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{26}{176}Advertise your product or brand here|contact today
{5077}{5103}''Amazing Grace. ''
{5118}{5143}Excuse me?
{5148}{5183}My grandmother sang that song to me.
{5203}{5240}That's reaI nice.
{5245}{5297}I especiaIIy Iike the part that goes:
{5303}{5367}''I once was Iost, but now I'm found. ''
{5372}{5473}Take you, for instance. You must be|a fooI to roII up in here, man.
{5478}{5535}But I figure you must be Iost.
{5541}{5636}So I teII you what. See this here?|This is for your biII.
{5647}{5672}And. . .
{5677}{5768}. . .since you Iook Iike|such a joviaI individuaI. . .
{5773}{5797}. . .here's the tip.
{6534}{6569}''Find'' your ass out of here.
{6574}{6608}We haven't finished our drinks.
{6645}{6670}You finished now?
{6676}{6715}Let it go, Po.
{6729}{6770}This is a hassIe we don't need.
{6924}{6970}And don't come back, zipperhead.
{7109}{7159}Po, get them out of here!
{7461}{7487}Let's go.
{7493}{7540}Guess you want to gambIe|with your Iife.
{7545}{7583}Casino's as good a pIace as any.
{7707}{7766}Guess I couId use a IittIe exercise.
{9369}{9422}Guns don't kiII peopIe.
{9436}{9464}PeopIe kiII peopIe.
{9491}{9569}For exampIe,|these two guys with the machine guns.
{9574}{9619}If they start bIasting off. . .
{9626}{9679}. . .ain't none of y'aII going home!
{9694}{9804}You guys are disturbing my business.|So if your ass ain't bIack. . .
{9809}{9889}. . .you'd better get up out of here|before it reaIIy get hot!
{10411}{10441}Let's go.
{10458}{10485}Ladies, excuse us.
{10492}{10537}-What are you doing, Kai?|-Get them out.
{10543}{10586}-You too.|-No. Stay.
{10595}{10624}You too, pIease.
{10629}{10679}What were you doing?|We're in a damn war.
{10684}{10723}I'm a big boy now.
{10729}{10777}These bIack guys'II bury you.
{10782}{10814}You work for me, Kai.
{10819}{10846}I work for your father.
{10851}{10901}Get your head out of your ass, Po.
{10907}{10987}As Iong as there's a war going on,|you're my responsibiIity.
{10995}{11045}I can take care of myseIf.
{12418}{12461}Oh, my God.
{14147}{14207}Tiger, you kiIIing me, man.|I hate this game.
{14254}{14291}You have a phone caII.
{14298}{14334}I'II take it in the house.
{14359}{14390}I need a break anyway.
{14395}{14456}I don't even know why|you stressing it, man.
{14477}{14552}You know why I'm stressing.|AII future business deaIs. . .
{14557}{14666}. . .wiII take pIace not in the pooI|haII, but in somebody's country
{14671}{14705}You know that.
{14715}{14765}If you're serious|about going straight. . .
{14770}{14834}. . .I want to know if you got a pIan|for oId Mac.
{14842}{14924}Or shouId I start Iooking at the|cIassifieds?
{14951}{14993}As Iong as I'm breathing. . .
{14998}{15075}. . .you ain't ever got to worry about|no cIassifieds.
{15139}{15165}Come on, boy.
{15170}{15209}You know it's me and you.
{15306}{15354}Hey, what you got for me?
{15424}{15449}You sure about that?
{15455}{15481}What's wrong?
{15599}{15634}What's wrong, man?
{15657}{15693}Somebody canceIed Ch'u's boy.
{15731}{15837}You set up a meeting with Ch'u ASAP,|then find out who kiIIed his
{15849}{15914}Don't even sweat it, okay?|I got it.
{24452}{24482}Mr. O'Day.
{24494}{24532}Mr. Sing's at gate B-1 2.
{24537}{24567}Thank you.
{24946}{24995}Nice touch on the metaI detectors.
{25001}{25064}Keeps everybody honest, my man.
{25253}{25310}You have my deepest condoIences.
{25316}{25349}Thank you.
{25385}{25436}What happened to your son|was tragic.
{25470}{25493}Very unnecessary.
{25522}{25594}I want you to know I'II be|Iooking into this personaIIy.
{25604}{25684}You wiII forgive me|if I'm not easiIy moved.
{25740}{25775}Mr. Sing. . .
{25790}{25851}. . .with aII due respect,|there is no way. . .
{25857}{25923}. . .anybody in my camp wouId touch|your famiIy. . .
{25929}{26013}. . .any more than anybody in your camp|wouId touch mine.
{26018}{26052}It just wouIdn't happen.
{26137}{26222}Our business venture wiII continue.
{26245}{26281}I'm pIeased to hear that.
{26850}{26929}Make sure we got 24-hour security|for my son and daughter.
{26934}{27003}It's aII been arranged, chief.
{27087}{27137}Make those Iemon tarts for the kids.
{27164}{27229}I need to get a signature from you.
{27273}{27316}-You're weIcome.|-Excuse me.
{27321}{27387}-Do you have this in a smaII?|-One minute. Amy.
{27393}{27445}HeIp her out for me.|She'II heIp you.
{27483}{27575}-What are y'aII doing?|-You got a IittIe something-something?
{27585}{27642}GirI, teII him to turn up the music.
{27733}{27778}Show them how we used to do it.
{28031}{28083}Watch the store for me, okay?
{28185}{28221}Oh, shit.
{28311}{28375}What a name for a store:|Serpentine Fire.
{28393}{28455}That's tight. It's reaI tight.
{28465}{28509}KooI and the Gang jam|from back in the day.
{28515}{28557}Earth, Wind and Fire.
{28570}{28609}That serious shit.
{28622}{28645}Do I know you?
{28681}{28724}How you gonna pIay me Iike that?
{28730}{28759}I work for your pops.
{28765}{28833}-Right. Your name starts with an ''M. ''|-That's it.
{28899}{28951}Funny. It's Maurice, aII right?
{28970}{29058}Maurice, I'd Iove to reminisce|with you, but I'm busy right now. . .
{29064}{29109}. . .so Iet's do this Iater, okay?
{29114}{29172}-It don't work Iike that.|-Excuse me?
{29177}{29232}Your father couId be|catching some static. . .
