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Seacouver by Night

W R IT T E N BY David Gibson

Public Domain

I N T ER IOR A RT A N D I L LUST R AT ION: Public Domain and David Gibson

M A PS: David Gibson, based on maps from Google Maps

World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Dark Ages, Victorian Age: Vampire, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Werewolf: The Wild
West, Mage: The Ascension, Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade, Wraith: The Oblivion, Wraith: The Great War, Changeling: The Dreaming, Hunter: The
Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen, Mummy: The Resurrection, Orpheus, Exalted, Chronicles of Darkness, Vampire:The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken,
Mage: The Awakening, Changeling: The Lost, Hunter: The Vigil, Geist: The Sin Eaters, Demon: The Descent, Mummy: The Curse, Beast: The Primordial,
Promethean: The Created, Storyteller System™, Storytelling System™, and Storytellers Vault™ and their respective logos, icons and symbols are trade-
marks or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

This work contains material that is copyright of Paradox Interactive AB. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agree-
ment for the Storytellers Vault.

PROPERTY® Copyright© 2024 Paradox Interactive AB (publ). All rights reserved.


Introduction4 Chapter Four: kindred 54

O n the O rigin of C ities  4 Banu H aqim  55
A N ight Playground  5 B rujah 57
Chapter One: welcome to Gangrel 
H ecata 
shadow city 7 L asombra 
M alkavian 
D istricts  9 M inistry 66
H eartbeat of the C ity  9 N osferatu 68
Game L ines  10 R avnos 70
Tremere 73
Chapter Two: a history lesson Tzimisce  75

13 Ventrue 77

Chapter Five: miscellanea  80

Through a Glass Darkly 13 M erits 81
E ras of Play  16 D isciplines 81
A lternate Banes 22 Q uick L ocations  83

Chapter Three: the city 25

C ommon K nowledge 25
M edia 26
E conomy 27
C limate 28
G etting A round 28
The U nderground 28
E lysia 29
N eighbourhoods 32

All cities are mad: but the madness is gallant.
All cities are beautiful, but the beauty is grim.

This is a book on a place that does not exist.

Bellingham Bay exists. As does the Lummi Reservation. Sudden Valley is
a real community as is Watcom County. They're all real places you can visit in
northwest Washington State if you are so inclined.
But Seacouver? The city that stretches along the shores of Bellingham Bay?
The rainy fog-shrouded Shadow City? That is entirely and completely fictional,
albeit loosely inspired by real places and history. As the disclaimer goes, any
and all resemblance to real people—living, dead, or undead— is entirely coinci-

On the Origin of Cities

I've used Seacouver as the setting for a few Chronicles in the World of Dark-
ness now, for both Vampire the Masquerade and Hunter the Reckoning. (A
few characters and locations from those games have been slipped into the
product as personal Easter Eggs.)
This fauxtropolis began when I decided to introduce my gaming group to
Vampire the Masquerade. However, as this group had been playing a long
running zombie apocalypse game set in our hometown, it felt odd to use it
for another story. There'd be location overlap. But I felt nervous at the idea of
setting the story in a larger city I had never been to: what if I got the details
wrong? What if I placed a fancy hotel in an area that was a blue collar district?
What if I set a conflict in a sixty-story office tower only to discover the city
had a fifty-story height limit? And as my games tend to be period pieces set in
the '80s or '90s, it was possible for me to have a major encounter in a location
that had not been built yet!
These are all minor problems that any reasonable group of players would
overlook, but they nagged at my brain. (Players are reasonable but neurosis is
It occurred to me if I created a fictitious city—a Gotham, Twin Peaks, or
Springfield—I could do whatever I wanted with the city. If I needed a major
landmark, I could create one. If I needed a historic event, I could invent one. If
I needed a famous public figure, I could imagine one. It was a city I could make
my own… but also one my players could own and customize. It enabled my
players to be creative: more freedom for me to say "sure, there’s a nearby park-
ing garage" or even ask them "what’s the name of the park you’re meeting at?"


A Night Playground BUT WHY SEACOUVER?

I've tried to make Seacouver detailed enough that it The name "Seacouver" is of course a combination of
feels like a real place, with its own history and quirks. the names "Seattle" and "Vancouver." It is used to
To give each neighbourhood a tone and reason to exist, describe vaguely northwestern-ish film and televi-
so the Storyteller isn't just doing all the work them- sion productions filmed in Vancouver but set in the
selves. But I've also tried not to give Seacouver as much United States.
detail as a standard "____ by Night" volume, which would
defeat the purpose of a customizable city. You can add As Vancouver is the third-largest film production
banks and bodegas, shopping malls and sports bars, art centre in North America (often called "Hollywood
galleries and archery clubs. The point of Seacouver is to North") it often doubles for other American cities,
have a city you can make your own. such as Seattle or New York, but also fictional cities
Included on the city map are the locations featured like Star City and Keystone City as seen in various
in The Crimson Gutter Chronicle, allowing the easy CW superhero dramas. The term was popular-
inclusion of that volume and its pregenerated Kindred. ized by fans of the TV series Highlander, although
I've also included a comparable number of vampires of the portmanteau predates this series. (Rumour has
my own creation. Of course, just because I've listed a it the producers accepted the name "Seacouver,"
vampire, does not mean they need to be present. Like all although this was never said on-air.)
things in this volume, the residents are optional. Also
incorporated are many of the fictitious corporations I initially chose Seacouver because one of my
created for the World of Darkness (typically those as- players was a Highlander fan but kept it for this
sociated with the Pentex group). product because it emphasizes this is a fictional
city. Calling the city something like "Port George"
(after the nearby Strait of Georgia) makes this seem
too much like a book on an obscure real world city
rather than a fictitious place.

Like all things in this document, the name is

customizable. Almost a placeholder (which is why
it’s not included in any of the place names on the
map). If you like everything else in this book but find
the name distracting, just replace it with a differ-
ent name like "Crescent City'' or "New Carthage."
Or mix-and-match elements of Seacouver with the
fictional city of Newcastle from the book Damnation
City for Vampire the Requiem.



Chapter One:

welcome to
shadow city

A great city is not to be confounded with a populous one.


Chapter One: Welcome to Shadow City

he metropolis of Seacouver is known by placed on the arts and related cultural activities.
many names. The Easy Sea. The Great There are more than a dozen museums in Seacou-
Wet North. The Other Coffee Capital of ver. The numerous galleries and artists fiercely
the World. But its most common name compete for the patronage of wealthy individuals
is Shadow City. and elite government grants. During the ‘90s the
Located between the larger cities of Seattle city became a musical hub, building off the popu-
and Vancouver, Seacouver has always been the larity of the nearby "Seattle Sound." Grunge music
"lesser" city in comparison. It competes furiously dominated radio and clubs while also driving fash-
for cultural and academic attention, but is often ion, inspiring a generation of aspiring musicians.
overlooked or snubbed. In the early 1910s, a jour- While this musical boom has declined, numerous
nalist for the Seacouver Sentinel commented that independent music labels remain.
"Seacouver lies in the shadows of grander develop- Being a city of trendy hipsters and tech nerds—
ments" and the comparison stuck. More proud and wealthy tech nerds who have become trendy
Seacouverites will claim the name "Shadow City" hipsters—Seacouverites pride themselves on being
is actually a reference to the oft-overcast weather, loud and proud liberals. Same-sex marriage and
while others will point to the city's frequent use as recycling have long been supported. Pride stickers
a shadowport by smugglers and rum-runners mov- and flags are displayed in many storefronts. Most
ing goods to or from Canada, but few genuinely residents loudly preach tolerance… provided people
believe these counterclaims. agree with their values.
Centered on Bellingham Bay, Seacouver is bor- Seacouver has one of the highest rates of per
dered by water on two sides, the Canadian border capita coffee consumption in the United States,
to the north, and steep hills to the southeast. The although Seattle disputes this and also claims the
city, along with its suburbs and satellite communi- honour of "coffee capital." Seacouverites' love of
ties, expands east until the Olympic Mountains specialty coffee has enabled hundreds of independ-
and the foothills of Mount Baker. With space being ent shops to thrive in the city that also spawned
limited, as Seacouver’s population grew, the city multiple nation-wide chains, such as Apollo's.
experienced notable densification: building up There are also innumerable independent artisanal
rather than out. Numerous high rises and skyscrap- espresso roasters and cafés across the city.
ers feature prominently in its central neighbour- Sports have a lesser prominence in Shadow
hoods. Seacouver has a higher population density City, but the city is proud of its two local teams,
than many cities with a similar area. each of which has some following despite never
As land is at a premium, rents and hous- becoming league champions. The Seacouver Picts,
ing costs are high and those who cannot pay are a franchise of the National Football League, have
quickly displaced. Housing is often crowded, and played in the city since 1976. Starting in the mid-
residential areas are a mix of apartment buildings 90s, Picts fans began painting their faces blue and
and houses. There is constant pressure between waving foam swords in emulation of an award-win-
developers and the city to build over Seacouver's ning historical drama set in Scotland released at
numerous parklands or replace aging structures. that time. More recently established is the Seacou-
Affluent neighbourhoods demonstrate an opulence ver Ogres hockey team, belonging to the National
paid for by the city's booming technology sector. Hockey League.
While the city maintains an image of indus-
try and commercial activity, there is a high value


Districts Heartbeat of the City

Central Seacouver spreads north from the termi- Seacouver is meant to resemble any and every city
nus of the train line, running along the Nooksack in the Pacific Northwest, including not just ele-
River. Here is the beating heart of industry and ments of Vancouver and Seattle but also Victoria
culture of Shadow City. Numerous tall skyscrap- and Portland. But Seacouver is first and foremost
ers and corporate headquarters make-up the dense a city in the World of Darkness, with all the grim
urban skyline. Beyond the rows of office buildings baggage that entails.
are apartment towers offering expansive (and ex- Seacouver is an older city that is proud of
pensive) views of the cityscape. Also present are the its history and heritage. It prefers to repair and
most exclusive nightclubs, most expensive restau- renovate older buildings rather than build new
rants, and most exclusive boutiques. ones and lose its architectural legacy. Meaning
Surrounding the city proper are numerous that much of the city is old and worn: wiring is
former satellite communities, several of which have bad, lighting is dim, ceilings leak, sewers overflow,
been formally amalgamated into Seacouver. These walls have mold, and rats and other infestations are
once suburban hamlets and townships are heavily frequent. The above-ground power lines are subject
residential, with focused commercial areas. As the to frequent weather-related blackouts. The rain
city has grown, more central areas have followed and clouds make buildings and walls moss-covered
the trend of downtown and built upward, erecting and aged beyond their years. The overcast skies
multistory buildings and expansive condominium and rain-slicked streets pair with these looming
complexes. century-old buildings to reinforce the Gothic tone
Neighbourhoods on the western edge tend to of the World of Darkness.
be more prosperous, with some bordering on os- The city is also isolated. Surrounded by water
tentatious. Those with extravagant money buy large and mountains, Seacouver is dependent on the
lots with sizable yards or build custom homes that highway system. The mountains interfere with
fit their personal sensibilities. cellular phone signals and cell towers are sporadic,
The northern neighbourhoods try to retain a creating unsteady connections. Dropped calls or
quiet independence from the bustle of urban life. no signal pop-ups are frustratingly common. In the
These retain some semblance to their former com- rare years of heavy snowfall the city shuts down:
munity, while still being integrated into the city buses and trains cannot run, the highways become
proper through transit and highways. They want to blocked, and planes are grounded. Mudslides will
remain quiet towns while also benefiting from easy also sometimes seal off the city to the south.
access to urban amenities. But the problems of the Poverty and disenfranchised youth feed a pro-
big city still invariably spread out to them. nounced punk rebellion. The region has a history of
angry teens finding a voice through music or pro-
test. In a city surrounded by nature there is also a
strong ecological movement, protesting the lumber
and fishing industries that drive the local economy.
With few routes to prosperity, people turn to gangs
or drugs. Others rebel against corporations as well
as the establishment or the conservative values of
the older generation. Graffiti and street art is com-
monplace, denoting territory or declaring political

Chapter One: Welcome to Shadow City

Game Lines Hunter the Reckoning

While primarily designed for vampires the nightly As Seacouver has grown, so have the number of
stories of their unlives, Shadow City can serve as monsters drawn to humanity. Heightened tensions
a setting for multiple different types of Chronicle. and stress over housing, rising food costs, and the
Supernatural beings of all types can be found in like attract spiritual beings that feed on emotion
the city, each with their own stories and focuses. or that seek experiences of the flesh through pos-
session. And the more restless and unhappy people
Vampire the Masquerade are forced together, the greater chances their souls
The default history of this book presents Sea- will not find peace with death.
couver as a former Camarilla city that fell to the When there are numerous overlooked deaths
Anarchs and may or may not have been reclaimed dismissed as bizarre accidents or isolated incidents,
by the Ivory Tower (depending on the needs of the there are even more survivors: secondary victims
Storyteller). Chronicles can focus on reclaiming the whose lives are ruined but not ended. Survivors
city for one sect or the other, or maintaining the who will seek vengeance or to protect others from
stalemate. suffering the same misfortune.
With its many corporate offices and large art Far from the state and national capital, Seacou-
community, Shadow City attracts both Ventrue ver is easy for larger government agencies to over-
and Toreadors, while the youth rebellion and po- look. The smaller numbers of blank bodies make
litical activism draws members of the Brujah clan. the city a lesser priority for FIRSTLIGHT and
The ample smuggling and constant traffic of illicit even the FBI. And a societal distrust for author-
substances has also earned the attention of the ity figures means many attacks or encounters are
Ministry and certain members of the Hecata. With unreported. Few people look into these "isolated
homelessness comes substance abuse and mental incidents'' apart from independent hunters. Doubly
illness, leaving an ample niche for Malkavians. so for the numerous street kids, unhoused indi-
With a population of 2.5 million, the greater viduals, and people drifting through town along
Seacouver area can easily support a couple dozen the highway: nobody else is willing to protect the
Kindred, if not two or three times that number. As tent neighbourhoods and forgotten peoples of the
the city’s population has swelled by over a million Pacific Northwest.
in the last four decades the number of
potential Kindred has almost doubled,
allowing opportunities for fledglings to
be sired and claim uncontrolled blocks as


Werewolf the Apocalypse

Garou have long been in the area of Belling-
ham Bay, associated with the Lummi People
of the region. The Ghost Council in particular
was common, but Hart Wardens and Silent
Striders also have a long history nearby the
bay. In recent years, with the focus on social
justice, the Black Furies have founded a strong
presence in the region. As local grey wolf pop-
ulations were nearly eradicated from Wash-
ington state, some Red Talons are working to
encourage surviving packs from neighbouring
states to move westward. While a few packs
have successfully relocated, wolf populations
remain more common in the eastern half of
Washington state.
At the south end of the city is Squalicum
Caern—a source of natural power atop a tall
foothill, which the Garou defend at all cost.
With land at a premium, developers hungrily
eye that real estate. The tall slope offers a
commanding view of the city, making it desir-
able for expensive condos or opulent man-
sions. Other forces seek to exploit the power
of the caern, corrupting it for the Wyrm or
the Weaver.
As a center of industry at the edge of a
large expanse of natural land, Shadow City is
a prime battleground for the Garou against
the Wyrm. In addition to the logging industry
that continually cuts deeper into old growth
forests, there are numerous exploitative and
dangerous companies with offices in Sea-
couver. The growing population of the city
regularly threatens to expand into more green
space or build over the existing parkland.
Fishing and whaling industries threaten the
marine ecosystem.

Chapter One: Welcome to Shadow City


Chapter Two:

a history lesson
Through a Glass as a secondary western terminus of the Northern
Pacific Railroad. This came after Grainville, British
Darkly Columbia (now Vancouver) was selected to be the
terminus of the Canadian Pacific Railway. The

owners of the Northern Pacific Railroad, seeing
he city of Seacouver exists in a slightly the opportunity for cooperation (and maintenance
different World of Darkness. An alternate of their rail monopoly), convinced the CPR to
reality or variant timeline if you will. One connect the two lines through the Sumas Prairie
where Seacouver sprung up between Seat- northeast of Bellingham Bay. A terminus branch-
tle and Vancouver; these other cities might be slightly ing off the tracks created an alternate port, leading
smaller or the Northwest coast just more populous to the founding of Seacouver.
than in our world. Because of this divergence, a brief The city began as the consolidation of Belling-
description of the events of this alternate history are ham, Fairhaven, Sehome, and Whatcom, taking its
warranted. name as a portmanteau of the name of the First
Set on Bellingham Bay, the area that is now Nations chief, Si'ahl, and Captain George Vancou-
Seacouver was long home to the Lhaq'temish—or ver (whose name also graced Fort Vancouver in
Lummi People. Bellingham Bay was so named what is now Portland).
in 1792 by George Vancouver after Sir William In 1858, the city became a transport hub, ow-
Bellingham, Controller of Storekeeper Accounts ing to hopeful people travelling through the city
for the Royal Navy. The first European immigrants in search of gold. During the Fraser Gold Rush
settled near Bellingham Bay in 1852 when Russel over 25,000 men (mainly from California) moved
Peabody and Henry Roeder set up a lumber mill through Seacouver on their way to the Fraser
at Whatcom, now a neighbourhood in southern Canyon. Many miners and prospectors relied on
Seacouver. Lumber cutting and milling is still Seacouver and its supplies. This was echoed in the
common in Whatcom county, with WashFor (or Klondike rush of 1898, where Seacouver experi-
Washington Forestry) having its central office in enced mass resignations of civil staff leaving to
Seacouver. join the gold rush. This included members of the
The city of Seacouver was incorporated on city council, a couple dozen police offices, and a
November 12, 1884, following its selection in 1879 significant percentage of the city's streetcar drivers.

Chapter Two: A History Lesson

Most had no experience in the the lumber company WashFor

mining industry—being clerks sending men to their death on a
Below is a brief timeline of Hu-
or salesmen—and many did not weekly basis.
man and Kindred history relevant
return home. During World War II,
to Seacouver.
During the height of the rail- Seacouver became a center for
road construction and expan- production of materials destined
1879 sion, many immigrant families for the war effort, especially in
Selected as the second west- and single men moved to the the Pacific theater. Much of this
ern terminus of the Northern Pacific Northwest. This influx war effort focused around the
Pacific Railroad. further increased in the after- local arms manufacturer, Nas-
math of a fire in 1890, which trum Enterprises. This changed
1883 damaged many structures in the the demographics of the city, as
University of Western Wash- downtown core. While known African Americans and Latino
ington is founded as the Great Burn, the damage individuals moved to work in
full voting rights were given of the fire was minimal and the its factors, as did numerous
to women. as a result, black reconstruction and redevelop- European refugees. Meanwhile,
women in Washington became ment was prompted by similar virtually all members of Seacou-
the first black women to vote fires the prior year in Spokane, ver's Japanese American commu-
in the United States. Over- Seattle, and Vancouver. The sub- nity were deported to detention
turned in the courts in 1887 sequent reconstruction resulted camps and their property and
in waves of workers flooding the possessions seized.
1884 region. Construction workers In 1962, Seattle hosted the
Formally incorporated as the were so common that during the World’s Fair of 1962, which
city of Seacouver early decades of the 1900s there brought international attention
Seacouver Public Library opens was a significant imbalance to Northwestern Washington,
in the ratio of men to women. further boosting Seacouver’s
1886 Despite the smaller population booming post-War economy.
In Seattle, mobs forces hun- of women, the population explo- The city focused on an ambi-
dreds of Chinese residents to sion was staggering: at the start tious program of urban renewal,
the docks for "deportation.'' of 1880 there were only 1,100 heavily funded by federal grants.
Soldiers and sheriff 's depu- residents of Seacouver but by Large sections of Downtown
ties intervene and five men 1890 this jumped to 19,000. were reconstructed, with tall
are wounded. Many families The Great Depression hit skyscrapers filling the urban
relocate to Seacouver Shadow City hard, with exten- areas. Meanwhile, the city also
sive unemployment. However, focused federal funding on over-
1888 the grain trade and lumber hauling and expanding its tran-
Seacouver Sentinel newspaper industry continued strong. The sit system, including a lengthy
founded. city’s mild climate attracted light rail network that would
workers from across the con- take decades to complete.
1889 tinent, who established large At this point, Seacouver
Seacouver General Hospital camps of transient workers. was still almost 80 percent
opens and the Seacouver Po- Many of these labourers found Caucasian. The overwhelming
lice Department is formed. employment in the riskiest jobs majority of it black population
of the lumber industry, with had been pushed into Ferndale


through segregationist housing to immigrate to Canada, which

and zoning policies. In the mid- was easier due to several factors. 1890
60s, voters repeatedly defeated However, those more interested The Great Burn damages the
the "open housing" ordinance, in living in the United States business district but causes no
which remained acceptable until illegally made their way across deaths.
after the assassination of Doctor the border to Shadow City, Business and political leaders
Martin Luther King Jr. notably boosting the population form an association to help
In the 1980s, Seacouver be- of Asian Americans. rebuild the city. During the
came a center for the technologi- The 1990s ended with Seat- reconstruction, local Nosferatu
cal industry. Numerous tech and tle's bid for global attention as arranged tunnels and warrens
software companies sprung up they hosted the World Trade to be constructed.
within the city limits. Even com- Organization Conference. This
panies founded or headquar- did not go as planned, as the 1897
tered elsewhere established large city became the site of a con- Seacouver is claimed by Prince
offices or campuses for their frontation between the anti- Gracen for the Camarilla.
activities, including NikNak globalization movement and the The steamship Portland comes
Computing. WTO. Police and other forces south loaded with gold, ignites
In the late ‘90s there was from Seacouver were dispatched the Klondike Gold Rush. Busi-
overseas tension due to the to provide assistance, leading to ness generated by supplying
nearing transfer of Hong Kong’s local demonstrations in support prospectors brings great gains
sovereignty from the United of the protests quickly growing in wealth and population to
Kingdom to China. Many out of control. the city.
residents of Hong Kong chose
The Washington State Con-
stitution was permanently
amended to grant women the
right to vote

A confrontation between
sailors and an Industrial
Workers of the World speaker
during Seacouver’s Potlatch
Days festival leads to two
days of rioting and fistfights.
No deaths are reported, but
injuries and property damages
are extensive.

