Obliterative Bronchiolitis NEJM 2014

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review article

Edward W. Campion, M.D., Editor

Obliterative Bronchiolitis
Alan F. Barker, M.D., Anne Bergeron, M.D., Ph.D.,
William N. Rom, M.D., M.P.H., and Marshall I. Hertz, M.D.

From the Division of Pulmonary and Crit- he term “bronchiolitis obliterans” was historically used by
ical Care, Department of Medicine, Oregon ­pathologists to refer to two distinct patterns of small-airway disease. The
Health and Science University, Portland
(A.F.B.); Service de Pneumologie; Assis- first was characterized by intraluminal polyps in the small airways. It was
tance Publique–Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital subsequently named bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia and, more
Saint Louis, Paris (A.B.); Division of Pulmo- recently, cryptogenic organizing pneumonia. The second pattern was characterized
nary and Critical Care Medicine, Depart-
ment of Medicine, New York University by subepithelial inflammatory and fibrotic narrowing of the bronchioles, which is
School of Medicine, New York (W.N.R.); now recognized as obliterative bronchiolitis or constrictive bronchiolitis.1,2 To add
and Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Criti- to the confusion, physicians may use the term “bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome”
cal Care, and Sleep Medicine, Department
of Medicine, University of Minnesota, Min- to denote the occurrence of an obstructive ventilatory defect that occurs after trans-
neapolis (M.I.H.). Address reprint requests plantation (Table 1), particularly in patients who have undergone solid-organ or
to Dr. Barker at Pulmonary and Critical bone marrow transplantation. When a lung-biopsy specimen is available, examina-
Care, UHN-67, Oregon Health and Sci-
ence University, Portland, OR 97239, or at tion shows that the obstructive lung defect is related to a pathological pattern of
barkera@ohsu.edu. obliterative bronchiolitis. The clinical presentation of patients with obliterative
N Engl J Med 2014;370:1820-8. bronchiolitis is characterized by progressive dyspnea and nonproductive cough over
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1204664 a period of weeks to months and abnormal pulmonary function that is frequently
Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society. characterized by an obstructive airflow pattern. Computed tomography (CT) per-
formed on expiration shows air trapping. This review focuses on several key issues:
the recognition of obliterative bronchiolitis as an occupational disease, the frequent
occurrence of the bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome after allogeneic hematopoietic
stem-cell transplantation (HSCT) or lung transplantation, difficulties in establish-
ing the diagnosis, and current therapeutic options.

Patho gene sis

The histopathological features of obliterative bronchiolitis suggest that injury and

inflammation of small-airway epithelial cells and subepithelial structures lead to
excessive fibroproliferation, which is due to aberrant tissue repair, including in­
effective epithelial regeneration, in response to tissue injury (Fig. 1).3 The diverse
medical conditions and exposures that result in obliterative bronchiolitis suggest
that it is a final common pathway, in which various insults can lead to similar mi-
croscopic, physiological, and clinical results. Although it has been recognized for
more than 60 years that obliterative bronchiolitis develops in response to inhalation
of toxic fumes and is associated with autoimmune disorders, little is known about
its cellular and molecular pathogenesis.
The increasing frequency of obliterative bronchiolitis as a complication of HSCT
and lung transplantation over the past 30 years has prompted studies contributing to
our understanding of obliterative bronchiolitis that is not related to transplantation.
Several sources of injury to the airway have been associated with the development
of obliterative bronchiolitis, including viral respiratory infection, chronic gastro-
esophageal reflux, and long-standing exposure to high levels of air pollutants.
Club cells (formerly called Clara cells), which promote regeneration of bronchiolar