{29237}{29287}. . .and Mac wants me|to watch your back.
{29293}{29318}I'II teII you something.
{29323}{29429}Whatever my father and Mac are into|has nothing to do with me.
{29435}{29505}You can hate them aII you want.|That's your business.
{29511}{29599}If they say not to Iet you out of|my sight, you can go to confession.
. .
{29604}{29685}. . .and it's going to be you,|me and the priest.
{29692}{29715}That's ridicuIous.
{29721}{29772}Look. My ride's right over there.
{29783}{29865}Back seat or the trunk.|Make it easy on yourseIf.
{29870}{29911}Your choice, baby girI.
{29932}{29959}Waiting for the magic word.
{30180}{30230}I got some coIoring books|in the back.
{30236}{30303}-You think you're funny.|-I'm babysitting.
{30308}{30357}I gotta bring something|for the kids.
{30386}{30444}Can I get my Ieg in the car? Damn!
{30901}{30945}The NFL announced Friday|that Oakland...
{30950}{31015}... will become home|to its newest expansion team.
{31020}{31100}The question of who the new owners|will be is still unresolved.
{31105}{31156}For more we go to Jody Vance.
{31161}{31191}That's right, Perry.
{31196}{31284}Several groups of investors will be|presenting proposals this week.
{31294}{31402}I thought we were done with footbaII|when the Raiders Ieft town.
{31408}{31467}-Yeah, weII, jobs.|-What?
{31473}{31540}Jobs. See, if they have to buiId|another stadium. . .
{31545}{31618}. . .some of us that have been Iess|fortunate can attain jobs.
{31623}{31728}HaroId, your unfortunate ass been|sitting in that chair for 1 5
{31733}{31807}You couIdn't attain a job if one|bit you in the butt.
{31813}{31843}You think you're funny.
{31880}{31918}Got a package for you.
{31937}{31997}I'm Iaughing because|you think you're funny.
{32046}{32125}You want a job, HaroId?|Open this damn box.
{32131}{32167}WeII, Iookie, Iookie.
{32173}{32200}Who sent you a present?
{32205}{32245}I don't know.|ProbabIy your wife.
{32250}{32281}There you go again.
{32919}{32947}Thank you.
{33291}{33322}-Excuse me.|-Off duty.
{33327}{33355}Can you take me here?
{33360}{33411}Can't you understand EngIish?
{33417}{33452}Two words: off duty.
{34000}{34025}How you doing?
{34097}{34134}How you doing?!
{34198}{34233}This shit tight, huh?
{34239}{34314}This shit's tight.|GirI, what's your name?
{34339}{34381}I said, what's your name?!
{34414}{34485}What? You don't Iike a big man?|You not knowing.
{34547}{34599}-What's up, AIonso?|-Trish, what's up?
{34604}{34675}-Just chiIIing. Getting some aIbums.|-That's it today?
{34709}{34776}-You want this on your tab?|-Yeah, pIease.
{34798}{34832}Thank you.
{34966}{35004}This is my shit!
{35113}{35218}This is my shit right here!|I got something for you right now.
{35315}{35349}My bad.
{35630}{35685}Thank goodness. Just drive.
{35699}{35728}Two words: off duty.
{35750}{35775}You know what?
{35860}{35917}Two words for you, buddy:|on duty, 50 bucks.
{35960}{36034}I'm gonna find you!|I know where you work at!
{36086}{36157}PIease, just do me a favor|and get me out of here.
{36201}{36226}Who's that?
{36592}{36635}Where did you Iearn to drive?
{36700}{36725}Hong Kong.
{36886}{36929}You gonna start the meter?
{37193}{37228}StoIe a Iot of cabs|in Hong Kong?
{37240}{37268}Want me to puII over?
{37273}{37353}No, no. Just turn here.
{37427}{37517}So, Ahkbar, teII me. Is it true what|they say about Hong Kong?
{37528}{37564}What's that?
{37569}{37601}AII you guys do kung fu.
{37606}{37634}Of course.
{37640}{37665}State Iaw.
{37676}{37736}Can you break a board with your head?
{37779}{37861}That I'd have to see.|You must be a very dangerous man.
{37876}{37901}Are you scared?
{37947}{37993}Don't take this personaI. . .
{37998}{38053}. . .but I've been around more|dangerous guys than you.
{38067}{38097}Right here's fine.
{38239}{38264}No charge.
{38270}{38312}Keep it. I won't caII the cops.
{38318}{38353}I don't want your money.
{38447}{38489}You seem Iike a nice guy.
{38494}{38514}I am.
{38524}{38614}You shouId find a new profession.|SteaIing cars doesn't fit you.
{38654}{38676}What's your name?
{38681}{38714}You think I want you caIIing me?
{38719}{38745}I don't have a phone.
{38750}{38799}Yeah? WeII, dead giveaway.
{38817}{38857}Besides, you drive Iike shit.
{39517}{39566}How are those acquisitions|coming aIong?
{39571}{39619}Progressing reaI nice, man.
{39624}{39705}I just have three more deeds|to get signed over.
{39711}{39784}Let me be cIear.|You don't pIay around with the NFL.
{39790}{39880}It's their America, and their deadIine|is progressing in Iess than a
{39885}{39912}I know.
{39975}{40022}Remember something, Mr. Roth.
{40031}{40086}They've owned them stores|for over 30 years.
{40105}{40209}So what if they need a coupIe more|days to muII over their decision?
{40324}{40394}These are tense times right now.|You know what I mean?
{40649}{40698}You're murdering yourseIf.
{40704}{40770}GoIf is a game of finesse,|not power.
{40780}{40845}In that way,|it's much Iike the rest of Iife.
{40853}{40941}The key is Ietting the body|work together.
{40977}{41043}Get a good shouIder turn|so the wrist breaks naturaIIy.
{41065}{41125}Make sure you keep your eyes|on the baII.
{41320}{41395}This shaft, I don't Iike it.|It ain't working for me.
{41401}{41448}Save the excuses.
{41453}{41550}With aII respect to the shop owners,|without the deeds, there's no
{41561}{41653}Without the Iand deaI, there's no|presentation. So there's no. . . .
{41673}{41734}-What's the popuIar term these days?|-Cheddar.
{41740}{41794}That's right. No cheddar.
{41833}{41875}Do I make myseIf cIear?
{41880}{41934}If I say I'II deIiver, I'II deIiver.
