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Multimedia Tools and Applications

Ensuring the privacy and security of IoT‑medical

data: a hybrid deep learning‑based encryption
and blockchain‑enabled transmission

Aditya Kaushal Ranjan1 · Prabhat Kumar1

Received: 10 July 2023 / Revised: 20 September 2023 / Accepted: 26 December 2023

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024

E-health has emerged as a key research area as long as the advent of the Internet of Things
(IoT). Maintaining patients’ privacy seems complex because patient data is so sensitive. In
medical uses, patient health information is often kept in the cloud, which bounds the user’s
ability to fully control their data. To overcome the issues of privacy and security, medi-
cal data is collected from IoT sensors embedded in patients to the Personal Digital Assis-
tant (PDA) for further processing. A hybrid encryption algorithm is used to ensure data
security during transmission from the gathered medical-related data. The encrypted report
is deposited in the cloud for later retrieval with appropriate access controls and encryp-
tion mechanisms in place. The use of blockchain for transmitting encrypted data further
enhances the transmission of data securely and reduces the risk of data breaches. The gen-
eration of encryption and decryption keys using a hybrid deep learning model (LSTM and
CNN) ensures the uniqueness and robustness of the keys. The selection of the optimal key
using the Self-Improved Lion Optimization Algorithm (SI-LA) ensures the efficiency and
effectiveness of the encryption and decryption process. Moreover, the execution of the
model is equated with the existing technology; therefore, the proposed model is ensured
as a more effective technique than the existing technique in terms of performance metrics.

Keywords Privacy · Security · IoT · Medical data · Blockchain · Hybrid deep learning

1 Introduction

Many nations are struggling with a drastic improvement in the count of patients, and it
seems more challenging for patients to access basic doctors [1]. Medical security is a cru-
cial component of personal privacy evidence, and its confidentiality is a valuable resource
for individuals [2]. In the normal manner, most medical behaviours are largely connected to

* Aditya Kaushal Ranjan
Prabhat Kumar
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Patna, India

Multimedia Tools and Applications

the hospitals and dispensaries, and personal health data of individuals is frequently kept in
an electronic format of these organizations lacking "desensitization processing". There are
many risks to the security of these privacy data, including the possibility that they will be
used for academic research without desensitization, published to unauthorized web pages,
or collected by other agencies through unrecognized channels. These risks can seriously
harm people’s privacy and have an adverse impact on their physical and mental health as
well as their property [3]. In recent years, privacy has become a serious issue. Private infor-
mation is that about a person that cannot be revealed to others and is referred to as privacy.
Individuals’ physical, psychological, and financial health may all suffer if their personal
information is disclosed [4]. There are four different types of privacy: 1) concealment of
personal data, 2) privacy of Personal actions, 3) privacy of Private conversations, and 4)
confidentiality of the person [5].
IoT is little by little beginning to permeate healthcare, benefiting equally patients and
doctors. In medical facilities and even residences, IoT sensors can be utilized to track
patients, making it the key enabler in the medical field to its comprehensive improvements
in patient engagement [6]. To overcome the security issues, IoT needs identity authentica-
tion mechanisms [7] and protection of the confidentiality of the data. The three fundamen-
tal components of security are data availability, confidentiality, and integrity [8]. The main
intention of data confidentiality is to protect the privacy of sensitive details [9] by using
some mechanisms and avoiding unauthorized access. Data confidentiality for Internet of
Things devices means that the information gathered by the sensors shouldn’t be sent to an
unauthorized operator. Data confidentiality is ensured through the use of data encryption.
wherein the encrypted data transforms into cipher text and the data is difficult for unauthor-
ized users to access. The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) nodes in the IoT system encrypt
data before sending it to the gateway [10]. The challenge is that unauthorised access from
within the network or system as well as external attackers must be prevented to be able to
protect the security and confidentiality of medical evidence. Therefore, new approaches,
designs, or computing models might be required to address private and assurance issues in
the area of sharing medical data [11, 12].
The majority of hospitals and healthcare organizations opt to construct their wellness
systems in a locked domain with a protective perimeter, such as a private network with
firewalls, to improve security safeguards and prevent privacy leakage [13, 14]. As a result,
there are now numerous healthcare institutions with scattered medical data silos, making it
difficult to conduct collaborative medical research and healthcare [15]. Finally, privacy and
security of IoT-medical data are crucial to protect patient secrecy, prevent data breaches,
and ensure safe and reliable healthcare delivery in cloud [26]. Robust security measures
such as encryption and access controls, must be implemented to safeguard IoT medical
data. Deep learning techniques can improve the privacy and security of IoT-medical data
by analyzing complicated patterns and data. In order to protect sensitive medical data from
illegal access and cyber threats, they are essential for producing strong encryption keys,
enhancing anomaly detection by identifying unusual data access patterns, and enabling
proactive threat mitigation through real-time monitoring [27, 28].
The suggested research work’s main benefits are listed below:

• To ensure secure transmission of medical data collected from IoT sensors embedded in
patients to the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) for further processing.
• To encrypt the collected medical data using a hybrid encryption algorithm
(AES + Blowfish) to ensure data security during transmission.

Multimedia Tools and Applications

• To store the encrypted data in the cloud for later retrieval with appropriate access con-
trols and encryption mechanisms in place.
• To use blockchain for transmitting the encrypted data to further enhance the security of
dissemination of data and reduce the risk of data breaches.
• To generate encryption and decryption keys using a hybrid deep learning model (LSTM
and CNN) to ensure the uniqueness and robustness of the keys.
• To select the optimal key using the Self-Improved Lion Optimization Algorithm (SI-
LA) to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the encryption and decryption pro-
• To preserve the Safety and security of patient information and prevent unauthorized
access to medical data.

The remainder section of this paper is ordered as: Section 2 of the paper examines the
existing works that have been accomplished. Section 3 portrays information on the proposed
methodology for Privacy and Security of IoT-Medical Data. The results gained with the pro-
posed model is discussed thoroughly in Section 4. In Section 5, this paper is finalized.

