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This timeline represents the culmination of my work. There are no pictures, just a linear
timeline of everything I’ve researched the last 3 years.

4000 BC Creation of Adam & Eve, according to Freemasons Calendar (Anno Lucis)

3761 BC Creation of Adam & Eve on October 6th, according to Judaism’s calendar (Anno Mundi)

3700 BC Cain is born

3640 BC Cain kills brother Abel and receives the Mark of Cain

3630 BC Seth is born

3570 BC Enoch (son of Cain) born

3550 BC Cain starts building the 1st city called the City of Enoch/Atlantis

3139 BC Enoch (descendant of Seth) is born

2300 BC Noah’s Flood

2250 BC
• Tower of Babel construction
• Creation of Triple Deity Mystery Babylon Religion
• Divine Mother Semiramis, associated with fertility, morning / evening star / Venus / Moon
• Divine Father Nimrod, associated with sacrifice, thunder, rain and Jupiter
• Divine Son Tammuz, associated with the Sun, underworld and Saturn
• Creation of languages / Scattering of Noah’s descendants
2165 BC Abraham is born and God makes a covenant with him and his descendants

2100 BC
• Ancient Egypt Religion
• The divine mother becomes Isis
• The divine father becomes Set
• The divine son become Osiris
2100 BC
• Ancient Mesopotamia
• The divine father becomes Marduk
• The divine mother becomes Ishtar / Inanna
• The divine son becomes Shamash

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2050 BC Creation of the Babylonian Calendar, the 7 classical Gods / planets, 12 constellations and 36
decans. Add up 1+2+3……+36 = 666.

2000 BC
•Ancient Phoenicians
• The divine father becomes Baal
• The divine mother becomes Astarte
• The divine son becomes Melqart
1446 BC Exodus, Ten Commandments and Moses on Mt. Sinai

1250 BC The obelisk located in front of the Pantheon in Rome was created during Ramses II reign in Egypt.

1100 BC
• Ancient Greeks
• The divine father becomes Zeus
• The divine mother becomes Aphrodite
• The divine son becomes Helios
1050 BC The creation of the 22 letter Phoenician Hebrew Alphabet

1000 BC Solomon’s Temple built in Jerusalem.

900 BC Nimrod is represented as an Evergreen Tree in Babylonian festivals

590 BC Solon visited a temple in the city of Sais and the story of Atlantis was shared with Solon from an
Egyptian priest from the Temple, Sonchis of Sais. Herodotus wrote that Sais is where the grave of
Osiris was located and that the sufferings of the god were displayed as a mystery by night on an
adjacent lake.

586 BC The Temple of Jerusalem was destroyed for the 1st time after the Jews exile to Babylon

539 BC Babylonian Empire falls to the Persians.

538 BC Cyrus, the Persian King, issues a decree allowing the Jews to return to Israel / Jerusalem.

520 BC Greek philosopher Pythagoras creates the Pythagorean Theorem and is the first astronomer to
notice the morning star and evening star represented the same celestial object, Venus.

515 BC Solomon’s Temple rebuilt after being destroyed.

500 BC
• Ancient Persians / Phrygians
• The divine mother becomes Cybele
• The divine father becomes Sabazios
• The divine son becomes Mithras
450 BC
• Herodotus creates an ancient map with the city of Atlantes included.

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• Herodotus encountered two pillars of Heracles in Tyre and said: “One pillar was of pure gold,
and the other was as of emerald, which glowed at night with great brilliancy.” He named them
the Pillars of Hermes.
• Herodotus described yurt-like tents as the dwelling place of the Scythians, which included the
Sun cross at its peak. The name of the Scythian tribe is a bahuvrihi compound literally translating
to “people with pointed hats”, the origins of the Phrygian cap and the Red hair Royalty bloodline.
388 BC Plato founded the Platonist school of thought, and the Academy, the first institution of higher
learning in the Western world.

380 BC The ancient Greeks considered the center of the world to be in Delphi, marked by The Tholos of
Delphi, which was a domed temple at the center.

360 BC
•The Greek Philosopher Plato called the Third Eye the “Eye of the Soul”: “…I quite admit the
difficulty of believing that in every man there is an Eye of the soul which…is far more precious
than ten thousand bodily eyes, for by it alone is truth seen.”

•Plato’s writes the dialogues of the Critias and Timaeus, which talk about Altantis

331 BC Persian Empire conquered by Alexander the Great and the Greeks

300 BC
• Ancient Rome
• The divine mother becomes Venus / Libertas
• The divine father becomes Jupiter
• The divine son becomes Apollo
238 BC Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus built a Temple to Libertas / Minerva on Aventine Hill, which is
one of the seven hills of Rome.

230 BC SATURNALIA was the pre-cursor Roman festival to the Dec. 25th festival of NATALPUBEIS

146 BC The Roman Empire conquered the Greeks in the Battle of Corinth

37 BC Herod the Great appointed governor of Judea.

30 BC The Obelisk in St. Peter’s Basilica was originally created in Alexandra.

4 BC Jesus Christ born

30 AD John the Baptist was beheaded by Herod

33 AD
• Jesus Christ died and fulfilled the Old Covenant, then God makes New Covenant with all the
nations of the world, making the Old Covenant obsolete.
• Jesus was killed by the Sanhedrin / Pharisees and Pagan Rome who would end up obsessing over
and persecuting God’s chosen people, Christians for the next 2000 years.
44 AD Apostle James was beheaded by Herod

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60 AD Apostle Andrew died from crucifixion

62 AD Apostle James died from crucifixion

64 AD
• Nero blames the Great Fire of Rome on Christians
• Apostle Peter died from crucifixion
• Apostle Paul died from beheading
68 AD Apostle Mark died from being dragged.

70 AD The Temple of Jerusalem was destroyed for a 2nd time after Jesus’s prophecy when Rome invaded
Jerusalem during the First Jewish Roman War.

84 AD Apostle Luke died from hanging.

90 AD Apostle Mathew died by being stabbed.

94 AD Josephus writes Antiquities of the Jews

100 AD Population of Christians was 7,000

113 AD The Pantheon in Rome was created. This was the center of the Roman Pagan world and the
symbolism of a dome / Sun.

135 AD
• 1 Million Jews migrated to Babylon after the Bar Kokhba revolt and in the centuries after.
• The Sanhedrin and Pharisees set up their headquarters in Babylon and become attached the
Mystery Babylon religion to create the religion of Judaism, which has one purpose in mind, to
hate and discredit Jesus as the Messiah.
• This is why they stole the term Judah and took it as their own, when Jesus was the chosenMessiah
from the tribe of Judah.
145 AD The early Christian apologist Justin Martyr charged the cult of Mithras with imitating Christianity.

150 AD Eliezer ben Hurcanus was one of the most prominent Sages (tannaim) of the 1st and 2nd centuries
in Judea and is the sixth most frequently mentioned sage in the Mishnah. He said the fallen angel
Samael embodies the serpent and seduces Eve, whereupon she conceives Cain.

190 AD Samuel bar Abba was head of the Jewish School Yeshiva at Nehardea in Babylon. In the Talmud,
Samuel is frequently associated with Abba Arikha ("Rav"). Samuel, one of the Jewish sages
mentioned in the Talmud, was very close friends with the Sasanian King Shapur I.

193 AD Two synagogue sites have been excavated at Hammat Tiberias, which became the seat of the
Sanhedrin, the Jewish high court of religious law. The famous mosaic floor dates from the later
phase is made up of three panels featuring a zodiac wheel set around an image of Helios and a
group of Greek inscriptions flanked by two lions.

195 AD Samuel of Nehardea, a Babylonian Rabbi said: “I know the pathways of heaven as I do the
pathways of Nehardea, excepting the comet, about which I know nothing. I am familiar with the
streets of the firmament [in heaven] just as I am familiar with the streets of Nehardea.”

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200 AD The Mishnah, which is the first part of the Talmud and includes the Oral Torah, was created in

205 AD Abba Arikha, another Babylonian Rabbi said: “He that is able to calculate the Precession of the
Equinoxes (tekufot) and astrological horoscopes (mazalot) but does not, one may have no
conversation with him.”