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Obliter ative Bronchiolitis

epithelium, may be reduced in number or elimi-

Table 1. Disorders of the Bronchioles.
nated as a result of the inciting airway injury.4-6
It has been suggested that polymorphisms, Overlapping or related constrictive disorders
mostly in the genes of the innate immune sys- Bronchiolitis obliterans: synonymous with obliterative bronchiolitis
tem, are associated with the development of Constrictive bronchiolitis: characterized by constrictive fibroproliferative
transplantation-related obliterative bronchiol- narrowing of small-airway walls
itis.7-9 The condition is attributed to an alloim- Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome: clinical manifestations of obliterative
mune reaction that is believed to represent bronchiolitis in patients who have undergone lung transplantation or
hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation
chronic allograft rejection in patients who have
undergone lung transplantation and chronic Other disorders
graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in patients Panbronchiolitis: seen mainly in Asia; characterized by foamy macrophages
who have undergone allogeneic HSCT. Initially, in bronchiolar walls in upper and lower airways; thought to follow infec-
tion; responds well to macrolides
the development of obliterative bronchiolitis
Follicular bronchiolitis: usually refers to constriction of bronchioles by sur-
after lung transplantation was assumed to be rounding lymphoid tissue; often associated with autoimmune disorders
the result of direct T-cell–mediated injury of
Respiratory bronchiolitis–interstitial lung disease: uniformly associated with
graft structures (i.e., chronic cellular rejection).10 cigarette smoking; characterized by accumulation of macrophages with
Indeed, acute cellular rejection, characterized by finely granular brown pigment in airway lumen and by desquamative in-
perivascular or peribronchial infiltration of acti- terstitial pneumonia involving alveolar filling of pigment-laden macro-
phages; both respiratory bronchitis–interstitial lung disease and pneumo-
vated lymphocytes into graft tissue, is a risk factor nia may be reversible with smoking cessation
for obliterative bronchiolitis. Studies have
Bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia (BOOP), also known as
shown that the presence of circulating antibod- cryptogenic organizing pneumonia: clinically and histologically distinct
ies to donor HLA molecules (i.e., donor-specific from obliterative bronchiolitis; characterized by inflammatory process
antibodies) is also associated with the disorder, primarily involving alveolar ducts and interstitium and by proliferation
of polypoid fibroblasts in airway lumen; sometimes occurs after bacterial
suggesting that antibody-mediated rejection has pneumonia, but inciting insult often unknown; often responds to syste-
a causative role.12,13 In addition, autoimmune re- mic glucocorticoids
sponses to airway proteins, including those di- Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: can be associated with small-airway narrowing
rected against collagen and K-alpha 1 tubulin, due to poorly formed epithelial and subepithelial granuloma; clinical his-
tory is important in identifying the provoking antigen
have been identified as having potential impor-
tance in the pathogenesis of obliterative bron-
chiolitis.14-16 A direct autoimmune cause of the
disorder was also suggested in patients with decreased, forced vital capacity (FVC), a reduced
paraneoplastic pemphigus in whom airway-­ forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), and
biopsy specimens showed acantholytic respiratory a reduced ratio of FEV1 to FVC, with a poor re-
epithelial changes and the presence of the puta- sponse to inhaled bronchodilators. Lung vol-
tive paraneoplastic autoantibodies directed against umes indicate air trapping, with a normal total
plakin.17 In an animal model, donor B-cell allo- lung capacity and high residual volume. Howev-
antibody deposition and germinal-center forma- er, obstructive impairment is not universal. A
tion were shown to be required for the develop- subset of patients has normal results on spirom-
ment of obliterative bronchiolitis after allogeneic etry, a restrictive pattern characterized by a low
HSCT.18 Finally, levels of several cytokines, che- FVC and a normal FEV1:FVC ratio, or a mixed
mokines, and other profibrotic factors have been pattern of obstruction and restriction. The dif-
shown to be elevated during the development of fusing capacity for carbon monoxide is initially
obliterative bronchiolitis associated with trans- normal but may decrease with disease progres-
plantation.5,19-21 sion. The extent to which oxygenation is im-
paired is highly variable, most likely because of
the heterogeneous anatomical distribution of
Cl inic a l De tec t ion
a nd Moni t or ing disease among affected patients.
A uniform definition of obliterative bronchi-
Pulmonary Function olitis after lung transplantation, which is based
In its most common presentation, obliterative on changes in FEV1, was established in 1993 and
bronchiolitis is characterized by the physiologi- revised in 2002 (Table S1 in the Supplementary
cal features of respiratory obstruction. The major Appendix, available with the full text of this ar-
findings on spirometry are a normal, or slightly ticle at NEJM.org).22 For patients who have under­

