞ; uy ¼ 0; uz ¼ 0: ð4Þ
the fractional bioheating theory in spherical human tissues.
Researchers have investigated the specific impacts of Consequently, the model can be represented in the
short, pulsed laser exposures on living tissue. Zenkour and following manner.
Abbas [13] discussed the thermos-elastic interactions in a o2 u oT o2 u
semi-infinite media under dual phase lag theory. Hobiny ðk þ 2lÞ  c ¼ q ; ð5Þ
ox2 ox ot2
and Abbas [14] conducted a theoretical analysis of thermal  
injuries in human tissue due to mobile heating sources. o o2 T
k 1 þ sT
ot ox2
Kumar and Rai [15] concentrated on examining thermal   
damages during thermal therapy treatment using a DPL o oT o2 u
¼ 1 þ sq qce þ xb cb ðT  Tb Þ þ cTo  Qm ;
model for multilayer tissue, making use of finite element ot ot otox
method. When studying thermal transfer in finite medium, ð6Þ
investigators have expanded nonlinear and linear heat ou
transfer theories and solved their analytical or numerical rxx ¼ ðk þ 2lÞ  cT: ð7Þ
solutions [16–36].
The objective of this work is to establish analytical
techniques to examine the thermos-mechanical interaction 3. Initial and boundary conditions
in human tissues when due to sudden heating, considering
its varying thermomechanical properties. By incorporating To derive solutions for the formulations, it is essential to
the skin’s structure into a generalized thermo-elastic model establish two sets of boundary and initial conditions that
within the framework of the bioheat transfer formulation, accurately reflect the physical properties of the model.
this mathematical method provides precise solutions for
each physical parameter. These solutions enable
Analytical solutions of thermomechanical interaction in living tissues under dual phase-lag

oT ðx; tÞ ouðx; tÞ d2 u dT
T ðx; 0Þ ¼ Tb ; ¼ 0; u ð x; 0 Þ ¼ 0; ¼ 0; ¼ s 2 u þ u1 ; ð17Þ
ot t¼0 ot t¼0 dx2 dx
ð8Þ d2 T   du Qm
   ð1 þ sT sÞ 2 ¼ 1 þ sq s sT þ xb T þ su2  ;
o oT ðx; tÞ dx dx s
rxx ð0; tÞ ¼ 0; rxx ðL; tÞ ¼ 0; k 1 þ sT
ot ox x¼0 ð18Þ
2 tp
t e oT ðx; tÞ du
¼ qo ; k ¼ 0; rxx ¼  u1 T; ð19Þ
16t 2
p ox  x¼L dx