{41961}{42011}Hey, hey, hey, now.|Sorry I'm Iate.
{42017}{42096}GirI, knowing the way you shop,|I'd say you're earIy.
{42101}{42149}Oh, reaIIy?|I got some hot stuff.
{42155}{42231}Good. Work it out!|Your brother's in the back.
{42305}{42340}That guy that got whacked.
{42345}{42387}You mean Ch'u's boy?
{42407}{42518}He caIIed me. Ain't that some shit?|Same night he got kiIIed, Pop.
{42523}{42564}Jesus Christ.
{42573}{42602}What'd he want, CoIin?
{42607}{42705}I don't know. Oh, Iook, man.
{42711}{42748}I'II hoIIer back at you Iater.
{42753}{42805}You be in my office in one hour.
{42955}{43000}I asked you not to do business here.
{43005}{43075}-Hi, sis. Nice to see you too.|-I mean it, CoIin.
{43081}{43176}This is my pIace, okay?|I got kids hanging here aII the time.
{43181}{43272}-If this is what you're about--|-Don't start with that speech.
{43277}{43316}For once, Iet's not go there.
{43451}{43492}I was taIking to Pop.
{43516}{43614}Look, come on. He's a businessman.|I work for this businessman.
{43619}{43676}Stop tripping over this shit.
{43705}{43754}CoIin, wait.
{43832}{43892}Look. I'm sorry.
{43924}{43961}I just worry about you.
{43967}{44001}That's aII.
{44018}{44055}Yeah, I know.
{44085}{44139}And I Iove you too, Trish.
{44156}{44208}But you ain't gotta worry about me.
{44214}{44248}I'm fine.
{48464}{48496}Serpentine Fire.
{48820}{48855}Right there, baby.
{49081}{49106}What's good?
{49123}{49164}Try the parking Iot.
{49206}{49283}I'm just trying to do my job, Trish.|Just Iike Mo.
{49289}{49333}He toId me the shit you puIIed.
{49339}{49384}PIain stupid is what it was.
{49401}{49479}Things wiII get tense now that|that Chinese dude got popped.
{49484}{49531}Was that one of your jobs too?
{49536}{49590}No, that shoddy work's not my styIe.
{49595}{49657}I'm sorry. Poor baby!|Have I got you aII wrong?
{49677}{49725}You have no cIue to what I'm about.
{49730}{49766}Why don't you teII me?
{49778}{49829}For starters,|get past the facade.
{49834}{49889}You got some serious|facade going on.
{49894}{49948}WeII, so do you.|So does everybody.
{49953}{50057}And this Miss I-don't-need-nobody|isn't you. Not the reaI you.
{50062}{50158}-You saving yourseIf for Kobe Bryant?|-Is that what you think I'm
{50164}{50275}I think you need to consider|the possibiIity that you've met him.
{50316}{50415}You're an errand boy for my father.|You're nothing.
{50431}{50469}Fair enough.
{50509}{50589}But there comes a time when a man|has to strike out on his own.
{50608}{50637}Stake his own cIaim.
{50653}{50679}How did I miss it?
{50685}{50741}I think I'm hopeIessIy in Iove|with you.
{50746}{50834}Make fun aII you Iike.|Soon I'II be way too much for you.
{50845}{50942}Those big brown eyes wiII get aII|misty wishing there were two of me.
{50964}{51035}FiII yourseIf aII you want.|I just Iost my appetite.
{51041}{51069}Sit down.
{51091}{51192}Don't respect me, but respect|your father and Iet us protect you.
{51198}{51229}Do you understand?
{51262}{51303}Do you understand?!
{51575}{51654}Mac, you're so smooth|with the Iadies, baby.
{51691}{51762}If I want Eddie Murphy,|I'II go to the goddamn movies.
{51768}{51792}Yeah, dog.
{51808}{51887}Good. Give him some fat-free water|or something.
{51931}{51969}Where my drink, man?!
{52031}{52075}The fuck you Iooking at?
{52185}{52241}AII the way down the end there!
{52411}{52462}Finish teIIing me|about this caII you got.
{52468}{52531}Guy caIIs,|says he wants to meet me.
{52547}{52572}For what?
{52577}{52640}I don't know.|We didn't taIk that Iong.
{52645}{52731}Said he had a IittIe something|that might put a stop to this war.
{52736}{52780}A IittIe something?
{52833}{52904}I didn't trust him,|so I teII him meet me at SiIk's.
{53022}{53106}As soon as you got that caII,|you shouId've toId me.
{53220}{53290}Next time I cross the street,|you shouId hoId my hand.
{53295}{53401}Hey, who the heII you taIking to?|I wiII knock the bIack off you,
{53406}{53437}I mean no disrespect.
{53459}{53558}But I'm just trying to be a man here.|I'm Iooking out for you.
{53564}{53629}I don't need you|to Iook out for me, CoIin.
{53747}{53779}Have a seat.
{53806}{53833}Go on. Sit down.
{54150}{54178}Come on.
{54325}{54424}I've been working on a big deaI.|A reaI big deaI.
{54438}{54535}When it goes through, we're out|of this gangster nonsense for good.
{54541}{54619}Everything we do wiII be|strictIy Iegit from here on out.
{54631}{54666}What do you mean?
{54674}{54725}I got something eIse Iined up|for my boy.
{54746}{54831}You wiII get to run with this baII.|I guarantee that.
{54852}{54907}But you gotta use your head.
{54912}{54943}And you gotta Iisten.
{54949}{54994}You understand what I'm saying?
{55032}{55061}Yeah, Pop.
{55113}{55151}Finish your drink.
{55283}{55322}CoIIard Green.
{55327}{55361}BIack Mac.
{55478}{55511}Something wrong?
{55533}{55571}You teII me.
{55877}{55902}Hey, chief.
{55959}{56046}Hate to be the bearer of bad news,|but you need to see this.
{56294}{56321}CaIvin's pIace?
{56370}{56418}He was the sweetest guy in the worId.
{56430}{56525}I think I'd better wrap up|these acquisitions quickIy for you.
{56543}{56606}Things are getting pretty crazy|around here.
{56690}{56730}You gonna be okay?
{56763}{56801}Just give me a minute.
{56815}{56851}Okay, boss.
{57401}{57449}That's it right over there.
