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A Project Work Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For Bsc. Computer Engineering



Chapter One (1)..........................................................................................................................3
1.1 Background of study.........................................................................................................3
1.2 Problem Statement............................................................................................................5
1.3 Main Objective.................................................................................................................6
1.3.1 Specific Objectives........................................................................................................7
1.5 Significance of study........................................................................................................7
Chapter Two (2).........................................................................................................................8
Literature Review.......................................................................................................................8
2.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................8
Related Works.........................................................................................................................8
2.2.1 Related Work One......................................................................................................8
2.2.2 Related Work Two....................................................................................................10
2.2.3 Related Work Three.................................................................................................12
2.2.4 Related Work Four...................................................................................................13
2.3 Summary of Review.......................................................................................................15

Chapter One (1)


1.1 Background of study

Over the years, farming practices have evolved from basic farming to advanced profitable

farming. Early farmers relied on simple tools and methods to cultivate the land and grow

crops for personal consumption. The agricultural revolution introduced new methods and

technologies that increased efficiency in farming (Herrera & Garcia-Bertrand, 2018). Farmers

practiced shifting cultivation, where land was cleared, used for a few years, and then

abandoned as fertility declined. This method was labour-intensive and had low productivity,

but it was sustainable given the low population densities and abundant land. In recent years,

the world has seen a significant push towards sustainable agricultural practices and efficient

energy consumption. Tunnel farming, a modern agricultural technique involving the use of

polytunnels to create a controlled growing environment (Rahul Adhikary, 2020), has emerged

as a solution to enhance crop yields and extend growing seasons. Traditional tunnel farming

methods often face challenges related to energy consumption and water management, which

can impact both the environment and profitability (Dhillon & Moncur, 2023). The integration

of Internet of Things (IoT) technology presents an innovative approach to address these

challenges by enabling smart energy consumption and smart irrigation systems (Khan et al,


The increasing population, food insecurity, and climate change are pressing challenges that

necessitate the adoption of advanced technologies in agriculture. As the global population

continues to rise, the demand for food intensifies, putting pressure on existing agricultural

systems (Giller et al., 2021). In Ghana, these challenges are particularly acute, given the
reliance on rain-fed agriculture and the impacts of climate change on weather patterns and

water availability (Chemura, Schauberger, & Gornott, 2020). Manual irrigation is a common

practice in traditional tunnel farming, where farmers manually water the crops using hoses,

watering cans, or simple irrigation systems (Suhaimi et al., 2021). This method has several

limitations: Manual irrigation can lead to uneven distribution of water, resulting in

overwatering or underwatering in different parts of the farm. It requires more labour and time,

especially in large-scale farming, leading to increased costs. The need for manual labour to

perform irrigation tasks can be tough, especially during peak seasons. Labor costs can

account for a significant portion of the overall budget. Without precise control, manual

irrigation often leads to water wastage, which is particularly concerning in regions with

limited water resources. The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technology in agriculture

has the potential to address many of the challenges faced by traditional and modern farming

practices, including tunnel farming.

IoT involves the use of interconnected sensors, devices, and software to collect and analyse

data in real-time, enabling smarter decision-making and automation. IoT sensors can monitor

soil moisture levels and weather conditions, enabling automated and precise irrigation that

reduces water usage and ensures optimal crop hydration. IoT-based energy management

systems can improve the use of heating, cooling, and lighting within tunnels, reducing energy

consumption and operational costs. Continuous monitoring of environmental parameters such

as temperature, humidity, and light levels helps maintain optimal growing conditions and

improve crop yields. Data collected by IoT devices can be analysed to predict potential issues

such as pest infestations or equipment failures, allowing for proactive management and

reducing crop loss. Given the challenges and costs associated with traditional tunnel farming

practices, there is a critical need for an integrated IoT solution that addresses both irrigation

and energy management. By leveraging IoT technology, farmers can achieve significant

improvements in efficiency, sustainability, and profitability. This study aims to design and

implement such a system, providing a comprehensive approach to modernizing tunnel

farming practices and promoting sustainable agriculture.

