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Sorting Materials into Groups

Key Concepts:

1. Importance of Sorting Materials:

Sorting materials helps in identifying, comparing, and studying them efficiently.
It also helps in organizing things and makes it easier to locate and use them.
2. Objects Around Us:
Objects around us are made of different materials like wood, metal, plastic, glass,
cotton, and rubber.
3. Properties of Materials:
Materials have different properties that determine their usage and functionality.
Common properties include:
Appearance: How a material looks (shiny or dull).
Hardness: Hard materials cannot be easily compressed or scratched, while soft
materials can.
Solubility: The ability of a material to dissolve in water.
Floatation: Whether a material floats or sinks in water.
Transparency: How much light passes through a material (transparent,
translucent, opaque).
4. Classification Based on Properties:
Appearance: Materials can be metallic (shiny) or non-metallic (dull).
Hardness: Materials can be hard (iron, diamond) or soft (clay, cotton).
Solubility: Materials can be soluble (salt, sugar) or insoluble (sand, oil) in water.
Floatation: Materials can float (wood, plastic) or sink (stone, metal) in water.
Transparent: Materials through which light can pass completely (glass, water).
Translucent: Materials through which light passes partially (frosted glass, wax
Opaque: Materials through which light cannot pass (wood, metal).
5. Classification of Materials:
Materials can be grouped based on similarities and differences in their properties.
Grouping helps in organizing and studying materials better.
6. Uses of Materials:
The properties of materials determine their uses in everyday life.
For example, metal is used for making utensils and machinery because it is hard and
durable, while cotton is used for making clothes because it is soft and comfortable.

Important Points to Remember:

Materials have different properties that make them suitable for various uses.
Sorting and grouping materials based on their properties help in studying and using
them efficiently.
Understanding the properties of materials is essential for selecting the right material for
a specific purpose.


This chapter focuses on the properties of materials and how they can be sorted and
classified based on these properties. It highlights the importance of grouping materials
for better organization and usage. The chapter also explains how the properties of
materials determine their applications in daily life.

Activities to Reinforce Learning:

1. Grouping Objects:
Collect various objects from your surroundings and group them based on properties
like hardness, solubility, and transparency.
2. Float or Sink Experiment:
Take a bowl of water and test different objects to see if they float or sink. Record
your observations.
3. Solubility Test:
Take water in a glass and try to dissolve different materials like salt, sugar, sand, and
oil. Observe which materials dissolve and which do not.
4. Transparency Test:
Use different materials like glass, plastic sheet, paper, and wood to check their
transparency by observing how much light passes through them.

These notes should help in understanding Chapter 4 of Class 6 Science


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