{57523}{57560}Okay. Lock up the store.
{57617}{57673}-We're going out tonight?|-DefiniteIy.
{57939}{57972}FoIIow her.
{58678}{58744}Ahkbar. What the heII|are you doing here?
{58749}{58777}I need to ask you--
{58782}{58859}You get out of my apartment|before I caII the cops.
{58890}{58982}You're the onIy guy I know working|down the criminaI Iadder. What's
{58988}{59079}This is the Iast number my brother|caIIed before he was murdered.
{59084}{59131}It's the number of your shop.
{59185}{59210}It is.
{59253}{59296}But I don't know your brother.
{59301}{59380}-Why wouId he want to taIk to me?|-He caIIed your store.
{59385}{59422}But not to taIk to me.
{59428}{59492}A girI who works the register.|It couId've been her.
{59514}{59544}My brother--
{59649}{59742}Sometimes he makes caIIs from the shop.|MostIy when I'm not around.
{59758}{59796}CouId you taIk to him?
{59998}{60068}That's Maurice and his gang.|Look, Ahkbar.
{60073}{60141}-I think it's--|-By the way, my name is Han.
{60146}{60205}WeII, Han, Iook.
{60222}{60320}They find you, you'II have serious|probIems. Go out the window.
{60325}{60393}No. I Iike this way.
{60424}{60451}It's your funeraI.
{60456}{60537}Dim sum good. You caII again.|Dim sum aII time. Thanks.
{60612}{60657}What you doing bothering|Miss O'Day?
{60663}{60699}He's the deIivery boy, moron.
{60742}{60818}I done toId you,|my name is Maurice, aII right?
{60832}{60883}I'm sorry.|I keep forgetting, boo.
{60905}{60936}Hey, dog.
{60960}{61018}-You smeII something?|-I don't smeII nothing.
{61023}{61079}-Where's the take-out?|-You hungry, baby?
{61117}{61149}Cover the front.
{61177}{61219}Hey, Dim Sum!
{61224}{61284}You's a reaI funny man!
{61330}{61392}Mr. O'Day don't Iet things|sIide IightIy.
{61397}{61468}He aIso don't Iike the wrong eIement|around his daughter.
{61473}{61524}It's up to me not to Iet it happen.
{61581}{61608}Kick his ass.
{61703}{61749}You ain't the onIy one|that knows some shit.
{62248}{62285}Get up! Get him!
{62304}{62357}He's headed around the front!
{63591}{63628}Who that motherfucker?
{63751}{63794}Great country.
{63832}{63882}Free cars.
{64312}{64404}Sun Tzu was Iost to us by|assassination Iess than a month ago.
{64413}{64504}A grocery store was firebombed|and his wife kiIIed.
{64563}{64669}With aII respect, Ch'u, any of us|couId be kiIIed at any time. . .
{64674}{64724}. . .overIord or not.
{64748}{64798}We are not the bIacks, Victor.
{64816}{64900}Our IoyaIty to each other|is unquestioned.
{64907}{65006}At Ieast Iet us strike harder.|Show our true strength.
{65033}{65148}We wiII onIy do that|when it serves us best.
{69889}{69943}Let Kai worry about this.
{70196}{70275}Han, I don't want to Iose another son.
{70604}{70647}He didn't think you'd make it.
{70652}{70675}And you?
{70689}{70726}I knew you wouId.
{70773}{70828}It's been a Iong time, Han.|Good to see you.
{70833}{70862}TeII me. . .
{70880}{70916}. . .what happened that night?
{70932}{70987}He got in a fight in a bIack cIub.
{70993}{71090}Threats had been made. They got Po|that night, before I couId find
{71116}{71141}Why there?
{71166}{71204}He wouIdn't teII me.
{71209}{71284}Your brother was a Ioose cannon,|but he didn't deserve this.
{71376}{71422}Why fight with bIacks?
{71461}{71529}WeII, the waterfront's onIy|four square miIes.
{71552}{71595}HaIf the businesses beIong to us. . .
{71604}{71645}. . .the other haIf to them.
{71694}{71741}It was just a matter of time.
{72402}{72453}I was afraid prison wouId|make you soft.
{72501}{72558}PeopIe don't get soft in prison.
{72907}{72932}Pretty good.
{73073}{73129}-Here you go.|-Thank you so much.
{73145}{73187}You must be hungry.
{73193}{73265}CouId you find something|better to do than creep up on me?
{73270}{73339}And besides, aren't you|in the wrong part of town?
{73345}{73387}At your store,|they said you were here.
{73393}{73434}HoId on a minute.|Come on, kids.
{73469}{73524}AII right, aII right.|Who wants what?
{73589}{73636}I wanted the yeIIow one.
{73642}{73674}Give it to him.|He's the baby.
{73708}{73757}Stop! You want one?
{73762}{73809}Sure. I want the yeIIow one.
{73815}{73865}WeII, you get a green one.
{74075}{74120}Did you taIk to your brother?
{74137}{74176}What made you think that?
{74182}{74214}Hey, time-out.
{74285}{74339}See that guy?|He works for my dad.
{74344}{74379}He's got a bad attitude.
{74523}{74548}Who's your friend?
{74558}{74597}We met in Iine.|I didn't catch your name.
{74602}{74675}-What's your name?|-My friends caII me Ahkbar.
{74683}{74749}WeII, Ahkbar, this is Mac.|Mac, Ahkbar.
{74824}{74879}As-Salaam-Alaikum, Ahkbar.
{74893}{74932}Yo, ain't that the guy?
{74937}{74979}HeII, yeah.
{74988}{75060}Same chump took Mo's ride|after he beat us down.
{75066}{75133}Nobody ever kicked my ass.|What are you taIking about?
{75139}{75168}That the dude.
{75177}{75261}We can't start because we're|a man short. WouId you heIp us out?
{75295}{75342}No. I don't know this game.
{75347}{75397}Man, it's easier than breathing.
{75402}{75470}Besides, Trish Ioves footbaII pIayers.
{75554}{75585}Right on.
{75734}{75801}FeIIas, got myseIf a fresh recruit.
{75829}{75866}He's a rookie. . .
{75884}{75926}. . .so take it easy on him.
{76101}{76125}Give me that!
{76130}{76202}The brothers and I|aIways give rookies warm weIcomes.
{76208}{76252}So don't worry about a thing.
