Politics (dsa1)

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Question 1

Due to governmental response to the crises and the World Bank investment, what part of the Aral sea’s
water level is increasing?
Select one:
a. South-West
b. North
c. East
d. South
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Question 2
What is the normative position in world politics?
Select one:
a. Seeing the world as it 'really is' rather than how we would like it to be.
b. All of the above
c. Commitment to change the world, make the world a better place.
d. How the world ought to be and try to assist events to turn out that way.
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Question 3
What can be identified as the beginning of the nuclear arms race between the US and the Soviet Union?
Select one:
a. Operation Pervaya Molniya in the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test (August, 1949).
b. Reagan's Star Wars Programme.
c. The Manhattan Project, The Trinity Test (July, 1945), Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombings (August,
d. From the Period of 'Missile Crisis'.
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Question 4
What is considered as “the Fourth Estate”?
Select one:
a. Parliament
b. People
c. Mass media
d. religious leaders
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Question 5
Who is involved in formulating policy proposals in liberal democracies?
Select one:
a. Government and interest groups
b. All the citizens
c. Government, governmental agencies, legislators and executive branches, organizations, and interest
d. A president
Question 6
What variant best describes the political institutions and economic incentives in Kazakhstan?
Select one:
a. Highly extractive economic institutions that are “restricted from freely determining their structures”
b. Absence of quality economic diversification and political pluralism.
c. Inherited highly centralized governance from the Soviet Union
d. All of the above
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Question 7
According to the Akseleu Seidembekov, a Kazakh writer and an academic at the Institute of Literature at
the Kazakh Academy of Sciences, what does the “mankurtizatsiia of the nations” mean?
Select one:
a. The centrality of memory in the nomadic communities
b. Eradication of nomadism
c. De-ethnicization, cultural amnesia, the loss of group solidarity symbolized by the Kazakh aul, the
demise of the rich oral tradition of the nomads, and above all, the erasure of genealogy and memory
which were so central to a nomadic identity
d. Mass illiteracy of Kazakhs
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Question 8
What are the engines of globalization?
Select one:
a. Politics
b. Technology
c. Economy
d. All of the above
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Question 9
What is globalization?
Select one:
a. Elimination of national borders and pursuit of cultural cleansing.
b. The notion to fight the climate change.
c. It is the history of the USA’s unipolarity
d. The notion that the world is a single political, economic, and social place.
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Question 10
How many stages of overcoming oppression according to Watts and Abdul-Adil?
Select one:
a. Five: acritical, adaptive, pre-critical, critical, liberation.
b. Four: acritical, adaptive, pre-critical, critical.
c. One: liberation
d. Two: critical, liberation
Question 11
What does “collectivisation” mean?
Select one:
a. Intentional act of removing by force or threat of force any national, ethnic, religious, racial, or
socioeconomically homogeneous group from a specified area of land, usually within the borders of a
sovereign state, up to and including genocide
b. It is a policy pursued in the Soviet Union and most other communist countries, which refers to a
process where private agricultural lands were seized by the state and transferred either to collective
farms (kolkhoz in Russian) or state farms (sovkhoz).
c. Human relations where people fear what is not directly familiar to themselves and their normal
d. Acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious
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Question 12
Mass belief system is closely connected to the…
Select one:
a. Ideology
b. Geography
c. Infrastructure
d. Demography
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Question 13
What were the basic objectives of Alash Orda according to Dave (2007)?
Select one:
a. The development of an educational infrastructure in the Kazakh language written in Arabic script.
b. Territorial autonomy for Kazakhs.
c. All of the above.
d. Urgent land reform (which necessitated an immediate end to Russian land confiscation and migration
into the steppe, and a return of the confiscated land to previous owners).
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Question 14
What is “political participation”?
Select one:
a. Understanding politics through values, symbols, meanings, and expectations.
b. Participation in mass demonstrations.
c. A form of government in which the ruler has absolute authority.
d. Involvement in collective decision-making (extent to which citizens participate (or are allowed to
participate) in the process of governing).
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Question 15
A variety of conditions raise obstacles or create problems for the effective accomplishment of policy
evaluation, such as:
Select one:
a. Uncertainty of policy goals, official resistance and limited time perspective.
