369234 Seacouver by Night Mechanics

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new mechanics

Chapter of the Book

his PDF summarizes the new mechanics Ravnos
and character options into a single docu- Before the Week of Nightmares and the presumed
ment, for ease of reference. The Storytell- death of their Antediluvian (or a Methusalah of
ers can use or allow their players to select unique power) the Ravnos may have had a different
for their characters, or simply save them for their own Bane.
characters Their Blood makes the Rogues innately super-
stitious: prone to good luck rituals or compulsive
Alternate Banes behaviour during times of stress or uncertainty. For
Banes are a defining element of clans. Kindred some, this might be an activity such as humming a
are fundamentally individuals who may adhere song, flipping a coin, counting rosaries, or play-
to or defy the stereotypes of their clans, who may ing with a deck of cards. Others find themselves
manifest the common powers of their bloodline or inclined to tell needless lies, pocket a trivial object,
instead favour different abilities. But all members or bet on the outcome of an event.
of a clan share a common Bane. When a Ravnos starts a scene and their Hun-
As time has passed, many clan Banes have ger is higher than remaining Willpower, they feel
shifted as curses have been broken or the founder compelled to engage in their compulsion. Subtract
of the clan has died. To make it easier to play in a number of dice equal to their Bane Severity from
eras other than the present day, three alternative all Physical and Social dice pools, excluding those
Banes are presented below for clans whose weak- related to performing their compulsion. This can-
ness has been altered. not reduce the dice pool below one. This penalty
lasts for the entire scene or until the Ravnos
Banu Haqim performs their compulsion for a number of turns
Prior to 1998, Kindred of the Banu Haqim suffered equal to half their Bane Severity (rounded up).
under a Blood Curse inflicted upon the clan by the
Tremere. This Blood Curse prevented them from Tremere
consuming vitae or committing diablerie. Prior to the fall of the Prime Chantry in Vienna
When a Banu Haqim drinks directly from a sizable majority of Tremere belonged to a strict
another Kindred, they suffer superficial health hierarchy, which their Blood innately respected.
damage equal to their Bane Severity for each point Blood Bonds were ritually used to enforce compli-
of Hunger slaked. This damage is not halved and ance with higher ranking members of the Pyra-
cannot be reduced in any way. If the Banu Haqim mid—to ensure loyalty each Fledging was kept one
drinks stored or preserved vitae, they must spend step towards a Blood Bond with their sire. Vitae
Willpower points equal to their Bane Severity or was also taken after the Embrace of a new mem-
vomit up the blood. ber—stored to further ensure compliance.
While Blood Bonded, Tremere add their Bane
Severity to their Bond Strength for all tests to
be defiant. Additionally, Tremere can be Blood
Bonded to multiple individuals at the same time.
They have be subject to an additional number of
Bonds equal to half their Bane Severity (rounded


Predator Types Merits and Flaws

• L ight S leeper
Groupie You are more easily roused from your death-like
Only the blood of the noteworthy satisfies your appe- slumber. You add 2 dice to your pool when at-
tite. Derisively called "starfuckers," Groupies ingrati- tempting to awaken during the day, and 1 dice to
ate themselves among the rich or famous, savouring remain awake after the first scene.
the subtle Resonances that comes with people of •• B rief Torpor
"quality." You might move in elite social circles, being It is easier to awaken you from torpor and you
a frequent guest at events and parties, or you may remain in that state for a shorter duration. You
have a knack at making yourself indispensable to treat your Humanity as 2 points higher when
wealthy individuals. determining your torpor length. Additionally, you
can be roused from torpor early if fed blood from a
■ Add a speciality: Etiquette (Fandom) or Subter- vampire with a Blood Potency equal to your own.
fuge (Seduction) • to •• Eternal Wounds (flaw).
■ Gain one dot of Presence or Obfuscate
You have an open wound that did not heal dur-
■ Distribute two dots among Fame, Influence, or
ing the Embrace, which continually re-opens each
Contacts dusk when you revert to your death state. You
■ Gain the Feeding Flaw: (•) Prey Exclusion (Unfa-
suffer a penalty to appropriate Social pools with
mous) mortals equal to twice your dots in this flaw. You
Predator Pool: Charisma + Persuasion or Subterfuge can partially heal the wound with a Rouse Check,
as you move among potential targets, trying to catch leaving a visible and unsightly scar, which halves
their eye and lure them to a quiet area. the penalty for the night.
• Plutovore (flaw)
Honeypot You literally eat the rich. Only the blood of the
Also known as the "damsel," you play the part of the wealthy and well-off satisfies your appetite. This
victim or vulnerable individual to attract the atten- might stem from an urge to taste what you believe
tion of other predators or those seeking to help. You is greatness, the preference of hunting those who
might call out for assistance or stage a fake assault, have too much, or an elitist desire to avoid per-
letting your prey come to you. Alternatively, you ceived uncleanliness. When you feed on someone
might simply position yourself where you are likely to you consider poor, you must succeed on a Will-
be observed by passers but not witnesses. power test at Difficulty 3 to avoid vomiting up the
■ Add a specialty: Performance (Distress) or Sub- •• S ommelier (flaw)
terfuge (Vulnerability) You seek to taste varying types of emotions in
■ Gain one dot of Presence or Auspex
the blood, hoping to sample all of the human
■ Gain the Feeding merit Bloodhound •
experience. Lose one dice from all pools when the
■ Add one dot to the Allies or Contacts back-
last person you fed shared a Resonance with the
ground person before that. Additionally, you must spend
■ Gain the Enemy Flaw: (•) the police or a victim
one point of Willpower to drink animal blood or
angered at being the victim themselves and seek- unprocessed bagged blood.
ing revenge
Predator Pool: Manipulation + Performance or Sub-
terfuge; you feed by drawing people to you and away
from prying eyes, using their own desires against