The Spanish Flu epidemic
takes 1,600 lives in Seacouver.

Chapter Two: A History Lesson

Eras of Play '80s Nights
Chronicles need not be set in the The ‘80s were a time of business
The new Seacouver City Hall is growth but financial tension, as
completed. present; it is incredibly easy to
place stories in the recent past. the nation suffered from a severe
Some Storytellers prefer to set recession. Echoing this unease,
1942 as the Cold War heated up there
Japanese Americans in Seacou- Chronicles in earlier decades
to allow the Player Charac- was growing tension and fears
ver are ordered to evacuate the the world might end.
city. Over the course of WW ters more time to grow from
fledglings into neonates or take Chronicles focused on
II, more than 6,000 Japanese this period can emphasize the
Americans from the Seacou- advantage of interesting histori-
cal events. Or simply the desire resumed fears of the apocalypse,
ver area are held in detention with the initial appearance
centres. to play in a world without cell
phones and the omnipresent of thin bloods who might be
internet. A simpler time, if you initially dismissed as rumour
1943 or myth: "Kindred able to walk
Nastrum Enterprises, a missile will.
With an invented city like in the sun or have children?
and aircraft manufacturer, Preposterous." Or immortal
establishes its corporate head- Seacouver, it’s also possible for
Kindred PCs to be more active Kindred wondering if they could
quarters in Seacouver. survive nuclear war and what
in the development of the city,
initiating construction projects they would feed upon if they
1944 did.
The Second Anarch Revolt liber- and redevelopment that change
a neighbourhood over time. Business and greed is a major
ates Los Angeles. theme of the 1980s. As ten-
Player Characters might restore
a city block, demolish a rival’s sions with the USSR increased,
1945 there was a reactionary focus
Anarchs established an Anarch property, establish a major thea-
tre, blow up city hall, or rebuild on capitalism and the American
Free State across southern and way. Renewed patriotism and
central California. the central branch of the library.
They can get involved in local nationalism was paired with
politics, forcing a mayor out of consumerism, embodied by the
1947 sudden rise of shopping malls.
Anarchs claim Seacouver, dis- office or gaining control of a
member of the city council. In Chronicles, Camarilla politics
placing Prince Gracen, who goes and Kindred financial interests
into exile. With this in mind, the fol-
lowing is a brief description of can echo this cutthroat business
the major "themes" of the last environment. Younger ambitions
1948 Kindred struggle against their
The Status Perfectus is written few decades. While it is exceed-
ingly simplistic to reduce a real older mentors, proving their
by Jeremy McNeil and Salvador worth via hostile takeovers and
Garcia. world span of time into tropes,
it is useful as a Storyteller for boardroom deals. These young
developing themes for a Chroni- urban professionals (or "yup-
1949 pies") rejected the hippie life-
Seacouver is hit by a 7.1 magni- cle..
styles of their parents, or were
tude earthquake. Fourteen lose former free spirits who became
their lives and the damage to disenfranchised with that move-
the city is devastating. ment as they grew older. This
could be emulated by a group of


former Anarchs abandoning the '90s Nights

Movement in favour of Camaril- Being created in the ‘90s, al- 1950
la, while also trying to take over ready Vampire the Masquerade Seacouver International Air-
the sect in the city, showing the embodies many of the traits of port opens.
older Kinded their worth. this era, such as the rejection of
Beyond the corporate high the bright colourful mainstream 1958
rises, the excessive wealth led in favour of dark, gritty subcul- Seacouver Opera founded.
to a number of recessions in ture—slick fantasy subsumed Atop the Grand Opera House
the middle of the decade that with grim reality. is a large restaurant offering a
fuelled counterculture move- Like Seattle did in the early view of the bay and downtown
ments. The division between 1990s, Seacouver briefly became core.
the wealthy and those they were a center of a new musical renais-
exploiting became increasingly sance as Grunge swept the na- 1962
apparent: workers laid off to tion. Sleek, manufactured bands The Seattle World’s Fair
maintain stock prices or as the with makeup and stage costumes attracts investments and de-
result of mergers and buyouts. gave way to twentysomethings in velopment to the entire Pacific
The youth of the era increasingly flannel. A generational shift that Northwest.
rejected the slick artificiality of likely allows younger Toreador
mainstream culture, feeling al- to get rich while older members 1965
ienated and unseen. A group of of the Clan of the Rose recoil at The Anarch Free States repel
young Kindred being used and the "ugly" music and fashion. a full-blown Sabbat crusade.
cast aside resulting in increased With the West claiming vic- The Camarilla moves to take
Anarch sympathies thematically tory in the Cold War, the costs advantage of the chaos, at-
fits the era. of the war could be evaluated: tempting to reacquire Seacou-
In Seacouver, this can be the effects of unregulated capi- ver.
represented by the potential rise talism and unrestricted spend-
of Prince Mikelson, a cutthroat ing on the military-industrial 1967
Gangrel businessman that ap- complex could be weighed and The Seacouver Aquarium
proaches corporate politics like judged. As this conflict ended, a opens its doors.
a predator looking for easy prey. period of prolonged peace filled
Characters could support him in the decade, but instead of relief 1968
his rise to take Shadow City and there was a paradoxical sense of After years of jockeying and
push out the longtime Anarch ennui and absence of purpose. intrigue, Toreador Leon Adri-
factions. Or the coterie could be Those coming to age at this time ans declares himself Prince.
rivals trying to fight "the man." were—in the words of an author His claim is disputed and
possible chronicle
of the period—the "middle chil- ignored by the Anarchs.
dren of history."
This ending of an era con- 1971
■ Greed Is Good tinues the "looming apocalypse" The first Apollo's cafe opens in
■ It’s Not Personal, Just Busi- theme from the 1980s, being Seacouver.
ness used to emphasize the uncertain Environmental group Green-
■ Freedom Brings Opportunity future. There is unease over the wave founded in Seacouver.
shifting status quo, not only Many members are suspected
among elders but also neonates of being lupines.
who are unaccustomed to major

Chapter Two: A History Lesson

societal changes. While it is not increasing push back against

1972 meant to start for some years, corporate and globalist efforts
Student riots break out the initial rumblings of the climax in the Seattle riots of
between police and stu- Ghenna War could begin at this 1999, which were mirrored by
dent activists engaging in a time, with the Sabbat beginning protests in the northern city. A
"smoke-in." to abandon territory and shift- possible capstone to the dec-
Across town, Prince Adrians ing their focus to nomadic packs ade (and good cover for a coup
is presumed killed, assailants to better strike at their enemies. against a Prince).
unknown. This echoes the theme of transi- Environmental causes also
tion, as the new century starts took prominence in the '90s.
1975 while the old world ends. While the modern environmen-
Gerald D. Mikelson declares The youths of this era fre- tal movement started in the
Praxis, potentially becoming quently reject the values of their 1970s, it became more main-
Prince of Seacouver parents, both the greed of the stream in the '90s, with kids’
‘80s but also the optimism of cartoons portraying corporate
October 1976 the ‘60s. However, few causes or polluters as villains and fears
Seacouver's new professional counter values replaced these old over global warming and the
football team, the Picts, plays beliefs. It was often rebellion for hole in the ozone layer more
its first regular-season game. the sake of rebellion. Financial common knowledge. While
success was seen as detrimental Kindred are less likely to be con-
1979 by many: a sign someone "sold cerned over pollution, this could
NikNak Computing moves out" or compromised their val- be embodied in a rise in lupine
headquarters from Albuquer- ues or vision for commercial or activity. This can present were-
que, New Mexico to Wash- mainstream popularity. wolves as unpredictable antago-
ington. This generation gap can nists, or tense potential allies by
be emphasized by focusing younger Kindred also concerned
1980 on Anarchs rebelling against about the environment.
Mount St. Helens, located older Kindred. Unlike in the
possible chronicle
176 miles south of Seacou- ‘80s—where Anarchs can work
ver, erupts. It is the most best as disenfranchised former
catastrophic volcano eruption members of the Camarilla— ■ Never Sell Out
in United States history. 57 these Anarchs might never have ■ Fight For What You Believe
people lose their lives. belonged to the Ivory Tower. ■ Question Authority
They were Embraced into the
1982 Movement. In Seacouver, the
Hallahan Fishing Company
incorporated, a fishing and
whaling company, is founded.
Over the next two decades it
dramatically increases in size.

The annual Seacouver Interna-
tional Film Festival begins.


Tabletop gaming company Ma-
gicians of the Bay is founded
in Seacouver. MotB is known
for their card game, "Buy More
Sorcery," released later in the

Magicians of the Bay buys LSD,
Inc. and acquires the Laby-
rinths & Lamiae RPG ruleset.

Chinese Kindred begin an
incursion into the Anarch
Free State, establishing the
New Promise Mandarinate.
This destabilizes much of the
Free State by turning Anarchs
against each other.
'00s Nights The Banu Haqim methuselah
In North America, this decade is dominated by the War on Terror Ur-Shulgi awakens, breaking
along with increasing political division between the Left and the the Blood Curse and reinstating
Right. A divisive election drew renewed attention to partisan politics, the strict doctrine of the Path
with the schism between the two American parties growing more of Blood. This causes a schism
tense following the Cold War: with no foreign enemy to drive na- among the clan, leading many
tionalism and unity, the two factions fully turned on each other. For to defect to the Camarilla or
a brief time, Democrats and Republicans put aside their differences Sabbat.
following the attacks of September 11th, but this was short lived.
A major theme of this era is paranoia and fears of government 1999
overreach (bordering on fascism) contrasting with threats of new The majority of Gangrel secede
attacks and the safety of the nation. Freedom versus security. While from the Camarilla, joining the
Kindred seldom shape or guide human history, they take advantage Anarch Movement.
of events as they transpire. Anti-terrorist task forces were manipu- Riots in Seattle occur over the
lated to attack enemies as human fears of extremists were exploited. World Trade Organization
(Unknown at this time was that these actions would arouse extant conference.
suspicions of "blank bodies," leading to the rise of the Second Inquisi-
tion.) Similarly, "counterterrorist maneuvers" became an excellent 2002
cover for eliminating rivals or supernatural incidents. Meanwhile, tax The Seacouver Ogres hockey
dollars and government contracts earmarked for security expenses team joins the National Hockey
might stealthily be appropriated by ambitious Kindred to enrich League.
personal fortunes.

Chapter Two: A History Lesson

In the wake of the 9-11 ter-
rorist attacks, the Camarilla
feeds information about the Financial instability was a and the Camarilla spread across
Sabbat to government agen- common theme of the decade. North America then Europe.
cies, using the mortals to burn Investment in internet technolo- In Seacouver, technology
the rival sect. gies and websites proved risky as companies rise and then col-
the "dot com bubble burst" fol- lapse as unprofitable businesses
2004 lowed immediately by high gas propped up by continual invest-
The NSA discovers and pen- prices and investment fears after ment prove unstable. There is a
etrates SchreckNET. 9/11. Concerns over the high pronounced spike in unemploy-
cost of the war preceded a severe ment, as jobs vanish overnight.
2005 recession caused by economic Meanwhile, anti-war protests
The Sabbat begins a mi- deregulation and dubious invest- become common as does youth
gration, starting what will ments. Fortunes were made and activism. This is focused on
be known as the Gehenna lost with this global financial businesses like Nastrum En-
Crusade. Sabbat cities slowly crisis, as banks collapsed and terprises, who earn lucrative
empty out over the span of firms "too big to fail" received government contracts supplying
the next decade, as the Sab- government bailouts. arms for the War on Terror. The
bat are targeted by mortal In the World of Darkness, the Week of Nightmares and rising
hunters or focus on their blood cyclical apocalypse reaches its of Ur-Shulgi disrupt centuries of
war. climax with the presumed death status quo, potentially upend-
of an Antediluvian. An eerie ing decades of scheming from
2006 red star glows in the night sky, Elders. The future is unknown
The book Anarchs Unbound is pushing increasing paranoia as and the unknown is terrifying.
officially banned by the Cama- the Sect Wars heat up. The Sab-
rilla. Warnings are issued over bat takes this as a sign to strike possible chronicle

Camarilla members mingling at the Methuselahs and other tenants

with the Anarchs of the Red puppets of Antediluvians aban-

Question. doning much of their territory. ■ Freedom Over Security /
British anti-terror unit SO13 With remaining Sabbat cities hit Security Over Freedom
begins the sterilization of hard by the Second Inquisition ■ Avoid Collateral Damage
London. This will continue for and others abandoned, the West ■ You're Either With Us or
the next seven years. Coast conflict between Anarchs Against Us


Modern Nights run contrary to your prerequi-

Without the benefit of site world view or contradict
your values. The Tremere Prime Chantry
decades of hindsight, it’s hard in Vienna is targeted and
to categorize the 2010s, let alone This has heightened partisan
political bickering in the United destroyed by mortal hunters,
more recent years. assisted by sorcerers.
A common theme is that States, leading to a series of
ineffectual governments more Anarchs take the opportunity
technology has become more to claim several former Sabbat
present and dehumanizing, with interested in maintaining power
and attacking their rivals than cities or conquer weak Cama-
social media leading to increased rilla domains.
radicalization and intolerance. governing: political parties who
We are more connected than rely on largely unfounded fears
or manufactured outrages to 2010
ever, but no longer certain who The Seacouver Ogres make
is part of our "community" and garner votes rather than policies
or legislative accomplishments. the NHL playoffs. Following
thus who to empathize with. their loss, hockey fans riot
With information being so ac- In Seacouver, this is no dif-
ferent. There are many individu- along Downtown and the
cessible, misinformation and Five-Mile Run, setting numer-
conspiracy theories run ram- als driven by online conspiracies.
Conflicts over environmental ous cars ablaze and smashing
pant. It is both easier for secrets windows.
and conspiracies to leak, while issues are heightened, as many
also harder to believe things that people’s employment is tied to
the harvesting of natural re- 2012
sources—be it forestry or foreign The Brujah leave the Cama-
strip mining to find the rare rilla for the Anarch Movement
earth minerals needed for elec- after rebels led by Theo Bell
tronics. Intolerance is common: assassinate Hardestadt and
being primarily liberal, those Jan Pieterzoon at the Conclave
with differing views who do not of Prague.
abide by the accepted view- The Ventrue Clan declares
points are socially ostracized or open war on the Anarchs.
"cancelled." Those with moderate Kindred affiliated with the
or alternative views feel pres- Anarchs are expelled from
sured to conform. the Camarilla, along with
Like the '90s, which had an all Kindred above the 13th
end-of-an-era event with the generation.
9/11 terrorist attacks, the 2010s
firmly ended with the COV-
ID-19 pandemic, the effects of
which are still being felt (at the
time of this writing).

Chapter Two: A History Lesson

Alternate Banes
Banes are a defining element
of clans. Kindred are funda-
mentally individuals who may
adhere to or defy the stereotypes
of their clans, who may manifest
the common powers of their
bloodline or instead favour dif-
ferent abilities. But all members
of a clan share a common Bane.
2013 As time has passed, many
The Camarilla meets with the clan Banes have shifted as curses
Banu Haqim and the Setite have been broken or the founder
Ministry on the same night, of the clan has died. To make it
weighing the merits of their easier to play in eras other than
admission into the Camarilla. the present day, three alternative
The Ministry meeting ends Banes are presented below for
when a bomb destroys the clans whose weakness has been
hotel where the meeting is altered.
being held. The Banu Haqim
are admitted to the sect, while
Banu Haqim
the Ministry is rejected out of Prior to 1998, Kindred of the
suspicion. The Ministry instead Banu Haqim suffered under a
aligns with the Anarchs. Blood Curse inflicted upon the
clan by the Tremere. This Blood
2019 Curse prevented them from
Clan Lasombra is granted consuming vitae or committing
formal membership in the diablerie.
Camarilla after a vote in Chi- When a Banu Haqim drinks
cago. Many other cities follow directly from another Kindred,
suit and accept the Lasombra, they suffer superficial health
often with the requirement damage equal to their Bane
that one Lasombra must be Severity for each point of Hun-
sacrificed for each one admit- ger slaked. This damage is not
ted into the sect. halved and cannot be reduced
in any way. If the Banu Haqim
drinks stored or preserved vitae,
they must spend Willpower
points equal to their Bane Sever-
ity or vomit up the blood.


Ravnos Tremere
Before the Week of Nightmares Prior to the fall of the Prime
and the presumed death of their Chantry in Vienna a sizable
Antediluvian (or a Methusalah majority of Tremere belonged
of unique power) the Ravnos to a strict hierarchy, which
may have had a different Bane. their Blood innately respected.
Their Blood makes the Blood Bonds were ritually used
Rogues innately superstitious: to enforce compliance with
prone to good luck rituals or higher ranking members of the
compulsive behaviour during Pyramid—to ensure loyalty
times of stress or uncertainty. each Fledging was kept one step
For some, this might be an towards a Blood Bond with their
activity such as humming a sire. Vitae was also taken after
song, flipping a coin, counting the Embrace of a new member—
rosaries, or playing with a deck stored to further ensure compli-
of cards. Others find themselves ance.
inclined to tell needless lies, While Blood Bonded, Trem-
pocket a trivial object, or bet on ere add their Bane Severity to
the outcome of an event. their Bond Strength for all tests
When a Ravnos starts a scene to be defiant. Additionally,
and their Hunger is higher than Tremere can be Blood Bonded to
remaining Willpower, they feel multiple individuals at the same
compelled to engage in their time. They have be subject to
compulsion. Subtract a number an additional number of Bonds
of dice equal to their Bane Se- equal to half their Bane Severity
verity from all Physical and So- (rounded down).
cial dice pools, excluding those
related to performing their
compulsion. This cannot reduce
the dice pool below one. This
penalty lasts for the entire scene
or until the Ravnos performs
their compulsion for a number
of turns equal to half their Bane
Severity (rounded up).

Chapter Two: A History Lesson


Chapter Three:

the city

eacouver, Washington is located in Whatcom is almost half the state’s population.
County and is the most northwestern city in Mount Rainier is the highest point in the state
the continental United States. Just south of (at 4,392 meters or 14,410 feet), just one of several
Canada, its northernmost neighbourhoods volcanoes in the state. It became a national park in
are around 3 kilometers from the border (just under 1899, one of three national parks in Washington.
2 miles). Downtown Seacouver is 65 km (40 miles) Washington is home to 29 federally recognized
southwest from Vancouver and 125 km (80 miles) Native tribes with reservations. Each has its own
north of Seattle. government, traditions and culture.
Washington State grows the most apples in the
Common Knowledge US. It is also the second-largest wine-producing
Washington is one of only nine states in the USA region with more than 1,000 wineries and 60,000
that does not have a state income tax. But Wash- acres of grapes.
ington has a sales tax of 6.5% and Seacouver has Washington has the fourth highest rate of
additional sales tax of 3.5%, so every purchase is homelessness in the USA. Seacouver in particular
taxed by 10%. is experiencing a housing crisis, with rampant
Washington’s nickname is "The Evergreen State" homelessness.
because of the heavy presence of conifers, including 55% of Seacouverites hold a bachelor’s degree,
firs, hemlocks, and pines. More than half of Wash- far above the national average of 37%.
ington is still covered in forests, and these trees are Repeatedly in the last few decades, Seacouver
crucial to the state’s economy, being used to make has been ranked in the top 10 most expensive cities
timber, paper, and other goods. in the USA, below New York, San Francisco, Seat-
The population of Washington is close to 10 tle, and Honolulu. The median rent for a two-bed-
million. Approximately 4 million people live in the room apartment is $1,700, well above the national
Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue metropolitan area, which average of $1,100.