b. Difficulties in data acquisition and determining causality
c. Uncertainty of policy goals, difficulty in determining causality, difficulties in data acquisition, official
resistance, limited time perspective and evaluation lacks influence.
d. Limited time perspective, uncertainty of policy goals and evaluation lacks influence
Question 16
Please select the correct sequence of policy-making stages according to Hague & Harrop (2015):
Select one:
a. Implementation, Evaluation, Review, Initiation, Formulation.
b. Review, Evaluation, Implementation, Formulation, Initiation.
c. Initiation, Formulation, Implementation, Evaluation, Review.
d. Formulation, Implementation, Evaluation, Review.
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Question 17
What does linguistic imperialism mean in the context of Kazakhstan under the Soviet Union?
Select one:
a. Showcase of successful modernization.
b. Widening use of Russian in daily life, work and public and provoking negative stereotypes towards the
Kazakh language
c. Eradication of nomadism
d. Bilingualism of all Soviet people.
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Question 18
What is “political oppression”?
Select one:
a. Creation of material, legal, military, economic, and/or other social barriers to the fulfilment of self-
determination, distributive justice, and democratic participation of definite social groups.
b. Internalized view of self as negative and as not deserving more resources or increased participation in
societal affairs.
c. All of the above.
d. Aversion, bias, or discriminatory actions, attitudes, or beliefs directed toward individuals with non-
heterosexual identities.
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Question 19
What aspects the study of public opinion focus to understand?
Select one:
a. How strong people’s attitudes are, or how important the issue is to them
b. All of the above
c. Extent to which the public supports or opposes a given policy issue and if an issue is at the forefront of
political discussion and debate.
d. Extent to which public opinion remains stable over time
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Question 20
What is the definition of public policy?
Select one:
a. Collective term for the objectives and actions of government.
b. Achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.
c. Public rallies for governmental inaction.
d. Ruling through hierarchical authority structures.
Question 21
A definition of oppression as process is given by Mar'i (1988) is:
Select one:
a. Domination of a state, including territorial occupation, population settlement, and extraction of
economic resources by the colonizing state.
b. A form of government in which the ruler is an absolute authority, unrestricted by any other
institution, such as churches, estates, a constitution, laws, or opposition.
c. Mass-killing events, such as genocidal policies against Native Americans in the United States
(nineteenth century), Tutsis in Rwanda (1994), and Muslims in Bosnia (1992–1995).
d. Institutionalized collective and individual modes of behavior through which one group attempts to
dominate and control another in order to secure political, economic, and/or social advantage.
Question 22
What country is HISTORICALLY responsible for climate change?
Select one:
a. China
b. Russia
c. The USA
d. Middle East
Question 23
Select the argument that favors globalization.
Select one:
a. It is the latest stage of Western imperialism
b. Globalization is merely a buzzword to denote the latest phase of capitalism.
c. The more efficient exploitation of less well-off nations
d. Emergence of a global polity, with transnational social and political movements to solve world
Question 24
How many models of policymaking in general?
Select one:
a. Two: incremental (goals and means are considered together), and garbage can (goals are discovered
through actions).
b. Three: rational (goals set before means), incremental (goals and means are considered together),
and garbage can (goals are discovered through actions).
c. Two: rational (goals set before means), incremental (goals and means are considered together).
d. One: rational (goals set before means).
Question 25
Select the correct definition of the Cold War:
Select one:
a. The rivalry between the US and the Soviet Union developed from the ceasefire lines of the World
War II.
b. The rivalry between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union over the territory.
c. Arms race between the US, the Soviet Union and China.
d. Space race between the world nations.
Question 26
Corruption in politics.
Select one:
a. All of the above
b. Attacks the foundation of democratic institutions by distorting electoral processes
c. Substantially hinders the rule of law, discourages foreign direct investments and small businesses
d. Undermines democratic institutions, slows economic development, and contributes to
governmental instability
Question 27
What is "political behaviour"?
Select one:
a. The study of the way people thinks, feel, and act with regard to politics.
b. It is about achieving the goals of political regime.
c. It is a democratization of developing countries.
d. Public opposition to a given policy issue.
What concept is at a core of the Marxist tradition?
Select one:
a. Exploitation of working class
b. Consent with the government
c. Affirm the traditions that you've inherited
d. The principle of affected interest

What can best describe the environmental policy?