ð9Þ dT ðx; sÞ
rxx ð0; sÞ ¼ 0; rxx ðL; sÞ ¼ 0;
For convenience, dimensionless quantities can be dx x¼0
qo tp dT ðx; sÞ
introduced by employing ¼  3 ; ¼ 0: ð20Þ
8ð1 þ sT sÞ stp þ 1 dx x¼L
T  To 0 rxx  0 0 0 0 
ðx0 ; u0 Þ ¼ gcðx; uÞ; T 0 ¼ ; rxx ¼ ; t ; sT ; sq ; tp
To k þ 2l Combining formulations (17) and (18) allows the
¼ gc2 t; sT ; sq ; sp ; vector-matrix differential equation to be presented in the
cb qo Qm following form.
x0b ¼ xb ; q0o ¼ ; Q0m ¼ ;
Kg2 c2 gcTo K To Kg2 c2
ð10Þ ¼ BM  A; ð21Þ
where c2 ¼ kþ2l qce
q and g ¼ K . where M¼ u T du dT and
By eliminating the dashed, the basic equations can be 0 1 dx dx0 1
0 0 1 0 0
transformed into non-dimensional forms, as shown in B 0 0 0 1 C B 0 C
Eq. (10). B
B¼@ C, A¼B C and
b31 0 0 b34 A @ 0 A
o2 u oT o2 u 0 b42 b43 0 sð1þssT Þ
 u 1 ¼ q ; ð11Þ
ox2 ox ot2 ð1þssq Þ ðsþs2 so Þ
b31 ¼ s2 , b34 ¼ u1 , b42 ¼ ð1þssT Þ ðs þ xb Þ, b43 ¼ ð1þssT Þ u2 .
o o2 T To solve Eq. (21), the matrix B characteristic formula-
1 þ sT
ot ox2 tion can be obtained using the eigenvalues technique, as
o oT o2 u described in [39–47]. Matrix B’s characteristic formulation
¼ 1 þ sq þ xb T þ u2  Qm ; is given by the following expression:
ot ot otox
ou x4  ðb34 b43 þ b42 þ b31 Þx2 þ b42 b31 ¼ 0: ð22Þ
rxx ¼  u1 T; ð13Þ
ox The eigenvalue of matrix B, which forms the four roots
ouðx; tÞ oT ðx; tÞ of Eq. (22), can be designated as x1 and x2 . The
uðx; 0Þ ¼ 0; ¼ 0; T ð x; 0 Þ ¼ 0; ¼ 0;
ot t¼0 ot t¼0 Eq. (21) can be solved, and its solution can be represented
ð14Þ by the following.
o oT ðx; tÞ Vc ðx; sÞ ¼ ðBi Yi exi x þ Biþ1 Yiþ1 exi x Þ: ð23Þ
rxx ð0; tÞ ¼ 0; rxx ðL; tÞ ¼ 0; 1 þ sT
ot ox x¼0 i¼1
t2 e tp oT ðx; tÞ The complementary solutions from the related
¼ qo ; ¼ 0; ð15Þ
16t2 p ox  x¼L homogeneous systems must be included with specific
o ce
where u1 ¼ ðkeTþ2l ce solutions from the inhomogeneous systems in order to
Þ ; u2 ¼ qce .
develop answers for the nonhomogeneous system
represented by Eq. (21). Our attention now turns to
4. Laplace’s transform identifying specific solutions for the nonhomogeneous
equations given in (21). The inhomogeneous term within
Applying Laplace transforms to Eqs. (11) through (15), (21) encompasses functions that are connected to the
Laplace parameter s. Thus, the particular solution can be
represented in the following manner.
gðx; sÞ ¼ L½gðx; tÞ ¼ gðx; tÞest dt: ð16Þ

Therefore, the following equations can be derived

Z Alqahtani et al.