Chapter Three: The City

A rapidly growing city, the great-
Media Television
er Seacouver area has doubled its A sampling of a few forms of There are numerous local affili-
population in the last forty years. media in the Seacouver area are ates and national networks avail-
It is also an incredibly diverse included below. able in Seacouver, most being
city, with large populations of
tied to the major cable providers
visible minorities, especially Asian Radio KCWT-TV (Channel 2): A
Americans. There are a half-dozen FM radio network affiliate, and part of the
population stations broadcasting in and Omni Media Group. Airs local
seacouver population around Seacouver, including news and sports.
the usual mix of classic rock, KBAS-TV (Channel 7):
1981 510,700
country, and R&B stations Locally owned and ostensibly in-
1991 726,000
along with Chinese and Span- dependent, but relies heavily on
2001 831,200 local advertisers and sponsors.
ish language networks. Popular
2011 909,000 Seacouver Public Access
networks include:
2016 1,017,000 (Channel 10): Local, non-
KWEA (92.5 FM): Called
2022 1,056,800
"We FM," this network focuses commercial programming.
on Top 40 songs, especially com- Seacouver residents produce and
metro seacouver population
mercial pop from major labels. submit programming, ostensi-
1981 1,123,600 KWYM (100.3 FM): Also bly reflecting "the community's
1991 1,560,600 known as "K-Why," this network spirit." There is limited editorial
2001 1,886,500 does local and national news oversight.
2011 2,157,400 with heavy commentary. It has RED13 (Channel 13): Part
2016 2,373,900 a very pro-industry libertarian of the far-right broadcasting
editorial slant, and is partially company, RED Network. Pri-
2022 2,498,000
funded by the RED Network marily airing talking heads and
broadcasting company. "opinion" shows, with debatable
pan - ethnic groups
ethnic origin percent
news content. Offers limited
local news with a strong edito-
European 49%
rial slant.
East Asian 22%
seacouver dawn and dusk
South Asian 7%
Date sunrise sunset night length
Latin American 5%
Black 4% Jan 15th 8:00 am 4:40 pm 15 hours, 20 minutes

Middle Eastern 3% Feb 15th 7:15 am 5:30 pm 13 hours, 45 minutes

Native American 2% Mar 15th 7:25 am 7:15 pm 12 hours, 10 minutes

Other 2% Apr 15th 6:20 am 8:00 pm 10 hours, 20 minutes
May 15th 5:30 am 8:45 pm 8 hours, 45 minutes
Jun 15th 5:00 am 9:15 pm 7 hours, 45 minutes
Jul 15th 5:25 am 9:10 pm 8 hours, 15 minutes
Aug 15th 6:00 am 8:30 pm 9 hours, 30 minutes
Sep 15th 6:45 am 7:20 pm 11 hours, 25 minutes
Oct 15th 7:30 am 6:20 pm 12 hours, 10 minutes
Nov 15th 7:20 am 4:30 pm 15 hours, 10 minutes
Dec 15th 7:55 am 4:15 pm 15 hours, 40 minutes


Newspapers Economy top ethnic origins

ethnic origin percent
The printed press has a long Port Metro Seacouver is the Chinese 22%
history in Seacouver, and while ninth-largest port by tonnage
newspapers have struggled and English 19%
in the Americas and 33rd in the
shrunk in the 21st century, they Scottish 15%
world. As a diversified port, all
have not vanished entirely. Local Canadian 14%
manner of people and goods
papers include: flow through the city. Irish 11%
Seacouver Sentinel: Founded While forestry technically Indian 10%
in the late 1800s, the full-sized remains its largest industry, German 9%
Sentinel tries to be respectable Seacouver is well known as an French 6%
and maintain journalistic integ- urban centre. Large compa- Filipino 5%
rity, without an overt editorial nies continue to dominate the Ukrainian 5%
slant. Since the 1970s the paper business landscape, with three
has drifted slightly left, but is entries on the Fortune 500 seacouver religious
generally not as liberal as much list headquartered in Seacou- profile
of the city so the Sentinel feels ver: the coffee chain Apollo's, religion percent
“centrist” by comparison. NikNak Computing, and No religious affiliation 43%
Seacouver Sun: A daily tab- aerospace and weapons manu- Christian 39%
loid, the Sun has been a sensa- facturing company Nastrum Sikh 7%
tionalist populist paper since the Enterprises.
early 20th century, when it was Buddhist 3%
Tourism is also a big indus-
purchased by Hearst Commu- Muslim 3%
try. Shadow City holds numer-
nications. Following the Great Hindu 2%
ous film and cultural festivals
Depression the paper was sold. to attract tourists' dollars. The Jewish 1%
While ownership has passed Birch Bay neighbourhood has Other 1%
through many hands since then, an active waterfront port that Aboriginal spirituality 1%
the paper’s tone remains consist- supports fishing, whale watch-
ent. ing, and leisure boating while
Shadow Scene: An in- regular cruises depart from
dependently owned weekly the docks by Fairhaven. Lake
paper detailing cultural events Whatcom also hosts numerous
throughout Seacouver—typically boating events. Being just south
referred to by the nickname of the border, many Canadians
“Shadow City.” The paper is make day trips to Seacouver,
mostly written by rookie report- typically for shopping excur-
ers, but occasionally stories are sions when the exchange rate is
pseudonymously submitted by favourable.
more established journalists try-
ing to sell a story killed by their

Chapter Three: The City

Climate west sides, acting as a border for neighbourhoods.

It’s often more convenient to travel farther within a
Seacouver is known for its coffee and for its rain. neighbourhood than deal with the traffic and fight
Rain is omnipresent. Rain is a way of life. the lights to get to the other side of the 539.
On average, in the United States there are 205 Public Transportation in Metro Seacouver is
sunny days each year, while Seacouver sees only managed through a combination of buses and a
157. Seacouver receives some kind of precipitation series of light rail subways stations known as the
158 days of the year: on warmer years there can be SkyLink system, with tracks first laid in the 1960s.
more rainy days than sunny ones. It typically only The SkyLink is an evolution of a plan in the 1950s
snows between late November and early February, to build a monorail serving the city, expanding on
with an average monthly snowfall of 2-1/2 centime- the historic streetcars (initially horse-drawn and
tres (1 inch), but some years it only rains. Almost then cable cars) that served the populace.
everyone has a raincoat and waterproof boots, Work expanding the SkyLink system was
keeping an umbrella in their car or by their door— completed in the middle 1980s. The initial down-
however many residents dismiss umbrellas as only town stations were located underground (or, more
for tourists, reluctantly using one on days with accurately, below the street, as little tunnelling was
particularly heavy downpour. done) but transitions above ground to service the
The temperature ranges from a cool 22°C (72°F) rest of Seacouver.
at the height of summer, to 1°C (34°F) at the depths
of winter. However, the humid ocean air usu- The Underground
ally makes this feel chillier. The proximity to the
Following the Great Burn of 1890, much of down-
Pacific and Olympic mountains makes the region
town Seacouver was rebuilt, with new regulations
extremely windy, with gusts from the southwest
pushing for masonry to be used in construction of
often reaching 80 kph (50 mph).
lower levels. The city also used the reconstruction
Being one of the northernmost cities in the
to establish a larger sewer system to better manage
Contiguous United States, Seacouver experiences
its waste and minimize flooding. This eventually
notably longer winter nights and summer days.
led to the downtown core being elevated, with the
At the start of winter on December 22nd, the day
former ground floors becoming basements and
is barely over eight hours long, but this length is
remaining basements becoming sub-basements.
almost doubled on June 21st to over sixteen hours.
Some historic structures were raised by jackscrews
Getting Around to match the regraded streets, but others were not,
with former entrances hidden under layers of pave-
Interstate 5 cuts through Seacouver in a north- ment. This created a maze of underground streets
eastern direction, with State Routes 539 and 546 full of sealed storefronts and apartments roofed by
branching off the I-5 south of Downtown and SR pipes and sewer lines.
542 splitting off by the airport. SR 542 and 546 are The city quickly sealed and abandoned most of
connected by State Route 9, effectively creating a these tunnels for safety, but many were reopened
ring road around much of the city. by the homeless or used as flophouses, drug dens,
Route 539 runs north-south through Down- and speakeasies (especially during Prohibition).
town and is a major thoroughfare and landmark. Unsurprisingly, several Nosferatu have claimed
Having been expanded several times with ad- stretches of these tunnels, sealing up entrances or
ditional lanes to reduce congestion, the 539 is expanding further underground.
often reduced to a rush hour parking lot. Because
crossing the 539 can be such an ordeal, the highway
effectively divides the city into the east side and


These tunnels proved useful when constructing The Rack

the SkyLink train system, and some stretches of Numerous clubs and areas occasionally attract
the Downtown underground were converted into attention and become en vogue feeding spots for a
train tunnels. A few enterprising sewer-dwelling limited time. However, areas considered to be the
Kindred took the opportunity to reinforce or Rack in Seacouver have been consistent for several
secure their havens with a few subtle alterations to decades.
the blueprints. Others moved into storage or access five - mile run
points used during the years of construction but South of the Stadium is a series of sports bars,
forgotten afterwards. pubs, and nightclubs colloquially known as "the
Elysia Football Five Miles" or "the Five-Mile Run," as the
distance from the Nooksack River to the high-
Each of the historic Princes and Barons of Seacou- way—State Route 539–is roughly five miles (or 8
ver has their own Elysia, so there are few long- km). Post-game celebrations spill out of the Sta-
standing neutral areas in the city. Rare exceptions dium and move down the Run. Doing "the Football
include the Theatre Orpheus and—in recent Five Miles" is a joking reference to an extended bar
nights—The Asylum. There is reported to be a Nos- crawl from one end to the other. While it was once
feratu warren under Downtown that is considered possible to hit each bar in the Run in a single night,
an Elysia for members of that clan, their ghouls, the increasing number of drinking establishments
and invited Kindred. To the south, the Valentine has made this an impossible task for even the most
Massacre Speakeasy served as an Elysium during hardened drinkers or ambitious college students.
the reign of Prince Gracen, but in modern nights Even during the sports off-season, there are enough
its owner prefers other Kindred to avoid their concerts and events to fill most bars and provide a
domain entirely. steady stream of victims for Kindred.
Prince Adrians and, more recently, Prince old town
Mikelson have both used the Seacouver Opera as The old neighbourhood of Whatcom has long
an Elysium, holding court on the stage or in its el- been a poor neighbourhood, through both acci-
evated restaurant so as to gaze over their dominion. dent and design. Low rent and close proximity to
However, only members of the Camarilla tended to both the train yard and docks mean the area has
respect that location and Anarchs are not opposed long been filled with newcomers with nowhere
to civil disobedience in Eysia. else to stay. While this neighbourhood always at-
tracted some individuals with limited means, the
Depression and waves of itinerant workers drawn
to the milder climate and promises of work in the
forestry industry filled Old Town. The focusing
of social services in this area has centralized and
concentrated populations of unhoused individuals,
drug users, and people in need of social or finan-
cial assistance. This makes the area prime feeding
grounds for vampires and similar predators.

Chapter Three: The City


Chapter Three: The City

Neighbourhoods Fairhaven: The University campus and support-

ing businesses. Crowded with students 2/3rds of the
The city of greater Seacouver area is divided year and dead over the summer.
into 19 neighbourhoods, including a couple large Ferndale: Gentrified and filled with middle
satellite communities and numerous small farms class wannabe hipsters.
and ranches in the metro area. Several smaller Goshen: Older middle class families and retir-
suburbs were incorporated into the city over the ees who cannot afford the suburbs.
decades. Greenwood: Bleak concrete urban hellscape.
Hampton: Crumbling houses filled with
Stereotypes gangbangers, crack dealers, and people too poor to
Each neighbourhood in the city has its own per- move.
sonality, but also its own stereotypes. Assumptions Laurel: Wannabee Downtown filled with end-
made of its residents or its most common feature. less sports bars and sports fans drunk out of their
Alderwood: Tourists and tourist traps. Every- mind.
thing is overpriced and tacky. Lawrence: Warehouses, factories, and rail yards
Berthusen: Rural hicks with pick-up trucks with biker bars and trashy diners.
who think getting drunk and shooting gophers is Lynden: Nothing but grumpy isolationists who
an exciting weekend. pretend they're not part of Seacouver.
Birch Bay: Built for vacationing out on the Marietta: Lower middle-class. If residents are
water or golfing. Willow Hills (Eastern Birch Bay) not working at their two jobs, they're in church.
is a giant cemetery for people who like living with Neptune Beach: Suburb of new money and
a view of a giant cemetery. foreign money. Trophy spouses and large homes.
Custer: For people who like living next to giant Northwood: That place everyone forgets when
box stores while planes loudly fly overhead. listing neighbourhoods.
Dewey: Government bureaucrats and kinky Sudden Valley: Tech money and the oldest of
freaks or government bureaucrats who are kinky old money.
freaks. Victor Heights: Fairs and festivals every week.
Downtown: Offices and boutique shopping Fun neighbourhood to visit, but a loud place to
that becomes bars and nightclubs after sunset. live.
Everson: A suburb in all by name. Populated Whatcom: Drug users and sex workers and
by office drones who commute downtown and clog the homeless. And homeless druggie hookers. Plus
the highways. some docks and some warehouses and a rail yard.


Former industrial space, this neighbourhood is full Affair: 4, Full of tourist traps and local sights,
of squat red brick buildings that used to be facto- everything is overpriced.
ries, warehouses, and sawmills. This neighbourhood Association: 5, Historic buildings and iconic
is bordered by the Lummi Reservation to the west landmarks make this peak Seacouver.
and bisected by the Nooksack River. As industry Clout: 3, There is a heavy police presence but
shifted the factories were rezoned for residential tourists bring pickpockets. Despite the wealth, Alder-
use in the 1950s. Affordable rent and low property wood neighbours poorer and more dangerous blocks.
values attracted development, and the area evolved Utility: 4, Clean and well-maintained, but the
into a trendy neighbourhood during the ‘60s, with older infrastructure dates certain aspects and the
a booming art and music scene. While still full of year-round tourists makes it hard to close roads to
lofts, craft beer breweries, and indie shops, the replace pipes and wires.
neighbourhood is seen as expensive and overly Homestead Rating: 16, Tourists provide a ready
commercial: a "cool" neighbourhood only to out-of- stream of those willing to be entertained and an equal
touch Boomers. number of marks, granting +1 to Performance rolls
When the Opera House was built, more attrac- tests using Manipulation.
tions and tourist destinations were constructed
in southeast Alderwood, along with a few small grand opera house

museums, souvenir shops, and numerous ornate Built in 1958, the Opera House was positioned to
statues. Tourists are encouraged to stay on the overlook Downtown, Bellingham Bay, and Mount
"north side of the tracks" to avoid crossing the rail- Baker to the West.This landmark features an exclu-
way line and into the poorer stretches of Whatcom. sive restaurant on its fourth and fifth floors, which
But not all tourists follow this advice, and not all has been considered an Elysium on-and-off, with
make it home safely. two Princes and a few important Barons holding
gatherings from the location.

Chapter Three: The City

A small suburb at the very northern edge of Affair: 3, Primarily rural and suburban homes,
the city, above Route 546 and both Lynden and Berthusen is too remote and inland to attract the
Everson. Berthusen runs south of the Canadian wealthy individuals.
border. This community is a small series of houses Association: 2, Even with its connective highway,
some distance off highway along with small ranches the suburb is a lengthy drive from Downtown and
and a few acreages. The homes are mixed between major amenities. It is not serviced by transit or city
larger estates and small, older homes built half cab companies.
a century ago. There are also a few small, rural Clout: 3, Being remote and isolated, most homes
churches with attached graveyards and aging com- have security systems and owners are often armed
munity centers. and focused on home defence. Guard dogs are com-
As Lynden has spread up to the highway, there mon.
has been tension between the more rural Berthus- Utility: 3, Unincorporated and remote, the neigh-
en and the denser southern community, as well bourhood has limited infrastructure and old telecom
as pressure to construct footbridges over the busy and power cabling.
highway. Residents have also been under increasing Homestead Rating: 11, Locals tend to be stubborn
pressure from developers to sell their increasingly and proud granting pools using Resolve a +1 bonus.
valuable land. The reduced population density means rolls to hunt
or feed are made with a -1 penalty


Birch Bay
A frequent holiday stop for American and Cana-
dian tourists, historic Birch Bay is known for its
quiet waters and well-maintained beaches. Genera-
tions of Seacouverites took day trips "out to the
Bay." With tourist-related businesses establishing
themselves and retirees making their home here,
this township steadily expanded into a sizable
suburb, if not a small city. Birch Bay resisted being
incorporated into Seacouver for many years, finally
becoming a formal part of the city in the early
1980s. Many older residents still gripe about this
The eastern half of Birch Bay was briefly its
own small township before it expanded to join
Birch Bay in the late ‘40s. It’s informally known as
"Willow Hills" after the large cemetery that domi-
nates the center of this neighbourhood. While not
the oldest cemetery in Seacouver, it is the largest
and numerous graves and headstones were moved
here as the city expanded over older graveyards.
North of Birch Bay is the town of Blaine, which
sits directly on the Canadian border. The large
Drayton Harbour north of Birch Bay is sheltered by
the Semiahmoo Spit, which almost connects Birch
Bay with Blaine. Numerous small watercraft har-
bour on the inner side of the spit. The town council
of Blaine is stubborn in restricting new develop- Affair: 4, Wealthy residents and high property
ment and expansion, preferring their current size values make this a rich neighbourhood. The neigh-
and small-town atmosphere rather than expanding bourhood limits new business and development,
to become another suburb of Seacouver. restricting commercial growth.
seacouver aquarium Association: 4, A favourite local destination, the
A popular tourist destination and location for ma- Bay has deep ties to Seacouverite memories. Its rela-
rine research and animal rescue. The park opened tive distance does keep it slightly isolated.
in the 1950s and has been renovated several times, Clout: 2, Sleepy and safe, this neighbourhood
expanding its facilities. Despite its popularity and barely feels like part of the big city.
frequent visitors, the aquarium is regularly mired Utility: 2, At the edge of the city and closer to
in controversy over its housing of dolphins and Blaine than Downtown, the Bay is often overlooked
other cetaceans in small pools, as well as money it by politicians.
receives from the oil company Endron. Homestead Rating: 12, The veil is thin throughout
Willow Hills and necromantic magic comes easily,
conferring +1 to the pools of Oblivion rituals. The
deep shadows and sleepy atmosphere means much is
overlooked, granting a +1 to Stealth rolls.

Chapter Three: The City

This township was annexed by Seacouver in Affair: 2, Residential suburbia with limited com-
the late 1960s when the city shifted its northern mercial prospects and chains that send their profit
border to State Route 546, also annexing Lynden out-of-state to franchise owners.
and Everson. Custer was built following the Second Association: 3, Bordered by two highways and
World War during the postwar housing crisis, and connected via regular transit, the neighbourhood is
was heavily populated by former soldiers buying well connected to the larger city.
houses through government loans. While named Clout: 2, Large but lacking many landmarks or
after Albert W. Custer—an early settler of the unique draws, the neighbourhood is unmemorable. Its
region—because of the neighbourhood's military proximity to the airport also means loud planes rush-
history many mistakenly attribute its naming to ing overhead at regular intervals.
General George Custer. Utility: 3, The roads are well-maintained but the
Heavily residential, small businesses in this twisting roads make response times slow and cab or
neighbourhood have largely been replaced, first by delivery drivers reluctant to work the neighbourhood.
a sizable mall and then by big box stores and large Homestead Rating: 10, Regular planes are a con-
chain establishments. Fast food and chain restau- stant distracting imparting a −1 to Awareness tests. A
rants replaced independent locations, with even long history of military upbringings means residents
the bars seeming homogenized and samey. Smaller expect formality, imparting a +1 to Etiquette rolls.
boutiques have long struggled to make inroads into
the neighbourhood, which has been colourfully
described as a "mainstream franchise hell."
Owing to the nearby airport, the northwest
stretch of the neighbourhood running along the
highway is populated by hotels catering to travel-
lers, along with package distribution warehouses
and storage facilities. The roar of jet engines is
common at all hours, and irregular enough that
even longtime residents cannot always tube it out.
seacouver international airport
Over half the flyers using this airport are Ca-
nadian, driving down from Vancouver prior to
flying. Most flights departing from the airport go
to American destinations, such as Las Vegas, Los
Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Denver, and Seattle.


Also known as East Downtown, Dewey is the Affair: 4, There is sizable money passing hands in
political center of the city, housing the City Hall, this neighbourhood, but much isn’t on the books. The
police headquarters, city archives, and other legitimate galleries do not earn as much as galleries
official buildings. An emerging art district has elsewhere, instead focusing on "real art" rather than
taken hold in the area, driven equally by irony "selling" out to make a buck.
and grants, making this neighbourhood home to Association: 4, Underground train stations and
numerous edgy galleries, sex stores, fetish clubs, above ground pedways connect the neighbourhood,
burlesque and drag shows, and gay bars. Pride flags and bring people from across the city.
and rainbow stickers adorn most storefronts while Clout: 5, A political and cultural hub, money and
street performers and buskers claim each corner. In influence pulse through Dewey.
the early evening, it is not unusual to see a group of Utility: 3, An older neighbourhood built along the
office workers clad in uniform dress suits standing tracks, Dewey has a reputation for bad wiring and
alongside a leather-clad bear or an eclectically- frequent brownouts.
dressed artist. Homestead Rating: 16, The money flowing here
Residences here are often row houses and older grants a +1 to Politics and Finance rolls while the
apartment blocks, squished between the office tow- barrage of colours and people impose a −1 modifier
ers expanding from Downtown. Numerous build- Awareness.
ings have small storefronts on the ground floor and
apartments on the upper levels.
The Magadon Stadium is home to the Seacouver
Ogres hockey team. The Ogres have a fledgling
rivalry with the Vancouver Canucks and Seattle
Krakens. The closest they have come to the Stanley
Cup is the playoffs of 2010, where the team lost
4-0 in the semifinals, triggering a series of riots by
upset hockey fans.

Chapter Three: The City

Known for its buzzing nightlife, Seacouver’s Affair: 5, Expensive boutiques, restaurants, and
Downtown core is centered on the neon lights of clubs fill the streets while large businesses here make
Cornwall Street. Formerly part of State Route regular multimillion dollar transactions.
539, the thoroughfare was split to slow traffic, Association: 3, Trains run underground but
with Cornwall Street limited to local traffic and several streets are one-way or limited to pedestrians.
pedestrians. Large skyscrapers and corporate The high population density also makes traffic a
headquarters spread out along both sides of the nightmare during rush hour.
highway. By day, Downtown is a busy shopping Clout: 5, Security cameras are everywhere, found
hub of chain boutiques and luxury stores with food stop traffic lights and in most businesses. Meanwhile,
trucks feeding workers in the numerous offices and tall office buildings stretch high defining the Seacou-
corporate headquarters. Shoppers and diners head ver skyline.
to Eastgate Village—an expansive farmer's market Utility: 4, Expensive renovations and regu-
that offers eclectic dining experiences, local crafts, lar maintenance keep this neighbourhood working
and fresh produce. smoothly.
When the office buildings shut down, the small Homestead Rating: 17, With deals continually
nightclubs and raucous bars open. Unlike the clubs made, both in boardrooms and nightclubs, pools using
of Laurel these tend to be "private clubs" admitting Charisma or Manipulation have a +1 bonus, while the
members and their guests or have long lines with omnipresent security cameras impart a −1 to Stealth
bouncers carefully choosing who is admitted. These pools.
expensive and exclusive hotspots have even more
exclusive VIP backrooms, where the elite mingle.
Upcoming bands compete fiercely to play at the
current trending nightspot, knowing that record
producers are often in the audience, while larger
and more famous bands occasionally host surprise


Originally a census-designated township, Evenson Affair: 3, Wealthy middle-class homes keep prop-
grew around Nastrum Enterprises’ airstrip and erty values high, but the real money of the city lies
manufacturing facilities. It began as farmland and elsewhere.
ranches but quickly evolved into a small suburban Association: 3, Trains run underground but sev-
community of Nastrum workers. When it was eral streets are one-way or limited to pedestrians. The
formally incorporated to city in the 1960s, there high population density also makes traffic a night-
was a rush of development to expand into a family- mare during rush hour.
friendly community built around walking trails Clout: 5, Security cameras are everywhere, found
and detached single family homes. As wages shifted stop traffic lights and in most businesses. Meanwhile,
over the decades, Nastrum managers moved to tall office buildings stretch high defining the Seacou-
more elite suburbs while the workers were slowly ver skyline.
displaced to Greenwood and other lower middle Utility: 4, Expensive renovations and regu-
class neighbourhoods. lar maintenance keep this neighbourhood working
Everson remains a fairly affluent region of the smoothly.
city, with residents typically being upper middle Homestead Rating: 17, With deals continually
class, maintaining their status with long hours made, both in boardrooms and nightclubs, pools using
spent in demanding jobs in office towers. There's a Charisma or Manipulation have a +1 bonus, while the
common joke that the Downtown offices drain out omnipresent security cameras impart a −1 to Stealth
onto route 54: which is not untrue and rush hour pools.
is becoming increasingly congested. High housing
prices and strict homeowner’s associations main-
tain an elite attitude and prevent undesirable and
unsavoury elements from spreading into the neigh-
bourhood. Despite this, few residents are satisfied
with Everson, desiring to gain even more wealth.
New homes become available because someone suc-
ceeded and has moved elsewhere… or, more likely,
because they failed and lost everything.