Select one:
O a. Public interventions affecting the distribution of vital opportunities for citizens and their general
O b. Institutional support and guidance for ways of life or culture as understood in anthropology
O c. Any behavior that threatens the authority of the state
O d. A wide range of governmental actions that deal with conservation or efficient use of natural
resources such as public lands and waters, wilderness, and wildlife.

What are the economically driven types of government?

Select one:
O a. Capitalism
O b. Communism
O c. Socialism
O d. All the mentioned

A variety of conditions raise obstacles or create problems for the effective accomplishment of policy
evaluation, such as:
Select one:
O a. Uncertainty of policy goals, official resistance and limited time perspective.
O b. Difficulties in data acquisition and determining causality
O с. Uncertainty of policy goals, difficulty in determining causality, difficulties in data acquisition, official
resistance, limited time perspective and evaluation lacks
O d. Limited time perspective, uncertainty of policy goals and evaluation lacks influence

What is the closest definition to heteronormativity in societies?

Select one:
• a. The assumption that heterosexuality is and should be the norm and that only opposite-sex
marriage is "naturalr
O b. Aversion, bias, or discriminatory actions towards minority groups
O c. Social prejudices towards people of different race, nationality and gender.
O d. it is the fear of foreigners
During the XVII-XVIII centuries due to inconsolable situation with neighboring nations Kazakh khans
gradually signed an assistant pack to form a temporary alliance against stronger enemies.
Bridges & Sagintayeva (2014) also called this as "a turning point of Kazakhs' voluntary colonization".
With what country they became alliances?

Political science is mostly called as interdisciplinary subject that includes other disciplines, such as:
Select one:
O a. Philosophy, Sociology, Culturology
O b. Psychology, History, Anthropology
O c. Economy, Economy
d. All the mentioned

Gender is considered crucial for analysing global politics and economics, particularly with respect to
issues of inequality, insecurity, and social justice. What discourse
Select one:
•. Feminism
O b. Public policy
O c Business administration
O d. Environmental studies

What is legitimacy?
Select one:
O a lt is what boils down to moral foundations: it involves following a correct, fair, genuine, moral and
ethical path
O b. It is what fits within the law and is compliant with a legal framework.
Limits us and determines what we can and cannot do according to the law.

Select what best suits for nations and states interactions:

Select one
O a. National identity may exist even though a nation lives within the terrtory of a separate state
OD. The presence of a state can foster the development of nationalist sentiments or foster the
weakening of nations
O . State policies can encourage indigenous nationalist identities in one context while weakening them
in another
d. All the mentioned

What are the central elements of mass belief system?

Select one
a. Core beliefs and values
Ob. Economic system of a country
O G Availability of natural resources
O d. Empirical research and fact-checking

When and where the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) that arose from the experience of
the World War II was signed?
Select one:
O a. 10 December 1938, Brussel
O b. 10 December 1948, Paris
O c. 10 December 1991, Moscow
O d. 10 December 1945, Berlin

According to the book Why nations falil: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty" by Daron
Acemoglu and James A. Robinson, what is the biggest reason of countries' progress or regress?
Select one:
• a. Political institutions
O b. Climate in the region
O. Geographical location
O d. Cultural peculiarities

One of the building blocks of ideology is political authority, which implies

Select one:
O a. That it is addressed to each one of us.
• b. It assumes that a small group of elites know and is capable of governing on the basis of certain
O . The distinguishing in terms of providing answers on equality and property
O d. The pre-conception about us - about human nature

What role does 'civil society' play?

