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You will hear people talking in 6 different situations.

Choose the best answer a, b or c.

1. You hear a young woman talking.

Why did the woman fail at first ?
a. She never planned anything.
b. She didn’t do enough.
c. She set unrealistic goals.

2. You hear a man talking to his daughter.

What is the man’s purpose?
a. To refuse permission.
b. To make a suggestion.
c. To give a warning.

3. What is the woman’s overall opinion of the holiday?

a. She thinks it’s interesting.
b. She is doubtful it would suit her.
c. She is very impressed.

4. You hear a prisoner being interviewed about his reading group.

What did the prisoner think was the main advantage of being part of a reading group?
a. It helps them realise their mistakes.
b. It helps them leave prison.
c. It helps them realise they have other options.

5. How does the man feel about the rock climber?

a. He thinks he took too many risks.
b. He admires him.
c. He thinks he lived a great adventure.

6. You hear a woman talking about a type of home called an Earthship.

What is the woman’s attitude towards the development of Earthships in Haiti?
a. She is worried that the project will not be a success.
b. She thinks it’s a creative way to help people and the environment.
c. She believes it is too expensive.

score 20

Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d.

1. … and now Martin has the ball and yes, he a brilliant goal!
a. scores b. has scored c. is scoring d. has been scoring
2. You’re so annoying. You whatever I do.
a. have always critised b. are always criticising c. criticise always
d. have always been criticising
3. Would you like chips with your steak, sir?
a. few b. no c. some d. lots
4. Tina Spanish for three years now.
a. learns b. is learning c. has learnt d. has been learning
5. When we were young, we often fishing with our grandfather.
a. have gone b. went c. had gone d. were going
6. I couldn’t stop him. He was running .
a. fast and faster b. as fast as c. faster and faster d. less fast than
7. She was tired because she the house all day.
a. cleaned b. had cleaned c. was cleaning d. had been cleaning
8. Don’t worry, Dad. I carefully.
a. ’ll drive b. ’ll be driving c. drove d. ’ll have driven
9. At the age of twelve, Peter solve difficult exercises.
a. may b. could c. can d. might
10. I really think you to see a doctor about these headaches.
a. must b. should c. ought d. would
11. When you this button, the machine stops.
a. pressed b. will press c. would press d. press
12. If he isn’t home yet, he still be at the office.
a. must b. has to c. can d. needn’t
13. Sally really enjoyed dinner we had at the new Italian restaurant.
a. a b. the c. some d. –
14. My sister to the cinema twice this month.
a. will have been b. was c. has been d. has gone
15. Andrew didn’t see people at the party. It was boring.
a. much b. few c. plenty of d. many
16. We of going to the new Lebanese restaurant tonight. How about coming with us?
a. are thinking b. thought c. will think d. think
17. They a lot in the past, but now they exercise regularly.
a. worked out b. didn’t use to work out c. would work out d. hadn’t been
working out
18. Your children speak English than mine.
a. as well b. the better c. much better d. the best
19. By the time we got to the station, the train .
a. left b. will have left c. was leaving d. had left
20. Look out! You into that tree.
a. are going to crash b. will be crashing c. are crashing d. was going to crash

score 15


Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d.

1. It is for the students of our school to wear uniforms.
a. valid b. mandatory c. complimentary d. partial
2. Last year we spent our holidays at a luxurious in the Swiss Alps.
a. hostel b. cabin c. resort d. temple
3. What can I do to he damage I caused to your camera?
a. stand out b. turn out c. indulge in d. make up for
4. Laura’s from the party was noticed by everyone.
a. absence b. lack c. shortage d. loss
5. The robbers quickly got into the car and with the money.
a. broke into b. made off c. held up d. picked out

score 5
The Earth’s temperature has increased
by about one degree Fahrenheit over
the past 100 years. This is referred to as
global warming and it causes changes
in the world’s climate. For example, an
increase in temperature will result in
more rainfall, and flooding; this will
have serious effects on humans, wildlife
and plants. Global warming is a serious threat to our planet and
scientists around the world are frantically working to develop new
ways to deal with this problem.
Scientists at the University of Edinburgh have come up with their own innovative idea; they plan
to build a fleet of unmanned ships that will travel through the ocean creating waves that will help
reduce global warming. The ships will patrol specific areas of ocean, and spray tiny drops of sea water
into clouds. These drops will brighten and whiten the clouds; the result of this is that the heat of the
sun will be better reflected into space thus reducing global warming. The system will run on wind and
sea water so there is no harm to the environment. The ships can be sent to the Arctic to reduce the
temperature or they could be sent to seas around coral reefs which are threatened by increasing
temperatures. It is planned that they will be sent to areas that have a lot of sunlight, and reliable winds
but not violent or stormy winds. Also, places with large amounts of air pollution and dust would reduce
the ships’ efficiency. Scientists have already identified the seas off the coast of Namibia, California and
Peru as potential locations to operate the ships.
The effects on the climate caused by the ships can be adjusted, increased or decreased according
to our needs and they will be controlled by computers and staff in a special traffic room. The ‘cloud
ships’ as they are called are going to be powered by rotors and the wind. The technology used to propel
the ships was used over eighty years ago but has not been used since then; however, last month a
German company launched a rotor powered cargo vessel. The availability of more modern materials,
the increasing price of oil and the fact the ships are computer friendly has caused a return to this
The main questions we must ask is: will this actually work? Will the ships succeed in controlling
global warming? Scientists have published a paper showing that when clouds over the oceans of a
planet are made brighter or whiter, this cools the planet. They believe that the technology will help
stabilise global warming until 2050. The ships will have a number of other uses, for example, they can
act as science labs while they are in the water, taking water and air samples which will be analysed.
Also, it is planned that the boats will have emergency supplies onboard in order to also act as rescue
boats. These ships may be the answer to the problem of global warming and it is hoped that they will
eventually become a reality.

1. According to the writer, global warming is defined as
a. a gradual increase in the Earth’s temperature.
b. changes in the Earth’s weather.
c. rainfall and flooding.
d. a threat to humans, wildlife and plants.

2. The fleet of ships mentioned in the text will

a. patrol all the oceans.
b. operate on sea water and wind.
c. get heat from the sun.
d. spray drops of water into the sea.

3. The waves produced from the ships will

a. cause storms at sea.
b. cause the Earth to become hotter.
c. help decrease global warming.
d. cause the heat of the sun to be reflected back to Earth.

4. The scientists plan to send the ships to

a. the sea around a busy polluted port city.
b. rivers which are heavily polluted.
c. coastal areas in different parts of the world.
d. areas with stormy conditions.

5. What has sparked the interest in the recent use of rotor powered ships?
a. concerns over global warming
b. the decreasing availability of oil
c. advances in computer technology
d. the increasing price of oil and the availability of modern materials

score 15

You have seen this announcement in an international travel magazine.

The place I dream of going to!

Tell us about a place you dream of going to. Briefly describe the place and say why you want to
visit it.

Write your article in 120-180 words.

Writing Score 15

Speaking Score 30

Total score 100

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