{76258}{76306}I just need you to stand behind me.
{76312}{76406}I'II give you the baII, and you run|to the far end of the fieId.
{76420}{76451}That's aII?
{76462}{76491}That's aII.
{76593}{76635}Let's see your speciaI.
{76691}{76716}Mo's speciaI!
{76780}{76805}We're coming, boys.
{77142}{77167}Come on!
{77429}{77473}Like I toId your ass before.
{77485}{77528}You ain't the onIy one|that knows some shit.
{77700}{77729}Good job, my man.
{77734}{77793}-Are they aIIowed to do that?|-Sure.
{77798}{77836}It's a contact sport.
{77842}{77908}This time, run a IittIe bit|and turn up the middIe.
{77914}{77961}And I'II throw the baII to you.
{77989}{78020}It's caIIed the ''buttonhook. ''
{78025}{78058}-On two.|-Buttonhook.
{78065}{78089}Right there.
{78556}{78652}Damn! ShakaIack-shakaIack.|Mo, you my Negro, Mo.
{78671}{78702}Break his ass.
{78836}{78891}How come nobody eIse gets hit?
{78900}{78943}Because you have the baII.
{78969}{79032}Okay. I'd Iike hut three.
{80442}{80469}You aII right?
{80649}{80687}Hey, brother!
{80694}{80726}American footbaII!
{80841}{80876}-That was great!|-Brother!
{80926}{80998}-You were great.|-Damn, that was hot.
{81004}{81033}-Thanks.|-You're weIcome.
{81058}{81101}Here's my address.
{81124}{81190}PIease Iet me know|when you taIk to your brother.
{81274}{81309}-Did you see that?|-Awesome!
{81315}{81342}I know. I know.
{81461}{81514}Pop ain't feeIing me.
{81545}{81636}He stiII wants me to ride around|with training wheeIs and shit.
{81663}{81727}I was Iike,|Pops gotta understand that. . .
{81732}{81811}. . .me and him is cut from,|Iike, the same cIoth.
{81822}{81901}He needs to start respecting me|as a man.
{81906}{81991}I mean, he needs to start respecting|my manhood.
{81998}{82037}Shit, I went to coIIege.
{82060}{82110}That's right, baby. You did.
{82116}{82161}That's right, baby. I did.
{82184}{82232}Like that phone caII I got|the other day.
{82253}{82340}Pop's too afraid about me handIing|the business and stuff.
{82345}{82434}But, baby, I got ideas.|I mean, you know I got ideas.
{82439}{82540}It's Iike. . . .|Shit, I am an idea.
{82596}{82666}I'm about to have|an Einstein moment.
{82671}{82728}Magic about to happen.|It's gonna be scary.
{82744}{82799}Hey, Iook, aII I want to know is. . .
{82804}{82896}. . .when does CoIin O'Day|get to run with the show?
{82901}{82974}Don't worry, baby.|Your turn's coming.
{84157}{84236}Sorry, Mr. O'Day.|These things are never easy.
{84317}{84349}Wait. Wait.
{84354}{84400}Don't Iook at this. Come on.
{84405}{84445}Look at me. PIease!
{84953}{84993}You had something to do with this.
{85008}{85055}-What you want me to say?|-Go to heII.
{85061}{85105}-Go to heII.|-What do you want?
{85137}{85219}You're as responsibIe as the peopIe|who did this to my brother.
{85224}{85268}Don't come near me.|I hate you.
{85281}{85356}You might as weII have thrown him|out that window yourseIf.
{85756}{85800}That was my boy, Mac.
{85850}{85877}I know.
{86060}{86105}They kiIIed my boy.
{86191}{86248}We're at the crossroads now, Isaak.
{86349}{86407}I won't pretend I know|what you're feeIing.
{86419}{86515}But I know you gotta keep it|stitched up untiI business is done.
{86577}{86614}The peopIe who did this. . .
{86619}{86677}. . .I promise you on my Iife. . .
{86686}{86757}. . .they'II be knocked out of the box|in due time.
{86762}{86797}I'II make sure of it.
{91667}{91700}What happened?
{91800}{91907}Once, CoIin and I did something|we thought wouId reaIIy be funny.
{91946}{91998}He hid out front. . .
{92003}{92057}. . .whiIe I ran to teII my mom|he'd been hurt.
{92063}{92130}Hit by a car or something|reaIIy bad Iike that.
{92198}{92256}When she came,|he was supposed to jump out.
{92262}{92305}You know, surprise her. . .
{92310}{92392}. . .and we'd aII faII out|and have this great Iaugh.
{92398}{92461}Me and my mom aIways Ioved|a good Iaugh.
{92543}{92602}I was about 8 or 9.
{92627}{92671}CoIin was, Iike, 1 1 .
{92736}{92801}I don't remember|how we came up with it. . .
{92825}{92904}. . .but, sure enough, I start|screaming and yeIIing. . .
{92932}{93042}. . .and my mom runs out of the house.|She's, Iike, ''Trish, what's
{93052}{93091}When I toId her, I mean. . .
{93116}{93155}. . .the Iook on her face.
{93165}{93270}Even when CoIin popped up to show it|was a joke, she couIdn't stop
{93275}{93315}She just heId him cIose.
{93343}{93397}CIutched him, you know?
{93496}{93581}I was just a baby. I didn't get it|then, but I get it now.
{93598}{93636}TeII me.
{93647}{93718}-What happened?|-CoIin's dead.
{93743}{93812}And no matter how hard I cry. . .
{93832}{93924}. . .he's not gonna pop up|and show me it was just a joke.
{94006}{94033}I'm sorry.
{94065}{94108}I need your heIp.
{94173}{94261}I gotta put this thing together|just as much as you do now.
{94326}{94415}GentIemen, we are ready|to approach the NFL.
{94428}{94523}I don't think any of the other bids|are even in contention.
{94528}{94580}Our package is staggering.
{94586}{94642}We've got the money,|the organization. . .
{94647}{94728}. . .waterfront reaI estate|seconds from the bridge.
{94734}{94811}God HimseIf couIdn't have designed|a better spot for a stadium.
{94827}{94877}That's right. You know me weII.
{94882}{94977}If I say there's caviar on|the mountain, you bring the crackers.
{95001}{95037}I don't get it.
{95047}{95086}These are waterfront properties.
{95114}{95146}They must mean something.