2 Literature review

In 2021, Zouka et al. [16] showed a light authentication method scheme that provides for
safe interactions and safeguards personal health information. A bettered intelligent patient
supervision model that necessity analysed the patient’s critical bodily processes was used
in a test setup to interpret signals from medical devices using fuzzy inference. The platform
enables doctors to keep patients’ bio-signals up to date and it was outfitted with a rescue
missions system using a remote health app and M2M patient observing display.
In 2022, Mohiyuddin et al. [17] introduced a novel Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Sys-
tem (ANFIS) for data defence to enhance and examine the level of security including viola-
tion, statistics integrity, etc. in order to securely save the evidence in the cloud. According to
the findings, the KNN classifier could also be used to categorise various types of medicinal
data could be accustomed to enhance and improve the trail to the cloud for safe data memory.
In 2019, Dwivedi et al. [18] presented a novel hybrid approach that combined the ben-
efits of the blockchain, the private key, and Various additional lightweight cryptographic
primitives to create a patient-centric access management for medical data stored electroni-
cally. Also pose unanswered questions in an effort to lessen various attacks, including DoS
and modification abuses.
In 2020, Stamatellis et al. [19] introduced PREHEALTH, a distributed ledger technol-
ogy and Identity Mixer-based EHR management solution that protects patient privacy. The
permissioned blockchain framework was used in the proof-of-concept implementation.
The suggested method effectively stores patient records while keeping confidentiality and
unlinkability. The effectiveness and viability of the plan for deployment on a large scale in
the real world were demonstrated by experimental performance evaluation results.
In 2020, Almaiah et al. [20] put forth the BFCP protocol as a solution to the issue of
reactive medical information privacy when using the Deep Learning method. The formal-
ities allowed for data security while maintaining high classification accuracy. To recog-
nize the importance of the model, the creativity outcomes were also contrasted with those
from benchmark models. When evaluated against benchmark models, the suggested model
shows remarkable progress in terms of comparative parameters.

Multimedia Tools and Applications

In 2021, Ali et al. [21] developed a novel security way that offered both security with
privacy that significantly greater proficiency and at a lower expenditure. Also, put forth a
patient healthcare framework, in comparison to current blockchain-based access control
offered greater security, dependability, and authentication.
In 2021, Ngabo et al. [22] suggested a public-permissioned blockchain security mecha-
nism by utilizing an elliptic curve cryptographic (ECC) digital signature that works with a
distributed ledger server in order to offer an immutable security remedy, transaction trans-
parency, and guard against the alteration of patient records at the IoTs fog layer. Those
problems with scalability, centralization, and latency in the fog model were also lessened
by the blockchain technology approach.
In 2020, Jyotheeswari et al. [23] created a framework for handling the enormous
amounts of medical data produced by the sensor nodes. In both routine and emergency
situations, the architecture would enable secure data sharing between physicians and
patients. Make a security mechanism suggestion as a next step to enhance data integrity
and confidentiality. The performance was achieved by the suggested mechanism using both
attribute-based and symmetric encryption. The outcomes of the simulation show that the
suggested system was effective.
In 2021, Bi et al. [24] created a deep learning-based data analytics and privacy preser-
vation system for IoT-enabled healthcare. Gather raw data from the users and keep their
privacy information separate in a privacy-isolation area. Using a convolutional neural net-
work to build a delicate security module, analyzed health-related data in the cloud with-
out knowing the privacy details of the users. Also, put the prototype system into use and
assessed it, and numerous tests showed that it was reliable and effective.
In 2019, Din et al. [25] tried to offer a thorough evaluation of the IoMT research efforts.
First, gave a general overview of the IoMT framework. Also gave a thorough overview
of IoMT-related applications that have been created and/or implemented over the past ten
years. The implementation of the suggested methods faces several difficulties, including
those relevant to the cost and security of the equipment and the confidentiality of patient
information. Table 1 shows the various authors of research gaps.

2.1 Research gaps

The lot of benefit of IoT sensors in the medical industry to collect patient data has led to the
creation of massive amounts of sensitive health information that must be securely stored
and transmitted. However, this poses a significant challenge as the data can be intercepted
or accessed by unauthorized entities, potentially leading to privacy breaches and harm to
patients. Accordingly, there is a quick shortage to develop robust preserving confidentiality
mechanisms for IoT-medical data that ensure data confidentiality, integrity, and availability
while maintaining accessibility to authorized personnel. The challenge is to strike a bal-
ance between the benefits of using IoT-medical data for research and healthcare advance-
ments while ensuring the protection of patient privacy and confidentiality.
The drawbacks and the ways to overcome them: -
The absence of common security procedures across various IoT devices and platforms
presents a serious obstacle to protecting the privacy and security of IoT-related medical
data. Medical IoT devices frequently come from different manufacturers, and they might
not all follow the same security requirements. The implementation of consistent security
measures might be difficult due to this heterogeneity, which can lead to vulnerabilities.
Establishing interoperability standards for IoT devices in healthcare is done by regulatory

Table 1  Various author’s reviews about research gaps
Author Aim Research gaps

Chen et al. [2] Medical Service Framework and Secure Storage for Blockchain-Based • Benefits and disadvantages are not analysed
Medical Records • The medical data safety management schedule is not better
Fan et al. [3] IoT’s in Medical Privacy Protection • RFID systems usage in the healthcare industry is unfocused
Multimedia Tools and Applications

• Efficiency of transmission is not enhanced for protocol consumption

Renuka et al. [7] Building an ensure Three-Factor validation System for Smart Healthcare • On demand security enforcement without risk-based authentication is
Prince et al. [8] Model for Privacy-Enforced Access Control for Healthcare procedure • Two-way SMS service is not improved by the privacy rating-based
Managing access policy to enable remote healthcare
Chenthara et al. [9] Challenges of e-Health in Cloud Computing for Preserving safeguard • Big data security and privacy are not taken into consideration when
and Privacy using a combination of access control and encryption mechanisms
Wahab et al. [15] Identification of Intruders in IoT-Enabled Electronic health care • Using blockchain and deep learning, a new intrusion detection system is
not established
Zouka et al. [16] Smart Healthcare Monitoring System with Secure IoT Communications • Finding the best strategy for measuring, evaluating, managing, and
security testing is not taken into consideration
Mohiyuddin et al. [17] To securing Cloud Storage Platform for health IoT Data • With the incorporation of blockchain and 5G to carry out extensive
protection, the proposed is not reliable
Dwivedi et al. [18] A localized Healthcare Blockchain with Privacy Protection It is not implemented to have a testable system that would offer some real
work security
Stamatellis et al. [19] A Hyperledger Fabric-Based Healthcare Framework for Privacy Protec- High-performance cloud environment is not utilized
Almaiah et al. [20] An Innovative Hybrid Authentication for the IoT in Digital Healthcare • Hybrid encryption techniques is not implemented
Ngabo et al. [22] Blockchain-Based Security Mechanism for Medical Data • Decentralized software are not developed