250 AD Population of Christians was 1 Million.

284 AD The Great Persecution of Christians begins with Emperor Diocletian. Once the Roman Emperors
realized killing Christians only resulted in more people becoming Christians they needed to alter
their strategy.

300 AD Population of Christians was 6 Million.

309 AD The great grandchild of Shapur I, Shapur II, committed violent persecutions of Christians during
his long reign.

313 AD Roman Emperor Constantine legalized the practiced of Christianity and merged Pagan Roman
traditions into Christianity to created the Roman Catholic Church.

315 AD Constantine build his Arch of Constantine, which shows no symbols of Christianity but many
symbols of the Sun.

321 AD Constantine officially made the venerable Day of the Sun (Sunday) a day made for Christians,
which forced shops to be closed.

325 AD The First Council of Nicaea was the first time Ancient Rome held an official organized meeting
of Christian Bishops. The 2 main objectives they discussed were: The Trinity and what date Easter
would be celebrated on.

330 AD Constantine set up a statue which is a key to understanding his private beliefs. After decades of
supporting Christianity, he appeared as a statue of the sun god in the forum.

354 AD
• The Philocalian calendar, part VI, gives a festival on December 25th of “N·INVICTI·CM·XXX” —
“Birthday of the unconquered, games ordered, thirty races” — is the oldest literary reference to
the pagan feast of Sol Invictus.
• The Hilaria “the cheerful ones” was a ancient Roman religious festival celebrated from March 15
— March 25 on the March equinox to honor Cybele, the Mother of all the Roman Gods.
382 AD The Latin Vulgate Bible created, making it one of the earliest Bibles that includes the New

431 AD At the Council of Ephesus, the Church of the East broke off from the Church of the West in the
first schism of the Christian churches.

476 AD The Fall of the Western Roman Empire

481 AD The establishment of the Merovingian Dynasty as King of the Franks.

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497 AD The resulting religious discord between Germanic rulers and Catholic subjects was avoided when
Merovingian ruler Clovis I converted to orthodox Catholicism, allying himself with the papacy
and the monasteries.

500 AD The Gemara, which is the second part of the Talmud, was created in Babylon.

520 AD The Jewish King Dhu Nuwas (Ysuf Asar Yathar) of the Himyarite Kingdom (Southern Arabia) killed
more than 22,000 Christians in Zafar and Najran.

550 AD Beth Alpha, a jewish synagogue located at the foot of the northern slopes of the Gilboa mountains
near Beit She’an, Israel, has a central panel features a Jewish adaptation of the Greco-Roman

565 AD The romans wanted to make Christians believe the Phrygian Caps and Christmas were part of
Christianity, which is why we see Phrygian Caps in the called ‘The Three Magi’ at the Basilica of
Sant’Apollinare Nuovo in Italy.

570 AD Mohammed, the founding prophet of Islam, was born and lived in Arabia.

589 AD The Visigoths in Spain converted to orthodox Catholicism, allying themselves with the papacy
and the monasteries.

610 AD The entire book of the Quran was written, the holy book of Islam.

614 AD Sasanian (Persian) Siege of Jerusalem and the Jews from Babylon began to rebuild the Temple of
Solomon. Christians rebel and push them out of Jerusalem.

617 AD The Persians had reversed their policy to let Jews settle in Jerusalem and sided with the Christians,
probably because of pressure from Mesopotamian Christians in Persia itself. Control was given
back to the Byzantine Empire and the True Cross was restored back into Jerusalem.

622 AD Begins year zero of the Muslim Calendar.

624 AD Mohammed began his armed conflicts, 10 years after the failed Sasanian conquest of Jerusalem.
This tells me their must have been Jewish influence on the rise of Islam.

638 AD The Arab Islamic Empire under Caliph Omar conquered Jerusalem. Caliph Omar permitted the
Jews to reestablish their presence in Jerusalem–after a lapse of 500 years. Jewish tradition regards
Caliph Omar as a benevolent ruler and the Midrash (Nistarot de-Rav Shimon bar Yoḥai) refers to
him as a “friend of Israel.”

650 AD Babylon Jews move north into Turkish regions and become Khazars.

660 AD Two monks, with the support of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I, acquired and smuggled living
silkworms into the Byzantine Empire, which led to the establishment of an indigenous Byzantine
silk industry, popularizing the Silk road.

666 AD Uqba ibn Nafi “conquered the southern Tunisian cities…slaughtering all the Christians living
there.” Muslim sources report him waging countless raids, often ending with the complete
ransacking and mass enslavement of cities.

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688 AD Dome of the Rock mosque built in Jerusalem.

717 AD The Pact of Umar forbade Christians from publicly displaying the cross on church buildings under
Muslim rule.

751 AD The establishment of the Carolingian dynasty as King of the Franks.

780 AD The Kalonymos Family of Italy spread the ancient wisdom of Babylonian Jews through the
Hachmei Provence and Ashkenazi Hasidim movements of Europe, which started an interest in
mystical judaism.

800 AD The Carolingian Dynasty reached its peak with the crowning of Charlemagne as the 1st Emperor
of the Holy Roman Empire.

811 AD The First Bulgarian Empire’s khan, Krum, put to death a number of Roman soldiers who refused
to renounce Christianity. After the battle, Krum encased the skull of Nicephorus in silver, and
used it as a cup for drinking.

850 AD
• Ancient Vikings
• The divine mother of the cabal becomes Freyja
• The divine father of the cabal becomes Odin
• The divine son of the cabal becomes Thor
865 AD Ivar the Boneless led the Great Heathen Army, also known as the Viking Great Army, which was
a coalition of Scandinavian warriors who invaded England in 865 AD. Clan MacLeod of Scotland,
descendants of Donald Trump, are part of this Viking bloodline.

1000 AD The Jewish people were forced out of Babylon by the Buyids, when they shut down the rabbinical
schools of Sura and Pumbedita.

1009 AD As part of al-Hakim’s persecution, thirty thousand churches were reportedly destroyed, and the
caliph ordered the demolition of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, on the pretext
that the annual Holy Fire miracle on Easter was a fake.

1034 AD The Jewish community of Worms’s first synagogue was erected in the Holy Roman Empire. The
Free Imperial City of Worms was a center of medieval Ashkenazic Judaism.

1046 AD Harald Sigurdsson, the King of Norway, captured the legendary Fairy Flag. Prior to becoming the
King of Norway, Harald had served as captain of the Varangian Guards in the court of the
Byzantine Emperor at Constantinople.

1096 AD The Rhineland massacres, also known as the People’s Crusade were a series of mass murders of
Jews and the proto-event to the Crusades into Jerusalem.

1099 AD
• The Holy Roman Empire and Jews in collusion with Pope Urban II, launched the First Crusade.
• Jerusalem became the capital of a ‘Latin Kingdom’ with a Latin church and a Latin Patriarch, all
under the authority of the Pope. The city’s first Latin ruler, Godfrey of Bouillon, was elected.
1100 AD Catharism movement begins in Italy and France.

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1118 AD Nine Knights Crusaders in the East took an oath between the hands of the Patriarch of
Constantinople. Their secret object was the re-building of the Temple of Solomon on the model
prophesied by Ezekiel.

1119 AD The French Knight Hugues de Payens approached King Baldwin II of Jerusalem and Warmund,
Patriarch of Jerusalem, and proposed creating a Catholic monastic religious order for the
protection of these pilgrims, the Knights Templar.

1122 AD The Concordat of Worms was an agreement between the Catholic Church and the Holy Roman
Empire which regulated the procedure for the appointment of bishops and abbots in the Empire.
Signed on 23 September in the German city of Worms by Pope Callixtus II and Emperor Henry V.

1128 AD The Council of Troyes and the Knights Templar. There was a Kabbalist school in Troyes, founded
by the Rabbi Rashi, which had existed in the town since the mid-eleventh century. The Order and
Balantrodach became their principal Templar seat and preceptory in Scotland until the
suppression of the order between.

1140 AD
• Geoffrey of Anjou married Empress Matilda, King Henry I’s only surviving legitimate child and
heir to the English throne from the House of Normandy.
• As a result of this marriage, Geoffrey’s son Henry II inherited the English throne as well as Norman
and Angevin titles, thus marking the beginning of the Angevin and Plantagenet dynasties.
• This connects the Kings of Englands with the Carolingian / Merovingian / Roman Emperor
bloodline of red haired kings.
1150 AD The founding of Lodge Mother Kilwinning, a Masonic Lodge in Kilwinning, Scotland. It is number
0 and is reputed to be the oldest Lodge in the world.