Chapter of the Book

Disciplines Level 4
Players may choose the following options. S eal the M ind
Prerequisite: The Forgetful Mind
Dominate When using The Forgetful Mind, rather than perma-
nently erasing memories, they are mentally repressed.
Level 3 The Kindred can restore these memories by com-
L ullaby manding the victim to "remember" or implanting a
Prerequisite: Cloud Memories trigger word or phrase that unlocks the memories
Simply by whispering the phrase "sleep" or making when the victim hears the trigger spoken. The phrase
a quiet shushing sound, the victim becomes drowsy. can be anything, from a common saying to a random
They briefly nod off, potentially even drifting into assortment of words.
a very light sleep. This ability does not require eye Cost: No additional cost
contact, but the victim does need to hear the Kin- System: As The Forgetful Mind., save when
dred. This affects only a single individual within rewriting the memories the vampire can choose to
earshot, and the Kindred's command cannot be include a condition that restores the overwritten
recorded or transmitted. memories. The victim remembers both what truly
Cost: One Rouse Check happened as well as the imprinted memories. Tasks
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Dominate vs. Wits + to detect or supernaturally read the hidden memories
Resolve must succeed on a task with a Difficulty equal to the
System: The user rolls a contest of Manipula- margin when the false memories were created.
tion + Dominate vs. Wits + Resolve. A win against Duration: Passive
a mortal target causes the victim to lose three dice
on tests related to being aware of their surround-
ings or involving fine motor control. To have
any effect, the victim must be calm and relaxed,
Level 1
typically seated or leaning against a wall or object. U nnerve A nimals
At the Storyteller's discretion, a mortal that was Amalgam: Presence 1
recently sleeping or was already tired might fall Locking eyes with an animal, the vampire reveals
asleep Any noise louder than quiet talking, sudden their unnatural nature, triggering the creature's flight
motion, or physical contact instantly ends the ef- instinct. Startled by the presence of an apex predator,
fect. the animals are cowed and immediately attempt to
Duration: A number of turns equal to the test flee or hide. If unable to run away, the animals cower
margin plus one and refuse to approach the Kindred.
Cost: Free
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Animalism vs. Compo-
sure + Resolve
System: No roll is required for most animals. Prey
animals flee in terror while predatory animals feel
fear or unease. Even trained animals, such as guard
dogs, will instinctively recoil. Frightening a ghoul,
famulus, or other supernaturally augmented animal
requires a contest of Manipulation + Animalism vs
Composure + Resolve. This power has no effect on
humans, werewolves (regardless of their form), and
other sentient creatures.
Duration: One scene


Level 3
L ove's True Face
Prerequisite: Mask of a Thousand Faces
Tapping into the unconscious mind of an onlooker,
to their eyes the Kindred appears as a known sub-
ject of romantic love or strong physical attraction.
This might be spouse and partner, an unrequited
love, or even a celebrity crush. The vampire gains
no knowledge of what the victim sees or who they
are emulating, only that they have taken the ap-
pearance of a figure of adoration. The power affects
only a single individual at a time.
Cost: One Rouse Check
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Obfuscate vs Wits +
System: For a passing encounter contact no test
is required. However, once the vampire interacts
with the victim, roll a contest of Manipulation +
Obfuscate vs Wits + Insight to maintain the ruse. A
failure means the observer is aware of the decep-
tion, but does not see through the illusion and
will be unable to recall or identify the vampire's
true appearance. Sense the Unseen (Auspex 1) can
pierce the power as usual.
Duration: One scene

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