Multimedia Tools and Applications

agencies and business associations. To provide seamless integration while ensuring secu-
rity, these specifications may include security standards that all devices must adhere to.

3 Proposed methodology

Figure 1 shows the overall structure of the suggested methodology. Blockchain is used to
store hashes of users’ medical information as well as their data access policies. Who can
access the users’ data is determined by the policies. Seven modules of the system model
are as follows:

Fig. 1  Overall design of the suggested technique

Multimedia Tools and Applications

1) Patients’ bodies are equipped with sensors.

2) Patient PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) or smartphone.
3) IoT Health Manager.
4) Clinics and medical facilities.
5) Cloud Technology
6) Blockchain network.
7) Miners.

i. Patients’ bodies are equipped with sensors.

The healthcare sector has many potential uses for wearable medical devices. Wear-
able technology can enhance patient care, pursue individual health data from a distance,
and even stop patient decline or health issues in their tracks. Smart body-worn devices
are utilised to track and observe a variety of vital signs through health apps. Utilization
of wearable medical devices, including wearable blood pressure monitors, fitness track-
ers, etc., is increasing among healthcare professionals all over the world. These electronic
devices, when used in conjunction with mobile technology, are able to monitor and prevent
a number of medical conditions, including diabetes and lung conditions. Figure 2 shows
the wearable technology in healthcare.
ii. Patient’s smartphone or PDA (Personal Digital Assistance).
There are many different types of personal digital assistants used in the healthcare
industry, including mobile apps and voice-activated smart speakers. However, they are

Fig. 2  Wearable technology in Health sector

Multimedia Tools and Applications

all built on software that assists workers by providing scheduling, prompts, and guidance
while automatically recording the specifics of this activity and other data via cloud storage.
The focus of digital transformation in healthcare has largely been on developments that
directly support patient care. Electronic patient records, video conferencing appointments,
wearable health monitoring technology, and online information portals have all emerged
recently. PDAs have the capacity to carry out demanding operations like cryptographic
operations and packet transmission.
iii. IoT health manager
IoT-equipped gadgets have made it possible to track remotely patients in the healthcare
division, unleashing the possibilities to continue patient secure and wellness and enabling
medical professionals to rescue top-notch care. Patient engagement and satisfaction have
increased as a result of easier and more efficient doctor communication. Remote health sur-
veillance for patients also reduces hospital stays’ duration and helps prevent readmissions.
The Internet of Things significantly improves patient outcomes while reducing healthcare
expenses. The provision of medical assistance is being radically changed by the IoT by
redefining the space of device and human interaction. With the aid of wearable gadgets
like fitness bands and other wirelessly affiliated devices patients can access individualised
care. These devices can be set up to remind users to monitor changes in their blood pres-
sure, events, and a category of other things. IoT has transformed people’s lives by making
it possible to incessantly track medical conditions, exceptionally those of elderly patients.
An individual’s alert system alerts concerned relations and medical professionals of any
variations or problems to their Repeated actions.
Besides keeping track of the patient’s fitness, IoT devices in hospitals can be used
for a various other objective. Using IoT devices tagged with sensors, the real-time loca-
tion of medical equipment is tracked. The emplacement of medical personnel at dif-
ferent sites can also be reviewed instantly. Hospital patients are very distressed about
the spread of infections. IoT-enabled hygiene supervision devices can help obstruct
patient illness. Additionally, IoT tools are helpful for asset governance tasks like manag-
ing pharmacy inventory, checking the temperature in the refrigerator, and protecting the
environment temp and humidity.
iv. Hospitals and health centres
All of a country’s health centres may be added to the hospitals and health centres
section. They oversee the BC network, miners, and user data. They get user data and
policy hashes from IHMs and store them. They are in charge of:

• Registering users and assignment to each of them a health wallet that could be used
to announce with the BC network.
• Giving each patient access to a cluster miner.

xxii. Cloud technology

Incorporating cloud computing technology into healthcare services can result in cost
savings, simple data sharing, personalised medicine, telehealth apps, and other advan-
tages. For safe data storage, backups, and accessibility to digital records, many health-
care providers also use cloud-based systems in the industry. Figure 3 shows the cloud
technology in healthcare.

Multimedia Tools and Applications

Fig. 3  Cloud in healthcare

The following areas of the healthcare sector are assisted by cloud-based healthcare

• Improved data monitoring and analysis for the diagnosis and treatment of various dis-
• Massive storage capacity for radiology images and EHR (Electronic Health Record)
• Access to computing resources that is available on demand
• Sharing of EHR among only authorised medical professionals, practitioners, and hos-
pitals in various parts of the world, enabling timely access to information essential for
lifesaving and minimising the need for additional testing
• More accurate data analysis
• Improved monitoring of patient health data

Multimedia Tools and Applications

vi. Blockchain network

Blockchain is an organized node network where information is stored. It is an excel-
lent piece of machinery for safeguarding private data across the entire system. With the
help of this technology, sensitive information can be exchanged securely and privately. It
is the perfect tool for centrally and securely storing every relevant record. Blockchain also
accelerates the search for applicants who fulfil specific trial criteria by using an individual
patient record. The Blockchain is a term used to characterize a decentralised peer-to-peer
(P2P) network of desktop computers known as nodes that claims, keeps up with, and shows
transaction or historical data. With the help of this technology, various networks can be
combined to reveal the value of individualised care. As a result, the immutability and secu-
rity of blockchain are obvious. Blocks, nodes, and miners are the three main foundational
ideas of blockchain.
vii. Miners
A blockchain user or node that competes with other participants to resolve challenging
cryptographic puzzles in order to validate a specific block, have that block added to the
blockchain, and earn rewards for doing so.
IoT has enabled numerous applications in various domains along with healthcare. Medi-
cal devices and wearables, equipped with sensors and connectivity features, can collect
data on patients’ vital signs and communicate it to healthcare supporters in just out. How-
ever, the transmission and storage of medical data pose significant privacy and security
challenges, especially as the data can be sensitive and contain personally identifiable infor-
mation. To provide the confidentiality and security of IoT-medical information, a hybrid
approach combining deep learning-based encryption and blockchain-enabled transmission
can be used.