1160 AD Waldensian movement appears in Northern Italy

1185 AD The Sacking of Thessalonica by the Latin Crusades.

1187 AD William the Lion granted part of the Culter lands on the south bank of the River Dee,
Aberdeenshire, to the Knights Templar and he also formed a deer park to the south-west of Stirling

1200 AD
• Issaac the Blind, from the Hachmei Provence in France, wrote the first book of the Kabbalah
called the Bahir, The Book of Illumination.
• Founding of Clan McLeod in Scotland
1204 AD The capture and pillaging of Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade by Latin Crusaders.
Looting the Church of Holy Wisdom and various other Orthodox holy sites and converting them
to Latin Catholic worship.

1250 AD The Sefer Raziel HaMalakh was written, a practical kabbalah grimoire, which includes the
symbols like the tree of life and the six sided star, Seal of Saturn, that represents the modern day
flag of Israel.

1254 AD William of Rubruck, a Franciscan friar who toured the Palace of the Great Khan at The Silver Tree
of Karakorum.

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1270 AD Moses de Leon creates the Zohar, the foundational book to Jewish mysticism, known as

1278 AD Pope Nicholas III, learning of the fictitious character of Greek conformity, sent legates to
Constantinople, demanding the personal submission of every Orthodox cleric and adoption of
Latin Roman Catholicism.

1307 AD At dawn on Friday, 13 October, King Philip IV ordered de Molay and other French Templars to
be arrested. The Kabbalah ‘Tree of Life’ was engraved in stone in The Chateu at Domme where
Templars were imprisoned.

1345 AD Djanibek Khan besieged Kaffa and his army catapulted Black Death corpses into Kaffa in an
attempt to weaken the defenders. This is known as the event that start the ‘spread’ of the Black
Death throughout Europe.

1346 AD The Black Death appears in Europe and kills 1/3 of the continents population.

1349 AD 2,000 Jews were murdered in the Strasbourg massacre as many Europeans were suspicious Jews
were poisoning European wells with the help of the mongols. In The Jewish communities in
Mainz and Cologne were also annihilated.

1369 AD Vieri de’ Medici first prominent company, Vieri di Cambio de’ Medici & Co., was responsible for
shipping Florentine goods through the Republic of Pisa.

1393 AD Vieri de’ Medici retired leaving the bank in the hands of Giovanni di Bicci de’ Medici. From this
point the Medici bank grew vastly and quickly and culminated with the acquisition as the Chief
Papal Banker, which meant that the Medici Bank now handled the accounts for the Vatican.

1450 AD
• The Matthew Cooke Manuscript was written, the second oldest of the Masonic ‘Old Charges’,
which recants the legend of the construction of two pillars, by the four children of Lamech i.e.
Jabel, Jubel, Tubal, and Naamah.
• The Garden of Eden was portrayed on the Fra Mauro world map, the inspiration for Columbus.
1451 AD The Pentacles of Solomon are a series of grimoires that came from Italian Kabbalists in the book
the Key of Solomon.

1455 AD Johann Reuchlin, a famous kabbalist, was born at Pforzheim in the Black Forest. The same Black
Forest the Rothschilds used for human hunting parties.

1456 AD he building of Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland.

1480 AD Leonardo da Vinci was living with the Medici Family and often worked in the garden of the
Piazza San Marco, Florence, where a Neoplatonic academy of artists, poets and philosophers
organized by the Medici met.

1482 AD Amerigo Vespucci went to work for Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de’ Medici, head of a junior branch
of the Medici family. Amerigo Vespucci would send most of his famous letters on the New World
to Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco and Lorenzo the Magnificent.

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1484 AD
• One of Lorenzon’s patrons Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, the founder of Christian Kabbalah,
was close friends with Lorenzo de’ Medici and had a love affair with the wife of one of Lorenzo’s
cousins. He also created English Gematria.
• Pico’s “tutor” in Kabbalah was Rabbi Johannan Alemanno, who argued that the study and
mastery of magic was to be regarded as the final stage of one’s intellectual and spiritual
• Mirandola’s 900 Theses was the first printed book to be universally banned by the Church. Pico
is sometimes seen as a proto-Protestant.
1485 AD Sandro Botticelli painted for Cosimo’s nephew, Pierfrancesco de’ Medici, the Primavera and the
Birth of Venus.

1488 AD Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de’ Medici dispatched Amerigo Vespucci to provide an assessment of a
suggested Florentine merchant, Gianotto Berardi. Amerigo’s findings have been lost but Capponi
returned to Florence around this time and Berardi took over the Medici business in Seville.

1490 AD
• Michelangelo lived with Lorenzo de’ Medici and his family for three years, dining at the family
table and participating in discussions led by Marsilio Ficino. He attended the Platonic Academy,
a Humanist academy founded by the Medici.
• Christopher Columbus drew his Columbus Map, which shows the Terrestrial Paradise or Garden
of Eden to the West of the Mediterranean.
1492 AD
• Amerigo had settled permanently in Seville and he continued to transact business on behalf of his
Medici patrons. He became involved with Berardi, most notably his support of Christopher
Columbus’s voyages. Barardi invested half a million maravedis in Columbus’s first voyage.
• The ships that Christopher Columbus sailed on were adorned with the Knights Templar Red Cross
on a white background. Columbus’s wife was the daughter of Bartolomeu Perestrello, who was
part of a famous Knights Templar line, that passed along porto lands and cartographs that
Columbus had direct access to.
• Royal decrees issued ordering Jews to convert to Catholicism or leave Castile, resulting in
hundreds of thousands of forced conversions and the mass expulsions of Jews from Spain.
1506 AD The original floor plan of St. Peter’s Basilica was created by Donato Bramante. When forming the
blueprints of the building, he made sure the entire design was the Mark of Cain.

1509 AD Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa published a book called the The Foundation Book of Western
Occultism, and he calls the inverted Pentagram the Pentagram of Pythagoras.

1516 AD
• The first historical instance of the modern tree of life was designed by Johann Reuchlin, which
came to appear on the cover of the Paolo Riccio’s Latin translation of Joseph Gikatilla’s Gates of
• Reuchlin was also a professor at the University of Ingolstadt, which was the where the Illuminati
was founded centuries later.

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1517 AD
• The term ‘theses’ was used by Martin Luther when he wrote 95 Theses, the main piece of writing
that launched the Protestant Reformation.
• De Arte Cabbalistica (Latin for On the Art of Kabbalah) is a text by the German Renaissance
humanist scholar Johann Reuchlin.
1519 AD Pope Leo X, a Medici Pope, made Raphael custodian of the classical antiquities of Rome and the

1533 AD Pope Clement VII, a Medici Pope, approved Nicolaus Copernicus theory that the Earth revolves
around the Sun.

1536 AD Michelangelo’s painting The Last Judgment in the Sistine Chapel was commissioned by Pope
Clement VII, a Medici Pope.

1541 AD Ignatius of Loyola founded the Jesuits and became its first general.

1545 AD Initiated the Council of Trent, a commission of cardinals tasked with institutional reform, to
address contentious issues such as corrupt bishops and priests, indulgences, and other financial

1550 AD Judah Loew ben Bezalel, also known as the Maharal, was an important Talmudic scholar, Jewish
mystic, and philosopher who served as a leading rabbi in the cities of Mikulov in Moravia and
Prague in Bohemia. He claimed that his grandfather, Chajim of Worms, was the grandson of
Judah Leib the Elder, a claimant to the Davidic line, through Sherira Gaon.

1555 AD While Edward VI of England was the Tudor child-monarch of England, a Calvinist-leaning church
formed and ruled. Continental Protestants Martin Bucer (humanist) and Peter Martyr Vermigli
(humanist) included in their writings an important role for the Jews, converted to Christianity, in
the end times.

1558 AD John Dee founded the Rosicrucian Order. He was the court astronomer and advisor to Queen
Elizabeth I of England, spent much of his time on alchemy, divination, and Hermetic philosophy.