Chapter Three: The City

While mostly associated with the University, Fair- Affair: 3, As a prestigious university, U-Dub at-
haven is also home to high end shopping, expen- tracts both investors and donors. But local businesses
sive pubs, small art galleries, and many Chinese focus on cash-strapped students.
restaurants. Innumerable book stores—both large Association: 5, The highway cuts through the
chains and small used stores—can also be found neighbourhood and transit-reliant students mean
throughout this neighbourhood. The few clothing Fairhaven has some of the most frequent and numer-
stores in the neighbourhood tend to be vintage ous bus routes in the city.
outlets or thrift stores, the latter catering to budget Clout: 4, In addition to local police, there is Cam-
conscious students. pus Security and ample security cameras ensuring
Bordered by the rough terrain to the south and the safety of the student body.
southeast, Fairhaven expanded out into the water: Utility: 2, The University receives a fair amount
running along the small cove to the south is a small of local and state tax dollars, but as much of the
floating neighbourhood of houseboats. population is poorer students—many from out-of-
Houses on the land tend to be large and expen- state—it is often ignored by the city council.
sive, but many have been converted into a series Homestead Rating: 14, Populated by academics
of three or four small suites to house university and book stores, Academics and pools including Intel-
students. A few old, large houses are Fraternity/ ligence have a +1 bonus.
Sorority houses with varying reputations. The
neighbourhood changes dramatically between
the summer and winter, as students depart after university of western washington

the academic year. Formerly crammed bus routes Founded in 1883, the University of Western Wash-
become empty and crowded pubs and cafes fall ington is one of the oldest universities in the West
empty. During the school year, bars tend to be and is the northernmost university in the contigu-
particularly rowdy, as youths with fresh fake IDs ous United States. Established just a decade after
and unaccustomed to drinking imbibe until they the city was founded. Informally known as U-Dub,
pass out. this large campus borders the greenery of the
University Grounds. The extended campus domi-
nates the neighbourhood, stretching far to the east
and south. The university is known for its Busi-
ness Management, Marketing, Social Sciences, and
Natural Resources and Conservation programs.
valentine massacre speakeasy
This semi-private club was established during pro-
hibition (which was established in 1914 in Washing-
ton state, five years before the Federal amendment
to the Constitution). Even after the sale of alcohol
became legal again in the 1930s, the owner pre-
ferred her club to be an open secret, with limited
signage and advertising despite the campus having
spread around the bar. Currently, the front room is
a quiet bar that services students and faculty with
the larger back rooms accommodating gambling
and limited prostitution.


Ferndale Goshen
Forming along the interstate, Ferndale is home to This sleepy neighbourhood exists for people who
many yoga studios, float parlours, cannabis dispen- want to pretend they do not live in the city while
saries, antique stores, and vegan restaurants. retaining proximity to urban amenities. His-
Ferndale began as a blue collar suburb of la- torically established as a separate suburb, Goshen
bourers working in Lawrence and Whatcom, many rapidly expanded to connect with the city just
being migrant workers, positioned safely across the a few decades after being founded. Commercial
river from the "real" Seacouver. Over the years, the space is constrained, with shopping limited to
city expanded around Ferndale and the area's cheap small upscale cafes and shops as well as a large local
real estate attracted developers and investors. As farmer's market.
the housing prices increased the neighbourhood's Sandwiched between Lawrence and Hampton,
demographics shifted. Once home to far more residents of Goshen are preoccupied with crime
minorities—especially pronounced Black and Latin and there are numerous neighbourhood watches
America communities—the increased gentrifica- and citizen patrols vigilantly on the lookout for
tion pushed out most of these residents alongside delinquents—typically targeting minorities and
the blue collar workers. those they feel do not belong. Meanwhile, opioid
The current population is mixed, with longtime addiction is silently spreading unchecked through
residents living alongside the "newcomers," who the neighbourhood and there are numerous grow-
themselves have lived in Ferndale for decades. The houses and meth labs run by longtime residents.
buildings are equally varied, with newer construc-
tion alongside turn-of-the-century structures.
No attempt was made to integrate the designs or Affair: 3, A mix of upper and lower middle class
match the excusing feel of the neighbourhood, homes.There are large expensive lots made less desir-
creating a jumbled, inconsistent tone. able with the limited local stores and commercial
Association: 2, Few key thoroughfares connect
Affair: 4, Historic buildings and those renovated Goshen to adjacent communities. Regular traf-
though gentrification make this neighbourhood fic lights discourage too many people from driving
wealthy but approachable. through the neighbourhood.
Association: 5, The highway divides the neigh- Clout: 4, The paranoid residents often have
bourhood but ample bridges and underpasses allow expensive alarm systems and do not hesitate to call
easy travel while numerous roads connect the rest of the police. Neighbours are vigilant, watching their
Seacouver. neighbours for signs of impropriety, danger or topics
Clout: 2, Security is lax and features like cameras of gossip.
and security systems are rare. The older buildings are Utility: 3, The lesser used roads are repaired and
often vulnerable to intrusion resurfaced less often, being in comparatively poor
Utility: 2, Aged infrastructure and construction condition.
requires constant maintenance. Just maintaining Homestead Rating: 12, Paranoia makes people
existing features and character is expensive, limiting here easily spooked, granting a +1 to Intimidate rolls.
improvements and new developments. −1 to all Stealth or Larceny rolls due to heavy Com-
Homestead Rating: 13, Residents are focused on munity Watch activity.
artisanal efforts, imparting a +1 Craft rolls, while the
aged infrastructure provides a +1 to Larceny rolls..

Chapter Three: The City

Home to one of the earlier covered malls in North Affair: 3, Residents spend much of their money
America, which opened in the 1950s, Greenwood on housing and little else. The neighbourhood seems
is predominantly big box stores and apartment dingy, covered in graffiti and drenched in flickering
buildings. The few bars in the area are quiet pubs neon.
that double as family restaurants during the late Association: 2, While well connected to the rest of
afternoon. Despite this—or likely because of the the city, most of Seacouver drives through Greenwood
oppressive and bleak residential space—Green- on there ways to other locations. The endless concrete
wood has become a haven for a growing punk spaces and bleak apartment towers layered with
resurgence in Seacouver. Disenfranchised youths decades of overlapping graffiti seem at odds with the
turn unrented homes or abandoned businesses into rest of the city.
short term clubs or hangouts before being driven Clout: 3, Crowded buildings with broken security
out and moving to another location. systems make the neighbourhood insecure. But there
In an effort to relieve housing prices in Down- are numerous police precincts, able to respond quickly
town and Laurel without replacing too many his- when summoned.
toric buildings, the height limit in Greenwood was Utility: 1, The older apartment buildings feature
repeatedly lifted, allowing taller and more tightly bad wiring, lead pipes, and asbestos insulation.
packed apartment and condominium complexes. Homestead Rating: 9, Rolls made hunt or feed
Despite its name, the neighbourhood has ironically are made with a -1 penalty due to the population
few green spaces, with limited yards in favour of density. Locals tend to be unflappable, and pools us-
larger condominiums. It is often home to those ing Composure have a +1 bonus.
who want to live "in the city" and avoid lengthy
commutes from the suburbs and satellite neigh-
For Kindred, Greenwood is typically avoided.
The box stores and apartment complexes are too
crowded and well illuminated to easily hunt and
there are fewer bars and dark alleys to find prey.
seacouver public library
The main branch of the Seacouver Public Library
relocated north in the 1920s. Originally, the down-
town branch shared space with city hall, but as the
bureaucracy expanded, it displaced the library and
new facilities were constructed. The building was
designed to look "classical" with arched windows
flanked by large columns allowing little sunlight
inside, giving the building a reputation for poor
illumination and dark corners


Built as a quieter middle-class neighbourhood in Affair: 2, Full of lower income housing that con-
the first decades of the 20th Century, Hampton tributes little in terms of taxes (or bribes), Hampton
features rows of large Edwardian homes. Partially and dismissed or ignored by the larger city.
funded by the Union Pacific railway, it was built Association: 3, Numerous roads run through
for the nouveaux rich of that era. Decades later, as Hampton and a major highway runs alongside the
gentrification took over Ferndale and Seacouver's neighbourhood. The inner blocks further from thor-
population boomed, wealthier homeowners in oughfares are more isolated, and traffic is slow.
Hampton slowly moved to newer and more "mod- Clout: 2, Crowded and under-policed. Some
ern" neighbourhoods, while the original owners blocks just do not bother calling 9-1-1 any more, while
retired to warmer climates or smaller dwellings. others rely on gangs for protection.
Larger homes were leased and rented out, often Utility: 1, Full of older buildings with bad wiring
converted into two or three suites, attracting rent- and lead pipes, with many repeatedly renovated
ers who could not afford full houses. without inspection or concern for the building code.
Hampton remains an older neighbourhood Homestead Rating: 8, Residents expect ample
with large buildings that are often rundown or in criminal and gang activity, and quickly learn people
need of repair. As the tone of the neighbourhood and places to avoid, granting a +1 bonus to Street-
shifted, more families left for neighbourhoods wise. Owing to the constant danger, folks are hardy
more accommodating to families. And those that and resilient, imposing a −1 on rolls using Intimida-
remained often did so because they had no choice. tion.
While mostly residential, there are a few commer-
cial strips along the larger thoroughfares. These
feature as many closed businesses as open ones,
with most protected by heavy barred windows.
The neighbourhood is noteworthy for featuring
more pawnshops and payday loan businesses than
grocery stores.
With the increased poverty came more crime
(although not as much is believed or reported). Ei-
ther as a result of the increased crime—or because
of reports of said crime—multiple gangs formed to
provide the safety (and bravery) of numbers. The
crime and fighting between these various youth
gangs has begun to spill out into adjacent neigh-
burned bridges bar
Placed near the border of Greenwood and Hamp-
ton, this bar is a watering hole for Greenwood's
increasing punk community as well as members of
the numerous gangs of Hampton. It is an unofficial
"neutral territory" for the various factions, with
weapons checked at the door and anyone disturb-
ing the peace forcibly ejected and denied reentry.

Chapter Three: The City

Seen as an extension of Downtown, the south- Affair: 4, Wealthy businesses and property taxes
ern border between this neighbourhood and the make this a valuable neighbourhood. The Area brings
downtown core is frequently debated and ever in ample money from concerts and sporting events.
shifting, as highrises and skyscrapers creep farther Association: 5, Several main roads lead to arte-
and farther north. rial highways and the gridded blocks allow easy
Running down the heart of the neighbourhood travel north and south.
is the stretch of bars, clubs, and restaurants along Clout: 2, Frequently crowded, during events it
18th Avenue, also known as the Five Mile Run. is often hard for emergency services to reach trouble
Also along this road is a series of strip clubs that— areas and politicians encourage officers to overlook
like all Washington strip clubs—are dry. Off the some "rowdiness" for the sake of good business.
main strip are indie boutiques and artisan coffee Utility: 4, The flow of tourists and successful
roasters alongside trendy eateries serving gourmet businesses ensure the roads and necessary utilities are
burgers and homemade pasta. maintained. Frequent renovations and gentrification
Laurel is currently experiencing notable gentri- also update the neighbourhood and its amenities.
fication, as properties are purchased for redevelop- Homestead Rating: 15, Waves of intoxicated and
ment, typically by larger businesses and corpora- celebratory individuals and visitors make this an
tions. Residents fight to keep their homes despite ideal Rack, and dice pools related to Hunting have
rising costs and the predatory actions of real estate a +1 bonus. Depending on the audiences that night,
developers. Athletics and Performance rolls made to entertain
might have a +1 bonus.

the asylum
Formerly a longstanding club known as the Blue
Onion, this structure was purchased in the late
2010s by a Therese Voerman as the recent northern
expansion of her burgeoning Santa Monica night-
club franchise. Neither Therese nor her twin sister
Jeanette actively manage the location.
seacouver arena
Currently the Circinus Centre Arena, this large
stadium changes its corporate sponsored name
every five or six years, so the town simply calls it
the Arena. The Arena hosts large concerts and
is home to the popular Seacouver Picts gridiron
football team. The Picts' colours are navy blue and
grey with an orange stripe. They have yet to win
the Big Game or even make the playoffs and have a
one-sided rivalry with the Denver Broncos.


This long neighbourhood stretches along the Affair: 3, While many locations are well-main-
Union Pacific Railroad, running along southern tained and pricey, there are many old factory spaces
downtown and Dewey before curving north and abandoned as refurbishing or cleaning up contami-
southeast around Squalicum Mountain. Lawrence nants is too expensive. Housing tends to have lower
has long been the primary industrial district of property values given the limited amenities.
Seacouver: several of the large manufacturing and Association: 3, Wide roads designer for trucks
software companies that operate in Seacover have and an adjacency highway connect Lawrence to
offices and factories in this district alone. There several main thoroughfares.
are also numerous warehouses, especially by the Clout: 3, Most of the industrial areas rely on
rail yards and along Interstate 5 that serves as the security guards more than police, with more affluent
border of Lawrence and Whatcom. centers having better security. With limited housing
The eastern sections of Lawrence have become or finished goods, crime is limited.
more residential than industrial while remain- Utility: 3, The money brought in by shipping
ing blue collar and strictly working class. There and manufacturing means this neighbourhood is
are numerous box stores and fast food restaurants prioritized for upgrades to water and power systems.
placed between sports bars and dingy pubs, along With so many small tech companies in certain areas
with a disproportionate number of used car lots. of the neighbourhood, internet cabling has also been
At the eastern edge of town are a few biker bars improved. But pollution and waste make the area
and motorcycle clubs. unpleasant.
Homestead Rating: 12, Supernatural ener-
gies from the Cairn interacting with the industrial
desecration infuse this area, adding +1 to Occult and
Animal Ken test as well as dice pools using Animal-

squalicum caern
Southeast of Dewey and north of Lake Whatcom is
Squalicum Mountain, a wooded hill dotted with a
few small ranch homes and hiking trails. Due to its
proximity to the wealthy downtown region, there
have been several attempts to develop this land
into suburban housing, which have all failed.
Unknown to most, the area around the peak is
a wellspring of natural energy, known as a caern.
It is sacred to lupines who fiercely guard the area
and use all their means to defend it from being
further despoiled. That they can see the factories
and industry of Lawrence and the urban sprawl
surrounding their caern feels like insult enough.

Chapter Three: The City

Affair: 4, A mix of residential and businesses,
This massive neighbourhood is typically divided
both small and large. Lynden is largely self-sufficient.
into East Lynden and West Lynden (or East-Ly and
Its relative distance from Seacouver proper also keeps
West-Ly respectively). Lynden was a town centered
property taxes moderately low.
on State Route 539, being officially named in 1870.
Association: 3, While connected by one highway
It soon expanded away from the highway in both
that cuts through the neighbourhood and bordered by
directions. As the edges of both East-Lyn and West-
another route to the north, the neighbourhood only
Lyn contain landmarks and have historic ties to the
has limited transit to other neighbourhoods.
early settlement, both resisted being renamed or
Clout: 3, Lynden strives for a safe small-town
formally subdivided. Modern attempts to split the
feeling, but its size makes this difficult. Residents lock
neighbourhood haven't been any more successful.
their doors at night.
Despite being annexed in the late 1960s resi-
Utility: 3, Pushing to be independent also limits
dents of Lynden still prefer to think of themselves
tax dollars and investments from reaching Lynden.
as separate from Seacouver: a city within a city.
Homestead Rating: 13, Fiercely independent and
They're proud of local businesses and many happily
proud, local attitudes grant a +1 to dice pools using
work and live in Lynden. Since the neighbour-
Resolve. Being suspicious and wary, there is a +1 to
hood has everything, they have no need to go into
Insight rolls.


A largely residential neighbourhood created during Affair: 2, Land value and property taxes are high,
a housing boom at the turn of the century follow- leaving limited money for luxuries and renovations.
ing the reconstruction of downtown after the fire. Association: 4, Marietta is close to Downtown
Construction workers came to the city in large and features numerous historic buildings. However,
numbers for that project, and when it was com- limited thoroughfares connect it to the rest of the city.
plete they needed more jobs and places to live. Ma- Clout: 4, Strong bonds of community lead to
rietta was originally zoned for single housing lots, neighbours looking out for each other and reporting
but areas were later rezoned for low-rise apartment suspicious activity.
buildings. Newer high-rise apartment blocks joined Utility: 2, Poorly maintained and aging, much of
them in subsequent decades, as Seacouver began the neighbourhood looks weatherworn and older than
densification. it actually is.
Local legend says that Marietta was paid for by Homestead Rating: 12, People in the community
people who found sizable money during the Klond- look out for each other and share concerns conferring
ike rush at the end of the 19th Century, but this a +1 bonus to Awareness pools. Social pools related to
has been disputed by local historians. However, the religion and spiritual matters also gain a +1.
actual initial funding of the neighbourhood is un-
certain and the subject to numerous local legends
and conspiracy theories.
Currently, Marietta is viewed as a lower income
neighbourhood, with residents varying from lower
middle class to struggling families barely mak-
ing ends meet. Seacouver is an expensive city, and
residents here work long hours or two low-paying
jobs to afford to live in Marietta. Homes are often
in need of repair and businesses seem rundown.
Vacant lots left after condemned houses were
demolished are often filled with mobile homes. De-
spite the limited wealth (or, perhaps, because of it)
there are a number of tight-knit communities of-
fering support of all kinds. Marietta residents often
volunteer at schools and come together for charity
drives. Church groups work with pooled resources
to help where they can.
The green space along the along the highways
and underpasses separating Marietta and Ferndale
has long been caught in a legal limbo of zoning and
ownership rights. Left fallow, a large series of tent
encampments has been established on the vacant
land by unhoused individuals. In warmer months,
this area threatens to become a tent city. The police
and private security forces often move in and dis-
place the residents, but they always return.

Chapter Three: The City

Neptune Beach
Originally a fishing neighbourhood, as this area
overlooks Puget Sound towards the San Juan
Islands. For many years, this land was sparsely
developed, being part of the Lummi Reservation.
Eventually, the Lhaq'temish were pressured to sell
some of their land for development, which includ-
ed the southern stretches of Marietta and Neptune
beach, including the marina on the southern spur.
Since its expansion, this suburban community
has always been restricted to the upper class and
wealthy with ocean-side homes or sizable inland
homes on large lots. The community has few defin-
ing characteristics beyond "wealth" with no domi-
nant architecture style among the houses. Many
wealthy Asian families have homes here, includ-
ing the children of rich foreign nationals, North
American residences for Asian business magnates,
and successful Asian immigrants.
pacific science centre
A museum and science centre featuring many
permanent interactive exhibits and displays, only
half of which are operational at any given time. The
centre has a large IMAX screen that shows a mix-
ture of edutainment films and mainstream movies:
locals joke that it is a movie theatre with a gift
shop and science centre. The Pacific Science Centre
is run by a nonprofit and operates from donations Affair: 4, Extremely high property values and
from wealthy patrons, but there are rumours it is wealthy residents mean the populace always has the
used heavily for money laundering. ear of developers and politicians.
Association: 1, Farther away from the city, this
neighbourhood is architecturally distinct and feels
disconnected from Seacouver.
Clout: 5, In addition to expensive security
systems and priority response times from emergency
services, many locations have private security forces.
Utility: 4, Both an affluent and newer neighbour-
hood, Neptune Beach has exceptional infrastructure
and facilities.
Homestead Rating: 14, Politics and Finance rolls
have a +1 bonus as do Charisma rolls for characters
with 4 or more dots in Resources.