Step 1: Secure transmission: Achieving the main goal is to ensure secure transmission of
medical data collected from IoT sensors embedded in patients to the Personal Digital
Assistant (PDA) for further processing.
Step 2: Data encryption: The collected medical data is encoded utilising a hybrid encryp-
tion algorithm (AES + Blowfish) to ensure data security during transmission.
Step 3: Secure repository: The encrypted data is saved in the cloud for later retrieval with
appropriate access controls and encryption mechanisms in place.
Step 4: Blockchain transmission: The use of blockchain for transmitting the encrypted data
further raise the security of data transmission and reduces the risk of data breaches.
Step 5: Key generation: The generation of encryption and decryption keys using a hybrid
deep learning model (LSTM and CNN) ensures the uniqueness and robustness of the
Step 6: Optimal key selection: The selection of the optimal key using the Self-Improved
Lion Optimization Algorithm (SI-LA) ensures the efficiency and effectiveness of the
encryption and decryption action.

Overall, the workflow is designed to achieve the objectives of securing medical data
during transmission and storage, preventing unauthorized access, and maintaining the pri-
vacy and confidentiality of patient information.

Multimedia Tools and Applications

3.1 Secure transmission

The primary goal of this workflow is to make sure that medical facts collected from IoT
sensors embedded in patients is transmitted securely to the PDA for additional processing.

3.2 Data encryption

Data encryption encrypts a message so that only the sender and the designed recipient can
understand it. The best way to secure data is through encryption. A hybrid encryption algo-
rithm (AES + Blowfish) is utilised to scramble the collected medical data in order to pro-
tect it during transmission.

3.2.1 Advanced encryption standard + blowfish

Step 1–Data encryption: The collected medical data is encoded by hybrid encryption
algorithm (AES + Blowfish) as follows:

1: The plaintext data is first segregated into blocks of fixed size.

2: For each block, AES encryption is applied using a randomly generated key, resulting
in a ciphertext block.
3: The ciphertext block is then further encrypted using Blowfish algorithm with
another randomly generated key, resulting in the final encrypted block.

p be the plaintext data, k1 and k2 be the randomly generated keys for AES and Blowfish
respectively, and c be the ciphertext data.
p is divided into fixed-size blocks: p1, p2... pn.
For each block pi AES encryption is applied with K1 ∶ AES K1(, Pi =)C1.
( )

Each Ci is further encrypted using

[ Blowfish with]K2 ∶ Blowfish K2 , Ci = Ci �.
The final encrypted data is C = C1 �, C2 �, .....Cn � .
Step 2–- Key generation: The generation of encryption and decryption keys using a
hybrid deep learning model (LSTM and CNN) as follows:
The input to the model is a seed value, which is used to initialize the model. The model
generates a sequence of key candidates using LSTM. The sequence of key candidates is
then processed by a CNN, which selects the best key based on a fitness function.
Let S be the seed value, and K be the generated encryption/decryption key.
The LSTM generates a sequence of key candidates: K1 , K2 , ..., Kn .
[ ]

The CNN([selects the] best ) key K from the sequence based on a fitness function:
K = CNN K1, K2,.... Kn , S .
Step 3–- Optimal key selection: The selection of the optimal key using the Self-
Improved Lion Optimization Algorithm (SI-LA) as follows:
The fitness function for the SI-LA is based on the performance of the encryption/
decryption process using the candidate key. The algorithm starts with an initial popula-
tion of candidate keys, and iteratively improves the population using the SI-LA algo-
rithm. The best key in the final population is selected as the optimal key.

Multimedia Tools and Applications

Let K be the candidate encryption/decryption key, and F(K) be its fitness value. ]
The SI-LA starts with an initial population of candidate keys: P = K1 , K2 , ...., Kn .

The fitness function for a candidate key K is based on the performance of the encryp-
tion/decryption process: F(K) = f (Encrypt(P, K), Decrypt(C, K)).
The SI-LA iteratively improves the population by applying selection, crossover, and
mutation operators.
The best key in the final population is selected as the optimal key: K ∗= arg max (F(P)).

3.3 Secure storage

The encrypted fact is accumulated in the cloud for later retrieval with appropriate access
controls and encryption mechanisms in place.

3.4 Blockchain transmission

The use of blockchain for transmitting the encrypted data further amplify the security of
data transmission and reduces the risk of data breaches.

3.5 Key generation

The robustness and uniqueness of the keys are guaranteed by the generation of encryption
and decryption keys using a hybrid deep learning model (LSTM and CNN).

3.5.1 LSTM‑CNN

LSTM It is also known as Long Short-Term Memory that is repeatedly engaged in speech
and natural language processing. The vanishing gradient problem is a drawback of conven-
tional RNNs, which causes the network to struggle to retain knowledge from earlier time
steps as it moves forward in time. In order to solve this problem, LSTM was developed. It
has a more intricate architecture with a number of "gates" that enable the network to selec-
tively remember or forget information. Three gates are found in LSTM cells. The forget
gate decides which information should be removed from the cell, while the input gate con-
trols how much new information is permitted to enter the cell. The amount of information
output from the cell is controlled by the output gate. Backpropagation through time is used
to train the LSTM network, which involves calculating the gradient over all time steps. As a
result, the network can learn long-term dependencies and remember information for longer.
A variety of tasks, including language modelling, speech recognition, machine translation,
and image captioning, have demonstrated the effectiveness of LSTM.