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e


C Alveolar
Respiratory vein Terminal
bronchiole bronchiole



D Normal bronchiole E Obliterative bronchiolitis



Vessel Vessel
muscle Submucosa Submucosa Inflammatory

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Obliter ative Bronchiolitis

Figure 1 (facing page). Histologic and Schematic A

Views of Normal Bronchioles and Biopsy Specimen
from a Patient with Obliterative Bronchiolitis after
Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation. Dilated
Lung-biopsy specimens of a normal bronchiole and a airways
bronchiole from a patient who received a diagnosis of
obliterative bronchiolitis 8 months after undergoing
allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation are
shown, respectively, in Panels A and B (hematoxylin
and eosin). In Panel B, the bronchiolar wall is thickened
by inflammatory fibrosis that is located between the Tree-in-bud
epithelium and the smooth muscle. The airway lumen appearance
is narrowed. Panel C shows a normal bronchiole con-
necting to an alveolus. Panel D shows a cross section B
of a normal bronchiole, and Panel E shows a cross sec- Normal
tion of a bronchiole affected by obliterative bronchiol- lung
itis. The images in Panels A and B were provided by Air trapping,
Dr. Véronique Meignin. ingrowth of
blood vessels

gone HSCT, a consensus definition has been es-

tablished by the National Institutes of Health in
its 2005 guidelines for chronic GVHD (Table S1
in the Supplementary Appendix). Although this
definition has helped standardize the diagnosis
Figure 2. High-Resolution Computed Tomographic (HRCT)
of obliterative bronchiolitis after allogeneic HSCT, Images of the Lung from a Patient with Graft-versus-
it neither identifies the disease at an early stage Host Disease and Advanced Obliterative Bronchiolitis.
nor includes cases characterized by a normal In Panel A, an image obtained during inspiration reveals
FEV1:FVC ratio and air trapping in the chest.23 dilated airways and the tree-in-bud appearance of ob-
Therefore, a modification of these criteria has structed bronchioles. In Panel B, an image obtained
during an expiratory breathhold shows patchy, hyper-
been proposed (Table S1 in the Supplementary
lucent areas between areas of normal lung tissue, which
Appendix).24 is characteristic of air trapping and is referred to as mosa-
ic attenuation. Images provided by Dr. Srinivas Mummadi.
The plain chest radiograph is usually normal in
patients with obliterative bronchiolitis, at least teristic of bronchiectasis (Fig. 2). Expiratory CT
early in the disease process. Hyperinflation and scans may facilitate the early detection of oblit-
increased linear or reticular markings of airway- erative bronchiolitis, since they may show air trap-
wall thickening are suggestive but nonspecific ping before impairment can be detected on
findings. High-resolution CT (HRCT), performed pulmonary-function tests.25 A characteristic fea-
near total lung capacity and near residual volume ture of the disease is the paucity of ground-glass
without the administration of contrast material, opacities, which would be seen in pneumonia or
has become a definitive noninvasive test for oblit- organizing pneumonia.
erative bronchiolitis. Patchy areas of decreased
lung density associated with reduced vascular A sso ci ated C ondi t ions
caliber are identified on HRCT. This pattern has
been referred to as mosaic perfusion or mosaic Autoimmune Disorders
attenuation, in which areas of decreased attenua- Among the autoimmune disorders, the frequency
tion that represent bronchial or bronchiolar air of obliterative bronchiolitis is the highest in pa-
trapping are enhanced on expiratory HRCT scans tients with rheumatoid arthritis.26 Obliterative
(Fig. 2). In advanced cases, there may be dilatation bronchiolitis in rheumatoid arthritis was origi-
and thickening of large airways, which are charac- nally considered to be an adverse effect of medi-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

