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2023 - 2024 Spring Semester P2 Level- Speaking Task

Name & Surname: Metehan Yurdunuseven

Student Number: 1306230006
Class: HA-301

İstanbul University - Cerrahpaşa

School of Foreign Languages English Preparatory Program
Speaking Task
Choose one of the topics below and record a video while making a speech for about 3-4 minutes:

A) Imagine you are making a video to show the beautiful and historical places in
Istanbul. Choose at least two touristic places to visit and introduce them in your
video. Use a variety of sentence structures to make your presentation engaging and

You can answer the following questions in your speech:

● Can you describe the history and significance of this place?
● Can you describe the natural beauty or scenery of this location?
● Why do you think this place is a must-visit for tourists?
● What cultural activities or events are associated with this location? Share
your suggestions. (Location- food- must see places around)
● Which tourist attraction impressed you the most in terms of historical
significance? Can you compare it by considering its natural beauty and
entertainment options?

B) Talk about a special memory from your childhood. Explain what happened in detail
and how you felt at that moment. Describe the scene and atmosphere and narrate the
key events.

You can add the following information to your speech:

● A description of the atmosphere or surroundings of this memory.
● The people involved in your memory.
● The significant moments that made this memory unforgettable.
● The impact of this experience on your understanding of certain things.

C) Review your favourite movie by describing the overall plot and expressing opinions
on its quality.

You can answer the following questions in your speech:

● Who is the movie directed and starred by?

2023 - 2024 Spring Semester P2 Level- Speaking Task

Name & Surname: Metehan Yurdunuseven

Student Number: 1306230006
Class: HA-301

● What important ideas or messages are shared in the movie?

● How are characters influenced by the events in the movie?
● How is this movie different from the others in its genre?

If you choose “question a”; be sure that you use different kinds of sentence structures,
add describing words, and share fun facts or stories to make your videos interesting and
informative by using the language forms (Comparatives and Superlatives) and phrases in
Unit 3 in the English File book AND Obligation & Prohibition (have to- must- should) ,
Ability and Possibility ( Can- Could- Be able To) in Unit 4. Also, carefully organize your
speech content.

If you choose “question b”; be sure that you share your childhood memory by using the
language form (Past Tenses: Simple, Continuous, Present) and phrases in Unit 5 in the
English File book. Also, carefully organize your speech content.

If you choose “question c”; be sure that you review your favourite movie by using the
language form (Passive Voice) and phrases in Unit 6 in the English File book. Also,
carefully organize your speech content.

- Comparing and contrasting two or more places (comparatives and superlatives) &
Expressing obligation- suggestion- possibility (modals)
- Talking about memories (past tenses: simple, continuous, present)
- Reviewing a movie (passive voice)

Pay attention to doing these things before and while recording your task

- Organize main ideas, details, signal words and logically ordered content
- Use grammar, vocabulary, and language forms appropriately
- Check the information written about Speaking Task in the document “2023-2024 Spring
Term P2 Level Speaking Task Guideline for Students”
- Check the following table (Speaking Task Checklist).

Critical notes:

Do not read from notes or a script. If you do, you will receive an INCOMPLETE grade
Do not make a speech only by answering the questions in the task. Those questions
should be used as a guide for the organization of your speech.
2023 - 2024 Spring Semester P2 Level- Speaking Task

Name & Surname: Metehan Yurdunuseven

Student Number: 1306230006
Class: HA-301

Please fill in the checklist below. Put a tick (✓) or cross (X) appropriately in the column for

Speaking Task Checklist: Student Teacher

Did I give enough related details and examples to have ✓

rich content in my presentation?

Did I organize the content appropriately and in a logical
order (main ideas, details, signal words)? ✓
Is my speaking intelligible and do I pronounce the
words appropriately and correctly? ✓
and Fluency Do I have an appropriate speaking speed? Do I ✓
emphasize keywords and ideas?
Did I use “rich” vocabulary that I have learned in my
learning process? ✓
Did I use vocabulary appropriately? Did I use words in
the correct places with the correct meaning in the

Did I use the grammatical points I have learned in my
learning process? ✓
Did I have grammatical control over my speaking? ✓
Were my sentences accurate and grammatical?

Did I use natural, relaxed body language, mimics, and ✓

Presentation appropriate eye contact to support my ideas?
Skills Did I stick to the time allocated for the task?

Teacher’s comments:

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