CNN Convolutional neural network (CNN) is intended to learn spatial feature hierarchies
automatically and adaptively from input data. The use of convolutional layers, which ena-
bles the network to quickly process images and other spatial data, is the main innovation of
CNNs. An output of a convolutional layer is determined of feature maps after implement-
ing a set of learnable filters to the input data. The feature maps show the activations of
these filters across the input data. Each filter recognises a specific feature or pattern in the
input data, such as edges or corners.
Architectural diagram of LSTM-CNN

Multimedia Tools and Applications

Fig. 4  Architectural Diagram of LSTM-CNN

Figure 4 shows the architectural diagram of LSTM-CNN.

Convolutional layer of CNN Several filters Turn past the convolutional layer for the pro-
vided input data. The output of this layer is then calculated as the sum of a multiplication
of the filters’ individual elements. The weighted summation is positioned as a component
of the following level. The stride, filter size, and zero padding parameters are each used
to specify a convolutional operation. The sliding step is unyielding by stride, which is a
positive integer value. The inclusion of the data at the edge of the input matrix is the main
objective of zero padding. When there is no padding, the convolution output is small than
what is inputted. As a result, a network can only have a certain number of convolutional
layers because doing so reduces the size of the network.

Max pooling layer of CNN The inputs’ dimension is around diminished by the pooling
layer. The widely used pooling technique, max pooling, outputs the highest value (2 ∗ 2)
that can be found inside the pooling filter. Averaging and summation are two additional
pooling techniques. The max pooling, is promising method because it produces consider-
able results by 75% down sampling the input size.

Flatten layer of CNN The resultant 2-D arrays from pooled feature maps are all flattened
toward a single, lengthy continuous linear vector. To classify the image, the flattened
matrix is fed as input to the fully connected layer.

LSTM layer Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) have the capacity to amplify the past data
using a neural network structure resembling a chain. It examines both the existing data mt
and the former results of the secret state hiddent−1 at each time step even though processing
sequential data. Still, as the distance amidst two-time steps widens, standard RNNs lose
their ability to recognize enduring dependencies. In order to solve this issue, LSTM was
first introduced as an effective architecture with outstanding results in statistical machine
translation. Also used the standard formation although the fact that many LSTM variants
have been intended.
The LSTM has form of frequent modules for anytime step as in a standard RNN. At
each time step, the output of the module is restrained by a set of gates in Rdim ens as a
responsibility of the old not visible state hiddent−1 and the input at the present moment step
mt the forget gate forgett the input gate int , and the result gate outputt . Each of these gates

Multimedia Tools and Applications

settle how to revise the present-day memory cell as a group pt and the current hidden state
ut . Also used dim ens to indicate the memory size in the LSTM and all vectors in this frame
split the identical size. The LSTM transitional procedures are described in Eqs. (1) - (6).

( [ ] )
int = 𝜎 Cin . hiddent−1 , mt + Vin

( [ ] )
forgett = 𝜎 Cforget . hiddent−1 , mt + Vforget

( [ ] )
st = tanh hidden Cs . hiddent−1 , mt + Vs

( [ ] )
outputs = 𝜎 Coutput . hiddent−1 , mt + Voutput

Pt= = forgett ⊙ pt−1 + int ⊙ st (5)

( )
hiddent = outputt ⊙ Pt

𝜎 is the operational sigmoid feature with a productivity in [0, 1] tanh represent the hyper-
bolic tangent function with a turnout in [−1, 1], ⊙ connotes the elementwise multiplication.
To comprehend the architecture’s system, view forgett as the ability to regulate how much
data in an old memory cell is cast-off, int to decide how much new data is stored within
the currently active memory cell, and outputt to modify the output in accordance with the
stored cell pt . Since LSTM is specifically made for learning dependencies that last from
time-series data, it should be used after the convolution layer for what is required in the
progression of higher-level factors.

Fully connected layer of CNN Neurons in the fully connected layer have close interactions
to the neurons in the two adjacent layers; they are not connected to each neuron in those
layers. This is equivalent to how neurons are arranged in conventional ANN methods.

3.6 Optimal key selection

3.6.1 Self‑improved lion algorithm

Step 1: Initialize the male Amale, Female Afemale and nomadic lion Anomad.

The beginning of pride is made by provincial lion, lioness, and nomadic lion as Amale ,
Afemale and nomadic lion Anomad correspondingly. The pride generation process examines
the generation of the nomadic lion. The vector element of Anomad, Amale, Afemale is stated
as Anomad , Amale, Ad are considered to be arbitrary integers with the highest and lowest
d d
bounds, as specified in Eq. (8). When n > 1, where d = 1, 2, ....len the Lion’s length len is
formulated as per Eq. (7)
n; n > 1
len =
0; otherwise (7)

Multimedia Tools and Applications

Here, n and o are integers to determine the measure of the lion. When n = 1, the evolu-
tion of search using binary lion in the method, so the creation of vector elements can be
moreover 0 or 1.

f bd ∈ bmin (8)
( ) ( )
i , bi

o%2 = 0 (9)
In which,
( ) ∑ ( )
f bd = dd 2 −d (10)

Equations (8) and (10) guarantee that the originated lion is in format in binary and falls
in the boundaries. Equation (9) ensures that an even number will be produced by generat-
ing a solution has the same number of real and fractions with decimal values. Anomad it is
believed that two nomadic lions are attempting to seize the area. only when engaged in the
territorial defence method, the extra nomadic lion can be begun. Position remains vacant
until then and Anomad can be denoted as Anomad

Step 2: Evaluate the fitness of the male, female and nomad lions. The fitness function of
this research
( work is:)
Fit = min Kg length
Step 3: Set the reference fitness Crefer as the fitness of the Amale and initialize the genera-
tion count Countf = 0.
Step 4: Store the Amale and its fitness C Amale .
( )

Step 5: Perform fertility evaluation to determine the fitness of the cubs.

Step 6: Carry out proposed mating to form a cub pool.

The steps followed in the proposed mating process is:

(i) Select the mating pairs.

