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Ipswich Driving Test Centre Routes

To make driving tests more representative of real-life driving, the DVSA no longer publishes
official test routes. However, you can find a number of recent routes used at the Ipswich driving
test centre in this document.

While test routes from this centre are likely to be very similar to those below, you should treat
this document as a rough guide only. Exact test routes are at the examiners’ discretion and are
subject to change.

Route Number 1

Road Direction

Driving Test Centre Roundabout right

Central Avenue Roundabout ahead, roundabout right

Ransomes Way Roundabout left

Felixstowe Rd Roundabout ahead

Bixley Rd 1st right

Ashdown Way 3rd right

Arundel Way 1st left

Penhurst Rd 1st left

Wareham Avenue Into

Bodiam Rd End of road​ left

Wareham Avenue End of road​ left

Arundel Way End of road​ right

Foxhall Rd Roundabout right

A12 South Roundabout right

A14 West 1st exit, roundabout right, roundabout right

The Havens Roundabout ahead, 1st left, ​end of road​ right

Driving Test Centre

Route Number 2

Road Direction

Driving Test Centre Roundabout left

Bluestem Rd 1st left

The Havens End of road right, roundabout left

A14 East 1st exit

A12 North Roundabout left

Foxhall Rd 5th left

Arundel Way Into

Cuckfield Avenue End of road left

Arundel Way 3rd right

Penhurst Rd End of road right

Arundel Way End of road left

Ashdown End of road left

Bixley Rd Roundabout ahead

Felixstowe Rd Roundabout right

Ransomes Way Roundabout left 2nd exit

Central Avenue Roundabout ahead, roundabout left

Driving Test Centre

Route Number 3

Road Direction

Driving Test Centre Roundabout left

Bluestem Rd Mini roundabout right, roundabout ahead 3rd

Nacton Rd Mini roundabout ahead, 6th right

Hatfield Rd Traffic light left

Felixstowe Rd 2nd right

Newton Rd End of road right

Foxhall Rd Roundabout right

Bixley Rd 1st left

Penhurst Rd Into

Broke Hill Gardens End of road left

Penshurst Rd End of road left

Bixley Rd Roundabout right 3rd exit

Felixstowe Rd 1st left

Codham Rd Becomes

Lindbergh Rd End of road left

Nacton Rd Roundabout right 3rd exit, roundabout ahead

2nd exit

A14 East 1st exit, A12 roundabout right

Felixstowe Rd Roundabout right 2nd exit

Murrells Rd End of road left, roundabout ahead

Ransomes Way Roundabout left 2nd exit

Central Avenue Roundabout ahead, roundabout left

Driving Test Centre

Route Number 4

Road Direction
Driving Test Centre Roundabout right

Central Avenue Roundabout ahead, roundabout right

Ransomes Way Roundabout ahead

Murrells Way Into

Pine Drive End of road left

Murrells Way Roundabout ahead 2nd exit

Felixstowe Rd Roundabout left

A14 West 1st exit, roundabout right, roundabout left

Nacton Rd Roundabout ahead 2nd exit, 3rd right

Lindbergh Rd Becomes

Cobham Rd End of road right

Felixstowe Rd Roundabout left

Bixley Rd 2nd left

Princethorpe Rd End of road left

Bixley Rd Roundabout left

Foxhall Rd Traffic light ahead, 2nd left

Newton Rd End of road left

Felixstowe Rd Traffic light right

Hatfield Rd End of road left

Nacton Rd Mini roundabout ahead, roundabout ahead

Bluestem Rd Roundabout right

Driving Test Centre

Route Number 5

Road Direction
Driving Test Centre Right

Central Avenue Roundabout left

Bluestem Roundabout 3rd exit

Nacton Rd Mini roundabout ahead, 4th right

Murray Rd End of road right

Nacton Rd Left

Bishops Hill 1st right

Cavendish St 2nd left

Alan Rd End of road right

Foxhall Rd Traffic light left

Cauldwellhall Rd 2nd left

St Johns End of road left

Spring Rd Traffic light right

Warwick Rd End of road right

Woodbridge Rd Mini roundabout ahead, traffic light ahead,

mini roundabout left

Rushmere Rd End of road right

Colchester Rd End of road (use right lane) left

Woodbridge Rd Roundabout right 2nd exit

Heath Rd Roundabout ahead

Bixley Rd Roundabout left

Felixstowe Rd Roundabout right

Ransomes Way Roundabout 2nd left

Central Avenue Roundabout ahead, roundabout left

Driving Test Centre

Route Number 6

Road Direction

Driving Test Centre Roundabout left

Bluestem Rd Mini roundabout right, roundabout ahead 3rd


Nacton Rd 3rd right

Lindbergh Rd 1st right

Campbell Rd End of road right

Lindbergh Rd/Cobham Rd End of road right

Felixstowe Rd Roundabout right, roundabout left

Murrells Rd Left

Pine Drive End of road left

Murrells Rd Roundabout ahead

Felixstowe Rd 1st right

Nacton Village Right

Ipswich Rd Roundabout ahead, roundabout right

The Havens Roundabout ahead, 1st left, end of road right

Driving Test Centre

Route Number 7

Road Direction

Driving Test Centre Roundabout left

Bluestem Rd 1st left

The Havens End of road right, roundabout ahead,

roundabout left

A14 1st exit

A12 Roundabout left

Foxhall Rd 2nd right

Bell Lane 2nd left

Penzance Rd Left