1565 AD Theodore Beza developed a translation of the Bible called the Geneva Bible. It contained
footnotes in reference to the Book of Romans, specifically claiming that the Jews would be
converted to Christianity in the end times and re-orientating attention to Palestine as a central
theatre, the origins of Zionism.

1584 AD On the night of June 8th, in John Dee’s diary called the Book of Soyga, he wrote down about a
time when Edward Kelly communicated with evil spirits.

1590 AD
• Francis Bacon became the leader of the Rosicrucian Order and founded the Knights of the
Helmet, which would be responsible for creating all of the poems and plays of Shakespeare. He
is also considered the 1st Grandmaster of Modern Freemasonry.
• The French Huguenot M. le Loyer’s The Ten Lost Tribes, published in 1590, provided one of the
earliest expressions of the belief that the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Scandinavian, Germanic, and
associated peoples are the direct descendants of the Old Testament Israelites. Anglo-Israelism has
also been attributed to King James VI and I, who believed he was the King of Israel.

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1595 AD In Washington’s book, ‘Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior’, which determined his code of
conduct, was actually written by French Jesuits during this year. George Washington was
connected directly to the Jesuit Order.

1600 AD Founding of the British East India Company

1610 AD Galileo discovered three of Jupiter’s four largest moons and he named the group the Medicean
stars, in honor of his future patron, Cosimo II de’ Medici and Cosimo’s three brothers.

1626 AD
• Francis Bacon wrote the book ‘New Atlantis’, laying the groundwork for a Utopian government
run by Secret Societies.
• St. Peter’s Basilica was reconstructed with Dome / Sun Symbolism and an Obelisk located in the
1630 AD Godfrey Lewis Rockefeller, grandfather of John D. Rockefeller, was part of the first generation of
Rockefellers who lived in America. The wife of Godfrey, Lucy Avery, and her ancestors moved to
Salem, Massachusetts, 60 years before the Salem Witch Trials.

1634 AD Above the altar in the Vatican is St. Peter’s Baldachin, which is a sculpted bronze canopy created
by Gian Loreno Bernini. Hidden from view is the Mark of Cain, which is underneath the
baldachin with a dove at its center. Also notice the hidden moon symbol of Ishtar, underneath
the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica.

1643 AD La Peyrère in his millennialist work Du rappel des juifs wrote about a Jewish return to Palestine,
predicted the building of the Third Temple and Jerusalem playing the most powerful role in world
governance: all working towards the Second Coming.

1647 AD During a witchcraft trial at Natternberg near Metten Abbey in Bavaria, an investigation found a
number of painted Sun crosses on the walls of the abbey with the letters now found on St Benedict
medals. This is a direct link from the Catholic Church to Witchcraft.

1648 AD Bernini also won the commission for the sculpting the prestigious Four Rivers Fountain on Piazza

1649 AD
• Pro-Israel Puritans executed Charles I of England and gained complete state power, establishing
the Commonwealth of England.
• John Sadler, Cromwell’s secretary, argued that the British were one of the Lost Tribes of Israel in
his pamphlet The Rights of the Kingdom and thus kindred to the Jews, initiating British Israelism.
1652 AD Menasseh Ben Israel would author The Hope of Israel, an early zionistic text.

1655 AD On April 24th, the Duke of Savoy ordered for the massacre of the Waldensians. They are reported
to have unleashed an unprovoked campaign of looting, rape, torture, and murder.

1660 AD Samuel Oppenheimer was an Ashkenazi Jewish banker, imperial court diplomat, factor, and
military supplier for the Holy Roman Emperor. He enjoyed the special favor of Emperor Leopold
I, to whom he advanced considerable sums of money for the Great Turkish War.

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1670 AD Isaac Newton dabbled in the occult (including the Kabbalah) predicted a Jewish return to
Palestine, with the rebuilding of Jerusalem in the late 19th century and the erection of the Third
Temple in the 20th or 21st century, leading to the end of the world no later than 2060.

1685 AD The Apotheosis of St. Ignatius was painted by Jesuit Andrea Pozzo.

1688 AD During the reign of King James II, the Declaration of Indulgence, otherwise knows as the
Declaration for Liberty of Conscience, was written in England but failed. This was the precursor
document of the Declaration of Independence in the US.

1700 AD The five sided pentagram was associated with demonology. White Kennett makes reference to a
“pentangle of Solomon” with the power of exorcising demons.

1711 AD Naphtali Cohen, a Russo-German rabbi and kabbalist, father, Isaac Cohen, was the great-great-
grandson of Judah Loew ben Bezalel. On January 14, one of the largest fires that ever occurred in
Frankfurt broke out in the Judengasse, the Jewish ghetto of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire and
birthplace of the Rothschilds.

1717 AD The Freemason Grand Lodge of England created.

1718 AD The Hellfire Club was founded in London by Philip Wharton, the 6th Grandmaster of the Grand
Lodge of England.

1723 AD Rev. James Anderson’s ‘The Constitutions of the Freemasons’ included a footnoted account of
“Enoch’s Pillars,” in line with a tradition first recorded in the Palaea Historica, that Enoch
inscribed all known science on marble and brick to survive the Flood.

1725 AD The book ‘Seyfer tikkunei ha-moadim’ was written in Fürth and has major Kabbalistic themes
throughout. Mayer Rothschild was sent to the yeshiva( Jewish school) in Fürth but had to abandon
his studies upon the early death of his parents.

1730 AD A religious underground that was slowly growing would eventually spout a second wave of
Protestant Zionism and with it the birth of Evangelical Protestantism.

1743 AD Mayer Amschel Rothschild was born to an Ashkenazi Jewish family, in the Judengasse. Naphtali
Cohen, who claimed to be a part of the Davidic line, which is the bloodline from which the
Hebrew Messiah is supposed to come from, was the main priest in Judengasse where the
Rothschilds originated from.

1746 AD Francis Dashwood become leader of the Hellfire Club, Order of the Knights of St. Francis and
creates the club motto ‘Do what thou wilt’, which was later used by Occultist Aleister Crowley.

1750 AD Frankism was a heretical Sabbatean Jewish religious movement centered on the leadership of the
Jewish Messiah claimant Jacob Frank. He recognized only the sacred book of Kabbalah, the
Zohar. They stated that they regarded the Messiah-Deliverer as one of the embodiments of the
three divinities.

1752 AD George Washington initiated as a Freemason on Nov. 4, 1752, Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4.

1757 AD The grandson of Samuel Oppenheimer taught Rothschild useful knowledge in foreign trade and
currency exchange, before he returned to his brothers’ business in Frankfurt. With the help of
relatives, Rothschild secured an apprenticeship under Jacob Wolf Oppenheimer at the banking
firm of Simon Wolf Oppenheimer in Hanover in 1757.

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1758 AD Benjamin Franklin attends Hellfire Club meetings in England.

1760 AD Adam Weishaupt, Rothschilds, Jesuits, US Presidents, Freemasons, etc. form a plan for the

1762 AD Charles Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, wrote: “We know, it must be done For
God hath spoke the word, All Israel shall their Saviour own, To their first state restor’d: Re-built
by his command, Jerusalem shall rise, Her temple on Moriah stand Again, and touch the skies.”

1765 AD American Revolution begins

1771 AD The Evangelical minister, John Eyre, founder of the Evangelical Magazine and among the original
members of the London Missionary Society was promoting a more developed version of these
views with his Observations upon Prophecies Relating to the Restoration of the Jews.

1773 AD The Boston Tea Party, which was made of all Freemasons, initiate the Revolutionary War.

1776 AD
• The Founding of the United States and the Illuminati happen the same year to signify the Global
Revolutionary plan.
• Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, wrote that the greatest men
who had ever lived were Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton and John Locke.
• Thomas Paine authors ‘Common Sense’,
• Benjamin Franklin establishes the Lodge of the Nine Sisters in France and becomes a master along
with Thomas Jefferson and Voltaire.
1782 AD The Great Seal of the United States was created by John Adams, which includes the Illuminati’s
Eye and Pyramid. It wasn’t publicly known until FDR added it onto the back of the $1 Bill.

1785 AD Isaac Heymans Pressburg married Nanette Salomons Cohen. They had a daughter Henriette
Pressburg who married Heinrich Marx, the father of Karl Marx. One of the prominent rabbi
families of the cypto-jews in Amsterdam were the Pressburg’s who had been rabbis for at least a

1789 AD The French Revolution begins with the help of Freemasons, the Lodge of the Nine Sisters,
Benjamin Franklin, Jefferson and Voltaire.