The male lions are drawn to the female’s spot using the next pheromone that the femi-
nine release.
Amount of pheromone released by a female has a direct correlation with her sex appeal.
The amount of pheromone that the female lion releases diffuse downwind and achieve each
male firefly varies depending on two things: (i) range (ii) strength and guidance of the
wind. The concentration of each female’s pheromone that reaches the male lion is therefore
determined in this subsection. If a high-speed wind carries the highly concentrated phero-
mone of a fit female farther away in his direction, the male may choose her. The intensity
of focus of female Afemale pheromone achieves the male Amale, H , is calculated by using
( )
H = fit ∗ diff �������⃗ (11)

where fit is the fitness value of a female lion Afemale, wind

�������⃗ is the wind vector which is inde-
�����⃗ is the difference vector amongst the position
pendently produced in each iteration, and diff
vector of a male and that of the female.

Multimedia Tools and Applications

(ii) Female select the male based on their physical process

Each male in the vicinity is rated favourably by the female lions. Similar to the origi-
nal lion algorithm, a male lion’s attractiveness is inversely correlated with his brightness.
Thus, the following Eq. (12) can be used to determine the male lion’s Amale appeal to the
female lion Afemale.

App = fite−𝛾Eu

where App is the appeal of Amale seen by Afemale, 𝛾 is a constant in the range, Eu is the
Euclidean distance between a man and a woman, and fit is the fitness value of the Amale.
(iii) Calculation of the mutual attraction
A number of males and females are matched together as prospective parents based on
the strength of their attraction to one another. The first mating pair is chosen based on
which pair has the highest mutual attraction value. The collaboration interest in each other
female lion Afemale and the male lion Amale, MutAtt is defined as Eq. (13)
MutAtt = App + H (13)
The quantity of sperms in the male’s sperm reservoir and the female’s spermatheca are
updated following each mating. The following subsection provides details on the update
process. If the male member of the pair still has some sperm in the sperm reservoir and the
female’s sperm bucket continued failure, the pair with the next highest value is chosen.
(iv) Perform crossover & mating to generate new cubs

Case 1 The 2-point crossover operator is used to produce the offspring when the parents
possess not been together before. The 2-point (Fig. 5) crossover operator selects a start
position and an end position at random on the parent chromosomes. The genes between
these two positions are then crossed over and placed in the identical spot on the chromo-
somes of the two offspring, each of whom still has the original genes from each parent
earlier the crossover.

Case 2 The n-point crossover operator is applied to produce the offspring if either parent
has previously been mated. Starting with n∕2 pairs of back-to-back start and last point cho-
sen at random, the n-point (Fig. 6) crossover operator crosses the genes from the parents
across each set of the starting and ending roles. The remaining genes are kept.

Fig. 5  Example of 2-point crossover

Multimedia Tools and Applications

Fig. 6  Example of n-point crossover

(xxii) Variation Operation

Following the creation of an embryonic offspring through mating, some of its genes ran-
domly change (mutate) to new values inside the parameters’ range, as depicted in Fig. 7. The
mutation is carried out to encourage population diversity and prevent pick up stuck in local

Step 7: Cluster the cubs based on gender to obtain male Amale & female Afemale cub pools.
Step 8: Set the cub accumulation factor to 0.
Step 9: Implement the cub growth function to determine which cubs are qualified to join
the pride.
Step 10: Execute the territorial defence to protect the pride from outside threats.

Territorial defence offers thorough solution space looking, instructs to stay away from the
local optimal point also pinpoint various remedies with the equal aptness. The formation of a
nomad coalition, a battle for survival, then updates to the nomad coalition and pride are listed
as the order of territorial defence. Using the winner-take-all strategy, the nomad coalition is
simplified for identifying Ag−nomad . Moreover, Ag−nomad is selected, only if it meets Eqs. (14)

c Ag−nomad < c Amale (14)

( ) ( )

( ) ( )
c(Ag−nomad ) < c(Ao_cubs )
c Ag−nomad < c Ac_cubs (15)

subsequently defeating Amale, pride might be modernised, while following a loss of

Ag−nomad , the Nomad partnership has been modified. The Techniques for replacing Amale
by Ag−nomad is known as the pride news, whereas Nomad Coalition Review defines a single
choice as Anomad that poses F nomad exceeding or matching the unity rapid. The other posi-
tion also be filled up during the ensuing territorial defence.

Fig. 7  An illustration of a mutation function

Multimedia Tools and Applications

When Ao_cubs as well as Ao_cubs matures, geographical takeover occurs and evolves Amale
and Afemale. The maturing is specified as the age of cub that goes outside the utmost permis-
sible for cub maturity Bmax.

Step 11: If the territorial defence is successful, go back to step 5; otherwise proceed step
Step 12: execute a takeover of the territory to gain updated male & female lions.
Step 13: Increment the generation counter by one.
Step 14: If the stopping criterion is not met, go back to step 4; otherwise proceed to step
Step 15: Terminate and return the male lion as the optimal solution.

3.7 Theoretical analysis

3.7.1 Combinational encryption algorithm

It is clear that both symmetric and asymmetric encryption techniques are being used when
a hybrid encryption algorithm is used.
Asymmetric encryption is used to safely exchange the symmetric encryption keys while
symmetric encryption is effective for encrypting large amounts of data.
Data confidentiality during transmission is ensured by this method.

3.7.2 Blockchain technology

Blockchain offers a distributed and unchangeable ledger for securely storing transactions
and other data.
By assuring that data added to the blockchain cannot be changed or removed without
network consensus, it improves data security.
Additionally, blockchain offers auditability and transparency, which are essential in the
healthcare industry for monitoring data access and alteration.

3.7.3 Key generation based on deep learning

The system creates encryption and decryption keys based on machine learning, as sug-
gested by the usage of a hybrid deep learning model that combines LSTM and CNN.
Deep learning models may be able to provide robust and distinctive keys, improving the
encryption process’ security.
A thorough approach to key generation is evident from the fact that CNN is skilled at
image processing and LSTM is well known for handling sequences.

