english day (inglés)

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1. Poulet braisé

Origin: It is a popular dish known for its intense and spicy flavor. The origin of Poulet braisé
dates back to the Middle Ages, when it was a popular dish among French peasants. It was
considered a hearty and economical food, and it was a common way to use leftover chicken.

(Iris a popular dish known for its intens end espaici fleivor. The origin of Poulet briasé deits bakc tu the mirel eiyes,wen it was a popular
dish among french pesents.It was considerda jertyand economical food, and it was a comon way to use leftover chicken)


 Chopped chicken  Chopt chicken,

 Onion  onion,
 Garlic  garlic,
 grin pepper,
 Green pepper  tomeiros,
 Tomatoes  fresh ginger,
 Fresh ginger  black pepper,
 salt,
 Black pepper  veshteibol oyil
 Salt
 Vegetable oil


1. Marinate the chicken: In a bowl, mix the chicken with chopped onion, chopped
garlic, grated ginger, black pepper, and salt. Let it marinate for at least 30 minutes.
2. Cook the chicken: Heat vegetable oil in a large pot or pan. Sauté the marinated
chicken until it is golden brown on all sides.
3. Add vegetables: Add chopped onion, chopped green pepper, and chopped tomatoes
to the pot. Cook until the vegetables are tender.
4. Season and simmer: Cover the pot and add a bit of water or chicken broth. Season
with salt and pepper to taste. Cook on low heat for 30-40 minutes, or until the
chicken is fully cooked.

(1. Merineit the chicken in a boul, mis the chiscken with choppt onions, choppt garlic,greired ginger, black pepper and sal.
Lerit merineit for at list thirty minuts.
2. Cuk the chicken, hit veshteibol oyil in a lerch poto or pan. Sauté the merineitedchicken until iris Golden brounon all saids.
3. Add veshteibols, add choppt onions, choppt grin pepper, and chopped tomeiros to the pot. Cuk until the veshteibols are
4. Sison and simer, cover the pot and ad a bit of warer or chicken broth. Sison with salt and peppertu teist. Cukon low hit for
thirty-to-forty minutes,or untilthe chicken is fuly cuked. )
2. Attiéké:

Origin: It is a popular dish throughout the country, especially in the Abidjan region. The
origins of attiéké date back to the Akan communities of Ivory Coast and Ghana, where it
originated as a way to use ripe plantains that would otherwise spoil.

(Iris apopular dish thrujaut the country, specially in the Abiyan reyion. The origins of attieké deit back to the Akan comiunitis of Aivory
Cost and Ghana,where it oriyineiret as a way to ius rip planteins that would oderwais spoil)


 Cassava
 Water
 Salt
 Tomato
 Onion


1. Grate the cassava and let it ferment for several days.

2. Wash the fermented cassava and press it to remove excess water.
3. Cook the cassava by steaming or boiling.
4. Chop the onion and tomato, and cook them for 5-7 minutes.
5. Serve as a side dish or as a main dish accompanied by sauces, fish, or meat.

(1. Greit the cassava and lerit ferment for several days.
2. Wash the fermented cassava and pressit tu remof exes water.
3. Cuk the cassava by estiming or boilin.
4. Chop the onion and tomero and cuk dem for five-to-seven minutes
5. Serf as a said dish or as a mein dish acompanit by saces,fish or mit. )


1. Alloco

Origin: Alloco is a simple and popular dessert throughout Ivory Coast. Its origin is not
entirely clear, but it is believed to trace back to the Baoulé ethnic group, located primarily
in the central region of Ivory Coast. The word "alloco" itself comes from the Baoulé
language and means "ripe and sweet".

(Alloco is a simpol and popular disert thrujaut Aivory Cost. Its oriyin is not entaierly clir, but iris bilift tu treis back tu Baoulé ethnis grup,
lokeiret praimarily in the central reyion of Aivory Cost.The word “alloco”itself coms from the Baulpe lenguach and mins “rip and suit”)


 Green plantains
 Oil for frying
 Sugar

1. Peel the green plantains and cut them into slices.

2. Fry them in hot oil until they are golden and crispy.
3. Sprinkle with sugar and serve hot.

(1. Pil the Green plentains and cut dem intu eslaices.
2. Frai dem in hot oyil until they are golden and crispy.
3. Esprincol with sugar and serf hot. )

2. Ivorian Bofloto

Origin: The history of Bofloto is linked to African culinary traditions, where sweet fritters
are common in many cultures. It is believed that these fritters have been passed down
through generations and have been adapted and modified in different regions of West
Africa, including Ivory Coast.

(The jistori of Boloto is linkd to African culinery tradishions,where sweet frairers are common in meny culturs. Iris belift that dis fraitters
jaf bin passed down thru genereitions and jaf been adapt and modifaied in different reyions of West Africa, including Aivory Cost.)


 All-purpose flour  All-purpos flour

 Yeast  Yist
 Ground nutmeg  Ground notmeg
 Granuleited sugar tu teist
 Granulated sugar to taste  Salt
 Salt  Warm warer
 Warm water  Veshteibol oyil
 Vegetable oil (for frying)


1. Mix the dry ingredients in a large bowl.

2. Gradually add the warm water and mix until you get a smooth and sticky dough.
3. Let the dough rest for about an hour, until it doubles in size.
4. Form small portions of dough and fry them in hot oil until they are golden and
crispy, remove them from the oil and serve.

(1. Mix the dari ingredients in a larch bowl.

2. Gradually add the warm warer and mix until you get a smuf and estiky dou.
3. Let the dou rest for aboranawar,until it dobols in sais.
4. Form small porshions of dou and frai dem in hot oyil until they are goldenand crispy, rimof them fromthe oyil and serf.)

Jus de gingembre (ginger juice)

Origin: The origin of ginger juice in Ivory Coast is not entirely clear, but it is believed to
date back to the colonial period. Ginger is a spice native to Asia but was introduced to West
Africa by European traders. It is likely that African slaves adopted the custom of drinking
ginger as a medicinal and energizing beverage.

(the oriyin of ginger yuis in Aivory Cost is not entaierly clir, but iris bilift deit back tu the colonial piriod. Ginger is a espais natif to Asia
but it was introdusd to West Africa bai the Iuropian treiders. Iris laikly that African esleifs adopt the custom of drinking ginger as a
medical and eneryaisin beverash)


 Fresh ginger
 Water
 Sugar to taste
 Lemon (optional)


1. Peel and grate the ginger.

2. Put the grated ginger in a pot with water.
3. Add sugar to taste.
4. Bring to a boil and then reduce the heat.

(1. Pil tand greit the ginger.

2. Putt he greiret ginger in a pot with water.
3. Add sugar tu teist.
4. Bring tu a boil and den redus the heat.)

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