1791 AD
• Pierre Charles L’Enfant designs the masonic/occult design for the capital of the United States,
Washington DC.
• The Rothschilds, through Alexander Hamilton, set up the First Bank of the United States to set up
the paper money system to replace hard money.
1792 AD The Cult of Reason destroys Christian Churches in France.

1793 AD
• US Capitol Building Masonic cornerstone laying with George Washington in Masonic attire.
• Thomas Paine writes in ‘The Age of Reason’, that Jesus was a made up character.
1797 AD The Treaty of Tripoli is the clearest declaration that the original founders of the United States of
America did not believe that they were setting forth a Christian nation. They specifically said so
in this treaty:

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1798 AD Nathan Rothschild leaves Frankfurt and established the London Rothschild Banking Firm at 21.

1800 AD During the Egypt–Syria campaign of the French Revolutionary Wars, Napoleon Bonaparte
invited: “all the Jews of Asia and Africa to gather under his flag in order to re-establish the ancient

1804 AD Eramus Darwin, Charles Darwin’s grandfather, was a founding member of the Lunar Society of
Birmingham and had been a freemason throughout his life. One of Francis’s grandsons, Reginald
Darwin, was made a mason in Tyrian Lodge.

1806 AD
• The 1000 year Holy Roman Empire that included Italy, Austria, Germany and many other central
Europe countries ended. It was not a coincidence that when the Dissolution of the Holy Roman
Empire occurred, the Rothschilds rose to power.
• The Rothschilds were apprentices for the Oppenheimers, who were the court Jews in charge of
the treasury of the Holy Roman Empire. When the empire collapsed, the Rothschilds became
wealthy beyond imagination.
1807 AD One of Eramus Darwins’s sons, Francis Darwin, was made a mason in Tyrian Lodge, No. 253, at

1812 AD James Mayer de Rothschild moved to Paris to co-ordinate the purchase of specie and bullion for
his brother Nathan Mayer Rothschild.

1814 AD James was the linchpin in Nathan’s plan to furnish Wellington’s armies with funds during the
Napoleonic Wars.

1815 AD
• The five Rothschild brothers work to supply gold to both Wellington’s army (through Nathan in
England) and Napoleon’s army (through James in France). They made a return of approximately
20 to 1 on their investment.
• This gave the Rothschild family complete control of the British economy, now the financial center
of the world following Napolean’s defeat, and forced England to set up a new Bank of England.
• The Rothschilds also use their control of the Bank of England to replace the method of shipping
gold from country to country and instead used their five banks spread across Europe and one in
the United States to set up a system of paper debits and credits, the banking system of today.
1816 AD The Rothschild’s Second Bank of the United States opened and is given a twenty year charter.

1817 AD James Mayer de Rothschild expanded his family’s banking empire to Paris, opening De
Rothschild Frères.

1818 AD The 2nd President of the United States, John Adams, wrote: “I really wish the Jews again in Judea
an independent nation.”

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1820 AD Salomon Mayer von Rothschild established S M von Rothschild in Vienna opening the Austrian
Branch of the Rothschild Banking Empire.

1821 AD
• Carl Mayer von Rothschild established C M de Rothschild & Figil in Naples, which became the
Italian Branch.
• Carl would end up doing a lot of business with Pope Gregory XVI and the Rothschilds take over
the financial operations of the Catholic Church, worldwide.
• Rothschild partnered with the Medici family through Luidi de’ Medici, the Finance Minister of
Italy and the Pope.
1823 AD
• James Mayer de Rothschild, the French Rothschild banker was firmly established as banker to the
French government.
• Francis II, the Last Holy Roman Emperor and the 1st Emperor of Austria made the five Rothschild
brothers barons.
1825 AD
• The Bank of England was able to avert a liquidity crisis when Nathan Mayer Rothschild
succeeded in supplying it with gold. This proves the Rothschilds were more powerful and wealthy
than the entire British Empire at the time.
• Jesuit leaders revealed what may have been their ultimate motivation for declaring liberty for all
religions, which was similar to the masonic concept of Universalism.
1826 AD Captain William Morgan, an ex Royal Arch Mason, had witnessed the corruption of the
Institution. He wrote a book called (Illustrations of Masonry) where he exposed the masons but
before it could be published he got arrested and was killed soon after.

1827 AD Protests against Freemasons took place in New York and all Masons were under a cloud of
suspicion. Thurlow Weed, a New York politician, gathered discontented opponents of President
Andrew Jackson, a Mason, into the Anti-Masonic Party.

1831 AD
• The Ottomans were driven from Greater Syria (including Palestine) by an expansionist Egypt, in
the First Turko-Egyptian War. Although Britain forced Muhammad Ali to withdraw to Egypt, the
Levant was left for a brief time without a government.
• The ongoing weakness of the Ottoman Empire made some in the west consider the potential of a
Jewish state in the Holy Land.
• A number of important figures within the British government advocated such a plan, including
Charles Henry Churchill, part of the very influential British Churchill Family.
1833 AD Skull & Bones was founded at Yale University. This secret society also like to be called ‘The
Order’, which was what the Illuminati referred to themselves at the University of Ingolstadt in

1835 AD Karl Marx, founder of communism, attends the University of Bonn. The University of Bonn is also
located 2 hours away from the Rothschild’s home base of Frankfurt.

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1844 AD
• Benjamin Disraeli, an Ashkenazi who would go on to become British Prime Minister twice,
publishes Coningsby where he characterizes Nathan Mayer Rothschild and said: “Rothschild is
the Lord and Master of the money markets of the world, and of course virtually Lord and Master
of everything else. He literally held the revenues of Southern Italy in pawn, and Monarchs and
Minsters of all countries courted his advice and were guided by his suggestions.”
• In 1844, George Bush, a professor of Hebrew at New York University and the cousin of an
ancestor of the Presidents Bush, published a book titled “The Valley of Vision; or, The Dry Bones
of Israel Revived”. He called for: “elevating the Jews to a rank of honorable repute among the
nations of the earth.
1845 AD The state led ‘factory school’ was originated in Prussia, where educational curriculum, methods
of teaching and learning were standardized and regimented as per the requirements of the state
and governments. The idea of education was impersonal to promote professionalism and

1848 AD
• Karl Marx publishes, “The Communist Manifesto.”
• The Washington Monument was finished, which resides directly in front of the US Capitol
Building, imitating the exact Dome / Obelisk symbolism of the Vatican.
1858 AD Lionel De Rothschild becomes the first Jewish member of the British parliament.

1859 AD Albert Pike was elected Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite’s Southern Jurisdiction.
He remained Sovereign Grand Commander for the rest of his life, devoting a large amount of his
time to developing the rituals of the order.

1861 AD Eliphas Levi, a 33 Degree Freemason, authored ‘The Key to the Great Mysteries’, and he wrote:
“What is more absurd and more impious than to attribute the name of Lucifer to the devil, that is,
to personified evil. The intellectual Lucifer is the spirit of intelligence and love.”

1862 AD The Rothschilds use one of their own in America, John D. Rockefeller, to form an oil business
called Standard Oil which eventually takes over all of its competition.

1863 AD The Statue of Freedom, was added at the tip of the dome on the US Capitol Building. This
represents the Goddess of Liberty / Ishtar / the Divine Mother of Babylon.

1864 AD Friedrich Nietzsche, the principal philosopher Adolf Hitler used in his Mein Kampf, attended the
same university as Karl Marx 30 years later.

1865 AD
• In a statement to Congress, President Abraham Lincoln states: “I have two great enemies, the
Southern Army in front of me, and the financial institutions in the rear. Of the two, the one in my
rear is my greatest foe.”
• Later that year, on April 14, President Lincoln is assassinated, less than two months before the end
of the American Civil War. John Wilkes Booth, the man who killed Lincoln in 1865 — Confirmed
33rd degree Mason.
• The Apotheosis of Washington was painted by Constantino Brumidi, a painter for the Vatican,
under the dome of the Under Capitol Building and the Statue of Ishtar.