3.7.4 SI‑LA, or the Self‑Improved Lion Optimization Algorithm

The selection of the best keys using SI-LA suggests that an optimization method is used by
the system to select the best keys from the pool of created keys.
By choosing keys that maximize specific parameters, such as randomness and unpre-
dictability, optimization algorithms like SI-LA can increase the effectiveness and efficiency
of cryptographic operations.

Multimedia Tools and Applications

4 Findings and discussion

4.1 Dataset description

https://​www.​kaggle.​com/​datas​ets/​shaya​nfaze​li/​heart​beat and https://​www.​kaggle.​com/​

code/​ahmad​1993/​eeg-​depre​ssion are the dataset links which are considered. The MIT-
BIH Arrhythmia Dataset and The PTB Diagnostic ECG Database, two well-known
datasets in heartbeat classification, are used to create two collections of heartbeat sig-
nals that make up this dataset. Both collections include enough samples to allow for the
training of a deep neural network. With the help of deep neural network architectures,
this dataset has been utilized to investigate the classification and to examine some of the
possibilities of transfer learning. For both the normal case and cases afflicted by various
arrhythmias and myocardial infarction, the signals correlate to the electrocardiogram
(ECG) forms of heartbeats. These signals are pre-processed and divided into segments,
each of which represents a heartbeat.

4.2 Performance metrics

The presented model is implemented using PYTHON programming. The proposed

model has been analysed in terms of Encryption Time, Decryption Time, Key Genera-
tion Time(s), Restoration Efficiency, Response Time(s), Record Time(s) with the exist-
ing of Lion Algorithm (LO), Bird Swarm Algorithm (BSA), Honey Badger Algorithm
Encryption Time, Decryption Time, Security, Trust Score, Throughput and Delivery
Ratio are used as comparison metrics for performance.
i) Encryption time
Encryption time is the amount of time needed by an encryption algorithm to transform
plaintext data into ciphertext. It serves as a gauge for the algorithm’s effectiveness.
ii) Decryption time
Decryption time is the amount of time required by an encryption algorithm to trans-
form ciphertext data into plaintext data. Less decryption speed equals greater algorithm
iii) Key generation time(s)
Key generation time refers to the amount of time it takes to create a cryptographic key
that will be used for secure communication or other cryptographic purposes. The length of
the key generation time can depend on several factors, such as the complexity of the key
generation algorithm, the computing power of the hardware used to generate the key, and
the desired level of security.
iv) Restoration efficiency
Restoration efficiency is a term that can refer to different things in different contexts, but
in general, it refers to the effectiveness of a restoration process.
xxii) Response time

Multimedia Tools and Applications

Response time is the amount of time taken when a job first receives the CPU after enter-
ing the ready state.
vi) Record time
Record time may refer to the fastest processing speed achieved by a computer or the
shortest time taken to perform a particular task.
The Table 2 presents the results of a performance evaluation of four different encryption
algorithms: LO, BSA, HBA, and Proposed for the 1st data metrics. The proposed algo-
rithm has the lowest encryption time of 0.117233 s, indicating that it is the fastest algo-
rithm in terms of encrypting data. The proposed algorithm also has the lowest decryption
time of 0.109022 s, indicating that it is the fastest algorithm in terms of decrypting data.
The proposed algorithm again has the lowest key generation time of 0.226255 s, indicating
that it can generate keys faster than the other algorithms. The proposed algorithm has the
highest restoration efficiency of 0.814648, indicating that it can recover the system bet-
ter than the other algorithms in case of damage or attack. The proposed algorithm has the
lowest response time of 202.906 s, indicating that it is the fastest in responding to user
requests. The proposed algorithm also has the lowest record time of 12.6817 s, indicating
that it can perform the task faster than the other algorithms. Overall, the proposed algo-
rithm outperforms the other algorithms in terms of encryption time, decryption time, key
generation time, restoration efficiency, response time, and record time. These results sug-
gest that the proposed algorithm can provide fast and efficient encryption and decryption
operations, generate keys faster, recover the system better, respond to user requests faster,
and perform the task faster.
The Table 3 presents the results of a performance evaluation of four different encryp-
tion algorithms: LO, BSA, HBA, and Proposed for data metrics 2nd. The proposed
algorithm has the lowest encryption time of 0.112043 s, indicating that it is the fastest
algorithm in terms of encrypting data. The proposed algorithm has the second-lowest
decryption time of 0.104196 s, just behind the HBA algorithm, indicating that it is one
of the fastest algorithms in terms of decrypting data. Proposed algorithm has the sec-
ond-lowest key generation time of 0.216239 s, just behind the LO algorithm, indicating
that it can generate keys faster than most of the other algorithms. The proposed algo-
rithm has the highest restoration efficiency of 0.888446, indicating that it can recover
the system better than the other algorithms in case of damage or attack. The proposed
algorithm has the lowest response time of 216.188 s, indicating that it is the fastest
in responding to user requests. The proposed algorithm has the lowest record time
of 13.5117 s, indicating that it can perform the task faster than the other algorithms.
Overall, the proposed algorithm performs well in terms of encryption time, decryption
time, key generation time, restoration efficiency, response time, and record time. These

Table 2  Metrices-data 1 LO BSA HBA Proposed

Encryption time(s) 0.120684 0.132604 0.122725 0.117233

Decryption time(s) 0.112231 0.118399 0.113769 0.109022
Key generation time(s) 0.232915 0.251002 0.236495 0.226255
Restoration efficiency 0.808706 0.763088 0.805434 0.814648
Response time(s) 208.677 217.446 204.349 202.906
Record time(s) 13.0423 13.5904 12.7718 12.6817