1.2 Problem Statement

Despite the benefits of tunnel farming, its adoption is often hindered by several challenges,

including high energy requirements for climate control, inefficient water usage, and reliance

on manual irrigation methods. These conventional practices lead to inconsistent results and

resource wastage, as well as increased costs and reduced sustainability. Therefore, there is a

critical need to design and implement an IoT-based system that can optimize energy

consumption and irrigation processes.

Climate control within tunnel farms is crucial for maintaining optimal growing conditions,

but it comes with high energy demands. Heating, cooling, and lighting systems consume

significant amounts of energy, which can be a major cost burden for farmers. Studies have

shown that energy costs can account for up to 25% of the total operating expenses in

controlled environment agriculture, including tunnel farming (Iddio, Wang, Thomas,

McMorrow, & Denzer, 2020). Inefficient energy use can lead to unnecessary costs, reducing

the profitability of tunnel farming operations.

Water is the key resource in agriculture, and its efficient use is important, especially in

regions prone to drought or with limited water supplies. Traditional irrigation methods often

result in water wastage due to over-irrigation, evaporation, and runoff. According to the Food

and Agriculture Organization (FAO), inefficient irrigation practices can lead to water losses

of up to 70%, affecting water availability and sustainability (FAO, 2019). Manual irrigation is

still widely used in many farming practices due to its low initial cost and simplicity. Manual

irrigation requires more labour input, which can be time-consuming and physically

demanding, leading to higher labour costs. Human error and inconsistency in manual

watering can result in uneven water distribution. Some areas may receive too much water,

while others may receive too little, leading to suboptimal crop growth. Manual irrigation does

not allow for real-time adjustments based on changing environmental conditions. Excess

water can also contribute to nutrient runoff and soil erosion, negatively impacting the


The absence of real-time monitoring and automated control systems in conventional tunnel

farming practices worsens energy and water inefficiencies. Without continuous data on

environmental parameters such as soil moisture, temperature, and humidity, farmers cannot

make timely and informed decisions. Automated systems that leverage IoT technology can

provide real-time insights and enable precise control over irrigation and climate conditions.

Research indicates that IoT-based solutions can reduce water usage by up to 50% and energy

consumption by 20%, (McKinsey & Company, 2015).

The combined impact of high energy costs, inefficient water use, and dependence on manual

processes increases the costs of tunnel farming. This affects profitability and also poses a

challenge to the long-term sustainability of farming practices. To address these challenges,

there is the need to design and implement an IoT-based system that can optimize energy

consumption and irrigation processes in tunnel farming. This system would utilize sensor

networks, hardware devices and software to provide real-time data and automated control,

enabling automated control.

1.3 Main Objective

The main objective of this study is to design and implement an IoT system for smart energy

consumption and smart irrigation in tunnel farming.

1.3.1 Specific Objectives

1. To implement a smart irrigation system that optimizes water usage based on real-time

soil moisture data and weather conditions.

2. To design an automated control system for regulating energy usage in heating,

cooling, and lighting within the tunnel.

.1.4 Research Questions

1. What impact does the implementation of an IoT system have on the overall efficiency

and productivity of tunnel farming?

2. How can smart irrigation systems be optimized to reduce water wastage while

ensuring adequate soil water?

1.5 Significance of study

The study contributes to the advancement of smart agriculture by demonstrating the

practical application of IoT technology in farming. It showcases how real-time

monitoring and automated control systems can improve overall farming productivity.

Climate change poses challenges to agricultural productivity. The IoT-based system's

ability to monitor and respond to environmental conditions in real-time helps alleviate the

impacts of climate change on tunnel farming. This bridges the gap between traditional

farming methods and advanced technological applications, paving the way for future

developments in smart farming and sustainable agriculture. The insights gained from this

study are applicable to tunnel farming as well as providing a foundation for implementing

similar systems in other agricultural sectors globally.

