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PROJECT “Młodzież dla Europy – Europa dla Młodzieży”co-financed by the European Union under

the European Social Fund, Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development

Foreign Vocational Apprenticeship Diary

Position: Internship

Field of vocational education: VET

Intern’s name and surname: Weronika Ancerowicz

The foreign Vocational Apprenticeship dates

From: 07.06.2017

To: 03.08.2017

Name and Surname of the Intern’s tutor: Jane Bowles

Place of the Foreign Vocational Apprenticeship: Wyndham Lewis Trust, Cardiff,


Contact Person (name, function, e-mail, tel.): Jane Bowles, Office



Stamp of the workplace

PROJECT “Młodzież dla Europy – Europa dla Młodzieży”co-financed by the European Union under
the European Social Fund, Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development

Tasks /copy when needed/

Date Number of Topic Signature of Signature of
working the Intern the Intern’s
/from… to…/
hours tutor
06.06.2017 - Arrival

07.06.2017 7,5 Introduction, watching

a presentation about
receiving organization,
competition games
08.06.2017 7,5 Sorting documents,
sample test with
Microsoft Word and
Microsoft PowerPoint

09.06.2017 7,5 Sorting documents,

continue sample test
with Microsoft
PowerPoint and test
with Microsoft Excel

10.06.2017 - Weekend - Trip to the


11.06.2017 - Weekend

12.06.2017 7,5 Working with

documents, create a

13.06.2017 7,5 Working with

documents, make a
PROJECT “Młodzież dla Europy – Europa dla Młodzieży”co-financed by the European Union under
the European Social Fund, Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development


14.06.2017 7,5 Lesson about behaviour

and English lesson

15.06.2017 7,5 Working with

documents, clean
laptops and computers

16.06.2017 7,5 Add new information to

the brochure in Word,
create new leaflets in

17.06.2017 - Weekend

18.06.2017 - Weekend

19.06.2017 7,5 Creates a new

templates in
PowerPoint, reading
about apprenticeship

20.06.2017 7,5 Reading about

standards and thinking
about choice

21.06.2017 7,5 English lesson, planning

a movie

22.06.2017 7,5 Room furnishing,

document sorting,
PROJECT “Młodzież dla Europy – Europa dla Młodzieży”co-financed by the European Union under
the European Social Fund, Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development

23.06.2017 7,5 Research information

about Digital Marketing

24.06.2017 - Weekend

25.06.2017 - Weekend

26.06.2017 7,5 Create a leaflet,

research information
about Software

27.06.2017 7,5 AutoCAD training

28.06.2017 7,5 English lesson, making a

test movie

29.06.2017 7,5 AutoCAD training

30.07.2017 7,5 Create a leaflet about


01.07.2017 - Weekend

02.07.2017 - Weekend

03.07.2017 7,5 Research information

about Digital Marketing

04.07.2017 7,5 Research information

about Software
PROJECT “Młodzież dla Europy – Europa dla Młodzieży”co-financed by the European Union under
the European Social Fund, Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development

05.07.2017 7,5 English Lesson

06.07.2017 7,5 Research information

about Digital Marketing

07.07.2017 7,5 Sorting documents,

create scheme of work
for Digital Marketing

08.07.2017 - Weekend

09.07.2017 - Weekend

10.07.2017 7,5 Sorting documents,

create scheme of work
for Software Developer

11.07.2017 7,5 Sorting documents,

create presentation
about Digital Marketing
and session plan for
Digital Marketing

12.07.2017 7,5 Planning a movie,

English lesson

13.07.2017 7,5 Sorting documents,

create session plan for
Software Developer and
presentation about
Software Developer
PROJECT “Młodzież dla Europy – Europa dla Młodzieży”co-financed by the European Union under
the European Social Fund, Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development

14.07.2017 7,5 Creating presentation

15.07.2017 - Weekend

16.07.2017 - Weekend

17.07.2017 7,5 English lesson

18.07.2017 7,5 Planning a page change

19.07.2017 7,5 Visit National Museum

of History

20.07.2017 7,5 Creating certificate,

planning a page, create
presentation of changes

21.07.2017 7,5 English lesson,


22.07.2017 - Weekend

23.07.2017 - Weekend

24.07.2017 7,5 Redesigning text

content on website

25.07.2017 7,5 Edit text layout on


26.07.2017 7,5 Recording a movie for

Erasmus, English lesson
PROJECT “Młodzież dla Europy – Europa dla Młodzieży”co-financed by the European Union under
the European Social Fund, Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development

27.07.2017 7,5 WordPress course

28.07.2017 7,5 Creating website in


29.07.2017 - Weekend

30.07.2017 - Weekend

31.08.2017 7,5 Day off

01.08.2017 7,5 Creating website in


02.08.2017 7,5 Video editing

03.08.2017 7,5 Finish website

…………………………………. ………………………………….
Signature of the Intern’s tutor Stamp of the workplace

Opinion of the Intern’s tutor

PROJECT “Młodzież dla Europy – Europa dla Młodzieży”co-financed by the European Union under
the European Social Fund, Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development


…………………………………. ………………………………….
Signature of the Intern’s tutor Stamp of the workplace

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