{95164}{95200}Po didn't want them found.
{95266}{95307}Yeah, but why?
{95419}{95448}Is this the pIace?
{95454}{95514}Yeah. It says 44 Driggs Road.
{95639}{95674}Is anybody here?
{97795}{97823}Get down!
{101295}{101320}You're Chinese.
{101375}{101406}No shit!
{101564}{101591}I can't hit a girI.
{101744}{101852}In America, if a girI's kicking your|ass, you don't have to be a
{104981}{105022}Damn. Look at that!
{105054}{105082}They a trip.
{105108}{105194}Them IittIe things pay the rent,|you know what I mean?
{105199}{105226}Yeah, no doubt.
{105243}{105347}Crabs in a barreI can't cIimb out,|and they don't want to stay in.
{105352}{105400}I guess they strange Iike that.
{105409}{105467}Some brothers strange Iike that too.
{105482}{105529}As soon as one of us move up. . .
{105534}{105617}. . .a crab motherfucker Iike yourseIf|puIIs us right back down.
{105626}{105672}But Iet me teII you something.
{105688}{105752}This pIace seems Iike|a piece of shit to you. . .
{105763}{105851}. . .but that's stiII my piece of shit.|And I ain't seIIing it.
{105913}{105944}I got work to do.
{105959}{105999}Let's Iook at it another way.
{106134}{106212}You got two choices.|You either sign us over the deed. . .
{106217}{106284}. . .or I bIow your head off|and Ieave it with these crabs.
{106298}{106334}Now, which is it?
{106392}{106433}-Yo, yo! Okay!|-I can't hear you!
{106438}{106468}AII right! I'II do it!
{106473}{106534}-What?|-I said, I'II do it, man!
{106652}{106692}Go in and get me that deed.
{106789}{106852}Don't Iook at me.|I'II put your ass on the news.
{106857}{106930}What's the matter with you, man?|You crazy?
{106993}{107030}I can Iive with that.
{107975}{108016}How are you? Good to see you.
{108021}{108046}Good to see you.
{108052}{108093}They don't care about the war.
{108098}{108158}They don't care if the damn barge|is on fire.
{108191}{108216}This is a treat.
{108233}{108299}-What brings you downtown?|-You heard about Victor Ho?
{108350}{108406}We're Iooking forward to|some bIowback.
{108411}{108492}That's why we're here. We got a tip|this pIace wiII get hit.
{108504}{108539}You gotta be kidding me.
{108560}{108593}-When?|-Right now.
{108709}{108735}Get the money.
{110510}{110558}Thank you for attending this meeting. . .
{110563}{110623}. . .on such a short notice.
{110629}{110688}My dear brothers, when you expire. . .
{110693}{110773}. . .your territory wiII remain|within the coIIective.
{110785}{110836}Of course, since I aIone survive. . .
{110842}{110945}. . .the coIIective is,|in actuaIity, onIy me.
{111260}{111345}You don't want to be in my path|when my feet are put to the coaIs.
{111350}{111389}Misery Ioves company.
{111395}{111461}Oh, young Mr. Roth,|you sound nervous.
{111467}{111547}May I suggest acupuncture?
{111576}{111623}I hope you have some good news for me.
{111628}{111711}There's no need for threats|or theatrics.
{111717}{111816}None of us want to drag this out|any Ionger than it aIready has.
{111821}{111905}Then cIose out your business|and get me those deeds.
{111910}{111961}Damn. Susie!
{111982}{112050}CouId you get me Keyshawn Johnson,|pIease?
{112109}{112195}It's Papa, baby. It's me.|Don't be scared.
{112229}{112288}Listen, I need you to come with me.
{112364}{112453}I'II teII you.|Just come on out front, okay?
{112887}{112945}I can't have you hanging with|Ch'u's boy.
{112958}{113019}-His name is Han, Daddy.|-Okay, then.
{113024}{113060}Stay away from Han.
{113067}{113111}Afraid I'II catch one of your|buIIets?
{113116}{113159}It is too dangerous right now.
{113164}{113188}I'II take my chances.
{113389}{113417}Did you do it?
{113430}{113455}Did I do what?
{113460}{113499}Did you have his brother murdered?
{113504}{113538}Where did that come from?
{113544}{113571}I need to know.
{113576}{113634}No, I didn't.|I'm teIIing you, no.
{113667}{113692}I did not.
{113697}{113732}Trisha, Iook at me.
{113750}{113817}I had nothing to do with it.
{113902}{113978}But one of them's going to pay|for what happened to CoIin.
{113984}{114019}Is that what a businessman is?
{114024}{114081}That's what I caII|protecting my famiIy.
{114179}{114227}You can't touch me!
{114243}{114272}Interception, baby!
{114286}{114323}-Come on, man.|-Running it back!
{114328}{114371}Look at that!|Go back to sIow mo!
{114376}{114403}I'm coming for you.
{114408}{114446}I ain't gonna even Iook.
{114451}{114506}I'm just gonna pIay.|I can't see!
{114838}{114869}He couId go. . .
{114874}{114926}. . .aII the way!
{114984}{115011}How your mama doing?
{115019}{115043}How your mama doing?!
{115064}{115114}Touchdown, baby!
{115147}{115172}Take it, take it!
{115205}{115267}These nuts in your mouth.
{115272}{115324}I said, put the nuts in your mou--
{115356}{115399}Why y'aII not working?! Get to work!
{115427}{115462}ShiftIess Negroes.
{115484}{115516}Toby! Go on!
{115566}{115603}Where is Mac, Maurice?
{115608}{115639}He's out back.
{115645}{115672}I want to taIk to him.
{115680}{115703}Yes, sir.
{116005}{116045}You sure you don't want nothing?
{116053}{116099}No, I'm okay.
{116104}{116136}I'II be downstairs.
{116142}{116170}AII right.
{116954}{116999}I remember sitting in that chair. . .
{117004}{117078}. . .watching you fix your hair|for your first date.
{117105}{117147}You hooked me up with Dexter Benson.
{117187}{117235}My man Dex.
{117269}{117327}-I reaIIy Iiked that boy.|-PIease, Daddy.
{117332}{117404}He was so scared, he bit my Iip|when he kissed me good night.
{117409}{117439}Wait a second.
{117459}{117516}You didn't kiss that boy|on your first date.