Northwood expanded from Hampton as that Affair: 3, Full of lower middle-class residents,
neighbourhood grew during the first quarter of little power and influence resides here.
the 20th century. The neighbourhood is primarily Association: 1, Barely connected by transit and
single-family detached homes, mixed in with multi- not served by major highways. This neighbourhood is
family units along with both low-rise and mid-rise largely isolated.
tenements along the major transit corridors. Busi- Clout: 2, Slow response times and proximity to
nesses in the area are an even mix of big chains, more "dangerous" neighbourhoods make residents
smaller franchises, and independent stores. Many complacent over lesser violence and suspicious activ-
of the big chains relocated to newer and larger ity.
locations by the major transit corridors, allowing Utility: 3, The infrastructure and utilities of
lesser brands or family known businesses to move Northwood are firmly "adequate." Far from excep-
in, barely changing the outer facade. tional but recently established to be functional.
As one of the few neighbourhoods not con- Homestead Rating: 9, Being an overlooked part
nected to the rest of the city by either a major of the city adds a unique atmosphere to the neigh-
highway or the Skylink train, Northwood is bourhood. Dice pools using Obfuscate add +1 to their
considered "the boonies" by most of Seacouver. Not pools. Lacking the energy of other neighbourhoods,
part of the "real" Seacouver. Being harder and more roll twice when making a Rouse check to awaken
time consuming to reach—especially bordered by each sunset and take the lower result.
Hampton on the west—the neighbourhood is often
considered "quiet" or "sleepy." Some are sensitive
of this stereotype: defensive of the neighbourhood
and their status as Seacouverites. Others enjoy the
anonymity and complacency of residents. Regard-
less, the middle class residents stay there because
they have nowhere else to go, or because they enjoy
being isolated.
There is also a pronounced Muslim commu-
nity in Northwood. Refugees from a civil war in
Northern Africa settled in this city and established
a community centre in the neighbourhood, which
sponsors more immigration who settle nearby their
extended family. This community-within-a-com-
munity has taken ownership of an old school as a
makeshift community centre, holding athletics and
religious events for nearby residents.
For Kindred, Northwood is a paradox. Large
stretches are suburban—a challenging hunting
ground—but being isolated the response time for
police and emergency services is slower. The neigh-
bourhood is also close enough to Hampton that oc-
casional gunshots and attacks go unnoticed—or at
least go without comment. Residents are so eager
to be part of "the big city" that casual violence is
just accepted.

Chapter Three: The City

Sudden Valley
Tech money and wealthy retirees make up the ma-
jority of residents of the suburb of Sudden Valley.
Its claim to fame is featuring the largest home-
owner association in Washington state, if not the
Pacific Northwest. The area is far less developed
than it appears on most maps, with the homes
here featuring sizable grounds and surrounded by
woodland and small bike trails. Many homes are
not visible from the road, obscured by thick tree
cover and accessible through long driveways.
By the main roads are indie shops and hip bars
with a large Sunday Market featuring art, antiques,
and artisanal goods. But there are precious few
other businesses apart from the essentials.
niknak campus
Equal parts office space and semi-public park,
the campus was created as a hybrid of corporate
headquarters and greenspace. It has several cafes
and restaurants as well as fountains, plazas, and a
zen garden. Ostensibly open to the public, NikNak
security forces regularly eject people they consider
"loitering" or "causing a disturbance." There are ru-
mours the complex continues underground and the
"NikNak Bunker" is a common conspiracy theory
among locals.

Affair: 5, Expensive custom homes and high

property values give residents disproportionate power
and influence.
Association: 2, Only a few small roads lead to
Sudden Valley, and from those roads many of these
homes would be unseen.
Clout: 5, Private security guards and high-tech
security systems protect most of the homes in this
Utility: 2, Valuing privacy and independence, sev-
eral of these properties are only just connected to the
phone and power grids with limited sewer drainage
and cell service.
Homestead Rating: 14, Everyone in the valley
seems to be on the cutting edge, imparting a +1 to dice
pools using Science and Technology.


Victor Heights
A mostly residential neighbourhood interspersed Affair: 5, Expensive custom homes and high
with small commercial hubs. The Heights is one property values give residents disproportionate power
of the primary cultural hubs of Seacouver and and influence.
hosts numerous festivals and cultural events in its Association: 2, Only a few small roads lead to
numerous parks. The Seacouver Fringe is held in Sudden Valley, and from those roads many of these
the Heights as is Taste of Seacouver and the Street homes would be unseen.
Performer’s Festival. There are a myriad of small Clout: 5, Private security guards and high-tech
art galleries and theatres along with innumerable security systems protect most of the homes in this
souvenir stores and shops focused on assorted neighbourhood.
trinkets. Utility: 2, Valuing privacy and independence, sev-
Branching off 18th Avenue, is Yama Street and eral of these properties are only just connected to the
the start of Seacover's Chinatown. This is a hub phone and power grids with limited sewer drainage
for Seacouver's Asian-American community and and cell service.
features stores and restaurants highlighting the Homestead Rating: 14, Everyone in the valley
entire range of Southeast Asian cultures. There seems to be on the cutting edge, imparting a +1 to dice
are the usual dim sum, bao, and sushi restaurants pools using Science and Technology.
alongside karaoke bars and boba tea cafes as well as
a number of Korean and Filipino eateries. Chi-
natown has been in decline in recent years: the orpheus theatre

successful businesses and steady supply of tourist This mid-sized theatre with a troope who focuses
dollars helped the owners put their children or on performing classical plays and regularly per-
grandchildren through school. Now these success- forms Shakespeare in the Park during warmer
ful subsequent generations are focused on their months. A less well known secret is the attached
careers and have little interest in taking over the dining area is far, far larger that it appears on the
family businesses, especially not working seven blueprints, with back rooms and lower levels that
days a week like their elders. With no one to take seem to expand out for several city blocks.
over when they retire, many shops are just closing. The Orpheus and the surrounding streets are
firmly neutral territory, not just for Kindred but
all supernatural beings. The Orpheus is a watering
hole for all creatures of the night. The nature of the
owner is unknown, but suspected to be some kind
of fae being. While they permit Kindred to social-
ize, hunting in the theatre and surrounding area is
strictly forbidden and the management has never
permitted the Orpheus to serve as Elysium.

Chapter Three: The City

Whatcom ity was planned to occupy several small buildings

One of the city's oldest neighbourhoods, Whatcom offering dozens of rooms with beds and bathroom
is home to the Pacific Terminal railway station and facilities for temporary housing as well as mental
numerous docks and wharfs. The area north of the health and substance abuse therapy. However,
train tracks and along the docks remains a hub budget cuts meant the first wing of the complex
of trade, with busy warehouses and storage yards was constructed, leaving several empty buildings
operating almost around the clock. An endless and lots adjacent that became encampments for
stream of trucks funnel in and out of the What- the unhoused.
the tug yards
com, the lifesblood of trade throughout the Pacific
Northwest. South of the rail yard is the Old Docks. Early
Over the years, the city center moved north, attempts were made to turn this into an upscale
into what became the downtown core, leaving this Yacht docks, but the deal fell through and much
neighborhood older and less affluent. Whatcom has of the land lay fallow before being cheaply sold. A
disproportionately high numbers of unhoused in- number of massage parlours and cheap bars sprung
dividuals, along with poverty, crime, sex work, and up, giving the area the nickname "the Tug Yards."
substance abuse. The homeless and other displaced University students, especially those in fraternities,
individuals are pushed south through Downtown often take freshmen to the Tug Yard as an initia-
and up from the University neighbourhood of tion rite
Fairhaven, focused in this neighbourhood. The city
focused its shelters, care facilities, and treatment
centers in the middle area of this neighbourhood, Affair: 3, The warehouses and shipping bring in
which only exacerbated the problem by drawing lucrative money, both legal and illegal. The ample
individuals to this neighbourhood and ghettoizing smuggling does not produce much tax money, but
the neighbourhood. Beneath the overpasses and el- more than makes up for it with bribes.
evated freeway are expansive tent neighbourhoods Association: 4, Surrounded by roads and the rail-
During the recent real estate booms there have way while also featuring some of the oldest buildings
been some efforts to reclaim central Whatcom. in the city, Whatcom is Seacouver’s history. Albeit,
This has been resisted by mortals and Kindred seemingly left in the past.
alike, as it would displace the unhoused into Clout: 2, The warehouses and docks are well
areas without shelters. Kindred have less altruistic guarded and patrolled but the numerous back alleys
reasons, as the high concentrations of tent cities and side streets are ignored.
and displaced individuals make Whatcom an easy Utility: 2, The city focuses on the ports and relat-
hunting ground. ed roads with much of the rest flagrantly ignored. The
Located in this district is also the Bellingham power grid and drainage in Whatcom are notoriously
Bay Nuclear Power Station, owned and operated by bad, with flooding and blackouts being common dur-
Atlas International. Atlas and its lobbyists strive ing heavy storms.
to maintain their power monopoly and oppose the Homestead Rating: 9, +1 to dice pools related to
construction of alternative power sources, such as Hunting from the numerous potential victims and
hydroelectric. lax security. Residents are suspicious and wary, so
displace society
dice pools using Charisma or Manipulation have a -1
The Displaced Residents Society provides emer- penalty.
gency and transitional housing for residents as well
as limited meal packages. The society's location is
often simply referred to as "dis place." The facil-


Chapter Four: Kindred

Chapter Four:


What is the city but the people?

The people are the city.
—William Shakespeare, Coriolanus


ith a metro population of 2.5 million,
there is more than enough space and
people for 25 Kindred in Seacouver,
but this number could easily be
doubled (or even tripled given the number of tourists,
without overcrowding or threatening the Masquerade).
This section contains twenty-seven Kindred:
two for each of the main thirteen clans as well as
the potential Prince, the Gangrel Douglas Mikel-
son. Each Kindred is provided with a brief sum-
mary, including Convictions and Touchstones.
One Kindred in each clan is a 10th Generation
ancilla and the other is a 12 Generation fledgling.
These can be rivals, members of an opposing sect,
or potential allies. They can even serve as quick
Player Characters: working as pregens, quick re-
placement characters, or characters for guest play-
ers. These Kindred can also have their generation
shifted, and serve as a sire for Player Characters if
needed. Or be turned into important Elders (such ances are now impossible. But, she now has a pool
as members of the Primogen Council or serving of other clients who have very different needs but
as Sheriff or Scourge) by reducing their Genera- very deep pockets.
tion to 9 or 10 (or even 8th), increasing their Blood
Potency by 2-3, and adding a few extra Discipline ■ Conviction: Rely on mind, not muscle
dots. ■ Touchstone: Hollie Blockwidth — Friendly
neighbour across the hall
Banu Haqim ■ Humanity: 7
■ Blood Potency: 1
Jada Nivali Vafaei ■ Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 1, Stamina
blood sucking lawyer 2; Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Composure 3;
12th Generation Fledgeling Intelligence 3, Wits 2, Resolve 2
■ Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 5
Jada had one goal for most of her life: get to law ■ Skills: Academics (Law) 4, Driving 1, Etiquette
school and pass the bar exam. She had dreams of (Courtroom) 3, Finance 2, Firearms 1, Investiga-
becoming a partner at a prestigious firm, such as tion 2, Persuasion 3, Politics 2, Subterfuge 3,
Meyers, Feinstein and Hargrett. Instead, she found Technology 1
herself working in the district attorney's office as ■ Disciplines: Celerity 1, Dominate 1, Obfuscate 2
co-counsel. She was determined to make the most ■ Predator Type: Extortionist
of this opportunity and use the DA as a stepping ■ Advantages & Flaws: Allies 2, Contacts 2,
stone to prestige. Haven 1 (Watchmen 1, Security 1), Resources 2;
Her desire to earn a reputation and make a Enemy (Ongoing Victim) 2, Folkloric Block 1,
name for herself was mistaken for righteous zeal, Methusalah’s Thirst 1
leading to her Embrace. Daytime court appear-

Chapter Four: Kindred

Appearance: Jada Is in her mid-20s but looks

younger, compensating for her youthful appear-
ance with professional clothing and a stern expres-
sion, wearing a suit even when not at work. She
keeps her hair short and neat and prefers minimal
accessories and jewellery.
In Play: Ambitious and driven, Jada can be a
helpful or adversarial figure in a Chronicle. If the
Coterie needs legal advice—such as help with a
contract, will, or lawsuit—she might be hired to
consult. Fledglings trying to navigate their affairs
following their "death" might need some assistance
with their estates. Alternatively, she might be a foe
that stymies the PCs and cannot be defeated with
brute force as she tries to legally out-maneuver
them while earning favour with more powerful

Lewis Prosser ■ Skills: Academics (World History) 3, Aware-

social justices shaman ness 1, Craft (Ceramics) 2, Driving 1, Insight 2,
10th Generation Ancilla Investigation 3, Larceny 1, Occult (Blood Magic,
Vampires) 4, Melee 2, Persuasion 1, Politics 2,
A proud member of the Lummi Nation First Science (Chemistry) 1, Stealth (Break-ins) 2,
Nation tribe, Lewis always held strong political be- Streetwise 2, Technology 1
liefs. In his mortal life, he was a regular participant ■ Disciplines: Auspex 1, Blood Sorcery 3, Celerity
in environmental protests against logging, fishing, 1, Obfuscate 1
and especially whaling. He organised numerous ■ Predator Type: Sandman
Land Back protests. All causes he continues to sup- ■ Advantages & Flaws: Herd 3, Haven 2 (Labora-
port in a less public role in modern nights. tory 1), Bloodhound 1, Resources 2, Contacts
Since becoming a Kindred, Lewis has become (Scene) 1; Known Corpse 1, Suspect 1, Adver-
deeply enamoured with Blood Sorcery, seeing it a sary (ex-Coterie member) 2
path to tasting someone's soul or spirit. Ingesting
someone's blood is a means of truly understanding Appearance: His weather worn and sun-lined
another person. face makes Lewis seem older than his years. Hav-
ing long suffered from alopecia areata (which he
■ Conviction: Wield power like a scalpel not a blames toxic exposure while protesting Ardus En-
sword terprises), Lewis keeps his head shaved. He dresses
■ Touchstone: Thomas Blanchard — Adult simply and practically, adding First Nations flair to
grandson his clothing when possible. He favours a battered
■ Humanity: 6 ball cap with two feathers tied to the button on
■ Blood Potency: 2 the top, and a well-worn jean jacket adorned with
■ Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina sewn-on patches and activist-themed buttons.
2; Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Composure 1;
Intelligence 4, Wits 3, Resolve
■ Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 4


In Play: Lewis is well-educated and erudite, ■ Conviction: Treat friends like family
potentially being a key figure in the Blood Magic ■ Touchstone: Barry Ivory — A brother like no
Scene in the city. Politically minded, Lewis is other
more easily convinced to help those with an activ- ■ Humanity: 6
ist cause or claiming to be the victim of a more ■ Blood Potency: 1
powerful force, offering his services for a fair or ■ Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina
discounted price. He will still expect Boons to be 3; Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Composure 2;
repaid, as he does not work for free. Intelligence 2, Wits 2, Resolve 1

Brujah ■

Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 3
Skills: Awareness 2, Brawl (Grappling) 1, Driv-
ing 1, Insight 1, Intimidate 3, Investigation
Kim Ivory 1, Larceny 1, Leadership 1, Melee (Knives) 3,
reluctant gang leader Persuasion 2, Performance 2, Politics 2, Science
12th Generation Fledgeling (Pharmacology) 1, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 2
■ Disciplines: Celerity 2, Dominate 1, Presence 1
The Cudgel Club is a small street gang that is more ■ Predator Type: Alley Cat
a group of thugs banded together for safety than ■ Advantages & Flaws: Allies (Gang, Cudgels)
an organised crime family. Under the leadership 3, Contacts (Criminal) 3, Haven 2 (Watchmen
of Kim and his brother, Barry, the gang has moved 2), Resources 1; Enemy 1 (Rival Gang), Haven
from focusing on drugs and guns to managing a se- (Haunted)
ries of car washes and family restaurants as fronts.
While initially used solely for money laundering, Appearance: Looking like a stereotypical
Kin found he enjoyed the hospitality industry and biker, Kin has a mess of dirty blonde hair and a
has been trying to segue out of crime. This desire dense beard. His naturally large and imposing
for legitimacy has only increased following his Em- frame belies unexpected quickness. Kin dresses
brace and the realisation he might live for decades in loose, functional clothing favouring many lay-
or centuries—Kin wants to leave behind a legacy of ers, typically topped with a heavy tan-coloured
something other than violence before he needs to overcoat.
abandon his birth name and adopt an alias.. In Play: Kin can be a rival in either gang
activity or business interests, but he could also be
a ally who turns to a PC to replace him as leader
of the gang. With most of his money (and the
gang’s) invested in various commercial activities,
Kin is vulnerable to manipulation by more cun-
ning Kindred—he’s not only at risk of losing his
position in the gang but his dreams of being more
than a thug. This could be used to turn Kin into a
weapon, a reluctant enemy directed at the coterie.
Being forced into acts of violence could prompt
him to seek outside help.

Chapter Four: Kindred

Richard Moog "the Merc"

affable hockey goon
10th Generation Ancilla

Moog "the Merc" spent a decade cracking heads for

the Seacouver Ogres as #37. Officially a "winger"
who skated alongside the team’s centre, he was
well known as the team’s primary enforcer. His
job was to discourage bad play and targeting of the
team’s talent by picking fights or dropping offend-
ers. Friendly and affable off the ice, he developed
local popularity as a spokesperson. Before retiring,
he was involved in an amusing series of advertise-
ments for a local car dealership, and found even
more work in commercials after he hung-up his
Moog was never certain why he was Embraced, Appearance: Years of brawling have given
whether he was purposely chosen as a weapon or Moog a distinct look: oft-fractured nose, replaced
in an act of spontaneity. Despite his talents for teeth, cracked cheekbones, and more. Embraced
violence, Moog is not predisposed to aggression, after his peak, Moog is slightly out of shape, but
preferring to view himself as a protector. However, underneath his rounder frame he retains his
he always had trouble controlling his temper when well-trained muscles. Never feeling comfortable
provoked, which has only become more challenging in expensive clothes, Moog is typically found in a
since becoming a Brujah simple polo shirt and khakis.
In Play: Moog works as a possible Hound or
■ Conviction: Support your teammates even Scourge, used to maintain the peace and deal
■ Touchstone: Evelyn Moog — "the old lady," his with troublemakers. Contrasting with both the
oft-adulterous trophy wife manipulative and more dangerous Kindred of the
■ Humanity: 6 city (and his past as a hockey goon), Moog could be
■ Blood Potency: 2 presented as a lovable and largely guileless ally. The
■ Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 2, Stamina supporting voice that helps new fledglings become
4; Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Composure 2; accustomed to their unlives. Or his simple demean-
Intelligence 1, Wits 2, Resolve 3 our could be a mask he maintains after having
■ Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 5 grown into being a consummate predator.
Skills: Athletics 4 (Skating), Brawl 4, Intimida-

tion 3, Performance 3, Etiquette (Hockey) 2,
Awareness 2, Melee 2, Finance 1, Medicine 1,
Survival 1, Leadership 1 Vincent Liu
■ Disciplines: Potence 2, Presence 2 squirrelly spymaster
■ Predator Type: Scene Queen 10th Generation Ancilla
■ Advantages & Flaws: Allies 2, Contacts 2, Fame
1, Resources 3, Status 2; Enemy (Former Agent) Typically found in one of the city's larger parks,
2, Prey Exclusion 1 (Football Fans), Retainers Vincent uses squirrels as spies and means of intimi-
(Stalker) 1, Ugly 1 dation. His "minions" include both ghouled and


Appearance: Vincent does not care what

other people think of him, and relishes mak-
ing people feel uncomfortable. His pockmarked
features, deep acne scars, and half-rotten teeth are
paired with poor grooming and personal hygiene,
making him generally unpleasant company. His
clothes are unwashed and scavenged from his vic-
tims, being ill-fitting and worn. He prefers coats
with many pockets, most filled with either a "pet"
squirrel or nuts.
In Play: An information broker, Vincent is
someone the coterie could turn to for secrets or
rumours. When they hit a wall or need some as-
sistance, Vincent can be a useful source. They could
also use him to disperse information they have
mundane critters, trained to deliver notes or keep learned across the city, or rely on him to transmit
watch over their territory. Vincent is both protec- information surreptitiously. He is also someone
tor and predator of the unhoused individuals that that could be encountered if the PCs "poach" on
fill the parks and alleys of the city. They confide in his territory, feeding on the homeless individuals
him, adding to his information sources. He’s will- he uses as an information network. This could earn
ing to share what his human and rodent allies have his enmity or force the poacher into owing Vincent
seen and heard in exchange for payment of blood a boon.
Malmuria Mackay
■ Conviction: Survive to fight another day smuggler and drug runner

■ Touchstone: Ingrid Lake — Street person living 12th Generation Fledgeling

in a park
■ Humanity: 6 The forests of British Columbia and Washington
■ Blood Potency: 2 state lend themselves well to cannabis crops, and
■ Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina the shadowport of Seacouver makes for an excel-
2; Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Composure 1; lent destination for smugglers. Malmuria oversees
Intelligence 2, Wits 4, Resolve 3 both activities, and operates out of the ports them-
■ Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 5 selves, or takes pleasure watercraft out into the sea
■ Skills: Animal Ken (Squirrels) 4, Athletics 2, to pick-up illicit goods.
Awareness 3, Craft (Woodworking) 3, Insight She was Embraced by the Kindred who former-
1, Investigation 2, Melee 1, Stealth 2, Streetwise ly claimed the docks as their territory, chosen to
(Black Market) 3, Survival 1 take over their business as they moved on to other
■ Disciplines: Animalism 2, Fortitude 1, Obfus- interests. Despite inheriting her role, Malmuria is
cate 1 happy to serve as caretaker and benefit from the
■ Predator Type: Bagger established supply networks and contacts.
■ Advantages & Flaws: Allies (Park Unhoused)
2, Contacts 3, Iron Gullet 3, Mawla 2, Retainer ■ Conviction: Never make empty threat
(Homeless Spokesperson) 1, Status 1; Destitute ■ Touchstone: Bonnie Mackay — Almost es-
1, Enemy (Neighbourhood Watch) 2, Obvious tranged younger sister
Predator 2, Ugly 1 ■ Humanity: 8

Chapter Four: Kindred

■ Blood Potency: 1 ment agencies, they have yet to be able to formally

■ Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina charge her, let alone arrest her. As the heat on her
3; Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Composure 2; increases, Malmuria will look for allies, especially
Intelligence 2, Wits 2, Resolve 1 those with contacts in the police department or
■ Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 3 coast guard. (Or she might look for people she
■ Skills: Animal Ken 2, Finance 1, Larceny 2, can cast blame onto in her stead.) Having recently
Medicine 3, Melee 1, Persuasion 2, Politics 1, gained her position, she might deal with rivals
Streetwise 4, Subterfuge 3, Survival (Hunting) 3 and people trying to circumvent her territory. She
■ Disciplines: Animalism 1, Fortitude 1, Protean 2 might request assistance dealing with these supply
■ Predator Type: Farmer chain problems.
Advantages & Flaws: Contacts (Drug Dealers)

1, Haven 2, Influence 1, Resources 3; Feeding
Douglas Mikelson
presumptive prince
(Farmer) 2, Haven (Compromised)
8th Generation Ancilla
Appearance: Malmuria is attractive and well
dressed, but prefers to be comfy and casual when Prince Mikelson is the typical corporate shark:
"working," dressing in baggy cargo pants and a move into a company, assume control, maximise
croptop, occasionally with a leather jacket or faux short term profits, and then leave before the stock
fur coat for extra flair. At social events she enjoy- crashes back down. He views himself as a consum-
ing presenting herself as high society and flaunt- mate predator in all aspects of his life. In recent
ing her wealth without being too ostentatious. years he’s decided to employ this strategy to take
Slightly shorter than average, she does not try to control of a city as Prince: a hostile business takeo-
hide her stature and wears low heels ver of a municipality.
In Play: When someone needs to move a large ■ General Difficulty: 4/2
item into or out of Seacouver, Malmuria is a useful ■ Conviction: Be the wolf, not the lamb
individual to know. While she has been investi- ■ Touchstone: Jeffrey Shay — Protégée and rookie
gated (and raided) a few times by law enforce- investment banker
■ Humanity: 5
■ Blood Potency: 4
■ Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina
4; Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Composure 5;
Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Resolve 3
■ Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 8
■ Skills: Academics (Law) 3, Athletics 2, Aware-
ness 4, Brawl (Claws) 4, Craft 2, Driving 3,
Etiquette 4, Finance 5 (Appraisal, Corporate
Raiding), Intimidation 4, Leadership 3, Persua-
sion 3, Politics 4, Technology 1
■ Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 2, Fortitude 3,
Presence 2, Protean 3

Appearance: Mikelson is never without a

power suit—fitted and Italian with matching silk
tie. Always the latest cut. Everything he wears
or surrounds himself with needs to be valuable


Vinchi Bergerman
political campaign manager
12th Generation Fledgeling

Political campaigns are won by knowing your

client’s liabilities and their opponent's skeletons.
Vinchi is quite good at this job because she can lit-
erally interact with those skeletons. She knows how
to interact with the press, spin a story, and best
spend campaign donations. A true mercenary, she
works for whomever pays her fee, and is loyal until
the final cheque clears. Since her Embrace she does
more consulting than day-to-day managing, but
wields no less influence on the results of elections.