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1866 AD
• Following a brief training period in the Rothschilds London Bank, Jacob Schiff, a Rothschild, born
in their house in Frankfurt, arrives in America at the age of 18, with instructions and the finance
necessary to buy into a banking house there.
• Nathan Bedford Forest (First Imperial Wizard) was approached by the leaders the Den of the
Invisible Empire to accept the leadership of the KKK. The KKK has been Masonic since its
1868 AD Helena Blavatsky travels to Tibet to search for the Aryan race and their origins in the Himalayas.
She got her swastika symbol from the religions of Tibet, which would end up influencing Hitler.

1870 AD Rockefeller’s Standard Oil of New Jersey controlled nearly all aspects of the oil industry, from
production to shipping to marketing. Financially backed by the Rothschild family of Europe, J.D.
Rockefeller became America’s first billionaire and the world’s richest man.

1871 AD
• An American General named, Albert Pike completes his military blueprint for three world wars
and various revolutions throughout the world, culminating into moving this great conspiracy into
its final stage.
• Pike, who having been elected as Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry’s Southern Jurisdiction in 1859, was the most powerful Freemason in America.
• Albert Pike believed that true Freemasonry represented something akin to the ancient doctrine of
the Aryan race.
• He penned two books that examine ancient Aryan spirituality: Aryan Deities and Worship as
Contained in the Rig-Veda, and Irano-Aryan Faith and Doctrine as Contained in the Zend Avesta.
“The world owes all its correct and profound conceptions of the Deity, and its knowledge of the
existence of the human soul, to the great Aryan race.” (Albert Pike, Irano-Aryan Faith and
Doctrine as Contained in the Zend Avesta)
1873 AD According Albert Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry: The legend of the Craft in the Old
Constitutions, Cain is their God, Enoch is their lesser God, Tubal-Cain is known as the first
blacksmith and Nimrod is known as the founder of Masonry.

1875 AD
• Jacob Schiff takes control of the banking house, Kuhn, Loeb & Co. He goes on to finance John D.
Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company, Edward R. Harriman’s Railroad Empire, and Andrew
Carnegie’s Steel Empire. This is all with Rothschild money.
• Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, a 32° Co-Freemason, Occultist, Russian author co-founded the
Theosophical Society.
1882 AD
• Friedrich Nietzsche published his book, The Gay Science, that proclaims ‘God is Dead’. Friedrich
Nietzsche was the major influence behind Adolf Hitler’s philosophy.
• Hitler was a frequent visitor to the Nietzsche museum in Weimar and used expressions of
Nietzsche’s, such as “lords of the earth” in Mein Kampf.
1886 AD The Statue of Liberty was build and placed in New York City, which is a replica of one of the Old
Seven Wonders of the World, the Colossus of Rhodes, which depicts the Sun God Helios. It also
simultaneously depicts the Goddess of Liberty/Ishtar making the statue both male/female.

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1888 AD Helena Blavatsky, in her book ‘The Secret Doctrine’ praises Lucifer: “Lucifer represents.. Life..
Thought.. Progress.. Civilization.. Liberty.. Independence.. Lucifer is the Logos..the Serpent, the
Savior.” —pages 171, 225, 255 (Volume II). “It is Satan who is the God of our planet and the only
God.” — pages 215, 216, 220, 245, 255, 533, (VI)

“The Celestial Virgin which thus becomes the Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same
time; for she is the ever-loving beneficent Deity…but in antiquity and reality Lucifer or Luciferius
is the name.” —page 539

1889 AD
• On the June 4, Albert Pike wrote a letter to the supreme councils of the Illuminati:
“To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren
of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: “The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the
high degrees, maintained in the purity of the LUCIFERIAN Doctrine. If Lucifer were not god,
would Adonay (Jesus).... culminate (spread false and harmful statements about) him?… Yes
Lucifer is God…”
• The Vladimir Lenin’s family moved to the city of Samara, where Lenin joined Alexei Sklyarenko’s
socialist discussion circle.
• Lenin fully embraced Marxism and produced a Russian language translation of Marx and
Friedrich Engels’s 1848 political pamphlet, The Communist Manifesto.
1891 AD
• The Circle of Initiated founded in 1891 by Cecil Rhodes. Cecil Rhodes is a known Satanic cult
member, who has helped pave the way for the New World Order.
• William Henry Goodyear , a noted American archaeologist, art historian, and museum curator
(and son of Charles Goodyear of Goodyear Tires) was convinced that the swastika symbol
actually originated among pre-Aryan people living in ancient Europe.
• According to his thesis, the Aryans migrated to Europe from India. “…the Swastika was an “Aryan
emblem”.… The supposition that the Aryan Hindus carried the Swastika with them to India
is…perfectly tenable, since it belongs to early prehistoric art of Europe…” (William Henry
Goodyear, Grammar of the Lotus, 1891)
1895 AD Edmond James de Rothschild visits Palestine and subsequently supplies the funds to found the first
Jewish colonies there.

1896 AD
• Born to a wealthy Ukrainian-Jewish family in Yanovka Leon Trotsky embraced Marxism after
moving to Mykolaiv.
• An important, though often neglected, figure in British support of the restoration of the Jews was
William Hechler, an English clergyman of German descent who was Chaplain of the British
Embassy in Vienna and became a close friend of Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism in Israel.
1897 AD The Rothschilds found the Zionist Congress to promote Zionism and arrange its first meeting in

1898 AD
• Arthur Edward Waite, a 33° Freemason, British poet and scholarly mystic who wrote extensively
on occult and esoteric matters, was the co-creator of Tarot Cards.

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• In his book ‘The Book Of Black Magic’ he calls Lucifer emperor and master: “First Conjuration
Addressed to Emperor Lucifer. Emperor Lucifer, Master and Prince of Rebellious Spirits, I adjure
thee to leave thine abode, in what-ever quarter of the world it may be situated and come hither
to communicate with me.” —page 24
• Crowley was initiated into the Outer Order of the Golden Dawn on 18 November by the group’s
leader, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers.
• The delivery of oil products to Baku was carried out by the Mazut trade and transport company,
established by Alphonse Rothschild, in 1898.
• Mazut became one of the largest oil export associations, possessing 13 tankers in the Caspian Sea
alone and would end up becoming the gas company Shell.
1901 AD
• Lenin’s political pamphlet “What Is to Be Done?” helped to precipitate the Bolsheviks’ split from
the Mensheviks.
• One of the main points of Lenin’s writing was that a revolution can only be achieved by a strong,
professional leadership with deep dedication to Marxist theoretical principles and an
organization that spanned through the whole of Russia.
• Joseph Stalin worked in Baku at a Rothschild Oil Refinery where he began as a Rothschild agent
with the Bolsheviks.
• Stalin was elected to the Tiflis Committee of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP).
• In 1901, Prescott Bush returned to Columbus to be general manager of Buckeye Steel Castings
Company, which manufactured railway parts. The company was run by Frank Rockefeller, the
brother of oil magnate John D. Rockefeller, and among its clients were the railroads controlled by
E. H. Harriman.
1903 AD A cartel agreement was conducted between the Nobel brothers and the Mazut association where
Emmanuel Nobel (son of Ludwig Nobel) and Alphonse Rothschild joined forces in exporting
Russian kerosene to foreign markets.

1905 AD
• Trotsky helped organize the failed Russian Revolution of 1905, after which he was again arrested
and exiled to Siberia.
• The primary financier of the Russian revolutionary movement 1905–1917 was Jacob Schiff, of
Kuhn Loeb and Co., New York. In particular Schiff had provided the money for the distribution
of revolutionary propaganda among Russians prisoners-of-war.
• The Bolsheviks targeted the Russian Railroad Industry, the Kirov Plant, and the oil fields, near the
Caspian and Black Sea, during the Armenian-Tatar massacres.
• The Bolsheviks targeted the Rothschild / Nobel competitors of Baku so they could eventually own
the whole land and transportation networks for themselves.
1909 AD
Jacob Schiff founded the National Advancement for the Association of the Coloured People

• Harry S. Truman — Confirmed Mason & Member of the CFR, Initiated: Feb. 9, 1909, Belton
Lodge No. 450

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• Under Emanuel Nobel and Edmond Rothschild, the Baku oil cartel accounted for 90% of the
gross sales of all oils produced in Baku, with all the other companies making up the remaining
10%. This proves that the Armenian-Tatar massacres in Baku only improved the Nobel and
Rothschild brothers.
1910 AD On the evening of November 22, 1910, Paul Warburg ( representing Kuhn, Loeb & Co and Jacob
Schiff/Rothschild ) met at Jekyll Island to create the plans for the Federal Reserve Act.