Chapter Two (2)

Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

This chapter review literature on the use of Internet of Things technologies in enhancing

irrigation practices in farming. This literature review delves into various IoT-based

irrigation projects and papers published, assesses their benefits, identifies the limitations

of conventional irrigation methods, and discusses future advancements in smart irrigation

technologies. Related works will be reviewed to provide a comprehensive understanding

of the current state and future prospects of IoT-enabled smart irrigation systems in tunnel


Related Works

2.2.1 Related Work One

Innovative GSM Bluetooth based remote controlled embedded system for irrigation

Published: 30th June, 2012

Authors: I. Gautam and S.R.N Reddy

In this study, Gautam and Reddy (2012) aimed to address the inefficiencies in traditional

irrigation methods by developing an innovative IoT-based solution. The primary

objectives of the study were to enable remote monitoring and control of irrigation systems

using GSM and Bluetooth technologies, thus improving water management, reducing

waste, and enhancing overall crop productivity. The study focused on several key

objectives. The first objective was to allow farmers to monitor and control irrigation

systems remotely using SMS (via GSM) and Bluetooth. The second objective was to

automatically adjust irrigation schedules based on sensor readings of temperature,

humidity, and crop requirements. The third objective was to notify farmers about critical

issues such as power outages, low water flow, temperature and humidity extremes, and

smoke detection. The fourth objective was to reduce farmers' exposure to harmful

pesticides and provide fire safety alerts.

The system designed incorporated an 8-bit PIC microcontroller interfaced with various

sensors, including those for temperature, humidity, water flow, and smoke. The design

utilized both GSM and Bluetooth modules for communication. Key components and

methods included the use of an 8-bit PIC microcontroller with a built-in ADC to handle

sensor inputs directly. A GSM module was used for remote communication via SMS,

enabling farmers to control and monitor the system from anywhere with a cell phone

signal. A Bluetooth module was used for local, short-range control within 10 meters,

reducing SMS costs. Temperature, humidity, water flow, and smoke sensors provided

real-time environmental data, and sensor data was transmitted to the farmer's phone via

SMS (GSM) or Bluetooth.

The system demonstrated several benefits. Enabling farmers to manage irrigation pumps

and monitor field conditions remotely, reducing the need for physical presence in the

fields. It provided alerts about power outages and voltage fluctuations, preventing motor

damage. The system detected low water flow issues and alerted farmers, ensuring

efficient water use and timely maintenance. It gathered temperature and humidity data to

inform irrigation decisions, improving crop productivity. Additionally, it offered fire alerts

and reduced exposure to pesticides through remote pump control.

The study recommended several areas for further improvement. These included adding

sensors for soil moisture, rainfall, and wind speed to enhance decision-making, expanding

the system's scalability to cover larger agricultural areas and a wider variety of crops,

developing a more user-friendly interface, including mobile applications for easier control

and monitoring, implementing data analytics and machine learning to predict irrigation

needs and water usage, and exploring solar power or other renewable energy sources to

make the system more sustainable.

2.2.2 Related Work Two

IoT-Based Smart Irrigation Systems: An Overview on the Recent Trends on Sensors

and IoT Systems for Irrigation in Precision Agriculture

Published: 14th February 2020

Authors: Laura García, Lorena Parra, Jose M. Jimenez, Jaime Lloret and Pascal Lorenz.

In this paper the authors conducted a survey to explore the current state of IoT solutions

for smart irrigation in agriculture.

