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Scholarship Programme

Personal Details



Name I prefer to be BYRON


Pronouns: He/Him

Date of Birth: 23/10/2000

Do you hold dual No


Preferred Interview Quito


Contact Details

Additional Email:

Country/Territory of Ecuador

State/Province/Region: Guayas

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Home Phone: 0980397398

Country/Territory of Ecuador


Study Institution Dates Type Subject Course Scale Result

TECNICA DE 01/04/2019 - Business & LICENCIADO EN
Undergraduate BSc / BS 0.0 to 10.0 9,19
BABAHOYO 26/08/2022 Management COMERCIO

Work Experience

Are you currently employed in full or part-time work, or a voluntary or internship role?


Current Employer Job Title / Hours worked Total number of Total number of Employment
/ Organisation Position held per week weeks hours Type
DIRECTOR DE LA 03/04/2016 -
CUADRANGULAR 12 376.30 4515.60 Voluntary

TRANSPORTES 03/02/2020 - Part time
OPERACIONES 20 90.82 1816.40
PATIÑO SA 27/11/2021 employment

02/03/2020 - Part time
26/02/2021 employment

SUPERMERCADO ASISTENTE 18/08/2022 - Full time

54 60.82 3284.28
JR ADMINISTRATIVO 05/11/2023 employment

2/5 - Essay Questions

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In this section, you are asked to answer a series of short essay questions on the following areas:
leadership and influence; relationship-building and shared learning; studying in the UK and your
long-term career goals.

As you are aware, Chevening is the UK Government’s international awards programme aimed at
developing global leaders. This section allows you to provide examples of your leadership skills
and potential, and to describe how you would use your time in the UK to develop professionally and
academically, build professional networks, and build lasting positive relationships with the UK.

Please use examples to support your answers. All answers must be a minimum of 100 and a
maximum of 500 words.

All answers must be written in English. Applicants should not repeat answers to any of the essay
questions, and should enter new and original answers for each of the four questions. Please do not
copy and paste the same answers into more than one box as this will make an application invalid.

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Leadership and influence

A leader is a person with or without training in project management who leads a specific team or group
of people and is able to influence, motivate and make all team members work with enthusiasm and
focus on achieving results, objectives. and tasks every day. To do this, managers use certain leadership
and management capabilities and skills to make team members feel part of the team and focus on
decisions that involve all members, even if it is their own decision.
Since I was very little I have considered myself a person capable of being in front of more people to be
able to carry out a goal, I have grown up with very good-natured people who have encouraged me to be
the person I am today, I have been a leader of from a high school group to the leader of a large group of
young people, being a leader is not something easy, I believe that not everyone can be one, as a leader I
am characterized by encouraging, listening, teaching and motivating the people who make up my group
to be able to achieve the desired goal. Currently I am a youth leader in my church, I was chosen by my
Pastor because he saw in me the power and ability to carry out this position. I always manage to reach
young people with a word of encouragement and motivation when I see them tired I try to to turn their
fatigue into joy because being young involves a very delicate growth process and through my experience
I influence their lives so that they do not stop and achieve their goals. In my job I am a personnel
manager and my performance in this part of my life has been a very pleasant experience since at 23
years old I can be in charge of 10 people in whom, in addition to seeing that they fulfill their activities, I
also motivate them. to continue striving harder every day, so that they achieve their life goals and the
company's goals.

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Relationship-building and shared learning

I must recognize that God has been a key piece in my professional growth and development. I feel that
God is my main example of a good leader and boss. Within my skills as a professional in the
administrative area, I have focused much more on communication between my colleagues. of meetings,
office colleagues and in production areas, since communication is a fundamental part of all types of
relationships, whether professional, work, friendship, dating, marriage, etc.; As long as there is
communication there will be harmony, peace and above all excellent benefits for everyone. In relation to
my current job I have always maintained a direct approach with my staff in charge, we look for solutions
together, we combine comments and establish strategies that drive us every day. to continue growing, to
continue achieving the desired objectives of the company, from my point of view communication is
linked to motivation, all human beings at some point in our lives are going to need the support or
motivation of other people to be able to continue , in order to continue going through any adversity, since
I was very little I have been motivated by many people, thanks to that support today I am achieving many
good things in my life, in my neighborhood there are many young people who due to many
socioeconomic, social and political situations do not have been able to complete their secondary or
graduate studies, they have not even gotten a place to start studying, every time we meet in church I
encourage them not to give up for anything in the world, do not give rise to bad comments that will not
achieve their objectives, my desire is to see them succeed and be excellent professionals in Ecuador.
I believe in my capabilities and abilities to be able to help many more people not to rest until they achieve
what they want. As a young professional from Ecuador, in addition to seeking my own benefits, I also
look forward to seeing many more young people achieve their desired goals.