Padstow Rd End of road left

Penzance Rd End of road

Main Rd Becomes

Woodbridge Rd 1st left

Glenavon Rd End of road

Melbourne Rd 1st right

Adelaide Rd End of road left

Heath Rd Roundabout ahead

Bixley Rd 1st left

Penshurst Rd 1st left

St Augustines Rd End of road left

Bridport Avenue 1st right

Ashdown Way End of road

Bixley Rd Roundabout ahead

Felixstowe Rd Roundabout right

Ransomes Way Roundabout left, 2nd exit

Central Avenue Roundabout ahead, roundabout left

Driving Test Centre

Route Number 8

Road Direction
Driving Test Centre Right, roundabout right

Central Avenue Roundabout ahead, roundabout right

Ransomes Way Roundabout left

Felixstowe Rd Roundabout ahead 2nd exit

Bixley Rd 2nd left

Princethorpe Rd End of road left

Bixley Rd Roundabout ahead

Heath Rd Roundabout left

Woodbridge Rd Mini roundabout left

Spring Rd Traffic light ahead, traffic light right

Warwick Rd End of road right

Woodbridge Rd 3rd left

Belvedere Rd End of road left

Tuddenham Rd 4th left

Hervey St 2nd left

Norfolk Rd End of road right

Suffolk Rd End of road right

Cemetery Rd End of road left

Christchurch St End of road left

Woodbridge Rd 2nd right

Argyle St Traffic light ahead

Grimwade St Follow left, roundabout ahead 2nd exit

Fore Hamlet/Bishops Hill 2nd right

Nacton Rd Mini roundabout ahead, roundabout ahead

2nd exit

Bluestem Rd Mini roundabout left, mini roundabout ahead

Driving Test Centre

Route Number 9

Road Direction

Driving Test Centre Right, roundabout right

Central Avenue Mini roundabout ahead, roundabout right

Ransomes Way Roundabout left

Felixstowe Rd Roundabout left, 6th left

King Edward Rd End of road left

Felixstowe Rd Traffic light right

Derby Rd Traffic light ahead

Cauldwell Hall Rd 2nd right

Freehold Rd 4th left

Britannia Rd 5th right

Spring Rd Mini roundabout ahead

Woodbridge Rd Roundabout ahead, roundabout right

Heath Rd 2nd left

Gleneagles Crescent Right

Sunningdale Avenue/Claverton End of road left

Rd/Chatsworth Drive

Claverton Rd/Chatsworth Drive End of road right

Bixley Drive End of road right

Foxhall Rd Roundabout left

Bixley Rd Roundabout ahead 2nd exit

Felixstowe Rd Roundabout right

Ransomes Way Roundabout left 2nd exit

Central Avenue Mini roundabout ahead, roundabout left

Driving Test Centre

Route Number 10

Road Direction

Driving Test Centre Roundabout left

Bluestem Rd 1st left

The Havens End of road right, roundabout ahead,

roundabout right

Nacton Rd Roundabout ahead, 1st left, traffic light

Maryon Rd End of road right

Clapgate Lane 3rd left

Rubens Rd End of road left

Frampton Rd End of road right

Turner Rd End of road right

Cotman Rd End of road left

Clapgate Lane 1st left, traffic light

Landseer Rd 5th right

Cliff Lane End of road left

Clapgate Lane Immediate end of road right

Nacton Rd 1st left

Hatfield Rd 1st right, traffic light

Felixstowe Rd 2 roundabouts right

Ransomes Way Roundabout left 2nd exit

Central Avenue Roundabout ahead, roundabout left

Driving Test Centre

Route Number 11

Road Direction

Driving Test Centre Roundabout right

Central Ave Roundabout ahead, roundabout right

Ransomes Way Roundabout left

Felixstowe Rd Roundabout ahead

Bixley Rd 2nd left

Princethorpe Rd End of road left

Bixley Rd Roundabout ahead

Heath Rd Roundabout right

Woodbridge Rd 2nd right, traffic light

Beech Rd Becomes

Penzance Rd Left into

Helston Close End of road left

Penzance Rd End of road right

Bell Lane End of road left

Foxhall Rd Roundabout right

A12 Roundabout ahead

Felixstowe Rd Roundabout right

Murrells Rd Roundabout ahead

Ransomes Way Roundabout ahead, roundabout left

Bluestem Rd Mini roundabout left, roundabout right

Driving Test Centre

Route Number 12

Road Direction

Driving Test Centre Roundabout left

The Havens 1st left, end of road right, roundabout ahead,

roundabout right

Nacton Rd Roundabout ahead, 2nd exit, mini roundabout


Landseer Rd 3rd right

Clapgate Lane 3rd left

Wye Rd End of road right

Severn Rd 1st right

Lee Rd End of road right

Severn Rd Left into

Mersey Rd End of road left

Severn Rd End of road right

Dereham Avenue End of road left

Cliff Lane End of road

Holywells Rd Roundabout ahead

Duke St Roundabout left

Fore St 2nd right

Slade St End of road right

Star Lane Left

Waterworks St/Bond St Left

St Helens/St Margarets 1st right, traffic light

Bolton Lane 2nd right

Tuddenham Rd 2nd right

Hervey St 2nd left

Norfolk Rd 1st right

Suffolk Rd End of road right

Cemetery Rd End of road left

Christchurch St End of road left

Woodbridge Rd Mini roundabout ahead, mini roundabout right

Cauldwell Hall Rd 3rd traffic light left

Felixstowe Rd 2 roundabouts right

Ransomes Way Roundabout left 2nd exit

Central Avenue Roundabout ahead, roundabout left

Driving Test Centre

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