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Kaye Scenario 1: General Care for Brenda Couper


 Brenda Couper (Patient) - 33 years old, recovering from a stroke with right-sided
 Kaye (PSW) - Personal Support Worker

Setting: Brenda's apartment, #216. Brenda is sitting in a wheelchair.


(Kaye enters the apartment and greets Brenda)

Kaye: Hi Brenda, it's Kaye I’m your PSW today! How are you doing this evening?

Brenda: Hi Kaye, I'm alright. Just a bit tired after my computer class.

Kaye: That's understandable! Sounds like you've been busy today. I'm here to help you get
settled into bed for the night.

Brenda: Great, that sounds good.

(Kaye wash hand and approaches Brenda's wheelchair and notices her hand splint)

Kaye: May I take a look at your splint, Brenda?

Brenda: Sure, of course.

(Kaye removes the splint and notices a reddened area on Brenda's arm)

Kaye: Brenda, I see a red mark here on your upper arm. Does it feel sore at all?

Brenda: Now that you mention it, it is a little tender. I didn't even notice.

Kaye: It's possible the splint might be a bit too tight. Don't worry, we can let the nurse know and
they can adjust it for you.

Brenda: Okay, that sounds good.

Kaye: Alright, let's get you comfortable in bed. Can you stand with some assistance for a

Brenda: I think so, with some help on my left side.

Kaye: Perfect. I'm here to support you. Can you scoot forward in your chair a bit? Okay, on my
count of three, we'll stand together. One, two, three.

(Kaye assists Brenda to stand, supporting her left side)

Kaye: Great job! Now, let's walk slowly towards the bed. Take small steps and hold onto me if
you need to.

(Kaye walks slowly with Brenda towards the bed, offering support)

Kaye: Alright, we're almost there. Now, I'm going to help you lower yourself onto the bed. Can
you swing your legs around one at a time?

Brenda: Yes, I can do that.

(Kaye helps Brenda sit on the edge of the bed and then swing her legs around)

Kaye: Excellent. Now, lie down on your back and get comfortable.

(Brenda lies down in bed)

Kaye: Is there anything else you need before I get you settled? Extra pillows? A blanket?

Brenda: Actually, I could use another pillow under my right arm for support.

Kaye: Absolutely. Here you go. Would you like it here, or perhaps behind your back?

Brenda: Behind my back would be great, thanks.

Kaye: Not a problem. (Places a pillow behind Brenda's back)

Kaye: Alright, Brenda, before I leave, I'm going to take your vitals, just to make sure everything
looks okay.

Brenda: Sure, sounds good.

(Kaye takes Brenda's temperature, pulse, and blood pressure)

Kaye: Brenda, I'll document your vitals and let the nurse know about the red mark on your arm
and your possible bladder infection. They'll be able to do a more thorough assessment and make
sure you're feeling your best.

Brenda: Thanks, Kaye. I appreciate you looking out for me.

Kaye: Absolutely, Brenda. Is there anything else I can help you with before I go?
Brenda: No, I think I'm good for tonight. Thanks again, Kaye.

Kaye: You're very welcome, Brenda. Sleep well!

(Kaye exits the apartment)

(Scene Ends)

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