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4. It consumes, More power. S. Used for high scale applications 6. High processing power. 3. As all the componen internally connected in microcontroller so the circuit size is ts are 4. It consumes less power than a microprocessor. 5. Used for low scale applications. 6. Low processing power. 7. Relatively slower in speed 7. Relatively faster in speed 8. Clock in GHz 8. Clock in MHz 9. Access time for memory and input devices are more. 9. Access time for memory and input devices are less. 10. More flexible in design Diese renee between CISC and RISC Processor: 10. Less = design ‘CISC 1. Complex instructions. Satie instructions. 2. Main focus is hardware. Main focus is software. S . Complexity lies in Compiler. 3. Complexity lies in me 4. Multiple clock cycle. . Single clock cycle 5. Transistors are used to we | complex instructions. . Transistors are used for storing memory. | 6. CISC has 100-300 minimum | instructions. 6. RISC uses few instructions (30- 40). 7. Few Addressing modes. 8. Fixed size/length instructions. 5 & Communication Introduction to Electronic: + On complexity & performance * On deterministic behavior + On triggering generation: Classification based on First generation (1G): * Built around 8bit microprocessor & microcontroller. + Simple in hardware circuit & firmware developed. +» Examples: Digital telephone keypads. 2. Second generation (2G): + Built around 16-bit up & 5-bit uc * They are more complex & powerful than 1G j1p & ic + Examples: SCADA systems Third generation (3G): Ws * Built around 32-bit up& 16-bit uc. S * Concepts like Digital Signal < yee econ cea Integrated Circuits (ASICs) evolved. * Examples: Robotics, Media, etc. ron 4. Fourth generation: * Built around 64-bit up & SI * The concept of a w. (SoC), Multicore Processors evolved. + Highly complex & jowerful. Examples: Smart Phones. Classification based on complexity & performance: 1. Small-scale: * It is suitable for simple applications. + Performance not time-critical + It may oy may not contain OS. * Built around low performance & low cost 8 or 16 bit up/yc. * Example: an electronic toy 2, Medium-scale: + Slightly complex in hardware & firmware requirement ° Bul it around medium performance & low cost 16 or 32 bit up/ue "ys. Tejashree S, Dept. Of ECE, SVIT _roduction to Electronics & Communication Module-4 + Usually contain operating system. + Examples: Industrial machines. 3. Large-scale: * Highly complex hardware & firmware. * Built around 32- or 64-Bi RISC j1p/1c or PLDs or Multicore Processors. + Response is time-critical. + Examples: Mission critical applications. Classification based on deterministic behavior: ® Itis applicable for Real Time systems. 7 The application/task execution behavior for an embedded system can be either = deterministic or non-deterministic. These are classified in to two types: 1. Soft Real Time ‘Systems: Missing a deadline may ie critical & can be tolerated to a certain degree t [ EY 2. Hard Real Time Systems: Missing a program /gask execution time deadline can 5 have catastrophic consequences ae She tess of life, ete. Classification based on triggering: S These are classified into two aN 1. Event triggered: Activities WERes e system (e.g., task run-times) are dynamic and depend upon occurrenc®ytaifferent events. 2. Time triggered: AciMgc) within the system follow a statically computed schedule (i.e., they are allScated time slots during which they can take place) and thus by nature are predictable. lements of an embedded system: * A typical embedded system contains a single chip & master brain of the system. Diagrammatically oe system can be ler which acts as the represented as follows: € > FPGAJASICIDSP/SoC Microprocessor/controlier, Embedded System Real World Fig: Elements of Embedded system Embedded systems consist of a system core which can bea single chip controller. This system core will act as a brain of the system. The system core can be a microprocessor, microcontroller, FPGA, ASIC, DSP, Soc. The input signals are seused through sensors are provided to the embedded MOGUIE-& Systems through input ports by the end users to the system core. The system Processes the signals and ports (actuators), * Key provide the control signals to the output boards, push button, switches, etc. are examples of common user interface input devices and LEDs, LCDs, Piezoelectric buzzers,. etc. examples for commor: user interface output devices for a typical embedded system. Some embedded systems do not require any manual intervention for their operation. They automatically sense the input parameters from real world through Sensors which are connected at input port. The sensor information is passed to the processor after signal conditioning and digitization. The core of the system performs some predefined operations on input data with the help of embedded firmware in the system sends some actuating signals to the actuator connect connected to the ow rt of the system. ° The memory of the system is responsible for holdi: code (control algorithm and other important configuration details). T! wie two types of memoriés are used in any embedded system. Fixed men6Qy OM) is used for Storing code or program. ¢ The user cannot change the firmw: Ne type of memory. The most common types of memories used in em Systems for contro] algorithm storage are OTP, PROM, UVEPROM, aN and FLASH. The Core of the Fmhed tee Pern @ (ovutation Modulation is the process of changing the parameters of the carrier signal, in accordance with the instantaneous values of the modulati ignal. TYPES OF MODULATION: Amplitude Modulation Frequency Modulation Phase)Modulation Amplitude modulation (AM) ¢ AM is defined as the modulation technique in which the instantaneous amplitude of the carrier signal is varied in accordance with the instantaneous amplitude of the analog modulating signal to be transmitted while the frequency and the phase of the carrier ignal remain unchanged. e Figure 5.8 shows the high