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Studying in the UK

The Master's Degree in Human Resources Management develops the skills necessary to strategically
manage human capital in organizations, which represents a fundamental asset for the creation of value
and at the same time becomes a source of competitive advantage. Nowadays, companies require true
professionals in the field of human resources management and direction, who are capable of mastering
the various functions of the HR subsystem and at the same time aiming to enhance the potential of
human talent and thus contribute to building solid companies. facilities. Likewise, organizations operate
in an environment where there is an increasing need to comply with occupational risk prevention
standards, ensuring the occupational health of workers, as well as professional and personal
development; Functions managed by HR professionals
I am passionate about the idea of studying this master's degree, I know that with the help of God I will
achieve it one day, I love Ecuador, it is a beautiful country full of riches, but unfortunately it has not been
very well managed, when I go to study in the United Kingdom United, many more doors will open for me
here in Ecuador and I would love to develop professionally in this area since I have experience, I know the
shortcomings and experience that people who are looking for a job have, this area of human resources
should be filled by people who have the qualities and skills necessary to be able to perform them

Career Plan

I am clear about my objectives and what I want to achieve in the future, they are goals that I have been
working on since I was very little, which is to establish a nationally recognized business, currently it is a
small business in which I manage it in my free time after I return. to my house, thanks to this
entrepreneurship I have been able to finish my secondary studies and finish University, I am a young man
who grew up without financial help from his parents, my father died when I was still a child and my
Mother suffers from a catastrophic illness, I hope to continue helping my Mother with everything she
needs, to achieve that I must continue working, have much more patience, I want to continue preparing
myself, every day there are many new things to learn, not only would I like to focus on the area of human
resources, I would also like to I would like to focus on public and business administration, specialize in
public relations and international business in order to standardize ties that unite new commitments of
interest to raise the socioeconomic level of the country, commit young people much more to continue
preparing, Because a country that is poorly prepared at an educational level will not be able to move
forward, I will encourage many more people to make use of these scholarship programs offered by the
United Kingdom Government so that in this way they can acquire new experiences, new knowledge and
thus reach very far.

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3/5 - Application Information

University application details

Rank - University Course and Type Have you applied?

1 - Oxford Brookes University Human Resource Management (MSc) No

2 - Birkbeck, University of London Human Resource Management (MSc) No

3 - University of York Human Resource Management (MSc) No

Course subject area

HR and PR

Capacity in which
Name Job Title Organisation Email Status
JULIO ENRRIQUE Academic (school /
MORA ARISTEGA college / university)

SOURCING ANALYTICS Other Reference Created


Do you hold a valid passport for your country/territory?


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Please note that if selected for a Chevening Award, you will be expected to travel to the UK on the
passport of the country where you hold citizenship.

Do you hold refugee status?


Do you hold any other form of legal residency?


Have you ever been to the UK?


Do you have a valid UK visa or permission to enter or remain in the UK?


Have you ever been refused a visa for any country, (including the UK) or had your extension of leave to
remain to any country, (including the UK) refused?


Have you been deported, removed or otherwise required to leave any country, (including the UK) in the
last 10 years?


Do you have any criminal convictions (either spent or unspent) in the UK or in any other country?


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Have you ever been arrested and charged with any offence in any country and are awaiting or currently
on trial?


4/5 - Terms & Conditions

The objective of Chevening is to support UK foreign policy priorities and create lasting positive
relationships with future leaders, influencers and decision makers.

All award recipients are required to confirm they will adhere to Chevening’s terms and conditions.

During your award

I will attend mandatory Chevening events held during my award.


I will actively engage with the Chevening network in the UK.


I will remain in the UK during my award (except for authorised absences) and understand the condition
not to spend more than 30 days outside of the UK during this time.


I will respond to surveys sent by Chevening, to help evaluate the success of the programme and inform
ongoing programme development.


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I agree to abide by Chevening's social media and messaging policy .


I agree to abide by Chevening's code of conduct.


After your award

I understand that any request to remain in the UK will not be granted, including for the purposes of
further study or employment.


I will actively engage with the Chevening alumni community in my country and globally.


I will respond to future surveys sent by Chevening, to help evaluate the success of the programme and
inform ongoing programme development.


I agree to return home to the country or territory through which I am applying for a scholarship for a
period of at least two years following the completion of my award and no later than the expiry date on
my student visa. I agree to not apply for any other visa category in the UK. I understand that further
opportunities for study or work in the UK are not an exception to the two year return home policy.


5/5 - Upload documents and Submit

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Before submitting your application, please take the time to complete the below sections which will
help improve aspects of the Chevening programme.

It is important to note that you can only submit one Chevening application each year, so please
think carefully before submitting. Once you have submitted your application by clicking the 'Submit
to Chevening' button below, you will not be able to amend your application.

The information provided here will be used when assessing your application and, if you are
selected, when administering your award. Please read the award terms and conditions for further

By choosing to submit this application, you are confirming that the information you have provided
is true and correct.

If you are granted an award, any information provided in your application that is found to be false
or misleading, may result in your award being withdrawn, and you may also be required to pay back
the award amount.

Failure to disclose information that has been requested, regardless of the time elapsed after
discovery, may also result in your award being withdrawn and you may be required to pay back the
award amount.

By choosing to submit this application, you are consenting to the terms of the Privacy Notice and
agree to your information being held and used as described in this statement.

Where did you hear about Chevening?

How did you hear about Chevening?


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How long did you consider applying to Chevening in this application round before beginning this

Less than 1 year

What were the major factors that led you to applying to Chevening?

Time is right in my career

Have you applied to Chevening in previous years?


Have you considered applying for any other scholarship funding?


Test Listening Reading Speaking Writing Overall Report #

Referees' names and contacts


User friendliness of the online application system

Very satisfied

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Speed and capacity of the online application system

Very satisfied

Clarity of the instructions provided by the online system to complete the application

Very satisfied

Overall online application system

Very satisfied

Additional Comments

Final Submission Statement


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Do you aspire to be or are you already a leader, decision maker or opinion former in your home
Are you a British citizen?
Have you previously studied in the UK with funding from a UK Government-funded scholarship?
Have you been employed in a permanent, temporary or internship role since September 2021 by
the UK government, the British Council or the Association of Commonwealth Universities?
Have any of your immediate relatives been employed by the above organisations since September

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