■ Conviction: Be the one pulling the strings

in some way, either innately or historically, such
■ Touchstone: Kelsi Edwins — Rival fixer, fre-
as an expensive watch or a pinky ring formerly
quent competitor, and enemy-with-benefits
owned by some deceased oligarch. While charm-
■ Humanity: 8
ing, Mikelson is not particularly attractive. How-
■ Blood Potency: 1
ever, he has a knack for telling people what they
■ Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 2, Stamina
want to hear and exuding pure self-confidence.
2; Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Composure 2;
In Play: Mikelson is ostensibly the "bad guy" of
Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 3
a Chronicie: the figure Anarchs or rival Camarilla
■ Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 5
factions are trying to bring down in the secret fight
■ Skills: Academics (Research) 1, Awareness
for Seacouver. An easy archetypal rival for a starter
2, Etiquette 2, Finance 1, Firearms 3, Insight
Chronicle, being a Prince that has limited popular
3, Investigation (Deduction) 2, Leadership 1,
support and could be deposed by the Primogen
Medicine 1, Occult 2, Persuasion 1, Politics 3,
Council or even assassinated. Or, the PCs could
Technology 2, Subterfuge 1, Stealth 1
ally with him and support his Praxis, gaining
■ Disciplines: Auspex 1, Fortitude 1, Oblivion 2
power for themselves alongside the Prince as they
■ Predator Type: Consensualist
remake Seacouver in their image. Mikelson could
■ Advantages & Flaws: Allies (Local Politicians)
even just be a background figure: an imposing
2, Contacts (Private Investigators) 2, Haven 1,
name whispered by their sires and grumbled about
Resources 2, Retainer (Driver) 1; Dark Secret
by rivals but never directly encountered as the
(Masquerade Breecher) 1, Enemy 2, Prey Exclu-
Coterie concerns themselves with their own affairs
sion (Non-Consenting) 1
and does not bother with local politics.
Appearance: Vinchi is unassuming and for-
gettable, dressing in plain outfits and favouring
drab colours. She wears off-the-rack suits tailored
to fit, with a simple plain pearl necklace as sole
accessory. She almost blends into the background,
being easily overlooked—until she begins to speak

Chapter Four: Kindred

a profit in cash or blood. Supernatural premoni-

tions help him know what are the most valuable
items, and which goods are too "hot" and need to
be avoided.
■ Conviction: Everything (and everyone) has a
■ Touchstone: Vic Cushing — Burglar, thief, and
regular client
■ Humanity: 6
■ Blood Potency: 2
■ Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina
1; Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Composure 3;
Intelligence 4, Wits 2, Resolve 3
■ Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Willpower 6
■ Skills: Awareness 3, Finance (Appraisal) 3, In-
timidate (Coercion) 3, Academics (Pop History)
2, Persuasion 2, Craft (Painting) 2, Streetwise 2,
and command attention. She can give a convinc- Insight 2, Melee 1, Firearms 1, Subterfuge 1, Lar-
ing smile at-will, but this is often artificial, and is ceny 1, Investigation 1, Etiquette 1, Technology 1
quickly replaced by a serious glare. ■ Disciplines: Auspex 3, Dominate 1, Oblivion 1
In Play: As much a power broker as a source ■ Predator Type: Extortionist
of information, Vinchi prefers to use information ■ Advantages & Flaws: Contacts (Thieves) 3,
to benefit her allies than hoard it for future use. Haven 1 (Hidden Armory 1), Mask 2 (Cobbler
In her mind, secrets only depreciate in value. The 1), Retainer (Store Day Manager) 2, Resources
more time you hold on to a secret, waiting for the 2; Adversary (Toreador, a former theft target) 3,
perfect time to unleash it, the more time you give Enemy (Police) 2, Folkloric Block 1
your opponents to get ahead of a potential scandal.
Vinchi is useful for her contacts in state and local
politics, which she only plans to increase over time.
Because she is skilled at following paper trails and
finding what people want to hide, Vinchi is useful
as a private detective or researcher, hired to find
out the vulnerabilities of an enemy of the coterie.

Sebastian "Bash" Wizbicki

pawn shop seer
10th Generation Ancilla

The owner and nighttime operator of The Bash

Bin, a store that specialises in buying pre-owned
goods—especially jewellery, coins, electronics, and
other valuables. Bash knows full well his store acts
as a fence for stolen goods, and cares little that he
is enabling crime and substance abuse. He’s happy
to sell back stolen heirlooms, so long as he turns


Appearance: Despite his plain appearance,

Bash is unsettling—best described as "slimy." He
often wears a broad smile that seems false, while
his eyes simply hunger. He prefers loose fitting
short-sleeved collared shirts, including bowling
shirts and Hawaiian shirts. He regularly wears
heavy gold chain necklaces and expensive watch-
es, seldom wearing the same one for too long.
In Play: Unlike other Kindred, Bash has little
interest in information, secrets, or boons. Instead,
he cares about money and prized possessions. His
pawn store is a useful source of random items of
varied value, as well as a place to unload valuables
with a limited paper trail. Like most pawn shops,
Bash will hold items for a time to allow them to
be bought back, but the price quickly rises once
the deadline has passed. A coterie in need of quick
funds could turn to him. ■ Skills: Athletics (Football) 4, Academics (Theol-
ogy) 3, Etiquette 3, Performance (Distress) 3,
Lasombra Survival 2, Persuasion 2, Leadership 2, Firearms
1, Animal Ken 1, Craft (Cooking) 1
Skyler "XIII" Colbern ■ Disciplines: Presence 1, Potence 2, Oblivion 1
■ Predator Type: Honeypot
■ Advantages & Flaws: Bloodhound 1, Contacts
12th Generation Fledgeling
(Church Group) 1, Resources 1, Fame 1, Influ-
ence 1, Short Bond 2, Mawla 2; Enemy (Police) 1,
Skyler prefers to go by "Thirteen" after the numer-
No Haven 1, Eternal Scars 1
als carved into his forehead just before his death.
A devout Christian, Skyler was abducted and Em-
Appearance: Barely over sixteen-years-old,
braced by a Sabbat pack looking for quick recruits.
the baby-faced youth appears even younger.
Slow to emerge from the mass grave, Skyler was
"Thirteen" has light curly hair cut short on the
abandoned and left for dead and forced to dis-
sides in a "broccoli" hairstyle. He dresses in loose
cover the truths of his undead state on his own. He
clothes and soft foam slippers, which are becom-
agonizes over the sins he commits to survive and
ing increasingly filthy as he sleeps in alleys and
the fears his soul is already damned—and if not, if
warehouses. Carved into his forehead with a box
suicide will still be a mortal sin.
cutter are the Roman numerals XIII.
■ Conviction: The wicked earned their place in In Play: Thirteen can be a mascot to the
Hell coterie: a Kindred less informed and even more
■ Touchstone: Father Matthew — Parish priest inexperienced a than they are. Someone to serve as
and youth pastor a mortal compass for older or more jaded Kindred.
■ Humanity: 7 Alternatively, he could be a cautionary tale, being
■ Blood Potency: 1 a Kindred that loses themselves and descends into
■ Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina a wight. He could also be an antagonistic figure,
4; Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Composure 3; trying to earn "redemption" by killing more sinful
Intelligence 2, Wits 2, Resolve 2 vampires, or a potential Masquerade breach in the
■ Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 5 making.

Chapter Four: Kindred

• to •• Eternal wounds (flaw). You have an open of blood tests for drug and disease screening she
wound that did not heal during the Embrace, which collects a reliable number of blood bags that can be
continually re-opens each dusk when you revert to exchanged for Vitae or boons
your death state. You suffer a penalty to appropriate ■ Conviction: Carrots work best after the stick
Social pools with mortals equal to twice your dots ■ Touchstone: Wilson Wainwright — Club regu-
in this flaw. You can partially heal the wound with lar
a Rouse Check, leaving a visible and unsightly scar, ■ Humanity: 5
which halves the penalty for the night. ■ Blood Potency: 3
■ Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina
HONEYPOT 1; Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Composure 2;
Also known as the "damsel," you play the part of Intelligence 4, Wits 3, Resolve 2
the victim or vulnerable individual to attract the ■ Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Willpower 4
attention of other predators or those seeking to ■ Skills: Persuasion (Bartering) 4, Finance 3, Poli-
help. You might call out for assistance or stage a fake tics 3, Stealth (Against Kindred) 3, Subterfuge
assault, letting your prey come to you. Alternatively, 2, Performance (Dance) 2, Melee 2, Athletics 1,
you might simply position yourself where you are Larceny 1, Medicine 1
likely to be observed by passers but not witnesses. ■ Disciplines: Dominate 2, Oblivion 1, Celerity 1
■ Add a specialty: Performance (Distress) or Sub- ■ Predator Type: Blood Leech
terfuge (Vulnerability) Advantages & Flaws: Retainer (Personal Assis-
■ Gain one dot of Presence or Auspex tant) 3, Resources 3, Haven 1, Beautiful 2; Shunned
■ Gain the Feeding merit Bloodhound • 2, Prey Exclusion (Mortals) 2, Enemy (Business
■ Add one dot to the Allies or Contacts back- Neighbour) 1, Folkloric Bane (Silver) 1, Bondslave 1,
ground Dark Secret 1
■ Gain the Enemy Flaw: (•) the police or a victim
angered at being the victim themselves and seek- Appearance: Darkly attractive, Breklie has
ing revenge
Predator Pool: Manipulation + Performance or
Subterfuge; you feed by drawing people to you
and away from prying eyes, using their own desires
against them.

Breklie Weiler Frost

purveyor of flesh
10th Generation Ancilla

Breklie owns a popular strip club and the adjacent

adult toy store. While she runs the business she
seldom visits and has managers handling the day-
to-day affairs. Sex has little appeal to a Kindred of
her age: it is simply a tool to manipulate mortals.
Breklie is deeply involved in the city’s Circulatory
System, using her dancers and their clients as a
steady supply of blood and performers willing to
be paid extra for a "private party." Under the cover


an inexplicable dangerous air to her. She knows penthouse suites of the hotel, where he stores an
how to leverage her charm and looks, and how to expansive vinyl collection. Daniel believes he has a
best appeal to people’s desires, but seems to look Nosferatu Mawla, named Felix, who is continually
through people, as if seeing some hidden truth Obfuscated. However, Felix is a hallucination—a
to their soul. She dresses "accidentally sexy" with manifestation of his Malkavian delusions—acting
hip-hugging jeans and tight tops, chosen to be as the voice of Daniel's subconscious.
eye-catching but not revealing. ■ Conviction: If you're going to do it, do it with
In Play: Breklie is a cunning and smart busi- style
ness woman who knows how to leverage potential ■ Touchstone: Kari Wagner — Hotel manager
assets. She’s happy to provide a blood bag to a and fashion maven
starving Kindred, knowing a boon is far more ■ Humanity: 8
valuable than blackmail from a messing feeding. ■ Blood Potency: 1
She also knows that if she needs a particularly rare ■ Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 2, Stamina
Resonance or flavour of blood, outsourcing is a 3; Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Composure 3;
useful means of procuring a vessel. As someone Intelligence 2, Wits 2, Resolve 2
who interacts regularly with various mortals, she ■ Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 5
could also inadvertently intersect with a Touch- ■ Skills: Performance (Piano) 4, Subterfuge 3,
stone, as one visits her establishment or becomes Insight 3, Awareness 3, Finance 2, Driving 2,
an employee to pay off debt. Persuasion (Vessels) 2, Academics (Art History)
Malkavian ■
1, Firearms 1, Intimidate 1
Disciplines: Obfuscate 2, Dominate 1, Fortitude
Daniel Blackthorn ■ Predator Type: Consensualist
pianist and hotel owner ■ Advantages & Flaws: Haven 2, Resources 2,
12th Generation Fledgeling Beautiful 2, Herd 1; Prey Exclusion (Non-Con-
senting) 1, Dark Secret (Masquerade Breacher)
Owner of the Hotel Apricus, Daniel is often found 1, Addict (Alcohol) 1, Stalkers 1
tickling the ivories in the hotel’s piano bar, doing
unexpected covers of pop songs. He lives in one Appearance: Attractive and precisely
groomed, Daniel is seldom without a dark three-
piece suit, accented with a vibrant tie and trilby
hat. Embraced a decade ago, each dusk Daniel
has to nightly clip his dated mullet and trim his
patchy beard to a sexy stubble.
In Play: Aspiring to expand and improve
the Hotel Apricus, Daniel is always looking for
investors to help fund his renovations and efforts
at modernization. The coterie could help him,
benefiting from his success (especially if rival hotels
are sabotaged), reaping both financial profits and
potential boons. Daniel's hotel can also make for
a safe temporary haven for a few nights, provided
guests do not feed or hunt on the property. PCs in
the hospitality industry could instead be rivals of
Daniel, competing for guests, contractors, or staff.

Chapter Four: Kindred

Ilsabeth Jani 1, Stealth 1, Driving 1, Technology 1, Craft

hardened survivalist (Construction) 1
10th Generation Ancilla ■ Disciplines: Auspex 4, Dominate 1
■ Predator Type: Grim Reaper
Convinced the civilization was due to collapse and ■ Advantages & Flaws: Allies (Medical Commu-
western society descend into civil warfare, be- nity) 1, Contacts (Preppers) 1, Haven 2 (Hidden
ing Embraced has done little to impart Ilsabeth Armoury 1, Security System 1) Herd 2, Influ-
with an optimistic view of the future. During life ence 2; Haven (Creepy), Disliked 1, Hopeless
she constructed a secure concrete bunker filled Addiction (Opioids) 2, Prey Exclusion (Healthy
with guns and supplies, which quickly became her Mortals) 2
haven. She is convinced Gehenna is coming, and
wants to be ready when it arrives. Appearance: Ilsabeth has a crimson blood-
shot eye following a sharp blow to the face that
■ Conviction: Prepare for the worst, hope for cracked her skull and almost popped that eye. She
nothing keeps her hair short and brushed back, giving her
■ Touchstone: Javier Diaz — Former parole of- a severe and stern look. She dresses almost exclu-
ficer sively in military surplus, with combat books and
■ Humanity: 7 durable fatigues.
■ Blood Potency: 2 In Play: Ilsabeth can be a source of doomsday
■ Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina lore and information on the Final Nights, intro-
3; Charisma 1, Manipulation 2, Composure 4; ducing characters to those myths, acting as a stern
Intelligence 2, Wits 2, Resolve 3 mentor for inexperienced Kindred. She might try
■ Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 7 to indoctrinate players into her beliefs or become
■ Skills: Firearms, Melee 3, Intimidation 3, adversarial if they mock her. But, if danger comes
Streetwise 2, Awareness (Death) 2, Medicine 2, to town—such as Sabbat packs or the Second
Survival (Shelters) 2, Occult 2, Politics (Con- Inquisition—her arsenal and contacts could be
spiracy Theories) 1, Investigation 1, Leadership useful.

Ayo Naida
support group facilitator
10th Generation Ancilla

Twisting the purpose of support groups, Ayo leads

addicts to confront their own failures and negative
behaviour, pushing them towards different addic-
tions or shattering their world view. She effectively
uses the support groups as a subtle recruiting tool
for Settite cults, or other alternative belief systems.
While not an ardent Follower of Set, she appreci-
ates the philosophy’s teachings.

■ Conviction: Be your own master

■ Touchstone: Amee Dee — Faithless minister


not a member of the Circulatory System, she can

help provide ready access to blood and potential
victims. As a trained counsellor, she can help
Kindred struggling to adapt to their new life or
dealing with unresolved trauma, for either their
life, death, or new life.

Antigone Moeljik
night classes english professor
12th Generation Fledgeling

Antigone specialises in gender and feminist cirques

of modern and classic literature, forcing young
university students to challenge their views of sex
and gender or confront inherent sexism in society.
Her position at the university has been challenged
by her outspoken politics, and her recent switch to
night classes following her Embrace has opened her
■ Humanity: 6 up to more criticism.
■ Blood Potency: 2 ■ Conviction: Equality and equity at any price
■ Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina ■ Touchstone: Shelby Berger — Former pupil
2; Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Composure 3; ■ Humanity: 8
Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 2 ■ Blood Potency: 1
■ Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 5 ■ Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 2, Stamina
■ Skills: Awareness 1, Insight 3, Larceny 2, Lead- 2; Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Composure 3;
ership (Substance Abusers) 2, Medicine (Phar- Intelligence 4, Wits 3, Resolve 3
maceuticals) 3, Politics 2, Persuasion (Therapy) ■ Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 6
4, Streetwise 3, Stealth 2, Subterfuge 1 ■ Skills: Academics (English Literature) 4, Driv-
■ Disciplines: Dominate 1, Obfuscate 3, Presence
■ Predator Type: Scene Queen
■ Advantages & Flaws: Contact 1, Fame 1 Herd 4,
High-Functioning Addict (Methamphetamine)
1, Influence 2, Resources 2; Enemy (Former Ad-
dict) 1, Folkloric Block (Holy symbols) 1, Prey
Exclusion 1 (Sober Individuals), Shunned 2

Appearance: Ayo has smooth, dark skin that

makes her apparent age difficult to discern. Her
tall, loose afro hair is stark white. She wears light
clothing of natural breathable fabrics and sandals.
In Play: Working in various churches and
church basements, Ayo has met many people
who have hit rock bottom and is only a few steps
removed from most drug dealers in the city. While

Chapter Four: Kindred

ing 1, Etiquette 3, Insight 1, Finance 1, Leader-

ship (Oratory) 3, Medicine (Phlebotomy) 2,
Performance (Public Speaking) 2, Persuasion 3,
Technology 2
■ Disciplines: Auspex 1, Presence 2, Protean 1
■ Predator Type: Consensualist
■ Advantages & Flaws: Contacts 1, Herd 2, Haven
2 (Library 1), Influence 1, Mawla 1; Adversary
(Sire) 1, Dark Secret (Masquerade Breecher) 2,
Infamy 1, Prey Exclusion (Non-Consenting) 1

Appearance: Middle-aged, Antigone’s former-

ly dark blonde hair has prematurely greyed and
her face is well-lined and weary. She dresses in
conservative business clothes, worn from use and
seldom replaced with her limited teacher’s pay.
In Play: A potential voice of morality, speaking
out against predatory vampiric behaviour, Anti-
gone could contrast with more violent Kindred ■ Conviction: Be reliable but unpredictable
in the city or remind members of the Coterie of ■ Touchstone: Kit Cortijo — Veterinarian and
dwindling humanity. Antigone is also a well known former lover
figure in the university—equally popular or unpop- ■ Humanity: 8
ular depending on one’s political leanings—and has ■ Blood Potency: 1
many contacts among the student body. If looking ■ Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina
for a student or even help receiving an education, 3; Charisma 2, Manipulation 1, Composure 3;
she might be a useful ally. Intelligence 1, Wits 3, Resolve 2
Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 5

■ Skills: Animal Ken (Felines, Rodents) 3, Arca-
demics (Local History) 3, Awareness 2, Brawl
Bryson Madeiros 3, Medicine 1, Science (Biology) 2, Occult 1,
the prince of cats Streetwise 2, Stealth 4
12th Generation Fledgeling ■ Disciplines: Animalism 2, Obfuscate 1, Protean
Lurking in alleyways, sewer tunnels, and rooftops, ■ Predator Type: Farmer
Bryson feeds on the rat swarms and pigeon flocks ■ Advantages & Flaws: Contacts (Streetwalkers)
thriving in the city. Because of his unusual appear- 2, Haven 1 (Postern 1), Iron Gullet 3; Destitute 1,
ance, Bryson keeps to himself, using a thick hoodie Farmer 2, Known Corpse 1
and scarf to mask his features when he ventures
into public spaces. He is fascinated with hidden Appearance: Unlike many Nosferatu who are
places, the secrets of the city, and local knowledge. bat-like, Bryson has vaguely feline features, with
Few people know the city as well as Bryson, who a wide muzzle-like nose and slightly cleft upper
moves silently through urban spaces, often unno- lip. His thick hair and beard has a mane-like qual-
ticed, appearing in unexpected locations. ity and his pointed ears are high on his head. His
clothes are many layered and worn, scavenged
from dumpsters or lost-and-found boxes