frequency carrier signal, modulating signal and the modulated signal. a Dralacenie Daeeiie aD: a ata eta si ce ‘Amplitude Modulation 1 Massage Signs! a TNA aa nen cr Fig: 5.8 Waveforms of Aniplituge modulation : It can be clearlyiseen from the figure5-8ithafithe modulating signal seems to be superimposed on the carver signal The amplitude vatjations in the peak values ofthe carrier signal exactly replicate the modulating signal at-diffefent points in time which is known as an envelope 2. Frequency Modulation(FM): ‘A modulating signal may yary the frequency of the carrier keeping the amplitude and phase constant. This type Of modulation is called Frequency modulation. Broadly speaking, the frequency modlilation is the process of changing the frequency of the carrier voltage in accordance with the instantaneous value of the modulating yoltage 4 The original frequency of the carrier signal is called Centre or resting frequency and. denoted by fe. The amount by which the frequency of the carrier wave changes or shifts above or below the resting frequency is termed as frequency deviation (At). This means Acc m(t) The total variation is frequency of F.M. waye from the slowest to the highest is termed. as carrier saving (CS), i-c., US = 2x irequeney deviation in Centre frequeney or CS=2 Af. Modulation index in F.M. isthe ratio of frequency deviation to the modulating frequency, : tne Menote sane UUM I Hit ig: 5.9 Waveforms of Frequency modulation eS: Phase modulation(PM): “Re spetamta a inolhee form of anaie modulation, Phase modulation isthe process in which the instantaneous phase of the carrier signal is varied in acc@rdance with the instantaneous amplitude of the modulating signal * ___Inthis type of modulation, the amplitude and frequency of the carrier signal remains unaltered after pulse modulation Phase Modulation Amplitude Messore Signal IMAL A WVVVVVVVYY ra - ee Vo WA PA : Fig: 5.10 Waveforms of Phase nota) Amplitude "© modulation of the band pass sinusontat ~ sone 1m dis NSTSE Steps. Duet this reason, this typeof modulation is known a digital modulation, this re: y Shift Keying (FSK) Phase Shift Keying (PSK) Because of constant amplitude of FSK or PSK. the effect of non-linearities, noise interference dy Mask S minimum on signal detection. However. these effects are more pronounced OMA Therefore, FSK and PSK are preferred over ASK. Amplitude Shift Keying(ASK): pA (cae 1 theme at. 1. Bart Sd gl eo w= MA * ASK represents digital data as variations in the amplitude of a carrier wave * ASK signal can be generated nthe ‘oming binary data and the sinusoidal carrier fare applied to a product modulator as inputs. Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) signal ie | ead | + aa ime ital signal is transmitted by switching betwe en low frequency and high frequency in order to represent 0°s and 1's. ‘The simplest FSK is Binary FSK (BFSK). Muses.a pair of discrete frequencies to transinit binary (0s and 1s) information, a YMA AAI ‘ dato | ieee IB. Associate Professor, Dept, of ECE SWI Ba ae wedlore ae Phase Shift Keying (PSK): pe. 4 ee 7-Segment Display: A seven-segment ‘display (SSD), or seven-segment indicator, is a form of ic display. device for displaying decimal numerals that isan alternative to the more complex dot matrix displays. “segment displays are widely used in digital clocks, electronic meters, ic calculators, and other electronic devices that display numerical nformation ‘The seven elements of the display can be lit in different combinations to resent the Arabic numerals. Often the seven segments are arranged in an Ro) arrangement, which sids readabineg, ions, the si segments are of nearly uniform shape and size Y though trapezoids and rectangles can also be of adding machines, the vertical segments are longer ped at the anda be an effort to further enhance readability. “Segment display are referred to by the letters A Point (an "eighth segment’ iteger numbers, to G, where » Teferred to as DP) is used for ake many ad e controlled device can tak y “©: motor, linear actu, ‘ator, heater, e| { 4 (Transducers: > ght, heat, etc., in the f sound, light, Transducers are devices that convert energy in the form o intoan equiv: alent electrical signal, or vice versa. ie current ‘equency electric. Ex: A loudspeaker is a transducer that converts low fr : orelectrical which converts signals to corresponding Pe () 6G € up (Light Emitting Diode): Se LED is a p-n junction diode and cgn’ ~ CATHODE and ANODE for functioning the anode i 4 end of power supply and cathode is connected to —-ve end of power The maximum current floys rough the LED is limited by connecting a n in the figure. . temperature, pressure, light level, etc. + of factors including accuracy, > The choice of sensor is governed by a numbe: resolution, cost and physical size. Fo (vuntipte Access Techniques: f e ‘* The techniques described so far work well for one-to-one communications. In a cellular network, however, a base station has to transmit to many different mobiles at once. It does this by sharing the resources of the air interface, in a technique known as multiple access. '* Mobile communication systems use a new different multiple access technique, two of which are shown in Fig. 4.17 frequency division multiple access (FDMA) was used by the first- generation analogue systems. In this technique, each mobile receives information on its own carrier frequency, whichyit dRtineuishes from the others by the use of analogue filters. « Intime division multiple access (TDMA), mobiles receive information on the same carrier frequency but at different times. GSM uses a mix of eter, and time division multiple acess, in which every cell has “several carrier frequencies that are each shared amongst eight different mobiles. afiother mixed technique known as orthogonal frequency division multiple access ” a Frsuro, ue Frame ven Tas ioon smaiie tn FA) rasta TMK) Fig 5.17; Example multiple access techniques

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