cations, including penicillamine and gold. Its were referred for medical examination because
persistence despite reduced use of these drugs of exercise-related dyspnea. The most common
has led to the hypothesis that obliterative bron- recognized exposures included proximity to a
chiolitis may be more directly related to an auto- fire in a sulfur mine in Mosul in 2003, exposure
immune diathesis of rheumatoid arthritis and to visually obscuring dust storms, exposure to
that treatment of the autoimmune disorder incinerated solid and human waste in burning
should contribute to the management of oblitera- pits near living quarters, and exposure to com-
tive bronchiolitis. bat smoke. Measures of cardiopulmonary func-
tion were significantly reduced in all affected
Exposure to Inhalational Toxins soldiers as compared with those historically re-
The earliest reported cases of obliterative bron- ported for healthy soldiers. The pathological
chiolitis related to occupation occurred after ex- findings revealed that 38 soldiers had oblitera-
posures to sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide, tive bronchiolitis, which was diagnosed on the
both of which are toxic to the eyes, skin, and re- basis of bronchiolar luminal narrowing result-
spiratory tract and were used during World War I ing from mural hypertrophy of smooth muscle
(1914–1918) and the Iran–Iraq War (1980–1988). and surrounding fibrous tissue. Deposition of
Most such inhalations of toxic gases cause exten- peribronchial pigment was found in 37 soldiers,
sive damage, resulting in acute chemical pneu- and the pigment contained polarizable material
monitis followed by chest tightness, dyspnea, in 36 of the soldiers. Hypertensive-type arterial
and massive hemoptysis, with fibrous exudates changes were seen in specimens obtained from
and granulation tissue in the bronchi and distal 28 of 38 biopsies. No involvement of the large
bronchioles that eventually lead to obliterative airways was reported.
bronchiolitis. In an animal model, an exposure The use of diacetyl (and related chemicals,
to chlorine, at 300 ppm, obliterated basal cells, including 2,3-pentanedione) in the manufacture
preventing epithelial-cell regeneration and allow- of food flavorings has been reported as a cause
ing inflammation, fibroblast infiltration, collagen of obliterative bronchiolitis. The first case reports
deposition, and ingrowth of blood vessels, which included workers from popcorn-processing plants
led to lethal airway obstruction.27 In humans, an in Missouri and Nebraska that were producing a
exposure of 5 to 15 ppm may lead to moderate butter flavoring. All workers studied had new
mucous-membrane injury. At an exposure of 40 to and otherwise unexplained severe airflow ob-
60 ppm, lung injury and pneumonitis will occur.28 struction.35 An investigation conducted by the
In the decade after the Iran–Iraq war, National Institute for Occupational Safety and
34,000 Iranian soldiers and civilian survivors Health at one of the plants led to the identifica-
of exposure to sulfur mustard were evaluated. tion of eight cases of obliterative bronchiolitis
Skin blistering or vesicle formation and visual among former workers.36 A survey of 87% of
impairment and pain were common, with spi- 135 workers at a popcorn-processing plant
rometric evidence of respiratory impairment in showed that those working most closely with
43% of the study participants and severe im- diacetyl had dramatic increases in cough, dyspnea,
pairment in 1%.29 CT scans often revealed air and wheezing; physician-diagnosed obstructive
trapping, bronchiectasis, thickening of bron- lung disease; and spirometric evidence of air-
chial walls, irregular and dilated airways, and flow obstruction.37 These reports have raised
mosaic attenuation, and the results of open- additional concerns because diacetyl is used in
lung biopsies, performed in 15 study partici- the manufacture of or is a component of various
pants 17 to 18 years after exposure, showed snack foods (e.g., buttered popcorn and chips),
obliterative bronchiolitis in 5 patients.30,31 Peri- confections (e.g., candy), dairy products (e.g.,
bronchial inflammation and fibrosis occur in butter and ice cream), baked goods, and coffee
pneumoconioses such as asbestosis and inter- flavorings (Table 2).
stitial lung disease, especially in patients with Although the symptoms of exposure to toxic
hypersensitivity pneumonitis.32,33 fumes may be nonspecific, management in-
In a recent study involving 80 soldiers who volves applying the principles of medical surveil-
had served in Iraq or Afghanistan, 49 underwent lance to workers and the workplace, including
thoracoscopic lung biopsies.34 All 80 soldiers screening workers for pulmonary function; re-

