Annotated Bibliography - Student Example

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Impact of exercise on an aging global population

Student Name

Department of English, College of New Caledonia

ENGL 103-Cl002: Composition and Style

Professor Megan Kuklis

July 13, 2020


Itakussu, E. Y., Valenciano, P. J., Trelha, C. S., & de Moraes Marchiori, L. L. (2015). Benefits

of exercise training with Nintendo® Wii for healthy elderly population: Literature

review. Revista CEFAC, 17(3), 936–944.

To highlight the many possible approaches of exercise treatment programs, this journal

article describes multiple studies in which the Nintendo Wii was evaluated as a low-cost

source of physical activity for elderly people. The studies found significant developments

in patients’ balance, muscle capacity, and walking speed after two to three months of Wii

fitness sessions. The many improvements discovered in this study support my argument

that exercise is valuable for increasing overall health in senior citizens.

Kucukardali, Y., Yalcin, A., Terekeci, M. H., Ozturk, M. A., Kucukardali, B., & Altunok, E. C.

(2019). Risk factors for mortality in elderly patients who live in nursing homes: 8-year

follow-up period. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, 10(6), 1–10.

As the global population ages, there is a steadily increasing demand for assisted living

facilities. The eight-year study described in this article found that nursing home care

around the world is associated with higher rates of malnutrition, excessive medication

dosages, and more falling incidents- all of which lead to increased morbidity. This

research will be helpful in refuting the convenient, but expensive, option of placing

seniors directly into long-term care facilities.

Paans, N., Van den Akker-Scheek, I., Van der Meer, K., Bulstra, S. K., & Stevens, M. (2009).

The effects of exercise and weight loss in overweight patients with hip osteoarthritis:

Design of a prospective cohort study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 10, 1–9.

Osteoarthritis is the most common source of pain and immobility in elderly people, but it

has been demonstrated that exercise is an effective treatment to relieve its symptoms.

Group exercise sessions involving treadmills, exercise bikes, and rowing machines are

recommended to treat a large number of participants at one time. I can utilize ideas from

this article in my essay to explain how exercise programs are an efficient solution to pain

management concerns amongst the aging population.

Scioli-Salter, E., Forman, D. E., Otis, J. D., Tun, C., Allsup, K., Marx, C. E., Hauger, R. L.,

Shipherd, J. C., Higgins, D. M., Tyzik, A., & Rasmusson, A. M. (2016). Potential

neurobiological benefits of exercise in chronic pain and posttraumatic stress disorder:

Pilot study. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development, 53(1), 95–106.

In a study on veterans, the authors of this article analyze the financial, physical, and

psychological effects of post-traumatic stress disorder and chronic pain. The results of the

study found exercise to be a successful preventative measure and recommended its use to

slow the progression of potentially debilitating symptoms. I will include the findings of

this report in my essay to emphasize the benefits of nonpharmacological treatment


Winser, S. J., Chan, H. T. F., Ho, L., Chung, L. S., Ching, L. T., Felix, T. K. L., & Kannan, P.

(2020). Dosage for cost-effective exercise-based falls prevention programs for older

people: A systematic review of economic evaluations. Annals of Physical &

Rehabilitation Medicine, 63(1), 69–80.

Preventing injuries caused by falls in older people is essential to relieving significant

financial burden on the international economy. This six-month study found that a

combination of home-based and group fitness programs is an inexpensive solution for the

prevention of falls. I can apply the information found in this article to my essay as part of

my research on how the economic impact created by the globally aging society can be


Xudong Li, Rui Guo, Zhenhong Wei, Jing Jia, & Chaojun Wei. (2019). Effectiveness of exercise

programs on patients with dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of

randomized controlled trials. BioMed Research International, 1–16.

This article is specifically focused on the benefits of exercise on the cognition of elderly

dementia patients. Analysis of the results of the studies found substantial improvements

in the patients’ psychological states when compared with usual care. This paper will be

useful in my research as I examine how the mental health of aging patients can be

improved with increased physical activity, therefore creating less of a burden on the

healthcare system.

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