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The "Creator Roadmap"

How to turn your hobby into a full time job

as a content creator!



Here's the itinerary:

Throughout this guide, we'll be covering..

03 Finding Your Passion

04 Research Phase

05 Creating Your TikTok

06 Making Content

07 Free Samples!

08 Getting Paid



"There is no passion to be found playing

small - in settling for a life that is less than
the one you are capable of living"
-Nelson Mandela
Action: Write 3 answers to the questions on this list -

What do I like doing when I’m not at work?

What are my favourite hobbies?

When do I truly feel most alive?

What days am I most excited to get out of bed?

Once you’ve written out these answers, find the common denominator -
that is your passion.

Living in your passion, or 'your fire' can often feel like an irresponsible
endeavour - but I want you to shift your perspective. Allow yourself to
imagine how you would feel if you got to do what you loved most each
day? How would that energy affect the people around you? When you
live in your fire, you're leading by example - and empowering others to
do the same.

It's better to live a life filled with passion than a half-hearted attempt at
righteousness - We only live once, so why not live on fire?

Action: Create a brand new TikTok that will be used SPECIFICALLY for
your passion. When doing this, take time to be very intentional with the
following information:

Username - When choosing your name, try your best to think of

something that's going to be easy to remember, but also helps
describe your passion. For example - my real name is Conar Fair, but
I saw an opportunity to immediately connect my name to golf by
making my username 'Conar Fairway'. This has been extremely
helpful for growing a recognizable personal brand.

Bio - When writing your bio, try to concisely inform your audience
exactly what they can expect from your page. Your bio can be a hook
in and of itself - and often times it's a big catalyst in getting new

Profile Picture - Similarly to the points above; your profile pic is what
people are going to see when you leave comments, engage with
posts, and on your profile page. It's important to have a photo that fits
your passion!

Once your profile is set-up, it's time to start training the algorithm and
finding inspiration! That leads us to the next step of our guide!

Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and

prying with a purpose.
- Zora Neale Hurston

Action: Find and follow 3 people in the

field you're passionate about. Ideally -
these people should be getting
consistent engagement and

To do this try searching your passion

on TikTok. We’ll use Golfing as an

TikTok Search: 'Golf videos'

Immediately I'm introduced to 4

unique content creators. Each of these
creators offer their own unique value.
One does trick shots, another does
skits, and one does challenge videos.

Find and follow the creators who

inspire you, and start to note what
they're doing well - and how you could
create your own similar value in the

"You cant use up creativity. The more you

use. The more you have."
-Maya Angelou

Action: Create your first 10 videos

After completing the course, use the knowledge you’ve gained and start
recording yourself doing your hobby. Make creating content a priority
and get comfortable being on camera. Here are a few formats as
thought starters to get you going:

Challenges - How can you create a challenge around your passion?

Are there unique stakes you can include?

Skits - What makes your passion relatable? Try re-enacting a funny

moment you've encountered.

Story - Tell the story of how you got into your passion - or the craziest
memory you have while doing it.

Once you've created your first 10 videos - you're ready to start posting!

BONUS TIP - Posting videos to TikTok requires a bit of a strategy ie -

what hashtags to use, when to post, how to title etc. Check out page 10
in our "Viral TikTok Checklist" to make sure you've hit all of these steps!

Action: Create a 'FREE' video for a local

business in your niche.

Now that you've began posting videos

and building an audience - you can
use your TikTok account as a proof of
concept to find brand partners who
are on TikTok. Start small by creating
video content for local companies.
Although you won't be getting paid to
create these videos, you should be
able to exchange the post for their
services or products.

EXAMPLE: When I first started my golf

TikTok - I made a video trying out a
local Golf Simulator. The owner saw
the video and ended up offering me a
This FREE video made me $500!
$500 gift card to make another video!

Pro Tip: When you upload these videos - make sure you tag the brand so
theres a higher chance of them seeing your post!

Action: Send your first pitch!

Now that you have a proven track record and portfolio - it’s time to GET
PAID TO CREATE! This is your opportunity to reach out to brands you
could see yourself integrating into your content in a way that feels

There are THOUSANDS of brands who have affiliate marketing programs

and are constantly on the lookout for creators to help market their
products. There's also a good chance that at this point you may have
already had some Influencer Marketing Specialists reach out to you on
their brands behalf!

Most of these will be smaller opportunities to start - likely around $50 -

$500 per post. But as you continue to grow your audience - the
opportunities will continue to grow with it! (So far I've been offered up to
$3500 for one single video - and right now I only have 40k followers!)

When you reach out to these companies via DM or Email - it's important
to have a consolidated pitch. We call this an Electronic Pitch Deck or and
EPK for short. We've created a template you can use to enter all of your
info and attached it for you below.




Doing it once is the hardest part. Now that you’ve had your first ever paid
client, you have an understanding of what it takes. Repeat the process
and work towards growing your rate until you’re willing to take the final
step - quitting your job.

This step looks different for everyone - and may not ever even be
necessary for you if you're happy with just getting free products and
creating content as a hobby. But at this point - you have everything you
need to build your dream life as a creator!

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