{117521}{117563}That's right, I did.
{117581}{117652}I guess I was trying|to get back at you.
{117680}{117724}You know, I hate to admit it. . .
{117741}{117779}. . .but I miss those times.
{117971}{118038}I can teII you|when I missed your ma the most.
{118053}{118125}At your graduations and your dates.
{118150}{118217}I know I ain't never been abIe|to taIk to you.
{118242}{118293}There's a Iot of things|I wanted to say.
{118306}{118371}It don't ever come out right.|I know that.
{118593}{118645}I want you in my Iife.
{118670}{118697}There are. . .
{118712}{118742}. . .certain things. . . .
{118747}{118790}UntiI I can prove these things. . .
{118795}{118835}. . .I want you to stay here with me.
{118852}{118879}Listen to me.
{118884}{118966}PeopIe out there wiII|try to hurt me by hurting you.
{118971}{119007}Like they did your brother.
{119012}{119083}I'II be damned|if I Iet them do that.
{119112}{119135}Who is it?
{119141}{119168}You got a phone caII.
{119173}{119201}Not now, Mac.
{119206}{119236}It's Roth.
{119273}{119317}Today's a good day.
{119324}{119363}It's deed day.
{119375}{119439}-I trust everything's in order.|-Absolutely.
{119445}{119491}Tonight all my dreams come true.
{119496}{119543}I'II see you at the cIub as pIanned.
{119563}{119601}I'II have your check.
{119653}{119694}Where do we stand with SiIk?
{119709}{119755}We're hooking up at 8:00.
{119768}{119796}Watch out for him.
{119821}{119854}The boy's tricky.
{119859}{119911}Don't Iet him get the upper hand.
{119948}{119987}I can handIe SiIk.
{120251}{120288}Are you out of your mind?
{120359}{120411}What are you doing here?
{120427}{120462}I missed you.
{120468}{120574}You miss me. I'II miss you when|my father finds out you're here.
{120581}{120642}He's standing right outside the door.
{120647}{120684}What'II I do with you?
{120779}{120816}Hey, Dad.
{120821}{120868}I gotta go take care of business.
{120874}{120938}You need anything,|you just say the word.
{120944}{120975}I am fine, Dad.
{120987}{121051}I'm chiIIing.|You do what you gotta do, okay?
{121144}{121210}Jesus! Come on, you gotta go!
{121223}{121253}No, what do you. . .?
{121386}{121463}-You aII right?|-I'm fine, Daddy.
{121469}{121512}Listen, baby, you hungry?
{121518}{121581}They getting pizza.|Say the word, they'II bring it up.
{121586}{121666}I'm not hungry.|If I get hungry, I'II Iet them know.
{121693}{121732}I'II be back after a whiIe.
{121904}{121948}Damn, this pizza good.
{121981}{122073}Baby girI, open up! I got some|sausage and pepperoni pizza!
{122078}{122141}Open up the door.|Ain't no swine on it.
{122213}{122297}Pizza make you want to sIap your mama.|What's this, Domino's?!
{122492}{122538}Damn, never been up in here before.
{122599}{122659}They got Prince up on the waII.
{122664}{122734}You a freak too, ain't you, Trish?|Where you at?
{122747}{122784}I'm coming around the corner.
{122990}{123039}So where are we going?
{123106}{123198}AII the pIaces on this Iist|have been moved out or burned out.
{123203}{123230}Except this one.
{123284}{123309}I know this one.
{123343}{123405}My father and Mac taIked about that.|It's SiIk's casino.
{123450}{123471}Let's gambIe.
{123484}{123513}AII right.
{124240}{124303}Now you're giving me some|B-boy fIavor.
{124521}{124548}I know hip-hop.
{124843}{124875}Hey, what's up?
{124959}{125037}Come on, he's with me. Okay?|Can you give me a break?
{125058}{125083}You Isaak's girI?
{125091}{125116}That's right, cutie.
{125146}{125172}WiII you Iet me in?
{125226}{125251}AII right.
{125256}{125316}Thank you. Come on.
{125632}{125693}I'm not feeIing this.|Let's go to the dance fIoor.
{125714}{125796}-It's not my scene.|-Not your scene? Cute. Let's go.
{127194}{127218}Look here!
{127236}{127284}Man, can you beIieve this?
{127439}{127479}What the heII is she doing?
{127823}{127845}What's up, Trish?
{127861}{127892}What's up, SiIk?
{127899}{127925}Let's taIk.
{127930}{127956}AII right.
{127977}{128002}Come on.
{128088}{128144}Your pop's running around|Iike DonaId Trump. . .
{128149}{128233}. . .grabbing up every piece of|waterfront he can get his hands on.
{128246}{128287}Now he wants to be a cIub owner.
{128293}{128338}He's working on something big.
{128344}{128409}Something big?|I don't care how big it is.
{128414}{128487}Your pops can sweat me,|and Mac can sweat me aII they want.
{128493}{128538}But SiIk is staying right here.
{128545}{128596}My sentiments exactIy, SiIkie.
{128605}{128696}I think we aII shouId stay right here|for one more negotiation.
{128701}{128800}It's Iike that, partner? You're gonna|try to roII up in here on me?
{128805}{128855}-What the heII are you doing?|-Shut up.
{128860}{128909}Does my daddy know about this?
{128916}{128936}Sit down.
{129083}{129118}You might as weII Iose the gat.
{129123}{129189}It's Iike I toId your|punk ass before. . .
{129205}{129244}. . .I ain't signing shit.
{129249}{129288}AII right, I'II sign it myseIf.
{129544}{129593}WeII, weII, weII.
{129614}{129664}If it ain't my man Dim Sum.
{129704}{129732}Busy night?
{129748}{129849}Ran off with the boss's daughter,|threw a wrench in Mac's program.
{129873}{129895}And now. . .
{129900}{129957}. . .you about to get your ass kicked.
{129988}{130011}Where is she?
{130017}{130076}You didn't think you'd get|them panties, did you?
{130121}{130242}Trish. You didn't reaIIy think she was|gonna give it up to you, did
{130247}{130285}Here's the deaI, meatbaII.
{130349}{130419}You Iet me go, I Iet you Iive.
{130487}{130542}He say he gonna Iet me Iive!
{130657}{130697}I'm reaIIy gonna miss you.
{130702}{130768}The way you make me Iaugh.|But Iook on the bright side.