Select one:
a. They monitor government policies and actions and hold government accountable
O b. They engage in advocacy and offer alternative policies for government, the private sector, and
other institutions
O c. They defend citizen rights and work to change and uphold social norms and behaviors
O d. All the mentioned

Please select the right description for 'ethnic cleansing.

Select one:
O a.ltis a particular relationship of domination between states, involving a wide range of interrelated
strategies, including territorial occupation, population settiement, and extraction of
economic resources by the colonizing state.
O b. itis a historical term for a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute authority,
unrestricted by any other institution, such as churches, estates, a constitution, laws, or opposition
O citis a wide range of attitudes and expressions, from individual hostility to legal discrimination and
violence against Jews as a group
•d. It is the intentional act of removing by force or threat of force any national, ethnic, religious, racial,
or socioeconomically homogeneous group from a specified area of land

What are the basic principles of liberal democracy?

Select one:
O a. A belief in the individual: the individual is believed to be both moral and rational
O b. A belief in a society that is consensual: based on a desire for order and co-operation not disorder
and conflict
O C. A belief in shared power: based on a suspicion of concentrated power (whether by individuals,
groups or governments)
d. All the mentioned

Who is considered as a founder of classical utilitarianism?

Select one:
a Jeremy Bentham
O b. Karl Marx
Oc. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
O d. Edmund Burke

Please, describe the FIRST stage of Kazakhstan's socio-economic development after the Independence:
Select one
O a. The inflow of investments provided a powerful rise in the oil and energy complexes, mining and
metallurgical industry, which ensured stability and subsequent growth of the country's
b. The country failed to continue utilizing its resources and as a result of weak political and economic
conditions, the country faced disastrous social and economic consequences

Select the correct definition of political participation in authoritarian states:

Select one:
O a. It is fair political competition between ruling elites and political parties
O b. Equal involvement of interest groups in political decision-making
c. It typically operates through informal sectors such as social groups, art, music, literature, rather
than formal channels such as political parties.
O d. Political awareness of public and limited dissemination of disinformation by mass media

What can be identified as the beginning of the nuclear arms race between the US and the Soviet Union?
Select one:
O a. Operation Pervaya Molniya in the Semipalatinsk Nudear Test (August, 1949).
O b. From the Period of 'Missile Crisis".
O c Reagan's Star Wars Programme.
d. The Manhattan Project, The Trinity Test Quly, 1945), Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombings (August,

The domain of political philosophy is defined by a series of dassic texts, such as:
Select one:
O a Aristotle's Politics
O b. Hobbes Leviathan
O c Rawis A Theory of Justice
d. All the mentioned

State the failures of Marxism

Select one:
O a. Man's teleological view of history needs to be jettisoned, because history is mostly unpredictable
O b. That everyone would work according to their ability, but everybody's needs would be met
O C According to the Manx's idea revolutions would come in the advanced capitalist countries. When in
fact the revolutions came about in peasant societies
d. All the mentioned

What is a definition of communism in the Communist Manifesto by Karl Manx?

Select one:
O a. The world in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all
O b. Everybody should be free, but you can't be free if others are unfree
O c. If the condition for your freedom is my lack of freedom, then we don't have a free society
d. All the mentioned

Please, select the sequence of the development of Western political thoughts

Select one:
O a. Democracy, Anti-Enlightenment, Enlightenment
O b. Anti-Enlightenment, Enlightenment
O c. Enlightenment, Anti-Enlightenment, Democracy
O d. Democracy

The perennialist perspectives of a 'nation' view it as a product of dynamic and contentious historical
process and only mirroring
"society's need for cultural belonging". Therefore:
Select one:
O a. According to the theory "national identity", along with the nation, is socially constructed
O b. According to the theory, ethnicity is embedded in inherited biological attributes.
O c. According to the theory, national sentiment is no construct. It has a real, tangible base.
O d. According to the theory, nations or ethnic identities are fixed, natural and ancient.

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