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Obliter ative Bronchiolitis

moving workers from a potential or suspected

Table 2. Fume and Particulate Exposures Associated with Obliterative
source of exposure; conducting an epidemio- Bronchiolitis.
logic investigation; monitoring the workplace
and its surroundings, equipment, and any chem- Toxin Comment
ical additives used; and educating workers, Sulfur mustard Used in chemical warfare; one of the earliest
associations of an agent with the condition
health authorities, and industry. There is no cura-
tive treatment for obliterative bronchiolitis due to Nitrogen oxides Used in fertilizer production; probably involved
in silo-filler’s disease
toxic inhalation, and various responses to therapy
have been reported. Bronchodilating medication Diacetyl and alpha-diketone Used in the manufacture of microwave pop-
substitutes corn, roasted and flavored coffee, cookie
and inhaled glucocorticoids, oral N-acetylcysteine, dough, and food flavorings
and interferon gamma have been shown to im- Multiple chemicals and in­ Often produced by uncontrolled fires
prove both clinical symptoms and the results of cinerator fly ash released
pulmonary-function tests in patients exposed to during combustion
mustard gas.38-40 However, in nine workers at a Papaverine, found in juice Juice extracted from this leafy plant may as-
popcorn-production plant who had obliterative ­extracted from Sauropus sist in weight loss; respiratory symptoms
androgynus, or katuk develop several weeks after ingestion
bronchiolitis, treatment with oral glucocorti-
Fiberglass Used in the fabrication of certain structural
coids (in seven of the workers) or with glucocor- materials (e.g., for boats or automobile
ticoids and cyclophosphamide (in two) did not bodies)
improve pulmonary function.36

Postinfectious Obliterative Bronchiolitis association between the development of obliter-

Postinfectious obliterative bronchiolitis has ative bronchiolitis and the presence of active
been described, primarily in children, after in- chronic GVHD, which might suggest that oblit-
fection with adenovirus, measles virus, or my- erative bronchiolitis is a form of chronic GVHD
coplasma. In view of the high incidence of these of the lung. The recent increase in the use of
infections, the development of permanent air- ­peripheral-blood stem cells is associated with an
way obstruction can be assumed to be quite un- increased risk of obliterative bronchiolitis.45 Fur-
usual. The clinical disease may evolve for months thermore, patients in whom respiratory syncytial
to years after the initial pneumonia or severe virus or parainfluenza virus infection develops
respiratory illness.41,42 within the first 100 days after HSCT are at in-
creased risk for obliterative bronchiolitis in the
Obliterative Bronchiolitis after HSCT year after transplantation.46
Obliterative bronchiolitis is the primary nonin-
fectious pulmonary complication in patients who Obliterative Bronchiolitis after Lung
undergo allogeneic HSCT. The condition typically Transplantation
develops within 2 years after transplantation, but Many diseases associated with obliterative bron-
it may occur several years afterward. The incidence chiolitis have been identified, including acute
of this serious and potentially fatal complication cellular rejection, development of donor-specific
ranges from 5.5% in the overall population of anti-HLA antibodies, gastroesophageal reflux dis-
patients who have undergone allogeneic HSCT to ease with recurrent microaspiration and macro­
14% in the subpopulation of patients with extra- aspiration, and respiratory viral infections. In pa-
thoracic chronic GVHD.43 Numerous clinical risk tients who have undergone lung transplantation,
factors for obliterative bronchiolitis have been there is the added complication of microvascular
identified in retrospective studies, although insufficiency in the small airways of the trans-
there have been some conflicting results; these planted lung, which presumably occurs because
include older age of donor or recipient, greater the supply of blood to the bronchial arteries is
degree of HLA mismatch, presence of gastro- interrupted during transplantation. This disrup-
esophageal reflux, decreased gamma globulin tion may lead to defective airway repair if there is
levels, a busulfan-based conditioning regimen, subsequent immune or nonimmune injury.47,48
GVHD prophylaxis, underlying hematologic dis- Thus, as compared with normal lungs, trans-
ease, tobacco use, acute GVHD, and transplant planted lungs are more susceptible to alloim-
type.43,44 Epidemiologic studies have shown an mune immunologic insults and to airway injury,