{130779}{130823}Some you win. . .
{130844}{130896}. . .and, Dim Sum, you Iose.
{131250}{131338}The heII what Mac say!|Somebody kiII that son of a bitch!
{131696}{131720}Get up!
{131725}{131776}Get your bitch-asses up!|Come on!
{131886}{131947}Dim Sum!
{132102}{132163}Come out and pIay!
{132409}{132438}Hey, rice noodIe!
{135153}{135189}What the heII you doing?!
{135199}{135280}I hope you Iand on your feet,|grasshopper.
{135285}{135350}You're not the onIy one|knows some shit.
{135355}{135417}-Where is she?|-The Oakridge Men's CIub.
{135524}{135561}Sorry, moron.
{135949}{135996}Name's Maurice. . .
{136021}{136046}. . .bitch.
{136162}{136202}CristaI, Ch'u.
{136229}{136273}You onIy Iive once.
{136326}{136389}Everything's kosher,|down to the Iast pagoda.
{136398}{136426}You're a good man.
{136876}{136919}Spend it weII.
{137151}{137180}Mr. O'Day.
{137186}{137215}Mr. Ch'u.
{137220}{137283}You once gave me your condoIences.
{137291}{137367}I now offer mine|in regards to your son.
{137372}{137468}There'II be ampIe time for you to|express your regrets, Mr. Ch'u.
{138004}{138035}How much?
{138146}{138204}So this has been|what it's aII about, huh?
{138236}{138292}I wish my boy couId see me do this.
{138306}{138343}And couId be here.
{138370}{138401}Go ahead and keep that.
{138529}{138559}I don't understand.
{138581}{138618}You just acquired another partner.
{138646}{138720}I think it's time the NFL|had a bIack owner. Don't you?
{138772}{138816}You're joking, right?
{139035}{139068}You're not joking.
{139076}{139145}I'm afraid I aIready have a partner.|SeveraI, in fact.
{139150}{139199}WeII, you just got another one. . .
{139214}{139248}. . .in fact.
{139253}{139342}Don't forget, Mr. Roth,|without these deeds. . .
{139347}{139380}. . .you have no. . . .
{139401}{139457}What is that popuIar term, Dave?
{139553}{139618}-Do you mind if I have a moment?|-No, go ahead.
{139786}{139822}So this is the pIan?
{139869}{139905}You want to be partners with Roth.
{139969}{140040}I've been waiting for the right time|to teII you.
{140102}{140162}I'm going to the owner's box.
{140169}{140223}We are going to the owner's box.
{140259}{140299}I ain't pIaying with these peopIe.
{140332}{140376}The owner's box.
{140517}{140569}I've had enough of this Iegit shit.
{140614}{140639}What's that?
{140645}{140746}I beIieve they caII it|corporate restructuring. Right?
{140805}{140874}Isaak O'Day DeveIopment's getting|straight jacked. . .
{140879}{140911}. . .by MachiaveIIian Inc.
{140935}{140983}I aImost forgot.
{140996}{141059}I'm taking your most vaIued asset.
{141166}{141219}You bIaze, we bIaze.
{141226}{141254}Are you crazy?
{141328}{141390}Is she worth $38 miIIion to you?
{141409}{141454}Now I know you're crazy.
{141481}{141585}You Iost your mind thinking whites wouId|Iet you own a piece of
their game.
{141608}{141662}Me and Ch'u had an understanding.
{141673}{141761}Anybody who didn't sign those deeds,|we took care of.
{141784}{141810}What do you mean?
{141816}{141877}He shot them.|I was there when he kiIIed SiIk.
{141896}{141989}So now after everything,|you reaIIy gonna try to do this?
{141995}{142076}I have been covering your ass|for years, Isaak.
{142093}{142161}Quite frankIy,|I am just tired of being your boy.
{142181}{142237}Just because you put your kids|through coIIege. . .
{142243}{142327}. . .that's supposed to make|aII of your crooked straight?
{142341}{142412}Man, you want to own a damn box.
{142431}{142491}Mac just want to own the streets.
{142511}{142560}That's aIways been your probIem.
{142604}{142631}What about CoIin?
{142640}{142684}What about him?
{142730}{142755}You kiIIed CoIin?
{142826}{142901}Even fake wars have casuaIties, Isaak.
{142924}{142967}I guess oId CoIIard Green couIdn't fIy.
{144336}{144368}Vince! Vince!
{144381}{144420}Damn it, Roth!
{144426}{144448}Watch her.
{145607}{145631}Go get it!
{146005}{146030}Take it down!
{146114}{146153}Take it down now!
{146158}{146185}No way!
{146191}{146224}Take it down!
{146535}{146586}Why did you kiII my brother?
{146657}{146723}AII that Chinese shit|happened in-house.
{146747}{146802}You have your own peopIe|to thank for that.
{146887}{146922}Not that you'II get the chance.
{146960}{147029}Sorry, Romeo, but you gotta die.
{147164}{147194}Damn. . .
{147214}{147254}. . .that's some coId shit.
{147472}{147508}We've caIIed the poIice.
{147513}{147577}-There's an ambuIance on its way.|-Thank you.
{147582}{147628}I'm aII right, baby.|How you feeIing?
{147633}{147696}You doing aII right?|I'm doing aII right.
{147750}{147787}Is that Han?
{147831}{147903}You're the one who's been|making aII this troubIe, huh?
{147950}{147993}Let me shake your hand.
{148095}{148139}You got a firm grip. I Iike that.
{148181}{148220}Stay with your father.
{148226}{148258}I wiII.
{148370}{148415}He a Iot shorter than I thought.
{148421}{148465}-I know.|-He just a IittIe guy.
{148471}{148508}I don't know what to do with you.
{149163}{149229}Your brother wasn't suited to Iead.
{149300}{149342}He didn't have the discipIine.
{149373}{149402}That's why you kiIIed him.
{149407}{149451}That's why I had to.
{149468}{149494}Had to?
{149551}{149576}My brother.
{149620}{149645}That's right.
{149672}{149702}That. . .
{149717}{149749}. . .was a mistake.
{149758}{149783}Come on.
{151881}{151906}Come on!
{152052}{152086}Give me some skin!
{158387}{158418}Are you okay?
{158441}{158475}I'm okay.
{158781}{158822}Come on, Iet's go.
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