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Name: _________________________ Date: ____________

Seventh Grade Reading Comprehension 11: The Haunted Locker

It was just another regular day at Wilson Middle School, or so I thought. I arrived early, as usual,
and headed straight to my locker. But as soon as I opened it, I felt a strange chill run down my
spine. Something was off. I looked around, but there was no one there. I shrugged it off and
started to grab my books when I heard a faint whisper. It was almost inaudible, but I could tell it
was coming from inside my locker. I hesitated for a moment, but curiosity got the best of me,
and I leaned in closer to listen.
Suddenly, the whisper turned into a loud shriek, and I felt a cold hand grab my arm. I tried to
pull away, but it was too strong. I screamed for help, and my friends came rushing over. They
managed to pry my arm free, but my locker refused to open. We tried everything, but it was
like it was glued shut. Finally, the school custodian had to come and use a crowbar to pry it
Inside, we found nothing out of the ordinary. No ghost, no monster, just my books and a few
pencils. But I knew what I had felt and heard. My locker was haunted.
1. Where does the story take place?
2. What did the protagonist feel when they opened their locker?
3. What did the protagonist hear when they leaned in closer to listen?
4. How did the protagonist's friends help?
5. What did they find inside the locker?
Summary question: What strange thing happened to the protagonist when they opened their
locker at Wilson Middle School?


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