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Diego Máximo Ayvar Galarza Luis Fernando Hernandez Chunga

Diego and I are like brothers, close friends since we met at university. We are very close with Lisa
and Mary, the twins who are also part of our class. From the start of the day until we head to bed,
we do many things together.

Every morning, at 7:00 AM, Diego and I wake up almost at the same time in our nearby houses.
We quickly get ready and meet for breakfast at the local café. It's a great moment to plan the day
and catch up on the latest news.

Then, at 8:00 AM, we walk together to university, sharing anecdotes and discussing our
expectations for the day. In class, at 8:30 AM, we always sit next to each other and actively
participate in all academic activities, supporting each other and enjoying learning together.

When the break comes at 10:00 AM, we take the opportunity to rest a bit on campus, share
snacks, and continue our conversations. We return to class at 10:15 AM and keep working
together on school projects, taking advantage of our good synchronization and complementary

At noon, at 12:00 PM, we meet in the university dining hall for lunch. It's another moment to laugh
and share our stories while enjoying the meal.

In the afternoon, we participate in extracurricular activities like music or debates, where we show
how united we are and how interested we are in our shared passions.

After classes end at 3:00 PM, we walk back home together, discussing what we learned and
making plans for the rest of the day. At 3:30 PM, we meet at the library or a nearby café to study
and do our homework, always helping each other to make sure we understand everything.

At 5:00 PM, we take a break for a snack and review what we learned in class. Then, at 6:00 PM,
each of us goes back home and we help with household chores, keeping our spaces clean and
organized for comfortable living.

At 7:00 PM, we have dinner with our families, sharing stories of the day and enjoying each other's
company. And to end the day well, at 8:00 PM, we relax in our free time, either watching a movie,
playing something, or simply chatting and strengthening our friendship.

We are always together during the day, sharing every moment and supporting each other. It's
great to have such a close friend like Luis to share every day at university and beyond.

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