2 3
0 model, considering two thermal delay times and utilizing
6 Qm 7 the previous parameters, are illustrated in Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
Vp ðx; sÞ ¼ 4 6 sð1þssT Þb42 7: ð24Þ
0 5 6, 7, 8, and 9. At time t ¼ 0:25, numerical calculations
0 have been executed to analyze the variations in
temperature, stresses and displacement with respect to the
By utilizing Eqs. (23) and (24) in the Laplace domain, distances x under different values of the studied
the following represents the final solutions for temperature, parameters, as shown in Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
displacement, and stress: Figures 1, 4, and 7 depict the temperature changes in
2 relation to the distances x. Figures 1, 4, and 7 depict the
uðx; sÞ ¼ ðBi Ui exi x þ Biþ1 Uiþ1 exi x Þ; ð25Þ temperature changes in relation to the distances x. These
figures indicate that the temperature initially attains its
Qm maximum value at the surfaces of the tissues (x ¼ 0) owing
T ðx; sÞ ¼ ðBi Ti exi x þ Biþ1 Tiþ1 exi x Þ þ : to the exponentially decaying pulse boundary heating flux.
sð1 þ ssT Þb42
As the distances x increase, the temperature progressively
decreases. The displacement profiles are shown in Figs. 2,
2 5, and 8 exhibit characteristic shapes along the x-direction.
rxx ðx; sÞ ¼ ðBi ðxi Ui þ u1 Ti Þexi x The displacement is most negative at the surface of the
tissues (x ¼ 0) and then rises to peak positive values near
Biþ1 ðxi Uiþ1 þ u1 Tiþ1 Þexi x Þ  u1 : the surfaces before decaying back to zeros. This behavior is
sð1 þ ssT Þb42 consistent across the three figures. The stress rxx Profiles
ð27Þ shown in Figs. 3, 6, and 9 start and end at zero, consistent
with the boundary conditions. The stress builds up from
By taking the problem boundary conditions into
zero at the tissue surface, reaches a peak value in the
account, it becomes possible to determine the precise
interior, and decays back to zero. This overall pattern is
values of B1 ; B2 ; B3 and B4 . To achieve the general
observed in all three figures.
solutions for the distribution of temperature,
In the initial set of figures, Figs. 1, 2, and 3 exhibit the
displacement, and stresses, the numerical inversion
changing of temperature, displacement, and stresses across
technique known as the Stehfest scheme [48] is utilized.
different models. In Figs. 1, 2, and 3, the solid line (—)
corresponds to the Pennes model without thermal delay
times (sT ¼ 0:0; sq ¼ 0:0), while the dotted line (…) cor-
5. Numerical result and discussion
responds to the dual-phase lag model (DPL model) with
To illustrate the theoretical conclusions covered in earlier two thermal delay times (sT ¼ 0:05; sq ¼ 0:05). The dif-
parts, the numerical values of physical parameters are ferent models clearly and substantially impact the quanti-
presented in this section. According to [49], the biological ties under consideration, as evidenced by the results.
tissue material constants at the reference temperature are as Figures 4, 5, and 6 in the second group show how
follows: temperature, displacement, and stress vary with different
  blood perfusion rates. Increasing the perfusion rate
l ¼ 3:446  107 ðN Þ m2 ;
cb ¼ 3770ðJ Þ kg1 k1 ;
qb ¼ 1060ðkgÞ m3 ;
To ¼ 310ðkÞ; tp ¼ 0:2;
at ¼ 1  104 k1 ;
k ¼ 8:27  108 ðN Þ m2 ;
q ¼ 1190ðkgÞ m3 ;
K ¼ 0:235ðW Þ m1 k1 ; sT ¼ 0:05;
Qm ¼ 1:19  103 ðW Þ m3 ;
sq ¼ 0:05; ce ¼ 3600ðJ Þ kg1 k1 :

The calculated numerical values of the physical

quantities under the dual phase-lag biothermoelasticity Fig. 1 The relationship between temperature T and position x for
various models
Analytical solutions of thermomechanical interaction in living tissues under dual phase-lag

Fig. 2 The relationship between displacement u and position x for Fig. 5 The influences of blood perfusion rates on the displacement
various models under DPL model

Fig. 3 The relationship between stress rxx and position x for various Fig. 6 The influences of blood perfusion rates on stress under DPL
models model

Fig. 4 The influences of blood perfusion rates on temperature Fig. 7 The effects of the pulsating heat flux’s characteristic time tp in
variation in the DPL Model temperature T under DPL model

substantially decreases the peak values of all three quan- Figures 7, 8, and 9 in the third group illustrate how
tities. This effect can be attributed to enhanced convective displacement, temperature, and stress change for different
heat transfer at higher flow rates, which removes heat from characteristic times of the pulsed heat flux. Increasing the
the tissue more efficiently. Overall, the results clearly characteristic time markedly reduces the peak values of all
demonstrate that blood perfusion rate significantly influ- three quantities. This implies that longer pulse times
ences the thermal and mechanical response. dampen the thermomechanical wave propagation. Overall,
Z Alqahtani et al.

Acknowledgements Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University

Researchers Supporting Project number (PNURSP2024R518), Prin-
cess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Data availability Not applicable.


Conflict of interest The author declare that they have no conflict of


Informed consent Not applicable.


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