In Play: While he avoids people, Bryson is well ■ Conviction: Leave something to the imagina-
known by those who dwell in the streets and hid- tion
den places of the city. While Bryson is not overly ■ Touchstone: Eva Tanji — Aging model and
protective of people in his territory and does not former inspiration
care about poaching, he is aware of the comings ■ Humanity: 6
and goings of other predators—both Kindred and ■ Blood Potency: 2
mortal. He knows many of the maintenance tun- ■ Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina
nels, dry sewer passages, and underground sections 2; Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Composure 3;
of the city. If the Coterie needs to travel unde- Intelligence 2, Wits 4, Resolve 3
tected or find a location to hide, Bryson could help ■ Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 6
them move through the Seacouver underground. ■ Skills: Academics (Fine Art) 2, Athletics 2,
Awareness 1, Craft (Sewing, Fashion Design)
Leslie Brook 3, Driving 2, Etiquette 3, Finance 1, Firearms
fashion designer and style maeven 2, Persuasion 3, Performance (Modelling) 2,
10th Generation Ancilla Insight 1, Leadership 1, Politics 1, Streetwise 1,
Technology 1
Leslie always had dreams of the Paris fashion ■ Disciplines: Obfuscate 1, Potence 2, Presence 1
week and being a renowned fashion designer, and ■ Predator Type: Osiris
while she had some regional success working on a ■ Advantages & Flaws: Contacts (Fashion Indus-
sustainable fashion line, her Embrace ended her try) 2, Fame 2, Herd 4, Haven (Luxury) 2, Influ-
dreams of fame. Restricted from travel and the ence 2, Mask 1, Resources 3; Adversary (Aspir-
spotlight, she instead largely works as an uncred- ing Harpy) 1, Bond Junkie 1, Enemy (Former
ited designer for other brands while her own Model) 3, Hopeless Addiction (Heroin) 2
product line struggles. She has started focusing on
marketing her brand online via social media, but Appearance: Leslie is emaciated and skeletal.
restrictions on Kindred using technology jeopard- Her features are sunken and skin hangs on her
ise this. bones. What little remains of her hair is thin and
stringy. In an act of vanity, Leslie wears assorted
wigs, which are loose on her shrunken scalp. She
wears clothing exclusively of her own design,
creating flowing gowns with a high neckline and
long gloves. She favours monochromatic outfits of
eye-catching colours, vibrant blues, greens, and
In Play: Leslie can be a tragic figure whose
mortal aspirations are slowly becoming unattain-
able, serving as a cautionary tale for the Coterie
about focusing on previous goals. Her desperation
might lead her to one final grand gesture, a pro-
verbial blaze of glory. Alternatively, she may find
satisfaction as a stylist for other Kindred or being a
Harpy that makes and sets trends in Elysium.

Chapter Four: Kindred

Alexander "Sasha" Dorochenko
street performing ndependent
12th Generation Fledgeling

Specialising on close-up magic, Sasha entertains

locals and tourists alike in public squares and parks
as well as private corporate gigs. On the street,
he’s happy to earn a few bucks from donations,
but is even happier to lure an awestruck audience
member to a quiet area for a quick bite. While Em-
braced for his ability to create mundane illusions,
Sasha rejects the idea of using his vampiric abilities
in his act, viewing it as a form of cheating.

■ Conviction: Never reveal what’s up your sleeve

■ Touchstone: Stan Beacon — Mentor and agent ties, but is often dragged into the affairs of others.
■ Humanity: 7 Sometimes as a catspaw and sometimes as a neutral
■ Blood Potency: 1 third party to resolve disputes. As an independ-
■ Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina ent, Sasha can be an interesting mentor figure for
3; Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Composure 2; even newer Kindred, teaching them the ways of
Intelligence 2, Wits 2, Resolve 1 the night and some of the details of the city. Sasha
■ Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 3 could also be an interesting swing vote that the
■ Skills: Athletics 1, Driving 2, Etiquette (Street coterie could influence to their side of affairs.
Performers) 2, Insight 2, Finance 1, Larceny
(Sleight of Hand) 4, Performance (Magician) 3, Ruby Weeks
Persuasion 3, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 3 freelance corporate espionage
■ Disciplines: Presence 2, Animalism 1, Dominate 10th Generation Ancilla
■ Predator Type: Scene Queen Ruby has long been a thief, but one that special-
■ Advantages & Flaws: Beautiful 2, Contacts ised in infiltrating businesses and walking away
(Street Performers) 1, Fame 2, Haven 1, Retainer with proprietary designs and secrets. At first she
(Agent) 1, Resources 2 ; Disliked 1, Enemy sold these to the highest bidder (anonymously, of
(Drug Dealer) 1, Suspect 1 course), but once she was noticed she was hired by
companies to target their rivals. Sometimes Ruby
Appearance: Good-looking but scruffy, Sasha would achieve her goals with overt theft—person-
perpetually looks in need of a haircut. He dresses ally breaking into corporate offices—while other
in a simple dress shirt, vest, and loose tie accom- times she would gain entry by applying for a posi-
panied by sturdy dress pants—all modified with tion under an alias or using forged credentials to
small hidden pockets. Sasha has a friendly, easy gain access.
smile that disarms people, while also distracting
them from what he's doing with his hands. ■ Conviction: Always come out ahead
In Play: Sasha tries to remain neutral and out ■ Touchstone: Ari Tanji — Former executive as-
of local Kindred politics to the best of his abili- sistant turned upper management


■ Humanity: 6 and comfort. When not dressing for work, she

■ Blood Potency: 2 favours long sleeve T-shirts and puffy vests along
■ Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina with comfortable jeans.
1; Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Composure 2; In Play: If the coterie needs to gain access
Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Resolve 2 to someplace they are not permitted, Ruby is an
■ Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Willpower 4 excellent specialist to hire for personal assistance
■ Skills: Academics (Administration) 1, Athletics or just consultative services. For a larger job or con
1, Awareness 2, Driving 1, Finance 2, Insight 2, that requires multiple people, Ruby could also hire
Investigation 1, Larceny (Security) 3, Melee 1, skilled PCs to assist her work. Ruby could also be
Persuasion 2, Politics 2, Stealth 1, Streetwise 1, an antagonistic figure, after robbing a PC's busi-
Subterfuge 3, Technology (Hacking) 3 ness or a complication who is encountered in the
■ Disciplines: Obfuscate 2, Presence 1, Potence 1 middle of the PC's own breaking-and-entering.
■ Predator Type: Extortionist
■ Advantages & Flaws: Contacts (Investment
Bankers) 3, Haven (Security 1, Luxury 1) 2, Feeding Flaw: (•) Plutovore. You literally eat
Mask 1, Resources 3, Retainer (Driver) 1; Enemy the rich. Only the blood of the wealthy and well-off
(Former Victim) 1, Enemy (Police) 2, Plutovore satisfies your appetite. This might stem from an urge
1, Stake Bait 2, to taste what you believe is greatness, the prefer-
ence of hunting those who have too much, or an
Appearance: Ruby was Embraced with her elitist desire to avoid perceived uncleanliness. When
head freshly shaved. When infiltrating a company, you feed on someone you consider poor, you must
she will sometimes wear various wigs to alter succeed on a Willpower test at Difficulty 3 to avoid
her appearance. She's also fond of using tattoos, vomiting up the blood.
piercings, or scars as a distraction—identifiable
features that will stick in the mind of witnesses—
knowing they will vanish the next night. She Toreador
prefers not to flaunt her wealth, but enjoys luxury
Charlie Valentine
S peakeasy owner
10th Generation Ancilla

The longtime ghoul of a singer and danger, Charlie

Valentine has operated a bar since the 1920s, when
access required a secret pass phrase. She maintains
the atmosphere of a "private club" to this day, even
after prohibition ended. When bars became legal
again, she moved her back room to limited gam-
bling and high-end escort services. After many dec-
ades of faithful service, Charlie was Embraced and
given the independence she long desired.
■ Conviction: Always leave them wanting more
■ Touchstone: Sean Riley — Elderly son in retire-
ment home
■ Humanity: 6
■ Blood Potency: 2

Chapter Four: Kindred

■ Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina

2; Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Composure 2;
Intelligence 3, Wits 2, Resolve 2
■ Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 4
■ Skills: Awareness 1, Etiquette 3, Finance 3,
Firearms 2, Leadership 1, Perform (Dancing,
Singing) 4, Persuasion (Seduction) 3, Politics 2,
Streetwise (Gambling, Prostitution) 2, Subter-
fuge 2
■ Disciplines: Auspex 1, Fortitude 1, Presence 2
■ Predator Type: Siren
■ Advantages & Flaws: Contacts (Police) 1, Haven
1 (Luxury 1, Security 1, Watchmen), Mask 1, Re-
sources 3, Status 1, Stunning 4, Unbondable 4;
Enemy (Rival Club Owner) 1, Enemy (Spurned
Lover) 1, Living in the Past 1, Sommelier 2

Appearance: Charlie is incredibly attractive,

and well aware of the effect of her appearance.
While not above using her sex appeal to achieve Rodney "Axylrod" Bodegraven
her goals, she prefers to use her mind whenever
artist with a wrench
possible. She dresses slightly anachronistically,
12th Generation Fledgeling
favouring a modern tale on the classical "flapper"
A consummate gearhead, "Axylrod" is happi-
In Play: Charlie desires independence, and est while rebuilding an engine block or cruising
seeks power mostly to maintain her personal
through the city streets in his customised Firebird.
freedom. Having been controlled by abusive men
To his eyes, a well-tuned motor or the sleek lines of
in the past—such as long-dead mortal lovers and a
a muscle car are the height of artistry. Rod main-
Prince—she especially chafes at her actions being
tains an auto shop where he makes custom cars, the
dictated by male authority figures. She might be
workshop kept clean and exceedingly organised.
a sympathetic figure to a coterie trying to gain
its autonomy, or competition to gain control of a ■ Conviction: Everything can be fixed with
neighbourhood. If she believes the PCs might be enough time or effort
useful to her goals, Charlie might seek them out. ■ Touchstone: Olga Helmick — Barista and unre-
quited crush
■ Humanity: 7
Flaw: (••) Sommelier. You seek to taste varying ■ Blood Potency: 1
types of emotions in the blood, hoping to sample ■ Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina
all of the human experience. Lose one dice from all 2; Charisma 2, Manipulation 1, Composure 3;
pools when the last person you fed shared a Reso- Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Resolve 2
nance with the person before that. Additionally, you ■ Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 5
must spend one point of Willpower to drink animal ■ Skills: Craft (Auto Mechanics) 4, Driving
blood or unprocessed bagged blood. (Muscle Cars) 3, Technology 3, Intimidation 3,
Survival (The Road) 2, Streetwise 2, Awareness
2, Larceny 1, Firearms 1, Investigation 1


Archer Lunn
old man magician
10th Generation Ancilla

Mockingly called "the Large Medium," Mr. Lunn

is a seer and spiritualist. He tells fortunes and
predicts what is to come for a select clientele. He
is not above telling his customers what they want
to hear, or what will encourage them to make
future appointments, but knows the value of ac-
curate predictions of the impossible. In addition to
premonitions of the future, he makes limited use
of sorcerous rituals for personal gain. Mr. Lunn
■ Disciplines: Celerity 2, Auspex 1, Fortitude 1 seldom offers his Blood Sorcery to others, knowing
■ Predator Type: Roadside Killer limited access increases its value.
■ Advantages & Flaws: Haven 2 (Machine Shop
2, Business Establishment 2), Herd (Migrating) ■ Conviction: Keep your cards close to your chest
2, Resources 1; Haven (Compromised) 2, Prey ■ Touchstone: Bree Yochum — Owner of an
Exclusion (Locals) 1 antique store
■ Humanity: 6
Appearance: Rod has bleached blonde hair ■ Blood Potency: 2
kept messily brushed up. He dresses exclusively ■ Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 1, Stamina
in band T-shirts and blue jeans. While he tries to 2; Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Composure 4;
stay up to date with modern music, he favours Intelligence 3, Wits 2, Resolve 3
classic rock bands from the ‘70s and ‘80s. He’s ■ Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 7
often seen wearing dark sunglasses, even at night.
While working in his shop he dons worn grey
overalls, with each oil stain or paint smear being a
memento of a successful build.
In Play: Axylrod is meant to be a humane and
approachable Kindred, one more concerned with
cars and enjoying himself on the open road than
blood or manipulating politics. But he also wants
his business to be successful, and that requires
contacts and client referrals, which prompts him to
work with other local power players. Rod is also a
useful figure if the PCs need a vehicle customised—
a van made sun proof, a limo armoured, or a hid-
den compartment made for guns.

Chapter Four: Kindred

■ Skills: Academics (Mathematics) 2, Animal

Ken 1, Athletics 1, Craft (Drinks) 1, Etiquette 1,
Intimidate 1, Larceny (Lockpicking) 3, Leader-
ship 1, Melee 1, Occult (Tarot) 3, Persuasion 2,
Science 2, Stealth (Break-ins) 2, Streetwise 2,
Subterfuge 3
■ Disciplines: Blood Sorcery 2, Auspex 4
■ Predator Type: Sandman
■ Advantages & Flaws: Contacts (Mediums) 3,
Haven 2 (Library 2), Retainer (Receptionist)
2, Resources 1; Enemy (Professional Skeptic) 3,
Suspect 1

Appearance: Aged and obese, Mr. Lunn tries

to appear mysterious and otherworldly. He ac-
cessorizes with crystals on long chains and rings
adorned with mythological symbols. Most of
these elements have limited practical use and are conflicting myths and prophesies of vampires and
merely cosmetic. He always carries a case with Cainites, but has only just started delving into that
varied "relics," such as rune carved skull, silvered world.
dagger, and a few occult tomes.
In Play: While making use of theatrical props, ■ Conviction: Knowledge should be shared not
Mr. Lunn is actually an educated occultist, familiar hoarded
many supernatural forces in the world. He can be ■ Touchstone: Ekaratina Tondro — Roommate
a source for information and lore in addition to ■ Humanity: 7
assorted blood sorcery rituals—which fetch a high ■ Blood Potency: 1
price. He is most useful as a source of premoni- ■ Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina
tions: glimpses of hidden truths, possible futures, 2; Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Composure 1;
and distant locations. He is also fascinated with Intelligence 3, Wits 4, Resolve 3
magical relics and items possessing supernatural ■ Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 4
attributes, no matter how minor. If such an item is ■ Skills: Academics (Library Sciences, Research-
discovered, he might request its recovery from the ing) 4, Etiquette 1, Investigation 3, Craft
coterie. (Bookbinding) 3, Driving 1, Insight 1, Larceny
(Lockpicking) 2, Occult 2, Stealth 2, Technol-
Sewar Ethier ogy 3
quiet mousy librarian ■ Disciplines: Dominate 2, Blood Sorcery 2
12th Generation Fledgeling ■ Predator Type: Bagger
■ Advantages & Flaws: Contacts (Rare Book
Working in the special collections section of an Vendors) 2, Haven 1, Influence 1, Mask 2, Re-
academic library, Sewar know books. She knows sources 1, Iron Gullet 3; Enemy (Sire’s ghoul) 2,
how to track down rare volumes and find obscure Folkloric Block (Garlic) 1, Long Bond 1
information inside dusty old tomes. Sewar is
happier quietly working by herself than dealing Appearance: Sewar has thick-rimmed glasses
with people. Since being Embraced, she has begun and a tangle of dark hair. While not unattrac-
researching the occult, and is fascinated by the tive, she has little skill at applying make-up and


seldom bothers. She dresses in natural colours,

enjoying cosy sweaters and jeans or baggy plaid
work shirts. She always keeps at least two books
in her large messenger bag at all times, one non-
fiction and one fiction.
In Play: Sewar is a potential information
source for Kindred lore. Someone to research or
provide background on the setting, such as the
history of the sects or various creation myths. She’s
also a potential buyer for any occult books or rare
volumes the PCs claim during the Chronicle. Or,
if the owner is not interested in selling, she could
request the coterie’s assistance in stealing a unique

Ruben Pacey Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 2, Survival 1, Technol-
scarred and scary biker ogy 1
10th Generation Ancilla ■ Disciplines: Dominate 2, Protean 3
■ Predator Type: Blood Leech
After a particularly messy crash that left as much ■ Advantages & Flaws: Allies (Bike Mechanics) 3
of his skin scraped across the highway as left , Contacts (Biker Gang) 1, Haven 1, Resources 2;
untouched, Ruben became fascinated with scars: Shunned 2, Prey Exclusion (Mortals)
the story behind each one and how we can trace
our past via the marks on our bodies. Since his Appearance: A handful of ugly poorly treated
Embrace, he became even more fixated with scars scars decorate Ruben’s face, and a mix of tattoos
and the ability to make new and novel scars…. or and scar tissue cover his arms and chest. He often
the power to erase them and with them, their story goes topless or just wears a tank top to show off
and impact. his damage. Ruben shaves his head each dusk, but
Conviction: Ride it like you stole it. does a quick-and-dirty job and often misses a few
hairs with his clippers.
■ Conviction: Ride it like you stole it In Play: Ruben hangs out in a motorcycle cub
■ Touchstone: Gregg Bauer — Automechanic in the southeast side of town, riding too fast on
■ Humanity: 5 the highways and open road, alone or with his old
■ Blood Potency: 3 biker gang. He’s able to hook someone up with
■ Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina a bike, repair a damaged motorcycle, or fence a
4; Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Composure 3; stolen one. Ruben is also only a few steps removed
Intelligence 2, Wits 1, Resolve 2 from the drug trade in the city. As a simple thug
■ Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 4 and bruiser, Ruben works as a simple adversary:
■ Skills: Brawl (Kindred) 1, Craft (Motorcycle a roadblock rather than a prolonged archenemy.
Mechanics) 2, Driving (Motorcycles) 3 , Finance Someone to be confronted and overcome with
1, Firearms 1, Intimidate 4, Larceny 1, Leader- fewer lasting repercussions or grudges. Ruben and
ship 2, Medicine 2, Melee (Knives) 3, Politics 1, his crew are also useful as hired thugs, when extra
muscle is needed or a distraction is required.

Chapter Four: Kindred

Wendy Qigang Appearance: Wendy has straight and dark

cosmetic surgeon
black hair, which she regularly keeps tied back
12th Generation Fledgeling out of her face. Wendy seems stern and serious,
seldom smiling or offering much overt emotion.
Doctor Qigang could have made more money in She dresses in subtle but expensive brand name
California, but was always practical, preferring to clothes and accessories: identifiable to those who
be the best in a smaller city than just one of many. know, but overlooked by those who do not know
A city where she would have exclusive access to the fashion.
elite. Wendy sought out her sire after one of their In Play: Wendy has unconventional access to
flesh crafted victims came into her office. She was people in wealth and privilege. She can be a point
not sure what to expect as the cause—radiation, of contact and make introductions. Furthermore,
acid, or aliens—but "vampires" was not on the list. as a licensed medical doctor, she can provide health
Now she’s in the process of setting up an exclusive related services such as check-ups: faking healthy
clinic, planning on performing impossible surgeries test results for Kindred. She is also capable of
for Kine and Kindred… once she masters the art of performing simple surgeries—while out of practice
altering flesh. on life saving procedures, she is more discreet than
bringing the victim of a frenzy into an ER.
■ Conviction: No matter how deep the cut, never
leave a scar
■ Touchstone: Doctor Jessica Winninger — At- GROUPIE
tending physician and former mentor Only the blood of the noteworthy satisfies your
■ Humanity: 7 appetite. Derisively called "starfuckers," Groupies
■ Blood Potency: 1 ingratiate themselves among the rich or famous, sa-
■ Attributes: Strength 1, Dexterity 4, Stamina vouring the subtle Resonances that comes with peo-
2; Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Composure 3; ple of "quality." You might move in elite social circles,
Intelligence 3, Wits 2, Resolve 3 being a frequent guest at events and parties, or you
■ Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 6 may have a knack at making yourself indispensable to
■ Skills: Academics (Research) 3, Awareness 2, wealthy individuals.
Driving 1, Etiquette (Fandom) 1, Finance 2, ■ Add a speciality: Etiquette (Fandom) or Subter-
Investigation 1, Medicine (Plastic Surgery) 4, fuge (Seduction)
Persuasion 3, Science (Biology) 3, Technology 2 ■ Gain one dot of Presence or Obfuscate
■ Disciplines: Dominate 2, Presence 1, Protean 1 ■ Distribute two dots among Fame, Influence, or
■ Predator Type: Groupie Contacts
■ Advantages & Flaws: Contacts (Plastic Surgery ■ Gain the Feeding Flaw: (•) Prey Exclusion (Unfa-
Clinic) 1, Fame 2, Haven 1 (Luxury 1), Influ- mous)
ence 1, Resources 3; Addiction (Cocaine) 1 Prey Predator Pool: Charisma + Persuasion or Subter-
Exclusion (Unfamous), Stalker 1, fuge as you move among potential targets, trying
to catch their eye and lure them to a quiet area.


