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Getting to Know Plants

Key Concepts:

1. Classification of Plants:
Plants can be broadly classified into three categories:
Herbs: Small plants with soft stems. Examples: Mint, basil.
Shrubs: Medium-sized plants with woody stems. Examples: Rose, hibiscus.
Trees: Large plants with a single, hard, woody stem called a trunk. Examples:
Mango, neem.
2. Parts of a Plant:
Roots: Anchor the plant in the soil and absorb water and nutrients.
Stem: Supports the plant and transports water, nutrients, and food between roots
and leaves.
Leaves: The main site for photosynthesis, where plants make their food.
Flowers: The reproductive part of the plant.
3. Root System:
Taproot System: One main root grows downwards with smaller lateral roots.
Examples: Carrot, radish.
Fibrous Root System: Many roots grow from the base of the stem. Examples: Grass,
4. Functions of Roots:
Absorb water and nutrients from the soil.
Anchor the plant firmly in the soil.
Store food in some plants (e.g., carrots, beets).
5. Stem and its Functions:
Supports leaves, flowers, and fruits.
Transports water and nutrients from roots to other parts of the plant.
Transports food from leaves to other parts of the plant.
Some stems store food (e.g., potato).
6. Leaf and its Functions:
Photosynthesis: Leaves use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to make food.
Transpiration: The process of losing water vapor through stomata (tiny openings on
the leaf surface).
Parts of a Leaf:
Petiole: The stalk that attaches the leaf to the stem.
Lamina: The broad, flat part of the leaf.
Veins: Network of thin lines on the leaf that transport water, nutrients, and food.
7. Flower:
Parts of a Flower:
Sepals: Green leaf-like parts that protect the flower bud.
Petals: Colorful parts that attract pollinators.
Stamens: The male reproductive part consisting of an anther and filament.
Pistil: The female reproductive part consisting of stigma, style, and ovary.
8. Functions of Flowers:
Reproduction through the process of pollination and fertilization.
Formation of seeds and fruits.

Important Points to Remember:

Plants are classified based on their size and type of stem.

Each part of a plant has specific functions that are vital for the plant's growth and
Photosynthesis and transpiration are key processes occurring in leaves.
Flowers play a crucial role in the reproductive cycle of plants.


This chapter introduces the various types of plants and their parts, explaining their
structure and functions. It highlights the processes of photosynthesis and transpiration
in leaves and describes the parts and functions of flowers in plant reproduction.

Activities to Reinforce Learning:

1. Root Observation:
Observe different types of roots (taproot and fibrous root) by uprooting small plants
2. Stem Experiment:
Place a white flower in colored water to observe how stems transport water.
3. Leaf Study:
Collect different leaves and observe their shapes, sizes, and vein patterns.
4. Flower Dissection:
Dissect a flower to identify its parts (sepals, petals, stamens, pistils).
5. Photosynthesis Demonstration:
Place a leaf in sunlight and another in the dark to observe the effects on

These notes should help in understanding Chapter 7 of Class 6 Science


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