1911 AD
• Franklin D. Roosevelt Confirmed Mason & Illuminati Puppet Initiated: Oct. 11, Holland Lodge
No. 8
• Masonic House of the Temple built in Washington DC.
1912 AD The Rothschild / Nobel Cartel would become the Anglo-Dutch firm Royal Dutch Shell.

1913 AD
• December 23 the Federal Reserve was established by Woodrow Wilson.
• Income Tax established in America.
1914 AD
• The start of World War I.
• The German Rothschilds loan money to the Germans, the British Rothschilds loan money to the
British, and the French Rothschilds loan money to the French.
• A young Winston Churchill, appointed First Lord of the Admiralty, was instrumental in creating
the modern petroleum political military-industrial complex. His 1914 pre-war governmental
acquisition of 51% of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (BP) fed the new Royal Navy destroyers
and dreadnoughts.
1916 AD
• On June 4, Ashkenazi, Louis Brandeis (the elected leader of the Executive Committee for Zionist
Affairs) is appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States by President Wilson.
• The Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 divided up the Ottoman Empire into French and British
spheres of influence.
• During the League of Nation mandates at the Paris Peace Conference, oil was the core issue in
establishing the borders of the modern Middle East.
1917 AD The British Foreign Secretary, Arthur James Balfour drafts a letter which is commonly known as
the, “Balfour Declaration”. It starts with “Dear Lord Rothschild,” and explains how the British
Empire will back the Zionist agenda.

1918 AD
• The Russian Imperial Romanov family were shot and bayoneted to death by Bolshevik
revolutionaries under Yakov Yurovsky in Yekaterinburg.
• The bodies were taken to the Koptyaki forest, where they were stripped, buried, and mutilated
with grenades to prevent identification.
• The four kaballah Jews — Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky — who helped to destroy the Christian
Russia of the tsars and replace it with an atheistic Communism in which 66 million Russian
Christians were put to death in the gulags run by the cheka.
• The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I was about 40 million.

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1919 AD
• The Versailles peace conference is held to decide reparations that the Germans need to pay to
the victors following the end of the first world war.
• A delegation of 117 Zionists headed up by Bernard Baruch, bring up the subject of the promise
of Palestine for them.
• The host of the Versailles peace conference is its boss, Baron Edmond de Rothschild.
• The Versailles peace conference is also used as an attempt by the Rothschilds to set up a world
government called the, “League of Nations.”
1921 AD Under the orders of Jacob Schiff the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is founded by
Ashkenazis, Bernard Baruch and Colonel Edward Mandell House.

1922 AD
• The first job of the CFR was to gain control of the press. This task was given to John D. Rockefeller
who set up a number of national news magazines such as Life, and Time.
• Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of England, Confirmed Mason and a Druid, stated to the
London Press in 1922: “From the days of Sparticus Weishaupt, Karl Marx, Trotsky, Belacoon, Rosa
Luxenburg, and Ema Goldman, this world conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy
played a recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of
every subversive movement during the 19th century. And now at last this band of extraordinary
personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the
Russian people by the hair of their head and have become the undisputed masters of that
enormous empire.”
1923 AD
• Manly Palmer Hall, a 33° Freemason, Canadian Author, lecturer, astrologer and mystic gave
thousands of lectures, including two at Carnegie Hall, and published over 150 volumes where he
praises Lucifer in ‘The Lost Keys Of Freemasonry’: “When The Mason learns that the Key to the
warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the
Mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step
onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply this energy.” —page 48
• After WWI, Hitler was initiated into the Thule Society. The occult Thule secret society included
in its membership judges, police chiefs, professors, and industrialists.
• The Master of the Thule Society Temple was occultist Dietrich Eckhart. He trained Hilter in many
of the secret teachings of the ancient mystery religions and said: “Follow Hitler! He will dance,
but it is I who have called the tune! I have initiated him into the ‘Secret Doctrine’, opened his
centers of vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers. Do not mourn for
me: for I shall have influenced history more than any other German.’ (As Eckhart lay dying in
December, 1923)
1925 AD Interestingly, having accepted many of Blavatsky’s ideas, Hitler also acknowledged the Third Eye,
and even believed Blavatsky’s explanation of its ancient Atlantean origins from the Aryans: “…all
the human culture, all the results of art, science, and technology that we see before us today, are
almost exclusively the creative product of the Aryan. …he alone was the founder of all higher
humanity… He is the Prometheus of mankind from whose bright forehead the divine spark of
genius has sprung at all times…” (Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, 1925)

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1928 AD
• Manly Palmer Hall, in one of his volumes ‘The Secret Teaching Of All Ages’ mentions Lucifer as
a Great Spirit: “I hereby promise the Great Spirit Lucifuge, Prince of Demons, that each year I will
bring unto him a human soul to do with as as it may please him, and in return Lucifuge promises
to bestow upon me the treasures of the earth and fulfill my every desire for the length of my
natural life. If I fail to bring him each year the offering specified above, then my own soul shall be
forfeit to him. Signed {Invocant signs pact with his own blood}” —page CIV
• A Dutchman, American and Englishman, who were the representatives of the largest oil
companies, had an appointment in the heart of the highlands in Scotland on August 28 in
Meharry Castle.
• Royal Dutch Shell, Standard Oil and the Anglo-Persian Oil Company are known today as Shell,
Exxon and BP, the biggest oil companies in the world.
• The secret meeting began when Henri Deterding announced it was time to exploit and make the
greatest profit possible with the world’s oil.
1929 AD The Rothschilds crash the United States economy by contracting the money supply. Winston
Churchill being at the New York Stock Exchange on Black Thursday, October 24, 1929, was not
by chance.

1930 AD The first Rothschild world bank, the, “Bank for International Settlements (BIS),” is established in
Basle, Switzerland. The same place as where 33 years earlier the first ever World Zionist Congress
was held.

1931 AD Southern Baptist missionary Jacob Gartenhaus, himself a convert from Judaism, argued that:
“Zionism is going to win whether anybody likes it or not...To oppose it is to oppose God’s plan.”

1933 AD
• On January 30, Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.
• President Roosevelt, orders the all-seeing eye to be placed upon all new dollar bills along with
the motto, “Novus Ordo Seclorum.” This is latin for, “A New Order of the Ages.”
• Prior to the 1933 German elections, Hitler had help from many German and American
Corporations to fund his road to become chancellor.
• The largest contributor to the fund was I.G. Farben, which committed itself for 80% (or 500,000
marks) of the total.
• J. Robert Oppenheimer, American physicist and director of the Manhattan Project, learned
Sanskrit and read the Bhagavad Gita in the original form, citing it later as one of the most
influential books to shape his philosophy of life.
1934 AD
• Swiss banking secrecy laws are reformed and it becomes an offense resulting in imprisonment for
any bank employee to violate bank secrecy.
• This is all in preparation for the Rothschild engineered Second World War in which as usual they
will fund both sides.
• In August, American oil giant Standard Oil purchased 730,000 acres of land in Germany and built
large oil refineries that supplied the Nazis with oil.
• The United States secretly provided Germany with the most modern equipment for airplane
factories, which would soon produce German aircraft.

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1935 AD The largest contributor to the National Debt is Social Security. Social Security entered the US
from the Great Depression with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Social Security Act.