■ Conviction: You only lose when you quit

■ Touchstone: Wesley Villeneuve — Business
■ Humanity: 5
■ Blood Potency: 2
■ Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina
2; Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Composure 3;
Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Resolve 4
■ Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 7
■ Skills: Academics (Philosophy) 2, Awareness 3
, Craft (Gardening), Driving 1, Etiquette 1, Fi-
nance 1, Firearms 1, Insight (Desires) 3, Intimi-
dation (Coercion) 2, Investigation 2, Leadership
1, Occult 2, Persuasion 2, Politics 3, Subterfuge 1
■ Disciplines: Dominate 1, Fortitude 2, Potence 1
■ Predator Type: Extortionist
■ Advantages & Flaws: Contacts 2, Haven 2
Ventrue (Luxury 1, Security 1, Watchmen 1), Influence 1,
Resources 2, Status 2; Adversary 1, Dark Secret
1, Enemy (Police) 2, Folkloric (Stigmata) 1, Ugly
Olive De Vera 1
old new money
10th Generation Ancilla Appearance: Olive was Embraced in her mid-
60s but looks much older after a hard lifestyle of
Olive was born poor, but her family soon came alcohol and time in the sun. She regrets not prior-
into wealth due to the hard work of her absent itizing plastic surgery while it was an option. She
father. Having inherited her assets and wanting dresses in slightly dated business suits—she tries
to enjoy the life she was denied in her youth, she to keep up with the trends of working women’s
frivolously lost most of her money through an ex- fashion, but is slow to respond to changes.
travagant lifestyle, poor investments, and gambling
on bridge. She repeatedly married into money,
only to burn through those funds, maintaining
an illusion of extreme wealth despite mounting
debts and businesses on the verge of failure. She
was Embraced to gain access to her assets, much
to the chagrin of her sire. Which proved fortuitous
to Olive, who could escape her debtors and start
over… again.
Olive’s feeding preference as a Ventrue is people
wealthier than her. Ironically, this means if she is
ever as successful as she wants to be, she will have
trouble feeding.

Chapter Four: Kindred

In Play: Olive is continually seeking to elevate to attend daytime meetings and conferences. But
her position in Kindred and mortal society, gaining with potential immortality, he is thinking of his
wealth and power. But she had trouble maintain- future for the first time, and considering what hap-
ing what she already possesses, always being more pens when his father dies.
focused on what comes next and what she can gain As a Ventrue, Jacob prefers feeding from
from her existing resources. Olive can be tapped diabetics, especially those who have recently been
as an "investor" and used to bankroll a coterie or medicated or otherwise have low blood sugar.
PC’s dealings, even if the venture is risky. Or she ■ Conviction: You catch more flies with honey
can be a less savvy corporate opponent they have ■ Touchstone: Philip Wallace — Teenaged son,
an opportunity to out maneuver. Olive could also living with ex-wife
turn to the coterie to help her recover from a bad ■ Humanity: 7
investment, either through traditional means or ■ Blood Potency: 1
more criminal solutions. ■ Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina
3; Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Composure 2;
Jacob Wallace Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 1
nepobaby leech ■ Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 3
12th Generation Fledgeling ■ Skills: Athletics 1, Finance 3, Firearms 2, Lead-
ership (Fetish Club) 3, Medicine (Pharmacol-
Jacob Wallace is the CEO of Diebet-X, a subsidiary ogy) 2, Persuasion 4, Politics 2, Science (Organic
of his fathers’ pharmaceutical business empire. This Chemistry) 1, Subterfuge 3, Technology 1
smaller company focuses on the manufacture and ■ Disciplines: Dominate 2, Presence 2
sale of insulin and related products and medica- ■ Predator Type: Scene Queen
tion, along with a sizable medical research division. ■ Advantages & Flaws: Beautiful 2, Contacts
When alive, Jacob was only marginally interested (Pharmacy Industry) 1, Fame 1, Haven 1, Re-
in running the company, leaving that to the other sources 2, Retainer (Butler) 2; Disliked 1, Enemy
executives. Following his Embrace he has become (Corporate Rival) 2, Stalker 1
even more distracted, especially with his inability
Appearance: Despite approaching middle age,
Jacob appears young and attractive. Slightly vain,
he always took great pains to maintain his appear-
ance and physical fitness. He favours a more "busi-
ness casual" look with a turtleneck under a blazer
or sports coat.
In Play: Jacob is a potential corporate rival or
ally, depending on the industries of the PCs. With
some deep pockets (although much of his wealth is
tied-up in stocks and property) and access to cor-
porate finances, he's a potential investor or busi-
ness partner. Jacob is a character whose personal
story can be influenced by the PCs, who could help
him come into his role as a stereotypical cutthroat
Venture capitalist, or reject that and seek influence
(or purpose) beyond his familial business.


Chapter Four: Kindred

Chapter Five:


People can die of mere imagination

—Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales


his chapter focuses on assorted elements to on tests related to being aware of their surround-
add flavour to a Shadow City Chronicle. ings or involving fine motor control. To have
This includes new character options, which any effect, the victim must be calm and relaxed,
Storytellers can use or allow their players typically seated or leaning against a wall or object.
to select for their characters. At the end of this chap- At the Storyteller's discretion, a mortal that was
ter is a list of random locations that can be quickly recently sleeping or was already tired might fall
dropped into this city or another urban environment. asleep Any noise louder than quiet talking, sudden
motion, or physical contact instantly ends the ef-
Merits fect.
Duration: A number of turns equal to the test
• L ight S leeper
margin plus one
You are more easily roused from your death-like
slumber. You add 2 dice to your pool when at- Level 4
tempting to awaken during the day, and 1 dice to
S eal the M ind
remain awake after the first scene.
Prerequisite: The Forgetful Mind
•• B rief Torpor
When using The Forgetful Mind, rather than
It is easier to awaken you from torpor and you
permanently erasing memories, they are mentally
remain in that state for a shorter duration. You
repressed. The Kindred can restore these memo-
treat your Humanity as 2 points higher when
ries by commanding the victim to "remember" or
determining your torpor length. Additionally, you
implanting a trigger word or phrase that unlocks
can be roused from torpor early if fed blood from a
the memories when the victim hears the trigger
vampire with a Blood Potency equal to your own.
spoken. The phrase can be anything, from a com-
Disciplines mon saying to a random assortment of words.
Cost: No additional cost
Players may choose the following options. System: As The Forgetful Mind., save when
rewriting the memories the vampire can choose
Dominate to include a condition that restores the overwrit-
ten memories. The victim remembers both what
Level 3 truly happened as well as the imprinted memories.
L ullaby Tasks to detect or supernaturally read the hidden
Prerequisite: Cloud Memories memories must succeed on a task with a Difficulty
Simply by whispering the phrase "sleep" or making equal to the margin when the false memories were
a quiet shushing sound, the victim becomes drowsy. created.
They briefly nod off, potentially even drifting into Duration: Passive
a very light sleep. This ability does not require eye
contact, but the victim does need to hear the Kin- Animalism
dred. This affects only a single individual within
earshot, and the Kindred's command cannot be Level 1
recorded or transmitted. U nnerve A nimals
Cost: One Rouse Check Amalgam: Presence 1
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Dominate vs. Wits + Locking eyes with an animal, the vampire reveals
Resolve their unnatural nature, triggering the creature's
System: The user rolls a contest of Manipula- flight instinct. Startled by the presence of an apex
tion + Dominate vs. Wits + Resolve. A win against predator, the animals are cowed and immediately
a mortal target causes the victim to lose three dice attempt to flee or hide. If unable to run away,

Chapter Four: Kindred

the animals cower and refuse to approach the

Cost: Free
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Animalism vs.
Composure + Resolve
System: No roll is required for most animals.
Prey animals flee in terror while predatory ani-
mals feel fear or unease. Even trained animals,
such as guard dogs, will instinctively recoil.
Frightening a ghoul, famulus, or other super-
naturally augmented animal requires a contest
of Manipulation + Animalism vs Composure +
Resolve. This power has no effect on humans,
werewolves (regardless of their form), and other
sentient creatures.
Duration: One scene

Level 3
L ove's True Face
Prerequisite: Mask of a Thousand Faces
Tapping into the unconscious mind of an
onlooker, to their eyes the Kindred appears
as a known subject of romantic love or strong
physical attraction. This might be spouse and
partner, an unrequited love, or even a celebrity
crush. The vampire gains no knowledge of what
the victim sees or who they are emulating, only
that they have taken the appearance of a figure
of adoration. The power affects only a single
individual at a time.
Cost: One Rouse Check
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Obfuscate vs Wits
+ Insight
System: For a passing encounter contact no
test is required. However, once the vampire in-
teracts with the victim, roll a contest of Manipu-
lation + Obfuscate vs Wits + Insight to maintain
the ruse. A failure means the observer is aware
of the deception, but does not see through the
illusion and will be unable to recall or identify
the vampire's true appearance. Sense the Unseen
(Auspex 1) can pierce the power as usual.
Duration: One scene


Quick Locations next event. No food or drink is formally severed,

but industrious people bring extra water or alcohol
The following are locations and sites of interest they can barter.
that can be quickly dropped into a Chronicle, 5 - Vertigo. A dance club that occupies the
placed anywhere on the map. entirety of a narrow three-storey building. A shaft
runs down the middle of the building with the DJ
Bars and Clubs in the basement. The floor of much of the third
1 - The Bar Code. Identified not by a name storey reinforced glass, so you can see the 8-meter
but a large QR code on the side of the building. drop beneath you.
The windows of this bar are blackened and there is 6 - Club Vapour. This dance club plays the
no outward sign what lies inside. The bar relies on traditional top 50 songs and club remixes with
word-of-mouth and curiosity over its appearance to occasional “retro” theme nights for older music.
attract patrons. The club makes liberal use of smoke machines built
2 - Hard Helmets. Once a blue collar bar into the ventilation system to keep a perpetual fog
frequented by construction workers, the name at- hovering over the dance floor. Rumour has it that
tracted gay men amused by the unintended double for special events they will “spike” the fog machine
entendre. After a period of resistance, the owners with hallucinogens but the club denies this.
accepted their new clientele, first with weekly gay 7 - The Finale. Large copper stills dominate
nights before just accepting their status as a gay the back half of this bar. Specialising in wares from
bar. local breweries and their own product, this bar is
3 - Alpha. A whiskey bar, specialising in scotch somewhat snobbish: dismissing individuals who
and whiskey with appetizer-sized British cuisine. order well-known brands. The bar has a rotating
It has an expansive menu of whiskeys with a range series of cooks, updating its menu every time they
of price, from “budget” to “mortgage.” The servers hire someone new to run its kitchen.
dress in all-black including modern tactical kilts. 8 - Crimson Elegance. A refined wine bar
4 - The Hive. Filling a former warehouse, this known for its dark red accents: long tablecloths
rave club is often packed with people. The Hive and tapestries. The lighting is dim, emulating can-
operates irregularly, using viral marketing and dlelight. Its wine menu is voluminous, but food is
word-of-mouth among members to announce its limited to tapas curated to pair well with favoured

Chapter Four: Kindred

wines and complement the flavours. Eateries

9 - The Naive Raven. Equal parts fetish store 1 - Nova. Specialising in French cuisine, this
and goth/punk club. It holds alternating theme restaurant is expensive and elite. Reservations are
nights with goths welcome on Wednesday and made several weeks in advance and the wait staff
Thursday being the punk night while Saturday is a impeccably dressed and highly specialized. Table
mixture. It hosts live music on Friday played on the space is limited to preserve the “intimate” and
stage, which is used by dancers the rest of the week. “romantic” atmosphere.
The associated clothing store does decent business, 2 - Cereal Habit. A "cereal bar," this restaurant
mostly catering to club goers. serves bowls of various cereals and breakfast foods,
10 - The Bench. The walls of this sports bar are served with milk and other beverages. It has a lim-
divided between iconic moments of athletic glory ited supply of breakfast appetizers and side dishes
and local memorabilia including jerseys, person- to complement bowls of cereal.
alised photos, and game balls. There are numerous 3 - The Imperial Gate. Classical western Chi-
TVs for watching “the big game” of the season. nese food complete with a lunch and dinner buffet.
A large fish tank by the door is filled with aged koi,
framed by a red-and-gold archway. An older res-
taurant, the wallpaper is scratched, paint chipped,
furniture stained, and tableware mismatched. The
restaurant makes enough money to comfortably
stay in business but not enough to replace every-
thing worn: the owners are torn between renova-
tion and retiring.
4 - The Cocoa Factory. The place for all things
chocolate. While it has a full kitchen and is able
to serve full meals, most diners come for the cake,
iced cream, fondue, or other chocolate-focused des-
sert dishes.
5 - Babylon. A fusion of Greek and Mid-
dle Eastern cuisine, the restaurant blooms with
vegetation from numerous tiered planters set into
the walls. Vines dangle from hanging pots, being
stretched across the room. The ceiling is set with
numerous large skylights to let in the sun
6 - Phoenix Diner. A retro-style diner deco-
rated with artwork based on classic album covers
alongside black-and-white photographs of celebri-
ties new and old. Famed for its pie, milkshakes,
and coffee. Diners are equally likely to be long haul
truckers, a family out for a post-Church meal, or
half-drunk college students recovering after a night
at the bars
7 - Roast. A meat-centric restaurant focused
on roasts, pot roasts, pulled pork, and assorted
other carnivorous dishes. The aesthetic is minimal-
istic with rough and plain wooden tables designed


to accommodate larger groups. The restaurant also 4 - Hush Wellness Spa. Personal wellness
sells its personal barbecue sauces and marinades treatments of all kinds are found in this small spa,
made in-house. including massages, mani-pedi, and sensory dep-
8 - See You Latte. Your standard café selling rivation floats. Masseuses are not staff but rent a
a variety of coffee as well as opulent handmade room per day, being in charge of managing clients;
doughnuts and muffins. Has a sizable menu of added surcharges and services fees for specialized
breakfast and lunch items that are seldom pur- therapy are thus obscured.
chased. The shop has a limited amount of seating 5 - Imagination Vault. A comic book and
inside, but on nice days it sets up tables on the board game store, selling various pop culture
sidewalk outside. memorabilia and products. There are new and
9 - Wallflour. This bakery sells assorted breads, vintage comic books, a wall of vinyl statues, manga,
buns, and rolls. They provide a mixture of regular roleplaying games, and more. As the store expand-
breads as well as vegan and gluten-free options, ed into carrying card games and more board games,
all made fresh daily. It produces a limited number the space between shelves narrowed.
of cinnamon buns a couple times each day, which 6 - Pump Connection. A gym and fitness
invariably sell out within minutes. centre, with expansive weight room, indoor soccer
10 - Prime Dough Pizzeria. Selling both pitch, and yoga studio with a unisex sauna and
whole pizzas and pizza-by-the-slice, this restaurant whirlpool hot tub. The gym is open 24-7, but is
accommodates both dive-in as well as take-out especially busy after school when it becomes popu-
orders. Despite the name, the kitchen staff is adept lated by students from a nearby high school.
at a variety of Italian food and pasta dishes. 7 - Margrove Accounting. A mid-sized ac-
counting firm that gets most of its business at tax
Businesses season. It also manages estates: untangling the
1 - Omen Aleworks. A brewery producing finances of departed relatives and managing the
a half-dozen local beers of varying popularity, all transfer of assets.
with amusing names and brightly coloured labels. 8 - Reliquary. An antique store that buys and
The brewery has a small attached bar that hosts sells heirlooms and valuable pieces. The owners get
taste tests and events where they experiment with much of their stock from estate auctions, occasion-
new variants to rotate into circulation. ally buying the bulk contents of storage lockers or
2 - Under Covers. This multi-story bookstore houses from overwhelmed executors in the hopes
sells new and “preloved” books, purchasing lots of of rare treasure.
unsold books from vendors and offering them at 9 - Scooter's Autobody. Provides full ser-
a steep discount. Because of the mixed collection vice auto repair and other mechanic work as well
it seldom has exactly the book you want but often as limited customization, typically replacing car
has a book you didn’t know you need. The staff audio systems. The owner runs a legitimate busi-
keeps a private wish list of rare books, and is happy ness and refuses to purchase or install “surplus” or
to serve as a discrete middleman between sellers “salvaged” parts and sound systems. However, a few
and buyers. employees occasionally work late as a side hustle.
3 - Triple Tide Hotel. Once a rundown chain 10 - The Fragile. A glassware shop selling fine
motel, this building was purchased and renovated china and crystal stemware along with glass and
into a brightly coloured and upscale hotel. It fo- crystalline decorations and ornaments. Everything
cuses on being a “destination” as much as a hotel, in the store is eminently breakable, from the dis-
with a kitschy restaurant and a small souvenir store play cases to the glass shelves that hold much of the
selling shirts and other items with its branding. merchandise.

Chapter Four: Kindred

Sites of Note initiation rite. As is sneaking in after closing for a

1 - Parking Garage. A four storey above private late night swim.
ground parking garage. The bottom two floors are 7 - Eco Station. A bottle depot and recycling
regularly patrolled by security guards and park- centre, this centre takes and sorts beverage con-
ing officers, but the upper levels are often ignored. tainers but also has bins for glass, cardboard, scrap
Half the cameras present are fakes, meant to deter metal, and electronics. There is a constant pres-
vehicular theft. ence of unhoused individuals, depositing collected
2 - Lakewood School. This large red brick cans and bottles, or loitering nearby hoping to
building still has engraved stone signage declaring get change from people who just brought in their
the right entrance for “boys” and the left for “girls” empties.
despite having amalgamated classrooms many 8 - Caring Heart Hospital. A small teaching
decades ago. Patchwork upgrades have introduced hospital in an older neighbourhood. Caring Heart
phone and internet cabling to the classrooms, but was scheduled to be shut down and replaced until
this infrastructure is cheaply done and often fails. a recession and budget cuts kept it open. As it
3 - Transit Station. Both a hub for buses, had been expected to close, upkeep and necessary
where drivers pause to get back on schedule or take improvements were halted, and even now improve-
a quick washroom or coffee break, and a subway ments are limited.
station. The above ground section has a small 9 - Wreck Centre. A small scrap yard that
roofed section to protect commuters from inclem- strips cars and appliances for sellable salvage and
ent weather, making this a common resting place metal that can be recycled. It has a crusher for cars
for the unhoused. and other goods that cannot be sold or repurposed
4 - The Harcana Conservatory. This large and several tow trucks for recovering cars after ac-
botanical garden occupies what was once a pit cidents or abandoned.
mine, but was filled in and repurposed. There are 10 - Williamson Fields Retirement Home. A
numerous outdoor flower beds encircled by walk- large condo complex for senior citizens: each unit
ing paths and several greenhouses that house more has its own kitchen and bathroom, but a shared
climate-sensitive blooms. Urban legends say the dining space is available. The assisted living facility
mine’s clean-up was botched, and some areas of the has the usual problems with theft and STIs among
garden are toxic to animals. residents. And rumours the staff are not reporting
5 - Police Precinct. A crowded office with guests who have died, continuing to collect pay-
overflowing holding cells and bursting evidence ments for their space.
locker. Precinct #7 used to oversee
a much smaller neighbourhood. As
redistributing occurred, the precinct’s
responsibilities increased the necessary
staff. Desk and locker space is at a pre-
mium, with junior officers and detec-
tives expected to share.
6 - MacKenzie Pool. An outdoor
pool open during the warmer days
of summer. Typically staffed by high
school and college students during their
summer break. Doing a summer at the
pool has been the first job for a couple
generations of teens, becoming a local


Parks 8 - Fillion Field. A mid-sized park surrounded

1 - Clarke Park Officially the Clarke Memo- by busy roads. The park has seen little use for years
rial Green, this winding and irregular shaped park due to increasing traffic around the park. The field
has found renewed interest when a disc golf course has become a homeless encampment, filled with
was installed. At the center of the park is an old tents and campfires. Assaults of various kinds oc-
wooden playground, seldom used by children due cur on a regular basis.
to the splinter risk from the aged wood. 9 - Riverside Park. Running along a waterway,
2 - Collins Park. A narrow vacant lot that was this park has several walking trails lined by flower
turned into a field. Little more than a strip of grassy beds and blooming trees. It is a frequent location
field, occasionally cut to prevent being overgrown for weddings and birthday parties. Joggers run
with weeds. The field is still more dandelions than the paths at all hours, especially the early morn-
grass. It is often used by dog owners, who regularly ings. Rows of benches dedicated in the memory of
decline to pick-up after their pet. deceased park goers line all the paths.
3 - "The Hidden Wood". A small rough piece 10 - Kova Community Garden. After years of
of undeveloped land in the middle of a block, sur- poor upkeep, the community turned this park into
rounded by houses on all sides save a couple grassy a community garden, building planters and plant-
gaps between houses. This woodland is easily missed ing rows of crops. The garden expanded over the
and a frequent hiding place for neighbourhood years, with plastic fencing to keep out birds and
kids, who build forts or fight with sticks. compost bins
4 - Wolf Mound Dog Park. A former landfill,
which was sealed then covered with dirt and sod.
It was turned into an off-leash dog park, bordered
by light forests crisscrossed with walking trails.
Despite the thick lining supposedly sealing away
the trash, there have been reports of digging dogs
discovering random items.
5 - Grayson Athletic Field. A small park dom-
inated by a baseball diamond and football field.
The park is used by little league teams and other
amateur sports leagues and beer leagues. There is no
separation between the two fields, and on occasion
a team will interrupt a game chasing a lost ball.
6 - Centennial Park. Frequently maintained,
this green space features a splash park that operates
during warming months, along with outdoor ath-
letic equipment. A newly built playground attracts
neighbouring kids and their families.
7 - "The Secret Playground". A small unnamed
suburban field encircled by houses and accessible by
small paved paths. The regularly mowed field has a
large playground in the middle, paid for by the local
homeowners association: primarily parents whose
houses border the park. Hidden from the main
roads, the playground is a common place for teens
to smoke and drink.

Welcome to Shadow City
This book contains:
^ The history of the city and the alternate timeline it
^ Descriptions of its neighbourhoods;
^ Twenty-seven Kindred inhabitants of the city;
^ Era-Specific Banes for Tremere, Ravnos, and Banu
^ New Mechanics including Discipline powers, Preda-
tor Types, Merits, and Flaws;

Mature Advisory: contains graphic and written content of a

mature nature, including violence, sexual themes, and strong
language. Reader discretion is advised.

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