The primary objectives of the study were to provide an overview of current IoT solutions

for smart irrigation in agriculture, identify the sensors and actuators used in these

systems, examine the parameters monitored in irrigation systems, including water

quantity and quality, soil characteristics, weather conditions, and fertilizer usage, review

the most utilized nodes and wireless technologies for implementing IoT-based smart

irrigation systems, and discuss the challenges and best practices for the implementation of

sensor-based irrigation system

The research focused on identifying the sensors, actuators, nodes, and wireless

technologies employed in IoT irrigation systems. The authors utilized various search

engines and digital libraries, including Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore, Scopus, and the

digital library of Sensors, to gather relevant studies. They specifically searched for papers

containing keywords such as “IoT irrigation,” “IoT irrigation system,” and “smart

irrigation.” A total of 283 papers were initially collected, and after a rigorous selection

process, 178 papers published between 2014 and 2019 were included in the final review.

The selected papers were categorized into IoT irrigation systems and architecture,

protocol, and sensor proposals.

The review highlights several key findings. The study identifies a range of sensors used

for monitoring various parameters in irrigation systems, including soil moisture sensors,

water salinity sensors, and environmental sensors for measuring temperature and

humidity. Actuators such as solenoid valves and pumps are commonly used to automate

irrigation processes based on sensor data. The paper discusses the use of various wireless

communication technologies, including Wi-Fi, Zigbee, and LoRaWAN, which facilitate

the transmission of data from sensors to central control units. The review outlines

challenges in implementing IoT-based irrigation systems, such as the high cost of

commercial sensors, the need for reliable wireless communication in remote areas, and

the integration of heterogeneous devices. Recommendations for best practices include the

adoption of low-cost sensors, the development of robust wireless networks, and the use of

cloud platforms for data analysis and decision-making.

Based on the findings, the paper makes several recommendations for advancing the field

of smart irrigation. These include the development and use of low-cost sensors to make

smart irrigation systems accessible to smaller farmers, promoting the standardization of

communication protocols to ensure interoperability between different IoT devices and

platforms, encouraging ongoing research into new sensor technologies and wireless

communication methods to improve the efficiency and reliability of smart irrigation

systems, and advocating for policy measures that support the adoption of smart irrigation

technologies, such as subsidies for small farmers and investment in rural wireless


The study concludes that IoT-based smart irrigation systems have potential to enhance

water management in agriculture, especially in regions facing water scarcity. The

integration of advanced sensor technologies and wireless communication systems can

lead to more efficient water usage, reduce operational costs, and increase crop yields.

However, addressing the challenges of cost, interoperability, and infrastructure is essential

for the extensive adoption of these technologies.

2.2.3 Related Work Three

Design and Implementation of an IoT System for Smart Energy Consumption and

Smart Irrigation in Tunnel Farming.

Published: 27th October, 2018

Authors: M. Safdar Munir, Imran Sarwar Bajwa, M. Asif Naeem and Bushra Ramzan

The primary objective of the study was to develop a smart irrigation system for tunnel

farming that utilizes fuzzy logic for efficient decision-making regarding the quantity and

scheduling of water. The system aims to improve water efficiency, increase productivity,

and reduce energy consumption compared to traditional irrigation methods.

The smart irrigation system employs four sensors: soil moisture, temperature, humidity,

and light intensity. Data from these sensors is transmitted to a web server via a

microcontroller, where a fuzzy logic-based decision support system processes the

information. The system makes real-time recommendations for irrigation scheduling and

quantity based on predefined conditions and the current state of the plants. The

components of the smart irrigation system include sensors for soil moisture, temperature,

humidity, and light intensity, a microcontroller for centralized data collection, a web

server for processing sensor data and running the fuzzy logic-based decision support

system, actuators for implementing irrigation actions based on the server's decisions, and

an application layer that provides features such as irrigation scheduling, plant monitoring,

light controlling, and other recommendation services accessible via an Android

application or web browser.

The study demonstrated water management and improved irrigation efficiency using the

smart irrigation system. The results from three case studies show that the system

consistently saves more water compared to traditional irrigation methods. For example,

Case 1 achieved water savings of 864 m³ per m³ of water used, Case 2 achieved water

savings of 982 m³ per m³ of water used, and Case 3 achieved water savings of 898 m³ per

m³ of water used. Overall, the system achieved an average accuracy of 98.0% in its

decision-making processes, indicating high reliability and effectiveness.