Multimedia Tools and Applications

Table 3  Metrices-data 2 LO BSA HBA Proposed

Encryption time(s) 0.114845 0.123115 0.122093 0.112043

Decryption time(s) 0.106802 0.12016 0.105476 0.104196
Key generation time(s) 0.221647 0.243275 0.227569 0.216239
Restoration efficiency 0.870597 0.832215 0.766132 0.888446
Response time(s) 226.479 227.225 219.497 216.188
Record time(s) 14.1549 14.2016 13.7186 13.5117

results suggest that the proposed algorithm can provide fast and efficient encryption and
decryption operations, generate keys faster, recover the system better, respond to user
requests faster, and perform the task faster.
The Table 4 presents the statistical measures of four different encryption algorithms:
LO, BSA, HBA, and Proposed. Standard Deviation measures the amount of variation or
dispersion in the data. The proposed algorithm has standard deviation of 0.00259501, indi-
cating that its encryption time results are relatively consistent or close to each other. Mean
measures the average of the encryption time results. The proposed algorithm has mean of
0.114638 s, indicating that it has the fastest encryption time on average among the four
algorithms. Median measures the middle value of the encryption time results. The median
of each algorithm is the same as its mean, indicating that the data is symmetrically distrib-
uted. Min measures the minimum value of the encryption time results. The proposed algo-
rithm has the lowest minimum value of 0.112043 s, indicating that it has the fastest encryp-
tion time among the four algorithms at its best performance. Max measures the maximum
value of the encryption time results. The BSA algorithm has the highest maximum value of
0.132604 s, indicating that it has the slowest encryption time among the four algorithms at
its worst performance. Overall, the statistical measures suggest that the proposed algorithm
has consistent and fast encryption time results, with the lowest mean and minimum value
among the four algorithms. The HBA algorithm has the most consistent results with the
lowest standard deviation, while the BSA algorithm has the slowest encryption time with
the highest maximum value. However, it is important to note that these results are based
on a specific set of data and may vary depending on the size and complexity of the data, as
well as the hardware and software used for the encryption process.
Figure 8 shows the Restoration Efficiency of LO, BSA, HBA and Proposed Technique.
The restoration efficiency is a metric that measures the percentage of original data that can
be restored from the encoded data after experiencing various types of errors or damages. In
the context of encryption algorithms, restoration efficiency is a crucial metric that indicates
how reliable and secure an algorithm is in preserving the integrity of the encrypted data.

Table 4  Statistical features

Standard deviation Mean Median Min Max

LO 0.00291923 0.117765 0.117765 0.114845 0.120684

BSA 0.00474459 0.127859 0.127859 0.123115 0.132604
HBA 0.000316276 0.122409 0.122409 0.122093 0.122725
Proposed 0.00259501 0.114638 0.114638 0.112043 0.117233

Multimedia Tools and Applications

Fig. 8  Performance evaluation of

restoration efficiency

Fig. 9  Performance analysis of

response time

Figure 9 shows the Response Time of LO, BSA, HBA and Proposed Technique. The
response time is a crucial metric that measures the time taken by an algorithm to pro-
cess and encrypt/decrypt data. A low response time indicates that the algorithm is faster
and more efficient in processing data, while a high response time indicates that the algo-
rithm is slower and less efficient.
Figure 10 shows the Record Time of LO, BSA, HBA and Proposed Technique. The
record time is a metric that measures the time taken to read and write data from/to a
storage device. It is an important metric for encryption algorithms that require frequent
read and write operations, such as in database management systems.
Figure 11 demonstrates the Key Generation Time of LO, BSA, HBA and Proposed
Technique. Key generation time is an important metric for encryption algorithms as it
measures the time taken to generate keys that are used to encrypt and decrypt data. A
faster key generation time can lead to improved efficiency and faster data processing
Figure 12 shows the Encryption Time of LO, BSA, HBA and Proposed Technique. The
length of time it takes to secure data makes encryption time a crucial parameter for encryption

Multimedia Tools and Applications

Fig. 10  Performance analysis of

record time

Fig. 11  Performance analysis of

key generation time

algorithms. Increasing efficiency and hastening the processing of data are two benefits of
faster encryption times.
Figure 13 shows the Decryption Time of LO, BSA, HBA and Proposed Technique.
Decryption time, which gauges how long it takes to decrypt encrypted data, is a crucial meas-
urement for encryption algorithms.
Figure 14 shows the Turn Around Time of LO, BSA, HBA and Proposed Technique. The
term "turnaround time" is occasionally used to refer to the "response time" or "total process-
ing time" of an algorithm, which is the length of time needed overall to complete a task from
beginning to end, taking into account all processing, communication, and waiting times.

5 Conclusion

E-health has become a significant area of research. Because patient data is so valua-
ble, maintaining patient privacy may be challenging. Healthcare applications frequently
store patient data in the cloud, which restricts the users’ ability to fully control their

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Fig. 12  Performance analysis of

encryption time

Fig. 13  Performance analysis of

decryption time

Fig. 14  Performance analysis of

turn around time

Multimedia Tools and Applications

data. IoT sensors installed in patients was used to collect medical data, which was then
processed by the PDA. The collected medical data are transmitted securely by a hybrid
encryption algorithm. The cloud was where the encrypted data which was stored for
later retrieval, with the proper encryption and access controls in place. The use of block-
chain to transmit encrypted data further improves data security and lowers the possibil-
ity of data breaches. The robustness and uniqueness of the encryption and decryption
keys was guaranteed by the use of a hybrid deep learning model (LSTM and CNN). The
Self-Improved Lion Optimization Algorithm (SI-LA) was used to choose the best key,
guaranteeing the speed and effectiveness of the encryption and decryption procedures.
The proposed model could be guaranteed to be a more productive technique than the
existing technique in terms of performance metrics because the model’s performance
was compared with that of the available technology.

Data Availability The UCI Heart Disease Data utilized in this research is publicly available and can be
accessed through the UCI Machine Learning Repository (https://​archi​ve.​ics.​uci.​edu/​ml/​datas​ets/​Heart+​
Disea​se). The dataset provides valuable insights into various cardiovascular parameters and has been instru-
mental in our study on ensuring the privacy and security of IoT-medical data.

Competing Interests There isn’t any competing interests associated with the research presented in this article,
“Ensuring the Privacy and Security of IoT-Medical Data: A Hybrid Deep Learning-Based Encryption and
Blockchain-Enabled Transmission”. No financial or non-financial conflicts of interest exist that could influ-
ence the research, analysis, or interpretation of the findings. The focus of this work is solely on advancing
methodologies to enhance the privacy and security of medical data in the context of the Internet of Things.

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