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

and they have a more limited regenerative capac- evaluating the treatment of obliterative bronchi-
ity. Thus, it should not be surprising that oblit- olitis after HSCT, treatment responses have been
erative bronchiolitis affects most long-term sur- poorly defined because the primary focus of the
vivors of lung transplantation, among whom the studies was GVHD, not specifically obliterative
10-year probability of remaining free of the dis- bronchiolitis. In addition, for most of the pub-
ease is less than 30%.49,50 lished studies, the findings are difficult to inter-
Current immunosuppressive regimens used pret because the severity of obliterative bronchi-
after lung transplantation generally include cal- olitis varied among the study patients.
cineurin inhibitors (cyclosporine or tacrolimus), The disease probably has various clinical
purine synthesis inhibitors (azathioprine or myco- phenotypes, as was suggested by the different
phenolate mofetil) and glucocorticoids. A recent responses to therapy among patients in whom
randomized trial showed that lung-transplant obliterative bronchiolitis developed after lung
recipients treated with tacrolimus had a lower transplantation.54 As a case in point, azithromy-
incidence of obliterative bronchiolitis than did cin has resulted in improved pulmonary function
those treated with cyclosporine, although there in approximately 50% of lung-transplant recipi-
was no significant difference in survival rates.51 ents with obliterative bronchiolitis.55,56 A retro-
A randomized trial comparing everolimus (a mam- spective analysis indicated that the administra-
malian target of rapamycin [mTOR] inhibitor) tion of azithromycin in patients with obliterative
with azathioprine in lung-transplant recipients bronchiolitis after lung transplantation is asso-
treated with cyclosporine and prednisone showed ciated with improved survival.57 The beneficial
a modest decrease in the rate of loss of lung func- effects of azithromycin appear to be mediated
tion in the group treated with everolimus.52 by a decrease in airway neutrophilia and related
A double-blind, randomized controlled trial of cytokine activation.58 For end-stage obliterative
azithromycin versus placebo in lung-transplant bronchiolitis, lung transplantation (in the case
recipients showed a decreased incidence of the of patients who have undergone HSCT) or re-
bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome and an im- peat lung transplantation (in the case of those
proved rate of syndrome-free survival in treated who have undergone a first lung transplanta-
patients.53 Other trials of macrolides are in prog- tion) is accepted as a therapeutic option for
ress, with final results pending. carefully selected patients.

Treatment of Obliterative Bronchiolitis Ou t c ome a nd Pro gnosis

after HSCT or Lung Transplantation
For patients with bronchiolitis obliterans who The natural history of obliterative bronchiolitis is
have undergone HSCT or lung transplantation, the highly variable and cannot be predicted in indi-
current treatment consists primarily of increas- vidual patients. The earliest reported cases of oc-
ing immunosuppression by changing medications cupational obliterative bronchiolitis were recog-
within therapeutic classes, adding medications, or nized because of acute, intense toxic exposure.
administering other immune-modulating thera- More recent examples suggest a prolonged expo-
pies. Several immunosuppressive medications and sure that can occasionally lead to severe respira-
immune-modulating treatments have been re- tory insufficiency.36,59 The incidence of obstructive
ported to stabilize pulmonary function in pa- abnormalities on spirometry was shown to in-
tients with the bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome crease with increasing cumulative exposure to
(Table S2 in the Supplementary Appendix). Other, airborne flavoring chemicals.59 Increased mor-
potentially less toxic treatment strategies have tality from respiratory disease has recently been
emerged, including the administration of low- found at a microwave popcorn-production facility
dose macrolide antibiotics, leukotriene-receptor where there was a risk of obliterative bronchiol-
antagonists, and combinations of inhaled bron- itis among workers, especially those employed be-
chodilators and glucocorticoids (Table S2 in the fore the company reduced exposure to diacetyl.60
Supplementary Appendix). Several factors com- In fact, obliterative bronchiolitis is generally non­
plicate the interpretation of these studies. First, progressive once exposure ceases.36
the evidence for several therapies is based on Transplant-related obliterative bronchiolitis has
small retrospective series. Second, in studies been associated with an increased risk of death,

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Obliter ative Bronchiolitis

especially when it develops soon after transplan- support from MSD, Chiesi, and VitalAire, and active and placebo
treatment units from AstraZeneca for a trial funded by the French
tation.23,50 Although transplant-related oblitera- Ministry of Health; and Dr. Hertz, receiving grant support from
tive bronchiolitis is generally characterized by a APT Pharmaceuticals and consulting fees from Alnylam and No-
relentless deterioration in pulmonary function, vartis. No other potential conflict of interest relevant to this arti-
cle was reported.
FEV1 stabilizes in a subset of patients.22,23,59 Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
the full text of this article at NEJM.org.
Dr. Bergeron reports receiving lecture fees from Genzyme, We thank Drs. Jason Chien and Regis Peffault de Latour for
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pfizer, Gilead, MSD, and Chiesi, travel their thoughtful reviews of an earlier version of the manuscript.

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Obliter ative Bronchiolitis

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