The study suggests several recommendations for future work and implementation. The

system, tested on small areas like home gardens, can be scaled up for larger fields. The

intelligent algorithm ensures efficient energy consumption by periodically turning sensors

on and off as needed. The results are easy to reproduce since the sensors used are

inexpensive and widely available. The approach can be generalized and adapted for

various irrigation methods, including sprinkling and drip irrigation. Further research

could explore the application of this system in different agricultural contexts and with

other types of crops to validate its versatility and effectiveness on a larger scale.

2.2.4 Related Work Four

Smart Irrigation System Using IOT And Raspberry Pi

Published: 3rd March, 2020

Authors: Birajdar, Rashankar, Karande, & Thorat,

The proposed system aimed to create a smart irrigation solution leveraging IoT

technologies and the Raspberry Pi microcontroller to optimize water usage and enhance

agricultural productivity. The system is designed to monitor environmental conditions in

real-time and automate the irrigation process, providing a cost-effective and efficient

solution for modern agriculture.

The proposed system comprised of various sensors, including soil moisture sensors to

measure soil moisture levels, temperature sensors to monitor ambient temperature, and

ultrasonic sensors to detect water levels in the storage tank. The Raspberry Pi acts as the

central processing unit, collecting data from the sensors, processing the information, and

controlling the irrigation system. It is programmed using Python to handle data

processing and system automation.

Relays and actuators were used to control the water pump motor based on the sensor data

processed by the Raspberry Pi. The communication network included a Wi-Fi module that

enables the system to connect to the internet for remote monitoring and control, and a

mobile application that provides a user-friendly interface for farmers to monitor the

system in real-time, receive alerts, and control the irrigation remotely. Additional

components included light dependent resistors (LDR) to monitor light levels and assist in

determining the optimal irrigation schedule, and a webcam to allow live streaming of the

farm area for remote observation.

The system architecture involved data collection, data processing and decision making,

automation and control, and remote monitoring. Sensors were deployed in the field to

continuously monitor soil moisture, temperature, and water levels, transmitting data to the

Raspberry Pi in real-time. The Raspberry Pi processes the incoming sensor data using

predefined threshold values. If the soil moisture level is below the set threshold,

indicating dry soil, the Raspberry Pi triggers the relay to turn on the water pump. The

temperature sensor data helps adjust irrigation schedules based on environmental

conditions, while the ultrasonic sensor ensures there is sufficient water in the tank for


The system automatically turns the water pump on or off based on real-time sensor data.

Farmers can manually override the system using the mobile application if needed. The

Wi-Fi module enables the system to send data to a cloud server, making it accessible via

the mobile application. Farmers receive real-time updates, alerts, and can view live

streams of their farm through the application.

2.3 Summary of Review

The reviewed studies collectively highlight the transformative potential of IoT-based

smart irrigation systems in agriculture, particularly in enhancing water usage efficiency

and agricultural productivity. The primary objective across these studies was to develop

and implement IoT-based smart irrigation systems. The methods employed in these

studies involved the integration of various sensors with microcontrollers and servers.

These components worked together to gather real-time data and process it using advanced

algorithms hosted on web servers. The systems included a user interface, such as a mobile

application or web application, to allow farmers to monitor and control the irrigation

process. The studies demonstrated improvements in water management, with IoT-based

systems consistently reducing water wastage compared to traditional methods.

The reviewed studies revealed limitations such as small sample sizes, limited field trials,

and short-term evaluations, which affects the generalizability and long-term applicability

of their findings. Economic factors, including installation and maintenance costs, were

not thoroughly analysed, and there was insufficient focus on user training and adoption

challenges. Additionally, the studies did not adequately address regional and

environmental variability or data privacy and security concerns, highlighting the need for

more extensive, long-term research to validate the effectiveness and scalability of these

systems across different agricultural setting.


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