1936 AD Payroll Tax added to US paychecks

1939 AD
• Start of WWII.
• Hitler’s belief in the Third Eye was affirmed by Hermann Rauschning, the former Nazi Senate
President of Danzig. Rauschning wrote: “To have “magic insight” was apparently Hitler’s idea of
the goal of human progress.… There was the eye of the Cyclops, or median eye, the organ of
magic perception of the Infinite, now reduced to a rudimentary pineal gland. Speculations of this
sort fascinated Hitler, and he would sometimes be entirely wrapped up in them.” (Hermann
Rauschning, Hitler Speaks)
• Aleister Crowley spent time in Germany near the end of the Weimar Republic, during the time of
Hitler’s years of ascent into the Chancellery of the German state.
• Major General J.F.C. Fuller, a devoted occultist and follower of Crowley, was one of only two
Englishmen invited to celebrate Hitler’s 50th birthday party.
• The Nazis sent a German expedition party to the Himalayas to search for the mountain because
they believed this was where the Aryans of Atlantis originated from.
• The swastika is used in Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism to represent their creation stories that
include 4 rivers and a central mountain.
1940 AD
• Hansjurgen Koehler’s, “Inside The Gestapo,” states Maria Anna Schicklgruber, Adolf Hitler’s
grandmother, was a servant at the Rothschild mansion.
• Another book states Adolf’s father, Alois Hitler, was conceived while his mother was a servant for
Baron Rothshild.
1942 AD Prescott Bush, father of future American Presidents’ George Herbert Walker and George W, had
his company seized under the, “Trading With The Enemy,” Act. He was funding Hitler from
America, whilst American soldiers were being killed by German soldiers.

1944 AD In Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, two further Rothschild world banks are created. The
International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank.

1945 AD
• The end of WWII with an estimated total of 70–85 million people perished, or about 3% of the
2.3 billion people on Earth in 1940.
• The Rothschilds took a giant step towards their goal of world domination when the second,
“League of Nations,” called the, “United Nations,” was approved this year.
1946 AD The Book of Enoch was discovered in the Dead Sea Scrolls near the Dead Sea in the West Bank
by archeologists.

1947 AD The United Nations resolve to have Palestine partitioned into two states, one Zionist and one
Arab, with Jerusalem to remain as an international zone to be enjoyed by all religious faiths.

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1948 AD
• In the Spring of this year, President Harry S. Truman recognizes Israel as a sovereign state.
President Truman declared the United States to be the first foreign nation to recognize Israel as a
sovereign state.
• The Flag of Israel is unveiled, which represent the Seal of Saturn and depicts 666 symbology of
six sides, six points and six triangles.
• Following the United Nations transfer of Palestine, the Israelis launched a military assault on the
Arabs with blaring loudspeakers on their trucks informing the Arabs that if they did not flee
immediately, they would be slaughtered. 800,000 Arabs fled in panic.
1950 AD On Feb. 17th, James Paul Warburg, Foreign Agent of the Rothschild Dynasty, major player in the
Federal Reserve Act scam, spoke before the United States Senate and said: “We shall have World
Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be
achieved by conquest or consent.”

1951 AD On 1 April the Israeli Secret Intelligence Agency the Mossad is formed. The motto of the Mossad
is probably the most disgusting secret service motto in the world, it is, “By Way Of Deception,
Thou Shalt Do War.”

1952 AD The Rockefellers funded and founded the Bilderberg Group.

1957 AD James de Rothschild dies and it is reported (by the Rothschild owned media) that he bequeaths a
large sum of money to the state of Israel to pay for the construction of their parliament building,
the Knesset.

1963 AD On November 22nd , president Kennedy was assassinated for trying to take away the power of
this secret elite. Kennedy wanted to dissolve the CIA.

1965 AD The second largest contributor to the National Debt is Medicare. President Lyndon Johnson, gave
America Medicare, a health-benefits program for Americans over age 65.

1967 AD Evangelical Zionist Martin Luther King said: “When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews…
Anti-Semitism, the hatred of the Jewish people, has been and remains a blot on the soul of
mankind. In this we are in full agreement. So know also this: anti-Zionist is inherently anti-Semitic,
and ever will be so.”

1968 AD Richard Nixon offered Evangelical Zionist Billy Graham the Ambassador to Israel but he declined
the offer.

1971 AD The ‘Nixon Shock’, the American dollar went off the Bretton Woods System and became a freely
floating fiat currency.

1973 AD
• The Rockefellers founded the Trilateral Commission
• Henry Kissinger becomes the US Secretary of State under the Nixon Administration. He almost
single-handedly oversaw the U.S. wars in Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos) that
resulted in the deaths of over 3 million SE Asians and over 50,000 Americans.
1974 AD
• The grandson of John D. Rockefeller, Nelson Rockefeller, became the US Vice President in the
Gerald Ford Administration.

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• Ford was made a Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33rd degree, and Honorary Member of the
Supreme Council.
1978 AD
• The Club or Rome commissioned Cyrus Vance, Jimmy Carter’s Secretary of State to write “The
Global 2000 Report”. This was a Draconian plan to reduce the world’s population by means of
wars, famine, diseases, and plagues.
• They also commissioned Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carters National Security Advisor, (who also with
David Rockefeller formed The Trilateral Commission in 1973), to write The Technetronic Era.
• This is a post-industrial zero growth plan designed in part to cripple U.S. industry in order to
prepare us for the New World Order.
1979 AD Baron and Baroness Phillipi de Rothschild in a joint venture with Robert Mondavi, begin the
construction of a pyramid in Napa Valley, California, where the leader/founder of the Church Of
Satan, Ashkenazi, Anton LaVey, was based.

1986 AD Pope John Paul II went to New Delhi to kneel at the tomb of Mahatma Gandhi where he declared
that the purpose of peace between the world religions was to establish a New World Order.

1989 AD Communist governments are replaced with Republics. This symbolized the fall of Communism in
Russia, and resulted in the start of a mass exodus of 700,000 Jews from the former Soviet Union
to Israel.

1991 AD On September 16th Britain’s pound collapses when currency speculators led by Rothschild agent,
Ashkenazi, George Soros, borrow pounds and sell them for Deutsche Marks, in the expectation
of being able to repay the loan in devalued currency and to pocket the difference.

1993 AD Senator Strom Thurmond commemorates the laying of the US Capitol Building’s Masonic
Cornerstone by George Washington.

1998 AD The European Central Bank is set up in Frankfurt, the city from which the Rothschilds originate.

2000 AD Popular interest in Christian Zionism was given a boost in the form of the Left Behind novels by
Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. The novels are built around the prophetic role of Israel in the
apocalyptic end times.

2001 AD
• On September 11th the attack on the World Trade Center is orchestrated by Israel with the
complicity of Britain and America, under the orders of the Rothschilds as a pretext for removing
the liberty of people worldwide in exchange for security.
• This was to begin the Albert Pike WWIII narrative between Israel and Islam.
• On 9-11, 5 Israelis are arrested for dancing and cheering while the World Trade Towers collapse.
Two of them are later revealed to be Mossad.
2004 AD Pope John Paul II insisted that peace is possible and thus a duty, and he called for a new
international order based on the goals of the United Nations.

2005 AD On January 20, President Bush makes the following statement as part of his second inaugural
address: “When our Founders declared a new order of the ages.” This is not true. The founders
did not declare a, “new order of the ages,” President Roosevelt did when in 1933, he put it’s latin
translation, “Novus Ordo Seclorum,” on the dollar bill.

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2006 AD The Edmond De Rothschild Banque, a subsidiary of Europe’s Edmond De Rothschild family bank
group in France, becomes the first foreign family bank that has obtained approval of the China
Banking Regulatory Commission and entered China’s financial market.

2014 AD Barack Obama made this statement at the UN in 2014: “But they are also symptoms of a broader
problem — the failure of our international system to keep pace with an interconnected world.”
The United Nations, he declared, has a choice to make. “We can renew the international system
that has enabled so much progress, or allow ourselves to be pulled back by an undertow of

2016 AD In March 2016, the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel, Yitzhak Yosef, declared during a sermon that
Jewish law requires that the only non-Jews allowed to live in Israel are obligated to follow the
Noahide laws: “According to Jewish law, it’s forbidden for a non-Jew to live in the Land of Israel
— unless he has accepted the seven Noahide laws, [...] If the non-Jew is unwilling to accept these
laws, then we can send him to Saudi Arabia, [...] When there will be full, true redemption, we will
do this.”

2020 AD Covid-19 forces every Rothschild established Central Bank to print Trillions to raise inflation and
force the countries of the world to rely on Globalist organizations.

2023 AD
• On October 7th, Israel’s defense minister announced that the Hamas militant group started a war
against Israel amid infiltrations from para-gliders, sea and ground.
• On October 8th, 2023, Israel’s cabinet invokes Article 40 Aleph, officially declaring war for the
first time since the Yom Kippur War in 1973.

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